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A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine
"Alright, if you insist, though I'll at least be sure to bring you a nice trea--uwaaagh!" said Nadim before being dragged off by the scruff of his collar, courtesy of an angry Yasmin. The two were out the door only seconds later, with some minor bickering being heard between them as they steadily made distance from the others, heading towards the north.

"Yeah, we've definitely got to keep you fed. Gotta eat to live, gotta steal to eat. Wouldn't want you to go hungry again, considering the way you devoured that food the other day," commented the blonde one, winking.

"If... if you want to call it that," cracked Ilias, who inexplicably hunched over while sitting on the mattress, though if past experiences were any indicator, he was likely hiding another growing erection, with fresh flashbacks of Xara taking the deoricot fruit's smooth, slightly curved length deep into her mouth, as well as its gooey white juices splattering upon her face. "Uuuuhhh..."

He was met with a somewhat appalled look from Safiya, who then turned her attention back to the bunnygirl, as if to say 'let's just ignore him'. "I mean, wow, I don't think I had ever seen anyone gulp down a waterskin's contents that fast, at least not in the way you did!" The tanned beauty firmly patted Xara on the butt, her hand incidentally colliding with the ends of the shorter girl's meteor hammer. "Oh, speaking of which, that's a pretty interesting weapon you've got--I can't say I've ever seen anything like it in Deun! Well, at least not in Jadiram, but then again, I've also lived here my entire life. So, wait... where are you from, anyway? I know you're definitely not from around here."

When Xara mentioned the captain, Safiya's look grew more serious, and she almost interrupted the girl mid-story, only barely managing to hide her distaste for the man towards the end. "Hashid. That guy is captain of the asshole guards for a reason. Pompous, arrogant prick! Ugh! He's the worst tool of them all, and the reason why that damn--..." The young woman was almost sidetracked with her angry episode, having to take several deep breaths before finally calming down.

"Nevermind. Anyway, it's pretty amazing that you were able to get away from him, especially while starving and thirsty like that! And sure--most of us tend to wear cloaks when we go out, depending on what kind of operation it is. So I should have a spare one here somewhere... Here you go." Digging through a shabby makeshift wardrobe not far from her bed, Safiya found a worn, somewhat tattered black cloak and tossed it to Xara. It was torn and had seen much better days, but could be salvaged to make some kind of headwrap and thus conceal the top part of her body, as well as her face if she so chose.


After the girls were all ready, they left Ilias to his own devices back at the hideout, and the bunnygirl wound up following the other girl through a series of twists and turns, not terribly unlike the way she had the first time around. They soon found themselves in a relatively narrow alleyway, just off the main street. Just around the corner and several shoplengths down from them was a water merchant's stand, which had several pots of water in stock, of various sizes. Safiya pulled the hood of her cloak over her head--a fashion that many passerbys had subscribed to, as it was a frequent thing in the desert. Discreetly, she directed Xara's gaze to the store with her own, making minimal motions beyond that.

The shopkeeper was a portly, dark-skinned man with a full beard, headwrap, and layers of fancy, colorful clothes, also bearing a lightly jeweled waterskin. Next to him was a large, burly guard, with steel bracers upon his wrists. The hulking, shirtless sentry was quite intimidating in his own right, standing tall and proud with his arms folded in front of him, almost looking to be completely hairless. "So the first lesson in being a good thief is well, finding the right place... and the right sucker," Safiya whispered. "This part of the road, at this time of day, has the least amount of city guards patrolling it. And that guy, out of all the water merchants in this area, is the only one with just a single guard. I mean, he's not even armed. So here we've got a decent enough reward, without having to worry about serious danger," she continued.

"Alright, here's the plan. You distract the merchant and his hired thug--get him to look the other way, since he's standing in front of his stock. Just... say things, do tricks, I dunno, anything. Keep their eyes on you. I'll grab one of the pots and try to sneak out while they aren't paying attention. Simple enough, right? If all else fails, I'll make a run for it, but don't take any unnecessity risks if you have to." Xara could figure that Safiya probably meant 'unnecessary', but Ilias wasn't there to correct the somewhat inarticulate thief. "I'll even take the fall, if things go really bad. But this should be a piece of cake," she said reassuringly.

Readying herself, she made the signal for the bunnygirl to approach the water salesman and his thug-for-hire in the hopes of providing a proper diversion.
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"I think it's originally from some place called... Onro? Horai? Oh, I remember, Honrai! Somebody gave it to me as a gift. He taught me a few things, but he passed away before I could get really good with it," the smallest of the five thieves answered her 'big sister's' question. "And I was born in the Rahma tribe! I was exiled shortly after I turned eighteen, though, so now I'm here," she lied without batting an eye. Xara didn't really think anybody needed to know the full story of why she had left her first home.

When it came time to leave, the bunnygirl chose to leave her silken traveling cloak behind at the group's home, it being too light in color to match with the black cloak she had been offered without looking incredibly out of place. Instead, she donned the tattered thing and fashioned it into a hood to hide her ears, being a bit shorter than the other four allowed her to make use of it as a hood and cloak without much trouble. She also took the time to make some alterations to the cloak so that she could secure the weights of her hammer to it as she had with her other. Finally, she took the deoricot from her older, nicer cloak and stowed it in her newer, more tattered one. When she was done, she set out with Safiya.


The bunnygirl followed after her comrade in thievery silently. She was calm, despite the close encounter the day before. It wasn't the first time the slender thief had almost been caught, it was just that the stakes were a little higher in the city. But she knew, logically, that Hashid couldn't take the time to scan every person's face in the city looking for a single water thief who had failed to steal any water, the captain of the city guard in a place like Jadiram was surely busier. Not only that, her clothes and most distinguishing features were covered by a black hood and cloak, a fashion worn by many Deunic citizens. No, she had decided, there was no need to be nervous about being spotted at a glance as long as her ears were hidden.

She listened intently to Safiya, never turning her head toward the toned woman. It was during the other woman's lesson that she could feel little birds hopping about on her stomach. It might not have been the first time she had almost been caught, but it was the first time she had ever done this sort of thing with another person. There was a bit of extra responsibility in that. Some of the information passed on by the marginally older thief was fairly common knowledge, even to a small tribal thief like Xara, but Safiya proved to be a wealth of experience and knowledge when it came to looking for good targets.

But, when the explanation came to its end, the bunnygirl thief wasn't sure how she would distract the man. A demonstration of her exotic weapon might draw some attention, but that might draw a crowd that didn't consist of the merchant and guard. Distracting them by talking to them might work, but what discussion would she bring up that would last long enough and be inconspicuous enough to keep them from taking a glance at their merchandise? In the midst of her consideration, without provocation, an image of Ilias hunched over on the bed came back to her.

