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A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)


Demon Girl
Jul 22, 2012
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As Aya drove into the city it started to rain rather heavily, a rather stark contrast to the tropical island paradise she and the two girls in the back had experienced up until now, "The people we are gonna contact are, as mentioned not the friendliest bunch, to say the least, even among those in the know they are looked upon with more than a little suspicion, most of which is warranted I might ad, and while they might look like humans, make no mistake these guys are far from it, be cautious, they are far stronger and faster than they seem, seen one of them bite through a two inch steel plate once, so watch out" She pulled of the main road and onto a smaller road leading into DieNastys shadier parts, i such a thing even existed for the slum district.

"Be careful, there are few who are friendly in this place and fewer still who want you well even should they come to your aid" she said once more as she parked the car and headed towards a particularly shady alleyway without even a glance to the left or right, without as even a single pause she stepped through, motioning for Fey and Korrie to follow.

Once inside the Alleyway the trio would immediately notice that the entire area felt... off for one there was not a single corner that seemed to be a straight angle but was twisted or misshapen in some way, yet this was only visible once you stepped inside the alleyway itself, it was as if the place had been made this was in a deliberate fashion, likewise the entire alleyway had a sense of foreboding, like someone was watching the trios every move from some hidden vantage point, even so Aya continued to lead Korrie and Fey further into the alleyway towards the door at the end.

((managed to misplace my notes/delete the document with them, I had some of them written by hand too in case of such a mishap, but I need to find it again since i can't remember where I put it, so the post is a bit short as a result, will improve once I find it again, will spend the rest of the day looking for it))


Francine led the siblings over to a bookcase in the dining room, the portal that the staff used was hidden behind it, there was no way that Christine would let them use the portal in her bedroom after all, she turned around and smiled reassuringly to the two, when she spoke however the twins would notice a distinct lack of accent in her voice, her English now completely fluid "Relax girls, there is nothing to worry about, the power of this place will keep the Mistress safe and once we have gone through the purification I can guarantee you that the Merrow will be sorry she ever did that to the two of you" she pulled out a copy of "Call of Cthulhu" and the bookcase started to slide away, revealing an empty mirror frame, Francine gave a coy smile as she touched certain knots on the twisting iron frame and the portal opened, "After you, ladies" she stepped aside motioning for the siblings to enter.
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Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

(click spoiler for big xexy phoenix girl!
Fuming Feyline
On the road to trouble
Tag: Aya, Korrie

"Well, I can -melt- through steel..

.. with sufficent time.. anyway, unless those folks are flame retarded I can do!"
She grinned. She looked around at the shadier looking surroundings, but still seemed more of a danger to others than others to her.

She did folow Aya mostly quietly, though there was a hint of a sparking of fire dancing over her feathers, a sizzling and smoking as the rain hitting her more or less evaporated.. it was easy to see that this weather only served to further devolve the phoenixgirls mood. The whole mistress in danger situation was bad enough already!

"I don't like like this place, its like looking at the corner of a circle." Fey observed, with perhaps a fools insight, reading a larger fireball.. just in case!

(sorry if a bit short, not much to react to for her!))
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

((Here's the post, thanks))

Korrie looked out at the passing streets; to think that a moment ago they were still vacationing on a tropical paradise, and now they’re driving through the dark urban streets while gloomy rain drizzled down. It’s fitting for the situation they’ve suddenly found themselves in, with their mistress in mortal danger. To make matters worse, they soon entered the Die Nasty slums, one of the worse parts of it even, and Aya’s warnings of who they’re about to seek help from wasn’t very comforting.

“That goes without saying around these parts…” The wyvern girl remarked as she exited the car and followed into the shady alleyway. Alleys like this are seldom relaxing places to stroll down, but this one in particular just felt off, something about the architecture, something in the air. Fey surprisingly described the strange feeling of the alleyway quite well. She wondered why they’d come to such dangerous people for help with their predicament, but she was sure Aya knew what she was doing, and so she silently followed, glancing nervously at their surroundings until they reached the door at the end. She doesn’t have a fireball to prepare, but she’s keeping herself on her toes in case something goes wrong.

Meanwhile, back at the manor, the two sister apprentices followed Francine to the bookcase. Both of them noticed the sudden lack of accent in her voice, but weren’t in the mood to remark on it. Shiroi just assumed she does the accent because Christine likes it. At least Francine’s kind words helped the guilt-ridden Kuroi settle down a little. The two watched as, expectedly for Shiroi and a little surprisingly for the kitty, the bookcase slided aside, revealing an empty mirror frame that turned into a portal. Taking her sister by the hand, Shiroi nodded and led the two through first.

((Posted for Mortalitas while waiting for Admin to finally allow posting))
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

Aya briskly walked over to the end of the alleyway and unceremoniously hammered on the wall there, or to be more exact on something inside the seemingly solid stone, causing the "wall" to ripple and disappear, revealing a thick-set wooden door with a peephole in it, as she knocked the peephole opened, revealing two deep-set and strangely greenish pale eyes on the other side. "Wadda' ya wa. oh, YOU, didn't we tell youse that ya ain't welcome 'ere no more? Sod off witchy" the slit closed, leaving aya standing there with a bemused expression.

