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A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)


Nov 9, 2008
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"Those who steal are doomed to suffer for their sins at one point, regardless of whether they escape the laws of man. However in a world governed by a witch, such sinners may find punishment more swiftly in coming fufufufufufufu...."


That, was most likely why the petite thief found herself awakening in a cell, naked, without a single thing to her name, and bound loosely to the bedframe by a frail rope tied to her ankle. And why the cell was ornamented with various torture devices, some that appeared to have been used recently as fresh blood still flowed down them...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Wha... What is this?! Before the little woman's eyes start darting around. Then her mind flashes to the fact that some of the underworld brothels got their 'goods' by kidnapping women, especially homeless ones no one would miss, off the streets, and the fact that she had no clothes on was a pretty good indication that that is what had happened. Also, if the implements nearby were anything to go by, this isn't just one of the brothels were they offer lots of sex, but cater to the darker fetishes as well.

Starting to panic, Jen begins to try and free herself. Quickly, she tries to loosen the rope around her ankle enough to slip free as her eyes dart around the room, both for her captors and for a way out. The only thing keeping her from breaking into panicked sobs is the fact that she is terrified that someone might here her and come for her.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Things went smoothly for Jen despite how panicked she became. The rope, surprisingly enough, came free rather easily despite the alleged nature of the room she had been place in. And better yet, it would appear that no one had heard her attempts to escape, given that there was no sound of movement whatsoever and only an eerie silence in the air. Once she was free, she would find that her cell door was wide open...as if someone had intended for her to escape...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Instead of feeling lucky about this, Jen is growing more and more scared. The only reason the door might be open is because the owners of the brothel wanted her to try and escape as part of the entertainment for the customers. Still, she had not choice. Trying to make herself look as small as possible and stick to any shadows she sees, Jen slowly moves out of the room, rolling her feet to minimize the amount of noise she makes. Continuously, her eyes dart about the room in a nervous habit as her legs stay somewhat tense, ready to flee at any moment.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Once again, she appeared to have astounding luck in her "escape", the air still deathly silent asides from any she may have caused herself. It was almost as if there was no one to hear her, wherever she was. Upon exiting the room however, it would appear that this luck was near its end, as a corpse was to the immediate left of her. A ceremonial knife of sorts buried in the dead man's forehead, it was obvious the man had been murdered. Yet more curiously, would be the envelope clutched in the man's hand, with the words: "To Jen" written in an elegant blue script...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Whimpering quietly, Jen remembers one of her main life concepts 'good luck only lasts long enough to hide a much larger chunk of bad luck'. Inching towards the corpse, she tentatively takes the letter. At least she knew that if the people running the brothel knew her name, then not only had they been watching her for a while, but they probably wouldn't let the first few clients kill her. If nothing jumps her as she takes the letter, she will read it while running a hand over the knife. She might not be good with the things, but, if she could get out, it would sell well.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

The contents of the letter read the following:

"Exodus 20:15, the ten commandments... "Thou shalt not steal".... In another, such a sinner would find their hand cut off shortly for such a deed, however in a world ruled by a Witch such does not apply. Little little girl who has violated the eighth, can you escape my grasp before you become a slave to desire?

Let the games begin,
The Lady and master of this World.​

As she finished reading the letter, it was then that a sicking squelch came from behind her, as if something slimy was dragging itself across the floor towards her...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Jen's eyes go wide. Glancing back at where the sound is coming from, Jen absentmindedly tries to take the knife. She would then start creeping away from the noise and escape. Hopefully it hasn't noticed her yet and maybe she can keep it that way.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

The entity, whatever it is appeared to draw closer as she drew the knife from the corpse, seeming to react to the sound and moving into Jen's line of sight before she could begin to leave. Upon casting her eyes upon the "creature", she would find that it was an amoeba like blob of "slime" , or something of that sort. Thankfully for the girl, the blob appeared to lack the sense of sight, causing to make no movement against her...yet. But when the entity raised part of itself to seemingly "sniff" the air, it was clear that it wouldn't stay still for much longer...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Wha... What is that thing? Passes through Jen's mind, her only rationalization for her situation blow out the window. Not wanting it to catch her, Jen tries to sneak away from the thing before it notices her.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Moving as quietly as she could, she manages to avoid detection for now as the creature continues to "sniff" around, as if trying to catch her scent. For how long would she be able to keep this up? Only the heavens know...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Looking around as she sneaks off, Jen desperately tries to see an exit. It didn't even have to be a big one. An open vent or something would do. Although her poor diet had left her with a child-like body and no hopes of finding a boyfriend who could be her white night and take her to a better life, it did have a few advantages. Such as being small enough to fit into spaces most people couldn't.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

The search for a vent of sorts turned out to be fruitless however, as the only one she can find it apparently out of reach. As if this wasn't bad enough however, it was then, during her search that the slime creature finally caught onto her scent. The squelching caused by its movement growing ever closer with each passing second...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Barely keeping from mewling out in fear, Jen starts to frantically find any way she can to sneak away from the creature. Maybe if she could find a loose rock or something, she could throw it behind the creature to distract it.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Luck is with Jen this time around, in that she manages to find a spherical object to throw in an attempt to distract the slime. What's even more fortunate is that in the dim lighting of the hallway, the small girl only realizes what she had thrown after the slime had lunged for it, a human skull from a nearby skeleton. The blob apparently "gagging" and "choking" on the skull before spitting it out, it appeared that now would be a good time to run away if needed.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Staring with shock at her had having realized what she threw, Jen shakes herself before trying to sneak as quickly as possible from the area. Of course, once she gets back to her abandoned warehouse, she plans on having a breakdown.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

The slime apparently having lost track of Jen's scent once again after stunned in such a manner, it began "sniffing" the air once again in hopes of rediscovering its prey. Fortunately for Jen though, it seems that the slime had yet to fully recuperate itself, able to sneak away enough so that it was out of sight again.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Breathing quickly in fear, Jen continues moving away. Unfortunately, now out of danger, her mind can come up with more reasons she is here. Chief among those possible reasons is that she might be the captive of a scientist doing illegal research on humans. Such thoughts do not aid her in calming down.
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

(...Your luck is utterly horrible. Every time you succeed the first stealth roll, you fail the next one even WITH heavy bonuses applied to it from your traits and skills. (I even rerolled... two 1s in a row >.>;; ))

Unfortunately for Jen, it would appear that she had yet to escape danger, in that the instant she began to have wild thoughts about scientists and illegal experiments, was the moment that the slime had caught onto her trail again... This time, it moved with even more enthusiasm, more determined to snag its prey, quickly becoming visible once again...
Re: A Thief's Penance?... (Jen)

Nnn...nnn... NYIIIIEIEEEEE!!! Jen mewls out in fear before taking of in a run, trying to outpace the creature. She knows she won't do well in combat. Not only is the thing not human, she isn't even close to the size she should be for her age.