Ding, she had an idea.

Xara let her cloak go loose enough to expose her silky white clothes and, more importantly, a bit of her slim tummy and her cleavage. Her face was exposed, though her ears were not, she hoped that they might trust her more with the former on display. She withdrew the deoricot and held it in one hand. When Safiya gave the signal, the bunnygirl approached the merchant. "Hiya, mister!" She greeted the merchant with a voice of innocence. "How much for some water? I'm parched!" When he answered, regardless of his answer, especially as she had no money, she would pout and continue. "Aw, really? I don't have that kind of coin and I'm getting really desperate. Maybe we could work out a trade of some sort?" She shifted her hand just enough to make the deoricot obvious, but didn't hold it up lest it become the center of attention.
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

The other two had bought the crafty bunnygirl's story without much of an argument nor any apparent skepticism, and a truly heartfelt look soon showed itself upon Safiya's face. "Aw, you poor thing. I'm not very familiar with the Rahma tribe, but they've gotta be nuts for just leaving you out in the cold like that!" said the older girl, welcoming Xara into her usual embrace and burying the smaller girl's head between her soft mounds momentarily, a gesture that Ilias couldn't help but notice. "But don't worry," she added reassuringly. "We outcasts gotta stick together, so you'll be fine with us. Time's a wastin' though, so we gotta hurry to catch the prime targets at the right hour!"

Other than that, not much else was said before the two girls finally set off, although Xara caught a glimpse of Ilias eyeing her white cloak momentarily, and when he noticed her looking, the taller thief immediately resorted to doing something else--in this case, getting ready to head out himself.


Safiya let Xara go on ahead, staying in the alley's shadows for now while her beloved new recruit played her part, that of the distraction, in this tried but true plan. While she did have her shortcomings, one thing that the blonde girl did have was the true instincts of a thief, and by the way she moved, even a casual observer could tell that her toned frame wasn't just for show--that is, if they saw her to begin with.

She would have let the bunnygirl brew up a good story to tell, but it was one of those moments, where the perfect time was now. Not a single City Guard in the vicinity, and even if they were accused of stealing by the merchant, the other stands' sentries would not move, being far more concerned about their own wares and perhaps the other thieves that may be lying in wait. Selling water was a cutthroat business, and it wasn't unheard of for a cunning businessman to sabotage his rivals through a variety of means.

Luckily, the image of Ilias and his sad attempts to hide an erection was there to inspire Xara, which was just as well, as she decided to make her assets a tad more visible. The plan appeared to be working, thus far at least, as the stout vendor looked upon the bunnygirl with interest when she appeared before him. The muscular goon beside him hardly looked impressed, remaining almost as still as a statue, but with the well-chosen adjustments to her wardrobe, Xara had successfully caught the attention of the thug's employer, who was the more important part of this equation.

"Greetings, little lady," he replied in a polite voice. "Yes, thirst is a horrible plague upon this land of Deun, but I can provide a cure to that ailment for only 200 Gold a pot," he added confidently. When she began to pout and attempt to barter with him, he frowned at first, but soon took on a strange grin--the kind that was halfway between lecherous and devious, although it was more likely both. Noticing the deoricot in her hand, he raised a hand to his chin, pondering. "Unfortunately, it would take an entire carts' worth of deoricots to afford a single pot of this premium water. But if you... had other methods of bargaining, I would highly consider granting you a sizeable discount, uhuhu..." Choosing his words as carefully as he could, he eyed Xara with that lingering smirk upon his face, eagerly awaiting her answer.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Aww, really?" Xara echoed her previous disappointment. "My little fruit isn't going to be enough, huh? But premium water sounds really good. If you're selling that sort of stuff, I bet this deoricot is way smaller than anything you have." The thief looked down at her rejected fruit with a visible frown, before shrugging and pinching the vine off. Inwardly, she was out-and-out laughing at the merchant. It might be the easiest pot of water she'd ever had! Remembering the response she had gotten on her last deoricot, she decided to go even more over the top, although she avoided the lewd sounds lest she gather too much of an audience. Moving the phallic fruit to her mouth, she swirled her tongue around the opened tip, coaxing dribbles of sweet cream onto her tongue.

"But I guess I could do some work for you!" The trickster bunnygirl continued her charade of innocence, just as she had around Ilias and Safiya. She looked at the merchant with wide, innocent eyes, as if she was just waiting to be taken advantage of, even as she began to suck on the tip of the deoricot. She began to suckle lightly on the tip, swallowing the juice as it came. Then, as an 'accident' a few drops spilled from her lips. She had only intended on it leaving a trail down her chin, but by a stroke of luck a few drops cascaded and landed squarely on her cleavage.

At the unexpected boon, she improvised easily, gracefully stroking the fingers of her free hand across her exposed breast to dab up the liquid, then across her chin to collect the rest, before ending by sucking on the cream-soaked digits. After she pulled them free, she licked her fingers. "I'm a real hard worker, mister! And I'd do anything you wanted me to!" She gave the fruit more of her oral ministrations, including a few bobs of her head, before emphasizing; "Anything, mister!"

By that point, the deoricot had seen about three-quarters of its juices liberated. Xara hoped Safiya would be done soon.

More fruit fellatio than I ever thought I would write in a single page of an RP.
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Safiya rolled a 9 (+41 Stealth score) = 50.
Merchant rolled a 16 (+14 Perception, -5 from being distracted) = 25.
Thug for Hire rolled a 5 (+20 Perception) = 25.
Safiya nabs what she wants without either of those guys noticing, or most of anyone for that matter. Never knew what hit 'em. /ghost

The plump dealer swallowed hard, his look growing nearly comical with arousement as he reacted to Xara's skilled servicing of the fruit in her hand with idle jerks and twitches. One would think that she was actually doing the job for him right now, given the way he was immediately responding to every slurp and lick she made upon the deoricot's smooth form. "Oooh, ooohoohoo! Uuhh... Hnngh! Y-Yes, yes it is! I-I have one that's... considerably larger!" The truth soon showed itself in the form of a rising lump at his crotch, though the alluring little diversion would be able to see that the man had clearly exaggerated. Regardless, he was clearly aroused at this point, having gotten a good idea of her prowess in that aspect, and looked to be shifting into business mode, or something like it. "P-Perhaps, a taste of my special 'deoricot' for a jug of water? I-I normally am not so generous, but for a girl like you, I would be willing to make an exception! A one-time... n-no, two-time... As many times as you'd wish, little one! Why, you'll never go thirsty with the supply I have stored up! U~huhuhuhuhu!" His laugh was admittedly a little contagious, the kind of noise that could cause others to snicker as well, likely at the rich man's expense. The bald-headed bodyguard remained still all the same, but even managed to take a look down at Xara, then to his employer and back during her little performance.

