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A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

Took a quick glance then..
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

Looks like a game for the whole family to enjoy together... I didn't see everything, but I third the "nopes" above
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

I understand that "alot" of "people" think that angry white men want women in gaming to be dead and stuff but uh... yeah no. I'm not saying no because of political reason, I'm saying no because this really isn't my bag.
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

Man, the OP must feel really stupid right now for posting a link to something he enjoys onto a board of supposedly a few like-minded people, apparently none of which have seen this post.

Granted, due to the response, I haven't even looked at the game... but come on, we don't have to nope it up over something that some people might enjoy, right? Even if you think it's morally wrong, look at the board you're on. Morals are in far more than fifty gray shades here.
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

Man, the OP must feel really stupid right now for posting a link to something he enjoys onto a board of supposedly a few like-minded people, apparently none of which have seen this post.

Granted, due to the response, I haven't even looked at the game... but come on, we don't have to nope it up over something that some people might enjoy, right? Even if you think it's morally wrong, look at the board you're on. Morals are in far more than fifty gray shades here.

While I understand your wanting to find the like-minded kin stuff here, different boards still seem to treat these things differently, and I'm really not sure if there's ever been much guro stuff shared here. Just like how Anime sharing seems to be more focused on visual novels while ULMF has more RPG games, I bet there's a place with more guro fans than we have here.

Besides that, it seems like people are mostly using this as a chance to post funny stuff, they aren't attacking the OP.
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

I don't like Guro, at all.

But, whoa, it seems the creator is trying to putin a lot of different guro content in the game.
Could be nice for those who like it.

But the art is even less my cup of tea than the gore...
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

Altough some games with guro do get appreciation on ULMF ( Splatter beach, and other games by that group ) this is...different. It seems to be focused on the guro side, and, well, let's admit it, it's kinda poorly drawn too :/ ( But hey, who am I to judge, couldn't do any better :p )
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

Guro aside, this seems like a nice adventure game.I am not a guro fan, but i don't dislike it and i really like this game's ideea and world.The ideea of playing a hooker and hiding from the law is exciting.If the gameplay is good, this might be a hit.As for the artwork, i don't like it, but i find it exciting somehow and funny!
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

It's a shame cause you can tell the guy put a lot of work into it...
i can barely handle the stuff on vorpal rabbit
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

I, personally, have developed a flexible tastes over a few years of watching any kind of porn almost every goddamn day and I keep doing so without getting tired. So, probably I can be called an open-minded person.
I don't think there is a thing, that can truly surprise me today, so guro is just another fetish I don't really like, but don't mind at the same time, unless it's "that time" when I decide, that today guro blows my whistle.

Still, I'm afraid, that focusing on hardcore fetishes is not really welcome in any crowded place, devoted to the, let's say, "normal" porn.
If there is a switch, that will allow me to turn off guro, I'm totally eager to try.
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

Thought I'd share how I nope'd out of the artstyle and that kind of guro

Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

How will all of you judge me if I say that the art quality bothers me more than the gore?
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

Yes the art style does bother me more than the gore. I actually like mild violence/pain/injury/blood/horror stuff unless it crosses over into gore. Seeing internal organs and losing limbs is where I draw the line.

But back to the artstyle, it looks like the guy drew everything in MS Paint then "shaded" everything in Photoshot. Repulsive.

Also you must be pretty pretentious to use a Western artstyle then use "Guro" in your game title.
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

How will all of you judge me if I say that the art quality bothers me more than the gore?

Then you and I and whomever else is on the same boat.
Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

Re: A Tough Road to Ho GURO Adventure

That was... something. Not sure what it was, but something. The worst is, this isn't even the worst thing I've ever seen. Pretty tame for me, even if it isn't really my cup of tea. If you saw the word GURO on the title and even so clicked, you don't have any excuse to be surprised ;)