"Fey dear, be an angel and remove the speedbump" she said calmly and gestured towards the thick wooden door, stepping aside to let the, most likely eager, phoenix-girl have a clear shot at the wooden structure she put a hand on Korrie's shoulder "You be ready too, they will most likely not react well to being a-" the remainder of what Aya would have said disappeared in the resulting noise of Fey's antics even as Aya shield herself from the heat with her cloak.

The response from the inside was nearly immediate as a fat man with a greyish, strangely lumpy skin and somewhat lopsided gait man came out, his mouth seeming unnaturally big and his eyes unusually deep-sitting and strangely colored, with a sneer he rushed, with surprising speed towards Fey, heedless of any flames she spewed at him, his mouth opening unnaturally wide, revealing teeth that no man should have, his intentions pretty clear, another two quickly followed, each of which had about the same features as the first though to varying degree's, these ones heading towards Korrie and Aya.

"You'se shouldn't ave done dat, poppet" said the first, who seemed more annoyed than actually burned by the first licks of flames that Fey sent his way, as he reached to to try and grab her, clearly with the intent of setting his teeth in her, if he missed he would give an annoyed, guttural growl and try again, even as his skin seemed to twist and subtly change, as if the man was wearing a rather large skin suit or something that protected him from the fire even as he waded in without seemingly any strategy at all.

Korrie would find her opponent to be just as resilient to any fire she put out, as if he had not been hit by it at all to begin with, as this man too tried to grab and bite at Korrie, though just as with the man after Fey his movements where not all that fast and seemed a bit hesitant, as if the men were fighting against invisible bonds as they moved "You'se look tasty lil lizard-girl, mind if I eat ya up?" he hissed after as he lunged for Korrie, clearly intending to make a snack out of her.

The one going after Aya feared worse than the other two, as soon as she saw him coming she pulled out a lamp that looked strangely alike the lamp from the Aladdin movies and started to speak in what seemed to be Arabic, the man didn't slow down despite this, though he did slow down as energy exploded from the lamp and sent him flying back into the corridor he had just left, having temporarily dealt with her assailant she turned around to see which one of the other two would need a hand if any.

The Sisters would find themselves back in the underground temple, though in a much smaller and less decorated corridor than the one they arrived in when they used Christine's portal Francine led the two further into the temple, into a small room with what looked like a small shrine inside "Normally we would use the main altar for this, but considering Christine is not with us who knows what he would decide to do, so it would be better if we used this, now be good girls and kneel down in front of the shrine and touch it with one hand each, preferably the one with the contract band on it" once the as they did Shiroi and Kuroi would feel a surge of warmth go through them and Kuroi would find herself back to her human self, whatever energy had passed through them had nullified the spell "Good, now we can begin, close your eyes and envision what happened earlier and I will take care of the rest" as the sisters did Francine started to chant in the same tongue that the Deep Ones had used earlier, the lilting language caused a reaction form the altar that started to hum and radiate energy waves what would send a gentle and reassuring feeling through the two girls.

((man this seems like a lot more text when you are writing this stuff up than what it looks like in the final output, also feel free to abuse these guys a bit, i have a surprise for ya with them :D))
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Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

Fuming Feyline
On the road to trouble
Tag: Aya, Korrie

(Excuse the delay, I was kinda waiting on Mortalitas go and didn't realize herp a derp. ^^)

Fey crossed her arms, drumming her fingers upon one another, small, fiery sparks flying from them. She did grin at Ayas request, more than happy to oblige as she slammed her hand into the door. First, there was a red marking where her hand touched it.. then.. Well, an exothermic reaction producing a large amount of charcoal, smoke and a grin on Feys lips ensued, the door exploding mostly inward.

"Knock knock." She intonated, then, seeing the man come out, spread out her arms, with tiny flames cascading around them. He actually managed to Snatch up Fey and bite into her shoulder, though that seemed to do little in hindering the Phoenix girl, who simply engulfed herself.. and the manholding her, in an increasing amount of flames. (if they were not flame retardant, also doing away with her underwear along the way.

"Seems I can get a little hotter with you, can't I?" She grinned, embracing the man and engulfing them both in a pillar of flame.. out of which Fey hopped, rubbing her slowly healing shoulder, while sending her opponent left ablaze.. "If fire doesn't work.. try more fire, is my logic." She informed, but also picked up any kind of piece, trash , or rubble she could aquire.. Through her mastery of fire, focused on a limited area she could create little, instable firebombs, similiar to what she had done to the door infact and a practice she intended to try out if the creature proved overly immune to flames alone.
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

Mortalitas' Post:

Korrie followed as they reached the end of the alleyway and Aya revealed the hidden door, not even surprised by the illusion at this point. She was more surprised (and annoyed) by how rude the guy on the other side of the door was. Clearly not human going by the eyes, but she’s not sure what he is. As Fey moved to take down the door, Korrie instinctively backed away a step from what she knew would be an explosion, but she was also braced for what’d come next. There’s no way the residents are defenseless…

Sure enough, out came that… thing. The wyvern hesitated a little. What IS that? A troll? An ogre? Whatever it is, it’s bad, it’s seemingly fireproof, and it has friends, one of which is heading her way. The lumbering ogre-man was slow enough for Korrie to avoid him easily, ducking under the lunge and getting behind him. Her claws won’t work since she keeps them slightly blunted, so she has to rely on her own fire breath, as she does while breathing a jet of reddish flame at her opponent. She doubted it’d burn him, but with their additional strength-draining properties, maybe it’ll slow the ogre down further at least. Despite her lack of combat powers, she didn't want to ask for help when Fey and Aya had their own problems to deal with. It’s at times like this she wishes she had more destructive powers, like Fey or even that Shiroi…

Speaking of the albino apprentice, she and her sister followed Francine silently through the temple to the small altar. They did as asked, each kneeling and placing the hand with the contract mark on it onto the shrine. The surge of warmth that followed help put them at ease after all the tension, and Kuroi in particular felt a little tingling on her head and tailbone, but she felt the situation too serious for her to check what happened.