Meanwhile, Safiya took advantage of the long delay and made her move. As she went into action, the blonde-haired beauty formed the image of a consummate stealth thief--that is, one that could hardly be seen if at all. The two oblivious men likely never knew that she was even there, as the toned girl heaved up a relatively large pot, even straining a bit to carry it, and made a quick signal that Xara could see in her peripheral vision before slinking back into the shadows of the alleyway. Had she not bothered to get the bunnygirl's attention, she might have even been able to return back to the hideout without the other thief even noticing. Apparently, she was that good.

Several seconds had already passed since the older girl went in and out, having done the job with the utmost efficiency. At this point, Xara had succeeded in providing enough of a diversion for the mission to be a success. The only thing to do left was to remove herself from the scene. The merchant's lightly jeweled waterskin hung from his side, almost as if tempting the petite bunnygirl--after all, she did need a new one, and this one was... well, shiny. Alternatively, she could just leave, although the fat seller was now motioning for her to come to him, licking his lips in a most lewd manner. "Oh, come my dear, let's find a place more... private where we can do business, hmm? I mean, there is quite a bit of said privacy right behind my stand..."
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Wow, a whole jug of water, mister? You're amazing!" By then, Safiya had come and gone. From the sounds of things, the merchant was hoping to do more or less the same. Xara really didn't want anything to do with the merchant by that point, but his waterskin and inventory were another thing entirely. Her eyes lit up with greed at the sight of the jeweled waterskin. And she did need a new one...

Her eyes shifted from the deoricot in her hand, to the merchant, to the barrels of water, to his waterskin, then back to the merchant. A whole barrel of water, and the guard had heard his offer. A wicked idea formed in her head. "I can't wait to see this special deoricot! I bet it's huge! I'll probably never be able to enjoy a little thing like this one again. Maybe I should compare?" She held up her partially finished deoricot. Xara kept the fruit in hand even as she followed the merchant to relative privacy.

After the two were behind the stand and, more importantly, away from the guard, she asked, still keeping up her facade of innocence; "So, mister, what are we gonna do back here that will earn me that pot of water?"
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 53, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

The somewhat fancy leather container at his belt had seven emeralds upon it, which lay encrusted in a silver filigree lattice that glistened in the sun; not quite as fancy as Safiya's, but certainly boastable. Not only that, it appeared to be capable of holding a fair share of water, which was suitable considering the man's trade. Indeed, it was far too tempting for Xara to pass up. "Y-Yes! A whole jug, and perhaps even another! And oh, you will see this 'special deoricot'... I'm sure you will enjoy it. Uhuhu, come, let us... negotiate." He looked up at the towering sentinel and motioned towards the goods briefly. The sturdy fellow simply nodded in response, remaining in position to keep some kind of watch over the dozen jugs, one of which was now missing thanks to Safiya, though the difference hadn't been noticed quite yet.

Wrapping his arm around Xara's shoulder, the salesman ushered her to a special area behind the tent of his shop, which in essence was four makeshift walls and a ceiling, all made from fabric. This section still boasted a fair amount of light inside thanks to the pastel colors of the materials that made up its roof, and inside was a simple cot, a table on which a lantern sat, and an unmarked chest, as well as various rugs strewn about the floor. He grinned after they entered, gently letting go of her and then taking a step or two before turning to face the bunnygirl.

"Now, if you want to earn that pot of water, and all of it, you'll treat -this- the same way you treated that fruit earlier," he said, as his free hand moved down to unfasten his belt. Xara could easily guess what he was about to try at this point. With a bit of fumbling, he freed his member, which was not a particularly impressive thing by any means, although he was already quite hard from earlier. His darkened shaft pointed up directly at her, and the man's features bore a most lecherous grin.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Oh, wow!" Xara replied, blushing. Her blush was actually genuine. She had never seen someone's manhood before, at least not in a situation where it was intentional. The petite bunnygirl decided to exclaim as much, a fragment of truth tended to help the lies slip by unnoticed; "I've never seen one up-close before. Does it leak juices like a deoricot?" The thief continued to play the part of the curious, innocent girl. She pulled away from him, taking a few steps back. "If it does, I ought to take off my clothes so that they don't get stained," she hastily announced, guessing that the merchant would be more willing to let her go if it were for the purpose of showing him her naked body.

"Could ya turn around? This is a little embarrassing, mister." If he refused she would still continue what she had planned with a meek-sounding "okay, mister", it was just that his turning around would make things easier. The petite girl dropped the deoricot to the ground as her hands dipped into her black cloak and and fell to her waist, making as if she was undoing her belt. In reality, she was readying her double-headed meteor hammer. The nimble girl remembered everything the old man had taught her about the exotic weapon in her head as she prepared to strike. She wasn't normally one to steal using violence, but the way the merchant had tried to capitalize on her supposed innocence made her feel that he deserved a little bit of a lesson.

When her 'belt' was as loose as she could get it without baring the weights on it, she lashed out. The first head went swinging for his chest – or back, if he agreed to her earlier suggestion – with no momentum at all, she whirled the second once before launching it after its counterpart. If he hadn't gone down, a third and fourth attack would follow in rapid succession. Xara aimed for the sternum, hoping not to kill the man, though the bunnygirl wasn't exactly an experienced fighter and was unaware of the kind of damage several hits from blunt instruments could do to a man's torso. With any luck, he would go down not only alive but quietly enough to be mistaken for a different kind of unconsciousness.

Xara uses sudden strike, whirling death, and flurry and hits him with both heads of the meteor hammer (twice if necessary). Trying not to kill him. Trying to be as silent as possible (don't step on any kazoos or anything, I guess, since she can't exactly cover his mouth.)

Note that, if he's knocked unconscious and makes too much noise on the fall, she'll get some of that deoricot cream on her chin, hide her meteor hammers as quickly as possible, and then do some acting.

Attack: +44 = 52 [Base] + 8 [Whirling Death] - 12 [Flurry] - 4 [Two Weapon Fighting]
Damage: 2d4 + 20 = 22 [Base] + 8 [Whirling Death] - 6 [Flurry] - 4 [Two Weapon Fighting]
He has to make perception check against 1d20 + 29 or these count as sneak attacks (automatic success, double damage).
She makes up to 4 attacks (no need to keep attacking if he goes unconscious, of course).

In addition, she takes 4 damage from activating Whirling Death.

Xara's stats (with penalties and bonuses): 33 Dodge, 9 Armor, 34 Stealth, 28 Perception.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP Damage: Xara has 1 armor from Clothes (TP = 25, DU = 2). When she's reduced to 27 HP or lower, she takes an instance of weakened causing a -10 penalty to all of her rolls.

When dealing PP damage: Xara deals +2 PP damage during penetrative sex. She deals half of PP damage dealt in corruption (whether you want this to happen is up to you, Takimaru, since it's the DLaby universe.)
When taking PP damage: She takes +4 damage from sensitive, and another +8 damage for each of the following fetishes being fulfilled: cumming inside, exhibitionism, public use, or size difference. On an orgasm, her PP resets to 21 instead of full.

Has Fertile: Pregnant on roll of 2, 3, or 4. Or automatically with another fertile partner.
Has Pheromones: Others more interested in sex with her.
Has Night Eyes: No perception penalties in the dark.
Has Nose for Treasure: +12 perception rolls when it comes to finding treasure.
Has Thief: Can disarm traps and pick locks.
Has Lucky: +3 to all non damage rolls.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 49, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Merchant's Perception Check for Xara's Sudden Strike:
Merchant rolled a 2. (+14 perception, -5 from being distracted) = 11. Autofail, therefore Xara's attacks automatically hit... not that they'd miss anyway in this particular situation.

Xara rolled a 4, 3 (+ 20 base after modifiers) = 27.
Xara rolled a 2, 4 (+ 20 base after modifiers) = 26. He's out on the second blow, no need for a third or fourth if she isn't trying to kill him.
Normally this would be 54 and 52, respectively, but in this case giving up the double damage to avoid actual death.

Because of the possible noise and the relative proximity to the sentry outside, I've set a 50 DC for a Stealth check to determine whether or not the bald guy hears the ruckus.
Xara rolled a 19 (+34 Stealth, +3 Lucky) = 56. ...Pass o_O

"Uhuhuhu, so it does, little one. Even more stuff will come out if you squeeze and stroke it, just like what you did to juice the fruit earlier!" The lecherous dealer's excitement was far too hard to contain at this point, and shot up to a boiling point when the girl mentioned removing her clothes. His eyes instantly lit up due to the combination of her innocent act with the seductive feel that the dense man was apparently buying. "Oh, please show me as you take them off, yes? After all, I am giving you an entire jug of water for this, which is worth 200 gold in of itself..." requested the shopkeeper, whose perverted ways unfortunately kept him from turning around like Xara might have wanted, as he was far too eager to see her naked body exposed piece by piece via a systematically sexy undressing procedure, one that he was no doubt hoping to direct.

Unfortunately for him, she had other plans, and a perfectly executed attack from the bunnygirl sent the first head of the meteor hammer sailing into his sternum, which cracked it and triggered a quick groan of pain for the unfortunate fool. "G-Guh..." He doubled over just in time for the second weight to nail him right on the chin, effectively knocking him out. The heavy-set merchant fell to the ground with a thud, though from the sounds of things outside, the guard on duty didn't seem to hear a thing, thus far. Now with an unconscious water dealer face-down on the ground and the back area of his tent free for Xara to raid, there was a wealth of options at her disposal. Naturally, the ornate waterskin seemed to call out to her from its place at the side of his loosened belt...
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Sorry mister," the thief whispered under her breath at the newly unconscious merchant. "But you reminded me a little too much of another merchant I knew." Not wanting to waste anymore time, she quickly replaced her meteor hammer. The tan girl picked up the deoricot in one hand and rushed to the merchant's side. She quickly unhooked his waterskin and stowed it underneath her cloak, out of easy sight of any observer. After her prize was secured, she dabbed her finger into the remaining juices of the deoricot and drew a thick line with its cream from the one of the corners of her lips to her jaw. She squeezed the remainder onto the merchant's manhood, to make it look like it had been touched at all, then disposed of the fruit by tossing it away.

The bunnygirl inspected her staging work with a small amount of satisfaction. The blow that had struck his chin had spoiled things a little, though. That might be the sort of thing that was easier to recognize before she was gone with the goods than the shot to his torso. In the end, it didn't particularly matter to her as she had managed to snag the waterskin, potentially losing out on another jug of water was a minor thing. That part of the plan could wait, though. The greedy girl had already come so far, it wouldn't hurt to take a peek into the chest. She scanned the thing as best she could for traps, before setting about opening the thing up.

Open ye chest.

34 stealth, 28 perception

Also, Lucky as an un-ironic choice, haha.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP Damage: Xara has 1 armor from Clothes (TP = 25, DU = 2). When she's reduced to 27 HP or lower, she takes an instance of weakened causing a -10 penalty to all of her rolls.

When dealing PP damage: Xara deals +2 PP damage during penetrative sex. She deals half of PP damage dealt in corruption (whether you want this to happen is up to you, Takimaru, since it's the DLaby universe.)
When taking PP damage: She takes +4 damage from sensitive, and another +8 damage for each of the following fetishes being fulfilled: cumming inside, exhibitionism, public use, or size difference. On an orgasm, her PP resets to 21 instead of full.

Has Fertile: Pregnant on roll of 2, 3, or 4. Or automatically with another fertile partner.
Has Pheromones: Others more interested in sex with her.
Has Night Eyes: No perception penalties in the dark.
Has Nose for Treasure: +12 perception rolls when it comes to finding treasure.
Has Thief: Can disarm traps and pick locks.
Has Lucky: +3 to all non damage rolls.
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 49, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Found 400 gold in the chest.
Gained 2 EXP.

It took a bit of effort to roll the passed out water dealer into the supine position, and his member was now limp, perhaps to Xara's benefit, as it would've been a rather awkward situation for anyone to see that thing still standing up on someone who wasn't even awake. The jeweled waterskin came off of the peddler's belt rather easily, though when Xara stashed it away she could feel that it was half-full. As for the rest of her efforts to cover up her tracks, deoricot juice was quite a passable and convincing substitute for the 'real thing'--that is, a man's semen--in both color and consistency, for the most part. Thanks to this, the scene that the cunning thief left behind upon the floor of this tent's backroom could have fooled anyone, so long as they didn't care to actually smell or taste the fruit juice themselves--which, considering where it was left upon, was unlikely to occur in this case anyway.