As ordered, the two girls closed their eyes and thought back to earlier, the memory of them sleepwalking to the sea under the merrow’s spell, being given the poison, and returning to the bungalows to do the deed. Guilt and anger quickly swelled in each of the two upon revisiting that memory, only partially relieved by the gentle energy waves emanating from the shrine.
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

Fey's opponent licked his mouth "Oooh, lil birdy tastes good, still think i should pummel you good though" he mumbled with a rather pleased look on his face though soon after all he uttering was a howl of pain as he was engulfed in fire, however as the fire pillar died down Fey would see that the strange man was still standing, and... if he looked angry before he seemed positively furious now "Oy, dat hurt ya lil' spitfire! he gave an angry growling sound and advanced on her again, though Fey would notice something.. off, his skin was now sloughing from the heat, it was almost as wax that had been rapidly melted and then cooled off again, and from the skin that had dripped away where what looked like spines or pins or was it fins? it was difficult to say as the skin, or whatever it was had set again the moment the fire died down, leaving the man no worse for wear otherwise, with no severe burns at all as he advanced steadily against her once more, sending out a badly aimed punch once he got close to her, forcing Fey to backpedal towards the wall if she wanted to avoid getting hit, the man would follow up the punch with another, attempting to corral Fey towards the wall in an attempt to get his hands on her again, if he succeeded he would grab Fey again and start to squeeze her tightly and not in a friendly manner, but rather to squeeze the air out of her... or worse, if Fey managed to avoid getting caught he would grow increasingly frustrated, waving his hands about after her in a futile attempt at grabbing her "Stand still ya lil firefly, when I get me hands on ya...!" he would eventually call out in frustration even as he'd start to chase her in a rather cartoon like fashion.

Korrie would not fare much better with her fiery approach, sure enough the fire hit but it didn't seem like it affected the strange man at all, though Korrie would notice that his skin seemed to sag where the flame hit it, like hot wax that had been heated and then rapidly cooled "O I like a feisty meal, git over 'ere and into mah belley!" she lunged for her in a bear-hug like fashion mouth agape an a faar to long tongue sticking out, this one seemed... different from the one going after Fey, where that one was more a ball of rage and violence this one seemed to think with his belly, more disturbingly, however, as a bit of drool dripped from it's open mouth there was an acrid smell and a hissing sound as it hit the ground... acid, Fey's fiery nature had probably saved her life as something like that would have disabled most people almost immediately, of not from the pain then from the shock to their system. The man lunged for Korrie once more "Common then, just a taste, it won't hurt at all... hurt me that is" she jumped Korrie at a surprisingly fast speed, attempting to pin Korrie to the ground or wall hard to say with that angle, a risky gambit because if he missed he would slam himself face first into the wall in a rather painful fashion, leaving him staggered and disoriented, ripe for attack by the Wyvern girl.

As Francine continued her croaking speech the energy started to slowly build itself up, the girls coudl feel the energy sift through their minds, looking for something, then int found it and they could feel the energy go into a specific point and then seemingly vanih, what followed was a dizzying experience for the sisters, as they would suddenly get a vision of the Merrow grasping her head in pain, Christine's Master had used the connection that the girls had to the Merrow to locate her, and if the glimpse the two girls got before the entity severed their connection with her was any indication, the Merrow would not be bothering them ever again, though the vision would haunt the girls nightmares for a while, as the crazed look in the Merrows strange eyes gave a clear indication that the she would not get away from this experience with her mind intact, though they would not be able to think about that fact for too long as the girls would find themselves suddenly exhausted, the last thing they would see before they fell asleep was Francine leaning down towards them with a gentle smile.
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

Fuming Feyline
On the road to trouble
Tag: Aya, Korrie, the ebil ones

"Oh geesh.. this might be a problem.. Aya, Korrie, stay away from me. I'm going to unwind." Fey remarked, seeming unconcerned, .. for herself. She was tossing her pebble up and down, dodging the punches, and, as soon as she was grabbed, tossed it at her attackers face.. into his maw, if possible. "Quick question. What happens if you condense a lot of heat in a small point and prevent its expansion until you reach the limit of the materials durability?

.. I dunno, not a sciency gal, but thats how this works. Fey Justice explosion!"
The instable pebble would vibrate, crack.. and unleash an explosion from which Fey tried to bend down, crouching on the ground.. she had no immunity to her own shockwave, though, knowing it was coming, she was less staggered than she should be, grinning, extending her hands as if to catch the flames of her explosion, drawing them into her hands, grinning, then going...