The bunnygirl would find that the chest to be locked, although with a brief search, the bulging outline of a key could be seen upon the man's chest, in a pocket upon his upper robes. It seemed to do the trick in terms of getting the container to open, and Xara would find a fair amount of gold inside; roughly 400, by a thief's estimations. However, returning to the bald lookout with this box in hand would no doubt raise suspicion. From here, she could simply try sneaking out, since the guardian was still out up front, watching the other resources. Alternatively, Xara could attempt to hide some of the cash on her body before trying to acquire yet another jug full of water to further bolster her already impressive haul. With the merchant still out and his bodyguard oblivious, she was safe for now, but knowing that it was only a matter of time until suspicions would arise, the clever subhuman knew that it would be best to make some kind of decision soon.
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

The thief stopped herself from giving a low whistle at the chest full of shiny, shiny coins. She had to work quickly and quietly now. The bunnygirl took two handfuls of gold and stuffed them into her clothing anywhere she had a place to hide them. Then, she closed the chest, replaced the lock, and slipped the key back onto the merchant as best she could. He probably would remember the sight of the meteor hammers flying toward him, but he might not realize that she had taken more than just his waterskin until much, much later. She lamented that she couldn't take all the coins, but she couldn't very well carry off the chest without the guard raising an eyebrow.

Xara disheveled her clothing, further augmenting her disguise by trying to adopt the appearance of a woman who had hastily redressed. It was more than a little greedy of her, but, even with pockets full of coins and the jeweled waterskin stashed beneath her cloak, she still wanted more. She had come so far, after all, she might as well try. The girl silently waited and counted until fifteen seconds had went by, hoping that the whole ordeal had lasted a minute at most, and then emerged from the place of privacy, the white, mistakable liquid of the deoricot plainly visible on her face. What she had in mind was bold, but it just might work.

"Hey, mister guard?" The petite thief with a conspicuous white stain on her chin asked, once she spotted the weaponless man. "I did what he asked," she stated, hoping she would buy the false evidence she had planted on herself, "but then he got all drowsy and I think he fell asleep. Do I still get my jug of water?" It was worth a try. Even if he went to check, Xara felt that she could and would easily slip off while he was gone.

Take 50~ gold coins (I'll let you decide the specifics on how many she manages to stash by taking two handfuls) and then try to embarrass ye guard into allowing her to have the jug of water.

If he goes to check, slip off toward the hideout without the water. Not that she didn't do plenty well for herself even if she doesn't get it. Remember to clean face and straighten clothing lest Safiya get the wrong idea. >.>

34 stealth, +3 to non-damage rolls.

Cheat Sheet

When taking HP Damage: Xara has 1 armor from Clothes (TP = 25, DU = 2). When she's reduced to 27 HP or lower, she takes an instance of weakened causing a -10 penalty to all of her rolls.

When dealing PP damage: Xara deals +2 PP damage during penetrative sex. She deals half of PP damage dealt in corruption (whether you want this to happen is up to you, Takimaru, since it's the DLaby universe.)
When taking PP damage: She takes +4 damage from sensitive, and another +8 damage for each of the following fetishes being fulfilled: cumming inside, exhibitionism, public use, or size difference. On an orgasm, her PP resets to 21 instead of full.

Has Fertile: Pregnant on roll of 2, 3, or 4. Or automatically with another fertile partner.
Has Pheromones: Others more interested in sex with her.
Has Night Eyes: No perception penalties in the dark.
Has Nose for Treasure: +12 perception rolls when it comes to finding treasure.
Has Thief: Can disarm traps and pick locks.
Has Lucky: +3 to all non damage rolls.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 49, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine
Took 100 gold for herself!

The currency proved simple enough for the ambitious thief to stash, and she was able to pocket about a quarter of the small chest's contents, which was just as well since carrying it out would look rather conspicuous, at least to bystanders if not the bald-headed man standing watch, who, luckily for Xara, had directed his gaze towards the other shops in the bazaar instead of in back. Perhaps he respected his employer's privacy, simply didn't care, or made it a point to not interrupt when the lecherous merchant had 'deals' to work out with potential customers who needed a discount--likely female ones from what the bunnygirl could guess. Looking back at him, she'd find an almost comical sight of the unfortunate seller sprawled out, now face up, with his pitiful cock out, the thing spotted with a thick white substance. Drool had begun to trickle from the corner of his mouth into the rug beneath him, and though the injury upon his breastbone wasn't visible from the outside, save for an oddly colored bruise, it was definitely something he'd feel later on.

When Xara emerged from the tent, in a rather convincing fashion with disheveled attire and the 'cum' still upon her face, stating her case to the dark-skinned sentry, he raised a brow, actually managing to give something of an embarrassed, awkward look when first seeing her in such a state.

"I... see," he finally replied in a surprisingly level tone, tilting his head. Based on the physical evidence alone, he had no reason to doubt her, but the weaponless warrior still appeared skeptical for some reason. "So you mean to say he just... fell asleep? That seems unlikely, considering there is well over 2000 golds' worth of water up front that I am sure he wishes to sell--as he has often returned to doing even after discount procedures. Stay here for a moment and I will confirm with him that this is the case." He didn't quite buy her story, not with how familiar he apparently was with the merchants' personal habits, and so he slowly headed towards the back of the tent, maybe only about 15-20 feet away at most.

Seeing how small the girl was, and how heavy the jugs of water were, ones at least weighty enough to slow the well-toned Safiya down, the guard appeared confident enough that Xara wouldn't be able to steal any of the goods while he took but a few seconds to head towards the back to check on his boss. Once inside, she could hear him exclaim, "W... What is the meaning of this?!" From here, the bunnygirl, knowing that her cover was blown, used the precious stretch of time to make her escape, quickly fixing her clothing on the way, as well as wiping her mouth. Taking the route the Safiya showed her in reverse to find her way to the hideout, Xara made it back home not terribly long afterwards. She could have sworn she heard someone call her name out of somewhere on her trip back, but whose voice called it out wasn't all that easy to discern.

When she entered the structure, the bunnygirl found a new mattress of sorts at the far end of the room, against and towards the center of the wall. It seemed a bit lumpy, probably having been made from various pillows and other such soft objects that Ilias might have scavenged, but on the other hand, it did look cozy enough for her, and it certainly beat the floor.

And sitting upon that mattress, with his back turned, was none other than Ilias, whose rapid wrist movements had given away exactly what he was doing, his free hand pressing the bunched up mass of Xara's white cloak up against his face. His entire frame shook rhythmically, and he was going quite fast--only a few seconds after Xara's entry did Ilias shake and twitch violently a few times, sighing deeply afterwards. "Hahh... hahh... aah... I always thought you'd feel this good..." he mumbled between sharp breaths. Still panting heavily, the brown-haired thief slowly set down the garment that had served as his masturbation fuel off to the side, making a careful attempt not to stain it, then turned around, his eyes widening instantly when he saw the bunnygirl at the door.

"X... XARA! I-I mean, uhh, w..what are you doing back so early?!" he exclaimed, hastily pulling his pants up before turning around and getting to his feet. In the process, he nearly hit his head on the relatively low ceiling, as he had stood up on top of the bed in his careless rush to avoid exposure. Grimacing, he stepped off the makeshift mattress and rubbed the top of his head. "Don't... didn't you have things to steal with S... Safiya?" he stammered, a blush having crawled over his entire face.

In his other hand was an opened junirant.
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

The jig was up, she realized, she had stolen all that she was going to easily get away with on that particular mark. As soon as the exclamation echoed from inside the tent, she was gone. The bunnygirl, once she had slipped far enough away from the tent and the guard, cleaned herself up and strolled back to the hideout, trying not to draw any undue attention to herself. She heard a voice on her way back but dismissed it as imagination, assuming that Safiya was already back at the hideout and waiting for her. She walked through the door snickering at how easy the score had been and toying with her fancy new waterskin...

Only to go silent as she walked in on Ilias in the act. She stood silently, watching as the relatively tall man christened the mattress which was apparently hers. If it had been the merchant she left unconscious not more than minutes ago, or another like him, holding her cloak up to his face and doing that, her first reaction would have been to find a wire brush and scrub herself down to the bone trying to feel clean again. Ilias wasn't so bad, though. Stoic but expressive, with a build and a look that could pass for handsome, and a personality that seemed to be made for being teased. It wasn't disgusting finding him doing that to thoughts of her—more of an ego boost, really. Xara's deep blue eyes took on a predatory gleam and her mouth widened into a wicked grin as she watched him; his little fantasies were going to cost him much in future humiliation.

But her expression became one of complete innocence, with hidden amusement at his reaction to finding her peeping, when he turned around and saw her. "I thought she was already back," The petite girl answered his question about the toned thief who had seen her out earlier that day. "She managed to get a jug of water while I was talking to a merchant. He gave me a waterskin and some gold 'cause I was so cute, too!" The bunnygirl proclaimed as she pulled off the tattered cloak, revealing the jeweled waterskin beneath it and her pockets full of gold, and tossed it toward her bed. "He just doesn't know that, yet," she added.

Xara made to approach the bed, acting as if she hadn't seen anything, or didn't know what she had seen. The lithe girl inspected the mattress, even as Ilias sat on it. "Wow! You got this for me? Thanks, big brother!" She snickered inwardly, knowing that the nickname she had bestowed upon the other thief would only make his torment worse. "Ooh, is that for me, too? I got really hungry out there!" The swift bunnygirl snatched the junirant out of Ilias's hand and brought it to her mouth, ignoring any protests from him. She hesitated for only a second, thinking about what she was about to do, but curiosity overwhelmed her and her tongue darted forward to taste from the opened hole of the fruit.

"Wow, that's really salty! Is this a junirant? Is it supposed to taste like this?" The realization that she had just tasted Ilias on the fruit made her feel a little dizzy. Her hormones went into overdrive, making her scent extra potent. She had to fight off a few unbidden thoughts, more gifts from her unnatural parent. And Xara still couldn't help herself as her body urged her to take the teasing a little bit further, wanting to see how far Ilias would let her go. "Hey, since Safiya isn't back yet, you should show me how to juice one of these, big brother!" The bunnygirl dropped into a kneeling position in front of the man, holding the used fruit in one hand and going for his pants with the second. "Big sis said you used this, right? I don't have one, so I'll need your help!"

Propelled on by curiosity, Xara prepared to molest Ilias with a fruit for the dual purposes of sating that curiosity and for use as fuel in later pranks at his expense.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 49, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Ilias scanned her expression, at first trying to determine if she was simply going to call him out on what he did, but seeing as she began to talk about other things, he happily jumped into the conversation--it was uncharacteristic of him, but he was desperate to avoid being put on the spot for the most embarrassing of moments.

"A-A jug of water, eh? W... Well, I hope she brought back a big one; that way it'll last us another week and we can worry about getting chased around by town guards less. I-I mean, it's tiring enough doing it day by day as is! Speaking of which, that's a... pretty expensive waterskin. For a merchant to just give those to you is--well, oh, is that what happened? I guess you do fit in pretty well with us here, huh? Aheheh..." Ilias laughed nervously, the normally reserved thief rambling on and on to about anything and everything with little pause in between, in the futile hopes of sidetracking Xara enough to dodge the topic of what he had possibly been doing earlier, if not make the girl forget it completely. Fresh in his head was the mental image of the fantasy Xara's blushing, lustful face, something he no doubt had used to reach orgasm, and now that the real one was here in front of him, the resulting feeling was... awkward, to say the least. But she seemed to go right along, moving onto the conversational topic of the bed, which did bring a degree of relief to the youth.

"Oh, that's nothing. Yeah, I just kinda... scrounged about here and there, gathering spare pillows from oblivious vendors and ones we happened to have and that's basically what I came up with. It's not really optimal but ah, it'll do the job. I can revise it for you later if you like," he explained with a bit of extra enthusiasm while patting the mattress, still eager to drive the subject matter further and yet further away from his masturbatory experience. He was visibly blushing as far as his tanned skin would show, though being addressed as 'big brother' caused the tint upon his upper cheeks to deepen, and the young man even forgot that the junirant fruit he had been using, nature's perfect cock sleeve, was still in his hand. This created the perfect window of opportunity for the young bunnygirl to grab the junirant out of his hand, and his uncomfortable state caused him to exhibit a delayed reaction, reaching out for the cum-filled fruit far too late, as Xara visibly poked her tongue into the pit to taste what was undoubtedly his seed.