"Seems you can take a bit of punishment, so I can actually use a fair amount of my full power.. lets see how you handle.. rapid fire!" She enthused, then thrust her hands forward, first the left, thent he right, at a rapid pace, each releasing a small fireball "Da Da da da da da da da da da!" With each 'da' being a small fireball, before she raised both her hands to the sky, a lashing, flickering whip of flames, short but as wide as Feys arms could reach forming, only to be slammed down on her opponent again.

"Fire crusher! wooo!" She grinned, panting a little, but physically seeming as if she could do this all day, her shoulder mostly healed up again, her eyes ablaze as little embers floated up from her hands. "If that wasn't enough I might have to team up with Korries weird no burnie flames to make sure I don't set this place ablaze."
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Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

((Mortalitas' post, mine will be tomorrow))

As the fight went on, the wyvern was feeling increasingly nervous. Her flames were predictably doing almost nothing, though she noticed the ogre’s skin start to melt. A waxy outer layer to protect against flames? Maybe if she could keep spewing fire for long enough she’ll melt away enough skin to hit something vulnerable, but how long would that take if even Fey’s actually searing flame can just barely hurt them? Plus, the monstrous oaf was just terrifying, she’d almost prefer him roaring with anger like Fey’s opponent than this nutjob. Plus, is that drool acid?! As if the teeth weren’t bad enough!

“Maybe you should try eating yourself? You’re fat and plump enough!” Korrie retorted as she dived to the side to evade the lunge, a dodge too narrow for her liking, though at least the ogre rammed into the wall and got stunned for a bit. It’s like fighting a damage sponge boss that can only melee, all she can do is focus fire on one spot on the thing’s side and hope the waxy skin melts away soon while kiting and dodging. Meanwhile Aya has her eldritch trinkets and Fey’s practically showing off with her fire elemental powers. “Aya, Korrie might need a little help…” She finally admitted. When this is over she really needs to ask for some kind of powerup, she won’t be a very useful pet like this…

Back in the temple, the two sisters continued focusing on their memories of the merrow while Francine continued the ritual. They felt the energy start to probe their minds for something, no doubt for their connection to the creature. After a while, they felt as if it found it… then a wave of nausea, and a scarring vision of the merrow’s fate. Scarring for Kuroi anyway, as she whimpered in horror at the sight despite having no love for the thing that almost made her a murderer. Shiroi just hoped that didn’t finish off the creature so she could exact vengeance for her sister’s sake herself. But neither of them could hold onto those thoughts for long, as the dizziness turned to exhaustion and both soon collapsed into slumber.
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

The nab paused for a moment with a puzzled expression on his face, clearly not understanding Fey's sudden question, before he came at her again with a growl, which turned out to be a mistake as the pebble went into the mans mouth just as he closed it, the resulting explosion causing his face to bulge weirdly, as he opened his mouth there was a lot of smoke, a smell akin to bunt fish and most of his teeth were at weird angles, he shook his head vigorously, causing a single tooth to fall out, he looked down at it for a moment, as if puzzled, then let out a blood curdling scream of sheer rage and pain as he threw a badly aimed punch at Fey, that missed but cracked the wall behind her, he then came at her, the fire balls not slowing him at all as he released a guttural sound that, if one focused really hard could probably be ascribed to the word "kill" as he had now lost every bit of focus on the world around him, as he started to swing wildly at her without even pausing to make sure his blows were on target as he was lost in a berserk fury as he corralled Fey towards his gluttenous compatriot and Korrie.

He was so lost in rage that he was completely insensitive to the damage he was taking, the rapid fire fireballs making quick work of the waxy skin which was starting to come off in first small droplets, but then as the suit rapidly started to head up started to drop off in chunks, revealing a scaly green-grey skin underneath, the mans hands slowly revealing a webbed exterior and the mouth and face taking on a more angler fish like appearance, Korrie would recognize this creature, a Deep One, and it looked even more furious now that Fey's Fireballs had gotten through the wax disguise and where actually dealing damage rather than just bouncing off the wax suit.

Korrie's opponent was momentarily distracted by his friends howl, which gave Korrie a bit of leeway as he looked over and saw his friends' disguise melting, which would probably clue Korrie in as to why her flames had no effect, eve n the strength draining, the flames was not hitting the Deep One inside the suit.

As the Berserk Deep One reached his compatriot and forced Fey to more or less go side-by-side, if not outright crash with Korrie he kept punching wildly, which would give the girls the opportunity to turn the tide, as one of the punches hit the glutenous one on his shoulder, leaving a rather large tear in the suit and causing a line of dark green-black blood to ooze out, the gluttonous Deep One let out a scream of his own and immediately turned on his companion, causing the two to soon forget Fey and Korrie for an intense focus of beating each other senseless, "Fey, Korrie, don't just stand there, give them a douse of the strength sapping flames, as much as you can manage, we are here to try and get them to help us, we won't be able to do that if two of them tear each other apart while we watch!"

If they looked over at Aya they would see that she was busy levitating the 3rd Deep One just off the ground as he was busy thrashing about like some kind of cat toy while screaming all manner of profanities at her, clearly to Ayas approval as despite the look of concentration on her face she was obviously quite amused by the sight.