"*GULP*...Uuuhhh..." He made a slight grimace, watching her 'unwittingly' lick up a bit of his leftover load, and stuttered, "U-U-Um, n-no it isn't! I mean, i-it's gotta be rotten then, if it tastes like that, right?! Maybe we should just throw it away? Ahaha..." The taller one went on for a little while, trying to find more excuses for his previously lewd behavior, though seeing her act like this was making him hard again, somehow, and he inwardly cursed his apparent virility as the bunnygirl dropped to her knees and reached for his crotch, which now bore a growing tent. "W-Well, I usually... don't use that. It's more, uh..." he trailed off, but the temptation was simply too great for him at this point. Here was the object of his desire, this irresistibly cute bunnygirl, about to take care of his second wind for him. It took all of Ilias' willpower to even try to resist, and when he finally managed to turn that into words, it came out as: "Uh... urck."
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Oh, don't be so embarrassed! If I stay here, we'll have to get used to seeing each other naked from time to time. That's what families do, right?" Xara teased the taller thief with her paper-thin logic after his almost guttural last attempt at a protest. She, of course, imagined that they would find the privacy to change if necessary. Taunting Ilias with the idea that he might get to see her do so one day was all just in good fun—fun for her, anyway. "Now, let me see what I'm working with!" With a yank, she made to expose the contents of Ilias's crotch tent.

"Wooow, big brother!" She proclaimed at the sight of Ilias's erection. It was easily the biggest that she had ever seen up close, although that was a number that could be comfortably counted on one hand with fingers to spare. "I don't know why you'd want to hide this! This looks perfect for juicing," she paused deliberately, "junirants." The bunnygirl, still managing to fake an innocent look on her face, leaned in until her mouth was at the base of Ilias's shaft. Curiosity got the best of her and she dragged her tongue across the underside of the taller thief's member, all the way to the tip.

It tasted partly of what she assumed was the junirant's juice, partly of what was presumably his release, and a bit like she was licking any other piece of skin, if that skin was to be covered in such a concoction. Overall, the taste made her head buzz. Her void-born instincts urged her to lean a little bit further and take the other thief's cockhead into her mouth, but she denied those urges; Ilias wasn't getting that lucky that day. "Hehe," she giggled aloud after her taste. "It's kind of like a deoricot..."

"But I'm not going to learn how to juice this that way," Xara announced. She pulled her head away from the man's crotch before replacing it with the used fruit in her hand. The eager bunnygirl slowly pressed the opening of the fruit against Ilias's cock, before sliding the fruit over the tip and down the shaft at a similar pace. From her kneeling position, she placed both hands on the junirant and began to guide it up and down the thief's length. The entire time, she stared at Ilias's rod with eyes faking innocence as if she were simply really focused on her work. She had to get all of the junirant's juice out, after all, especially the salty white kind.

The girl sped up a little and tightened the grip of her two petite hands until she was truly masturbating Ilias with the fruit. "How am I doing, big brother? I don't see much juice coming out." She looked up at him with wide, blue eyes as she asked... right before she began to stroke his cock at an even faster pace. "And I want to make sure I know how to do this before big sister gets home. It'll be a surprise! " She added as an afterthought and an incentive for him to stop resisting and let himself go, lest he be caught teaching Xara how to 'juice' some fruit.
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 49, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

Ilias was silent now, his lips slightly parted but with no actual words being issued forth. He wanted to say something, badly, but it was almost as if an object had settled in his throat preventing him from speaking. He could outright protest and put a stop to this, thus ending this somewhat taboo yet undeniably erotic episode, but his skyrocketing libido simply wouldn't allow the poor guy to do such a thing. On the other hand, he could do away with the formalities and turn the tables on this horny little bunnygirl, giving her exactly what she wanted--but what about the off chance that it wasn't? Truly seeing this girl in pain or sadness from the resulting action wasn't anything that Ilias could bring himself to bear, and besides, he just wasn't the type to simply go aggressive with lust, not until pushed far enough anyway. And well, she was pushing him.

This was aggravated from the fact that he couldn't quite discern the true nature of her so-called 'innocence' at this point; who truly didn't know how to juice a junirant? It was a common Deunic fruit, and if one were to tell Ilias that they weren't familiar with it at all would find themselves scoffed at by the brown-haired youth. But he wouldn't do this to Xara, certainly not with the way she was handling things right now... so to speak. As she revealed his relatively impressive member, Ilias gulped down some air, almost looking surprised at the prominence of his own erection--to be this hard again, freshly after having dropped his load into a junirant, the bunnygirl seriously had some kind effect on him.

He partially expected some odd prods and what not, but when she stuck out her tongue and let it glide from the base of his shaft all the way to its tip, Ilias gasped and winced, his eyes half-closed while remaining focused on the image of this pretty little thing licking his most private of areas. A bead of precum began to form at its tip, the telltale sign of utter arousal accompanied by a soft groan that escaped from between the young man's lips. His capability to make an objection to any of this was dwindling away by the second, especially considering the thought of what else she could do, considering the girl's sexy demonstration upon the deoricot the other day. Though when she stopped, the disappointment could be read in his eyes, and Xara could considered Ilias thoroughly teased. He did make such a thing rather fun, after all, since he never exhibited this kind of reaction to the scene of Yasmin getting nailed or Safiya trying to get frisky with the bunnygirl. Xara's actions actually meant something to him, which in its own way implied that she was his weakness, or at least had something that could count as such.

"Uuh... Nnngh!" Ilias finally moaned as Xara parted the soft folds of the junirant's 'entrance' with the use of his manhood as a tool for doing so. The fruit's interior was still warm, mainly from the leftover spunk he had released into it from earlier. And to have the blissful sensation of the junirant's soft, wet tissue engulfing his length while making consistent eye contact with Xara was even more maddening, as another gasp was released by the brown-haired thief.

"Ohhhh... X...Xara, t-that.. ah! Aahff, hahh..." Tilting his head back, he continued to groan and shift about, idly raising his hips up and down slowly with her ministrations, his body begging for more of such treatment from the Voidic beauty. "H-How... how are you so good at this? Uuuhhff!" This was a scene that would likely replay itself over and over in his head for days to come, as the bunnygirl devoted herself solely to the task of pleasing him. The truth of whether or not she was aware of this was beyond Ilias, but it hardly mattered now. He wasn't going to last, not with his first non-solo sexual experience involving two of his favorite things--junirants and of course Xara.