((Stopping it here since the sisters are still out cold and it would be weird if they recovered right away, and I also want you to have the opportunity to respond to what has already been written, I hope I did a good job with the post as I am not sure how much there is to react too, but I hope it's a decent amount))
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

Fiery Feyline
On the road to trouble
Tag: Aya, Korrie, the ebil ones

(All good writeup, excuse the delay the double posts Luna still confuses me. ^^)

"Geesh.." Even Feys regeneration might struggle if hit with more than one of those, and she knew it. These things were tough, which in this case, just ment someone she could unwind on, but unlike her fire control, the explosions needed some charging up first and she was not one that did well with defense.

"Oh its one of the Fishy ones." She noted, thinking Christine said something about them, but forgetting about it. She grinned when the creatures struggled, though she was doing so just as well, at this rate they'd both destroy one another if she didn't watch it and.."Huuuuh? Those things are allies?" She mused.. "Alright, Korrie, exhale as much of the flames as you can, then.. uh.. duck. I'll take it from there."

And take it she would, literally taking the flames Korrie Exhaled and waving her hands, guiding the flames to dance around her, before engulfing both of the deep ones. "I can't control this one very well, because.. frankly, I don't need to use it normally.Flame control:.. Inferno .. uh.. screw it, doing the thing now. gimme more flames if you have them." Fey raised her hands, then slowly condensed the fires around her opponents, cladding them in an ever tighter, ever brighter light of fire, exhaling and focusing, only stopping if they more or less stopped thrashing... after all, weakening someones muscles past the point of usage was just as dangerous as burning them to a crisp.
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

((I can finally post! Woooo~))

Korrie was starting to feel tired as she continued to kite the ogre around, breathing a near constant stream of fire at him and only pausing to breathe. How long is it going to take to melt through that wax? At this rate she’s gonna get caught long before- Hey, is the sound of Fey fighting getting closer?

Her opponent apparently noticed too, and both looked over to see what was going on. Looks like Fey had a lot more luck damaging that… ogre? Fins, spines, that face, she’s seen them before! These things are disguised Deep Ones! No wonder even her flames’ strength-draining power isn’t working, the wax isn’t even part of their bodies at all! She barely had time to make this realization though as the battle reached them, and the wyvern quickly backed away while the two Deep Ones turned to fighting each other instead. “Lucky… Guess we can let them take care of each other now… Huh?

Aya’s words made her look over and smirk as she saw how the third Deep One was subdued, but her amusement vanished quickly upon being reminded of something. “Wait, they’re who we’re looking for?! Korrie thought they were just guards!” She said, and looked back at the two Deep Ones currently tearing into each other. Now that they’re vulnerable, it looks like it’s finally her time to shine!

Alright, here goes!” She takes a deep breath and unleashes as much magical flame as she can, which Fey collected and guided, encapsulating the two fighting Deep Ones in them. The wyvern doesn’t seem much concerned for her own safety this time, her own flames shouldn’t hurt her. Well Fey IS probably amplifying them, but still…
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

As the fire descended over the two combatants the effect became more apparent immediately, the ripped wax suits starting to melt off in a rapid pace while the Deep Ones themselves started to lurch visibly after just a few moments of real exposure, the two bleeding Deep Ones continued to struggle against the strength sapping flames for a bit, before they both just went limp in a tangled mess.

As they did Aya turned her attention to the third, still levitating Deep One, who had now stopped wiggling and spouting profanities and was in stead dangling limply with an expression that would have fitted a grumpy child "See? we mean you no harm, so why don't you be a good little Deep One and escort us inside, we have come for business, not pleasure, after all" there was something sweet, yet an underlying threat in Aya's voice as she spoke, as if she was daring the Deep One to refuse, likewise her friendly smile had something sinister about it, the dangling Deep One looked to it's companions, then to Aya then back again... "Fine, I'll cooperate, ain't no fun to fight someone who is just gonna have you dangle in the air like this anyh-BLARGH" Aya had unceremoniously dropped the Deep One on the ground and was now gesturing for it to lead the way.

"Korrie Fey, that's enough toying around for a bit, no doubt there will be more to do shortly, but for now be good girls and come along" she gestured for them to get in behind her and once within reach both would receive rubs on the head for a job well done and a promise of treats when they got back as she lead the two inside.

The corridor was cramped with no way for the quartet to move in any way other than a line, the Deep One first, followed by Aya who was ready to levitate their guide again at a moments notice, then Korrie and Fey in whatever order the two decided among themselves, the strange architecture from outside extended inside as well, with an even greater effect than before, to the point where trying to discern a pattern in the strange ant twisted stones would give an observer a severe headache, further more dozens of corridors branched out from the hallway they were currently following and the trio would have surely been lost if not for their guide as he/it? lead them through the twisting passageways until they finally arrived in an open chamber lit with torches of green fire, with a giant brazier in front of an altar with a statue of some kind of eldritch entity standing on it, if Korrie had played any eldritch themed games or Fey read any books from the Lovecraft mythos they would recognize the statue as Cthulhu, creator and patron god of the Deep Ones, the guide was now obviously hesitating, clearly uncomfortable with disturbing what had to be a High Priest or Priestess when it came to something like this.