"Hnnn, Xara... p-please, j-just like that... don't stop! I... I'm... Ugh!" And with that, he came, his body jerking rhythmically as it did before when she stumbled upon him. Even through the fleshy layer of the junirant, which separated Xara's hand from the skin of Ilias' cock, the bunnygirl was able to feel that hardened member pulsing, pumping out his white juice, as excess cum began to trickle down his shaft. Ilias' face was flushed, deeper than ever before, as he showed Xara a truly vulnerable expression of ecstasy that she hadn't seen on him before. "Ohhhh... hnnngh... a-ah..." he sighed deeply in relief, having blown his second load in such a short time. If she were to remove the fruit afterwards, Xara would find the interior utterly soaked with an additional helping of the salty gunk, with the rest slowly drooling down the other thief's pole. Wheezing, Ilias simply looked at her, in disbelief of it all.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"So much!" The dutiful bunnygirl proclaimed proudly, ignoring his disbelieving look, preferring to think more of his vulnerable one of ecstasy. The petite girl took a sense of pride in the reaction she had elicited from Ilias. It even aroused her, seeing how potent she had made him. The way the lustful thoughts seized on her, seeing herself bending over for the disheveled thief the way Yasmin had for Nadim, she thought she might go into another breeding frenzy right there and then. She made a strive to master the urges, though, and with effort she managed to keep her instincts at bay. The whole thing had been intended to tease Ilias, give him a little relief, and sate her curiosities about the opposite sex, not to impale herself on him. And, in the vein of her most important objective...

Xara pulled the junirant off of the rogue's shaft with a wet slurp, before moving it to her lips and drinking some of his release. It didn't really taste like anything approaching good to the girl, even with the fruit's flavor mixed in, but something compelled her to do it. "So much cream, just for me," she cooed happily, licking her lips. "Oh, big brother, you got some on you!" She quickly dropped her head on his sensitive cock, taking over half of it into her mouth and sucking the juices off of it. After a sufficient cleaning of what she could get into her mouth, she pulled off with an audible pop. "Thanks for teaching me and for letting me borrow this!" With that, she left a quick kiss on the tip.

Satisfied with that, the petite thief stood up and dropped the junirant on her new bed. She picked up her black traveling cloak and secured it again. "I'll finish that later," she explained regarding the fruit, imagining that Ilias would be thankful for the chance to dispose of it before Safiya discovered it. In regards to the toned girl, Xara had expected her back by then, it was quickly becoming time to search for the more experienced thief—although the bunnygirl had to wonder if she could even find her 'big sis' if the woman was trying to hide.

"I'm getting worried about big sis, so I'm gonna go try to find her and make sure she's okay. Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone," she announced before taking her leave to search for the muscular woman, unless something else came up to stop her.
Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Xara: HP = 49, PP = 41, EP = 38, Status = Fine

"Uwoooh..." groaned Ilias, nearly out of air from the tremendous climax, his chest noticeably expanding and contracting with each deep, burdened breath. His head was spinning, and he was actually left rather dizzy from it all, having spent himself in such a way, with several lingering, phantom-like sensations of pleasure still brushing upon his frame every now and then. When Xara pulled the junirant off of his rod and eagerly began to lap up his load, Ilias made a face, that of simple astonishment. Only minutes before this had he been furiously pleasing himself to the thought of giving it good to a girl that, realistically, he figured he'd never have a real chance with, but now she was tasting and swallowing his cum. Worse, she was licking her lips afterwards, seemingly intent on not letting a single drop of his essence go to waste. What could he even say to this? He was just about to commit the additional mental video of her happily slurping his juices from the used junirant, when the bunnygirl dove down upon his cock and enveloped the sensitive organ in the warmth of her mouth.

"Uhhhn, X...X-Xara, that's... aagh," he moaned, hardly able to bring himself to actually stop her from taking the aftermath's pleasure to unbearable levels. He had to fight to resist the urge to put his hands on the back of her head when she did this, soon making an attempt to savor the feeling, which was just as well since it ended a bit quicker than he expected. After she popped his member out from between her lips, Ilias heaved a sigh laced with both disappointment and relief, for the feeling she granted him was admittedly so blissful to where just stopping would be comparable to leaving a nice, warm bath, but on the other hand, if she would have kept going, it would probably have left him comatose with pleasure. "Er, you're welcome," was all he could say in response to her strange thanks. Ilias' legs finally failed him after the fact, and he plopped down on the bed, putting forth the extra effort, despite his fatigue, to snatch up the used junirant.

Just as Xara was making her way out the door, the familiar figure of Safiya showed up just in time to block the entryway, as she had not one, but two large jugs full of water in tow. The older girl's cloak was half-off, and her beautifully tanned body was covered in sweat, as normally one jug proved heavy enough, but she somehow was able to haul two of them over such a long distance. "H... Hey," she said with a slight wave, panting. "I got another one! Was wondering where you ran off to, though, since I had to ah... stash the first one somewhere safe-ish. Are you okay? They didn't hurt you or anything, did they?" After lugging the two pots into the structure, Safiya rushed to the bunnygirl and hugged her tightly. She then glanced over at Ilias, who was sprawled out on the new bed, exhausted, with the junirant still in hand. "...What happened to him?"

When she caught a glimpse of what he was actually holding, the blonde-haired beauty gave him a disgusted look. "Ugh, I don't even wanna know. Maybe it's him I should worry about instead of the merchants. Ilias didn't do anything to you, did he Xara?" she asked, gazing down at her 'little sister' with a worried expression.
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Re: A Thief's Oasis (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"I'm fine, big sis!" The smaller girl waved away the toned woman's concerns. "Look what I found!" She shifted her traveling cloak aside to display her new jeweled waterskin. Then, the bunnygirl touched at her pockets and gave them a jingle in order to convey her new monetary wealth. "I had to leave real quick, after I found them and all, though. I thought you would already be back here but you weren't and I didn't see you on the way." The petite girl moved to try to help Safiya in lugging in the water jugs, but had problems even with one. How did her 'big sister' make it look so easy?

When the opportunity came, Xara hugged back. "Big brother?" She let her new nickname for Ilias slip to Safiya, just to make sure he knew that he wasn't in the clear yet. Smiling mischievously while her expression was still hidden from both parties by the hug, the 'pure' bunnygirl faked her usual expression of innocence and met the toned woman's eyes before she continued. "I'm sure I'm safe with him. He wouldn't do anything weird to me! He was actually being super helpful." She looked at the exhausted man. "Weren't you, big brother?"

"He's probably just exhausted 'cause of all the work he put into getting my neat new bed," she added, dismissing the spent man just as quickly as she had vaguely incriminated him. "Anyway," she gently pulled away from the hug and began pulling coins out of her pocket in order to deposit them on Safiya's mattress. "I think I found a hundred coins or so! It's not enough for a full jug of water, but I thought we could use them if there was ever any resource that we couldn't, um, redistribute easily."

Stashing ye 100 coins at the hideout for use by any of the elite five/five thieves. >.>
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