As their guide finally mustered up the courage to open it's mouth and speak the trio would feel a presence fall on their minds for a moment, a presence familiar, yet quite unlike that of Christine's own master it was a brief touch but it would send shivers down the spines of all three, as the touch had been madness personified and all three would know that had this entity wanted too it could have shattered their minds in an instant driving them mad beyond any hope of recovery, yet it chose to not do so, out of reverence to the entity the trio served by proxy perhaps?

The trio would not have long to ponder this as a voice spoke clearly in the seemingly empty hall "It has been quite some time since I have entertained guests not driven insane by the Great Old One, you intrigue me strangers, step forward so that I may look at you better" the voice had a lilting tone to it yet bore a strong sense of authority, whomever was talking was clearly used to give commands and expected them to be obeyed, looking at Korrie and Fey Aya would put her arms protectively around both and lead the trio forward, not even offering their stunned guide a single look.
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

Fiery Feyline
Shady backstreet
Tag: Aya, Korrie, the ebil ones

"I mean a little harm!" Fey unhelpfully added, at the floating figure. She did hop along to Ayas side quickly afterwards, seeming not exhausted at all, infact she grinned cheerfully.

She did murr under the rubbing, nuzzling herself momentarily to the hand, before continuing to bounce on curiously, bouncing up before Korrie, propably.

"I don't like this place, they don't know how geometry is supposed to do.. oh hey, green torches, must have bought those from the same shop owner did.." Fey mused.

"Bleeeh head feeling icky.. feeling a headache come on.." Fey sulked audibly under the presence. She let Aya lead her forward but seemed a bit grumpy at the place, all in all, still. "Who says I'm not already insane? I've got two independent experts diagnosing me with pyromany." She said with a determined grin, apparently proud of that."I'm Fey, I'm a pet, this is my sister Korrie and our handler, whos you?" She tilted her head.
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

Seeing the two Deep Ones finally go down, Korrie allowed herself a deep breath and a relieved sigh. “Shh!” She tried to shush Fey, not wanting to somehow re-escalate matters after just dealing with two fireproof monsters that were genuinely out for blood, but thankfully Aya had everything under control. Hurrying over as her handler called out to her, the pet wyvern eagerly nuzzled into the petting hand, her adrenaline rush fading and letting her calm down.

Korrie followed the others down the corridor, letting the excited phoenix go first as she expected Fey’d want to. The architecture didn’t make any more sense there than before, and after starting to get a headache she stopped trying to comprehend it, just looking straight ahead. Finally they reached some sort of sanctum, and the wyvern immediately recognized the statue. Who wouldn’t recognize that squid head anyway, the most well-known eldritch entity in popular culture? Then she felt the presence, a brief touch that was enough to strike fear into her. It was a familiar power, her mistress’ patron deity had a similar feeling, but this one was far more sinister, a reminder that not all elder gods are nearly as amicable as the one they served. …Wait, does this mean Cthlhu just poked her brain? Brr…

A voice came afterwards, from who Korrie figured was the high priestess. Rolling her eyes at Fey’s usual verbal antics but grateful for the tension said antics eased, the wyvern girl followed her handler forward. While Aya and Fey’s presence kept her calm enough, she was still too nervous to say anything she didn’t need to. They’re here on a serious mission in territory that could be considered hostile afterall.
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

Aya slowly lead the trio forward, taking measured steps, displaying no hurry nor any reluctance in following the demand of the High Priestess, leaving the Deep One, who seemed to be all to eager to be anywhere else than in this room considering how quickly he disappeared back down the corridor once left to his own devices, behind.

Aya extended her arms to the other two and wrapped them around both Fey and Korrie, drawing them close "Keep your eyes on the ground, do not look up, to do so will be o invite madness itself into your mind and no matter what, do NOT do anything hostile we are in their sanctuary now, we cannot win here" Aya whispered her warnings tensely, before she squeezed the two pets reassuringly, letting them know she would not let anything happen to them.

Once she reached the foot of the altar, Aya locked her gaze somewhere just above the feet of the Priestess, not low enough to be outright respectful, nor high enough to be an outright challenge, or invite disaster upon herself, causing a wicked grin from the Priestess herself #Well then, Human, you have invited yourself and your companions into our domain do tell us why"

Korrie and Fey would notice that Aya's embrace would tighten ever so slightly, indicating she was a lot tenser than she let one, apparently the group was not out of the woods yet "We seek access to the Zanthu Tablets and Ruby of R'lyeth" she said with more bravado than she actually felt, the reaction from the High Priestess, as well as the atmosphere in thee room went from friendly curious to dead cold in almost an instant "I don't know how you found out we had those in our possession, thin blood, but you better give me one reason to not tear the two of you apart right here, right now" Korrie and Fey would feel a sudden swelling of energy from the Priestess ahead of them, as if she was ready to strike them down right then and there, Aya's grip tightened around Fey and Korrie as she rose her gaze and locked it with that of the Deep One High Priestess "C-gof'nn Mikantool hupadgh lw'nafh nnn-stell'bsna" as soon as she said her words the Priestess visibly hesitated, the energy dying down as the Priestess obviously weighted Ayas words.

Meanwhile Korrie and Fey would experience something quite diffrent, a surge of energy would surge through them, wrapping them in the, by now, familiar energy that they had both been exposed to earlier as Christine's Master responded to the call of Ayas words "Mistress Christine might keep the truth concealed from most but I know whom we both serve" she said calmly, changing back to English for the benefit of Korrie and Fey so they could understand what was going on "You lie, the Pale Moon has not been seen in eons not since the second war" Aya held up her arm and the surge of energy that had been building inside the trio exploded outward, suppressing the energy that the Priestess had let falter and changing the feel of the temple completely "That... I see, well I will not just hand our treasures over to you just like that, child, if you want them you have to earn them, Mother Hydra and Father Dagon would have my head if I did otherwise"

Aya pushed Korrie and Fey forward as she herself stepped up to stand beside the priestess, a gesture would urge the twoo to now look around more as whatever energy that their Master had expelled had clearly suppressed the maddening presence completely, or had it simply retreated out or respect or fear? difficult to say for the two pets, but at least they would now be able to look around without feeling any vertigo or discomfort, the impossible angles fro m before now seemingly gone.

"That's fine by us, we did not expect to get through this without bloodshed anyway, I take it you have an arena here?" the sharp toothed grin on the Priestess' strangely attractive face would be all the confirmation Aya would need as the Priestess unceremoniously turned around and led the trio down one of the many corridors "Forgive me Mistress, Christine, but your life is more important than this secret, I will accept whatever punishment you mete out later" Aya whispered so low it was barely audible for Korrie and Fey as she pulled them even closer.

(EDIT: 2nd page, WOOOOO, also more story before more action again, hope you enjoy :p)
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Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

Fiery Feyline
Shady backstreet
Tag: Aya, Korrie, Priestess

"Perhaps I'll just close my eyes. Hah!" She said and did, staring defiantly up and investing a considerable amount of resources -not- to peek. After a while of that she got bored, looking at the priestess instead.

Fey seemed either oblivious to the danger or resistant to the fear, pat-patting Ayas tensed arm and listening curiously. "Yeah, exactly! You tell her! Also you try striking me down, I'ma give you a burnmark before you're done. .. also, good you know who we serve, I got no clue! Lotsa tentacles are involved, and.. heyyyy. you just had him expel energy here, didn't you, now I have to do that kinky tentacle energy ritual thingie again to recharge that.. eh, perhaps Korrie can join in so we get a net plus overall..." She pondered.

"I don't get whats going on but Arena sounds good." Fey flexed, and, as she did, while at it, she reached out for one of the green torches, stealing its fire and focusing for a moment.. creating a green-fired Fey copy, with orange flames from herself as eyes.

"Just making a point. You can do all your creepy tentacle stuff, but I'm still good with fire, like.. really good. Like the bestest! exept fire grandpa You want to do the fighty thing, better send something you don't mind burnt." She huffed a bit at the priestess, her fiery copy nodding along with her, crossing her arms, the fire-copy flexing its muscles.
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

In nervous silence, Korrie followed her handler and sister pet forward. Aya’s warning about not looking around only made her even more worried. She’s felt the power of numerous eldritch entities by now, and each had a similar but completely different feeling, perhaps reflecting their own natures.

The mysterious god her mistress serves was mischievous yet amicable, with immense power that was barely suppressed, a friendly trickster god you don’t want to mess with; she wasn’t around for the lord of primordial flame, but in the wake of the battle she could still feel some of that fiery energy around Fey, unquestionably dangerous, yet warm; Shiroi may be mostly severed from her deity, but her power retained large traces of eldritch energy, and whatever the being she contracted with was, it was of ancient unsuppressed power, not friendly, not malignant, just an intelligent yet uncaring, unbridled force of nature that does whatever the hell it feels like.

The energy here though… It’s just plain malicious.

Huddling against Aya for some semblance of comfort while keeping her eyes glued to the floor, Korrie walked on until they reached the altar, letting her handler do the talking. While she poked Fey with her tail and shook her head frantically with a finger to her lips in fear of her usual talkativeness and disregard of the situation’s seriousness pissing off the high priestess, she froze as the air somehow got tenser by tenfold in a second at the mere mention of what they’re here for, then found the terror leaving her just as suddenly with but a few more words. Whatever Aya just said, it managed to spook the high priestess on her own home turf.

After that, the conversation grew… very interesting. The eldritch deity she and her mistress serve seem to be far more than just any Elder God… Wait, Pale Moon? As in the Pale Moon in… No, no way, that’s just a video game, not a documentary on actual eldritch lore! …Is it? Feeling the spiteful energy from before disappearing and at Aya’s assurance, Korrie dared to let her eyes wander off the floor and look around. The maddening geometry was gone, it’s just a ‘normal’ temple now. So that stuff was all in her head, she should’ve known…

…Huh? “Umm… Aya? What’s this about an arena…?” Feeling slightly emboldened by their patron deity’s power, Korrie finally dared to speak, even if it’s to ask about something that’s quickly bringing her worries back. T-They’re not supposed to FIGHT for the tablets and ruby, are they?? She already could barely handle the guard, just what kind of monstrosity would they be pitted against?!

Still, knowing that her beloved Mistress’ very life is depending on her, and having two powerful allies and possibly the Moon Presence itself with her, the loyal pet wyvern soldiered on despite her fear, putting on a brave face (and sort of failing at it) as she followed the others. She just hopes she won’t be dead weight for them…
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

As Fey continued her little outburst she could not see it, because Aya was in front of her, but she had a rather amused smile on her face, "I never asked for direct assistance, I simply mentioned the name of our Master, or is it Mistress, hmm difficult to say with such entities, whose forms are as malleable and changing as their own moods, to be honest it was a gamble, had my naming displeased it, I would most likely have been torn apart by those energies, rather than bolstered, such things are always a risk" she hugged Fey closer to her and whispered to the amusing and fiery phoenix girl again a short while later, after her little fire rant was over Careful what you wish for dear, the arena fights here can pit you up against pretty much anything, you could even wind up facing yourself from another reality" she chuckled a bit and hugged Fey closer to her even giving her a reassuring little nuzzle on the cheek before she turned her attention to Korrie, noticing she was rather nervous.

Aya pulled her close as well, and Korrie could feel a little tingling inside her forehead, before Aya gave an amused smile to her as well as she leaned in close "Sorry dear, but I am afraid that game is just a pure work of fiction, nothing true about it, besides that Moon Presence thing would be horribly weak in the grand scheme of things, no the Pale Moon in this case is a title held by Mistress' benefactor, one that holds a much more important meaning than most, for several reasons I am not at liberty to say right now, but know this, while we do not have the help of that game character we have the aid of something far more powerful, so cheer up, no need to worry" she hugged Korrie closer as well as she continued to lead the two after the High Priestess.

The High Priestess herself continued to lead the trio further into the building, which somehow seemed bigger on the inside than outside, then again things like that would most likely not surprise Korrie or Fey at this point, until they heared a roar of voices ahead and they arrived at a giant, bowl shaped, cavern.

At the bottom of the cavern a trio of Deep ones wielding crude spears were up against some kind of amorphous blob with far to many eyes and mouths to be a natural creature, just looking at it would cause Korrie and Fey to feel a momentary discomfort, before the familiar energies of Christine's benefactor would make the discomfort go away, allowing them to just watch the fight without any of the resulting mental trauma of looking at a creature from the outer planes.

the High Priestess watched the fight for a few moments, before she waved over another Deep One and gave it some short instructions, the Deep One turned towards Aya and the others, it's bulbous eyes eyeing them with a malicious grin on it's inhuman face "Nevva' seen anyone willingly step into da pit before, you lot gotta be crazy or overwhelmingly powerful, not that I care which, da bet is as follows, the Tablet and Ruby ya seek, against your own lives, is that acceptable?" Aya looked at Korrie and Fey, her expression showing that she wanted them to give their own consent, she was clearly not willing to gamble their lives for them.
Re: A study in the eldritch (Lunaraia;Pervy;MortalitasBorealis)

Fiery Feyline
Shady backstreet
Tag: Aya, Korrie, Priestess

"Ooooh.. well, unless its nega-Fey that uses snowstorms that'd be awesome." Fey nodded. Addmitedly, a Cryo-phoenix would put a swift stop to her fire control powers. "It'd be awesome to fight me, I mean, have you seen me? I'm me!" She grinned, not deterred further. "Also.. nuuuh! Master guy wouldn't tear you apart. Is nice .. I mean.. nice if you're an obediant servant, buuuut so far seems nice. All this eldritch business is less worrysome than you all make it out to be anywhoo, now, icecream vendors, those can be creepy.. luring you in with their delicious goodness, tempting you with far under-temperated goodies that rarely have any flavour other than icky sweet.." Fey mused, puffing up her feathers a bit. If anything, she was hard to intimidate.

"Not imagining it." Fey added at Ayas mind-sniffing. If Aya tried to peek into Feys mind she'd find her rather imagining a friendly, cartoonish moon, with a face, giving them a thumbs up. It also had a tentacle-beard and the word 'pale' written on top of it. Fey had a special imagination.

"Ooooh its an evil pudding. Do we all three get to fight? Cause those guys were supprisingly tough, though perhaps that was their disguises too and .. oh, what are the tournament rules, actually, because if burning the audience is forbidden I can't use my three most awesome attacks." Fey nodded.. just how much space could her fire control potentially cover? Well, the greenfire-fey on the way had dispersed as soon as Fey had thought about other things, now, at the idea of gambling her life, she grinned.

"Well, I don't like how you'd say lives, can we agree to have it one life per person? Minor technicality, but I don't want you in a disadvantaged gamble and you wouldn't want one of us who keeps getting up unbalancing your bets."
That was, utterly, a bluff, if her heart or brain was attacked directly she was in trouble. Or if someone like Shiroi managed to point blank hit her up with one of her focused eldritch power force blasts she'd be in trouble, even something as simple as a few broken bones could disable her for a while, not to mention they were unpleasant but why not play up her own revival abilities, if they focused on summoning something against that, she might struggle less in her actual combat expertise.. fire with fire on top.

By now she was crossing her fingers for another Fey and trying hard not to show it.
"Oh oh one more thing.. can we have entrance-themes for the combattants? You know.. like.. duu.. duuu .. duuu... duuuu! Your time is up my time is now!" She nodded, for some reason feeling like the underground eldritch battleground could use some more flair.
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