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A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

The slime girl snapped up the clunky pistol device in her hand, looked at it curiously, then pocketed it within her gooey body, being careful to not let her slime corrode its mechanisms. She nodded and waved goodbye once more to Giotto, and to Isabelle, to whom she wished a safe voyage and promised not to forget about the alliance with the Magi should the worst come to pass with the servants of the heavens.

It then remained to get underway with the two soldiers and the maid-Cleska in tow. She squished her body into place, near to Biggs, and tried not to make too big a deal of how the man was eyeing her and looking so pleased with his proximity to the former commander.

For her own part, Kala was thinking of Erik, and also a little of Lian as well. Beyond that, she was also considering her next moves, what she would tell Undine and the other forces arrayed at the temple. There were probably other allies to seek, and devils to fight. That figure that had appeared during her last fight with Baphomet was something that worried her. Stronger forces than she was aware of were moving. It would be up to her and others to ensure that a proper defense was mounted against the oncoming storm.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Here," Metal declared to Kala, forming a 'holster' of sorts from her metal, taking a moment to do so, but forming a reliable place to safely keep Giotto's gift.

But then, a change of pace... As Kala rose over the rocks that protected Giotto's Dwarven Fortress, Kala was witness to a sight that would amaze and strike awe into all but a mamono. It was in the skies, the clouds seeming to part and make way for glorious golden beams of light in an unnatural spectacle. The beams did not even seem to come from the sun itself. It was as if Heaven was opening its' golden gates for God's servants to enter this world. The mere sight would send a chill of ill omen through Kala's slime, as if the forces that be were subtly trying to warn her that the beautiful sight was anything but good. It was not a miracle, the world was not about to be saved. It was a sign that God herself had decided that there was going to be a crusade. To mamono, that legendary sight was a declaration that God planned on having a slaughter of the angel's enemies. At this point, that was undeniable proof that the angels planned on spilling mamono blood.

Every moment Kala felt herself drawing closer to the sight, the golden rays of light looming over Undine's temple, the more she'd feel her slime experience a slight burning sensation. It was as if the very presence of the angel's influence was trying to cleanse her from this world. Though they held high the banners of purity, goodness, and justice, to Kala it would feel like pure evil showing its' fangs to her. Immense hatred and bloodlust were behind those deceptively beautiful rays of light. Likely knowing that many would flee from those rays before they'd be destroyed, their true target would be one who could not flee.

"Undine..." Biggs murmured under his breath. "They're after her, right?" he inquired.

"They have plans beyond just genocide." Cleska spoke up. "Although you are correct, whatever their objective is, it is centered around your precious water spirit." Cleska declared, before looking to Kala. "Since you're dragging me along, mutant, grant me permission to use my power against angels. I'm sure you can find that condition acceptable. And personally, I don't need a reason to punch a feather brain."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"The Angels are no better than the demons in regards to this conflict. Genocide is their goal, even if it's a means to another end. We will not allow them that. The being known as God is not worthy of that title, if it cannot see the good in mamono. Biggs, get us to the temple, quickly."

She turned to look dimly at Cleska.

"You will be granted no such permission. You are in league with those fanatics, and your crimes against mamono are just as great, if not worse. You will protect all mamono from harm and loss of liberty to the best of your ability, but I give you no permission to wage indiscriminate war, not even against the angels."

Kala turned to look back defiantly at the light, hardening her structure against it.

"It's possible that some of the angels can be reasoned with. They may have conviction, but they have eyes as well. They were formed with good purpose, so they may see the wrong they are committing if we show them their error. I'm at least going to try to avoid all out war, but if they bring it to us, we're going to defeat them."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Right, everyone hold on!" Biggs declared, waiting for everyone to brace before he made the machine go a bit faster, enough to encourage the wind to want to take one of the passengers from the cup they stood in. "Still... I'm getting more and more shaky the closer we get to those golden rays of light..."

"I think we all are." Replied Wedge, looking as nervous as Biggs.

Meanwhile, Cleska rolled her yellow eyes at Kala. "Oh please, don't put me in league with them, you ignorant creature. Letting all of mamono die off would be a waste. Their evolution and powers are something to be respected, and harnessed. This is why the angels and I do not agree, but they supposedly 'tolerated' my existence because I didn't fancy snuggling one of you creatures. The war between the Magi and the Angels is a delayed war, one we both expect to happen because our ideals differ in the end."

"Not all Magi are evil, Kala." Wedge said, though Kala might already know this, Wedge seemed to have a direction she was going in. "In fact, many of them are good. Just human beings trying to get one step ahead in a harsh world that is dominated by mamono. We don't want to be the ones as servants and underlings to any other race. We are condemned for keeping some mamono as 'pets', but including myself, many take very good care of those mamono we study. We don't chain them, we don't beat them, we don't abuse them. In fact, it's plenty looked down upon for abusing a mamono you're looking after. It's not a perfect society, but no society truly is. We just want to study the world, and live freely, without oppression. Our hostility towards mamono was a natural progression due to so many races of mamono that do not believe humans should have rights. They believe us a lesser species. Those mamono, the evil ones, are the ones we do not treat kindly. Though, I'm not trying to justify our actions. I'm merely explaining, in the hopes that you'll understand. More human beings are willing to coexist with mamono than you may think."

Biggs slowly turned his head at Kala. "You're actin' like Kala never lived with us before..."

"The Kala we knew is not here with us, Biggs." Wedge addressed him. The result was Biggs going quiet, and looking straight ahead. The way she worded it was as if Kala had died. "You should trust Isabell... She gets a little excited at times, but she never harmed a mamono in all the time that I've known her. She'll make the Magi into a better people." Wedge said with a smile.

"The Magi were doomed the moment Kala removed me from power." Cleska suddenly announced. "We were developing a machine to counter the angel's power, but it was not fully completed by the time Kala did this to me. I was biding my time until I could properly turn on the angels and destroy them and their god, but now that Kala has Isabell nodding to her naive and idealistic goals, the angels will cut them all down. Even if the prototype was to be completed, it isn't enough to handle a full angelic assault."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"Respect? Aye you respect our powers, but not us. You tortured mamono to promote your own development of power. Your selfish goals for which you are most appropriately being punished." Kala remarked toward Cleska, annoyed that she would dare try to distance herself as a lesser evil. Kala would have none of that.

Toward the explanation and discussion between Wedge and Biggs, Kala would only shake her head. This wasn't the time to be having these long winded explanations of the human condition - something which Kala thought she remembered well enough.

"I may not be the Kala you knew, Wedge. But I'm not THAT much different than her. And I have access to her memories. I remember that there are good humans among the magi. That's why I've fought so hard for a peace with you, and gotten Isabell to agree to our terms. I know there's evil on both sides of the human - mamono divide. It's like that in any war, since the dawn of time. The point is to have those working for peace prevail over those working for destruction. To subvert the warhawk's control over their own sides. It's possible to do this, even with angels and demons."

At the last, Kala looked back toward Cleska and returned her scowl. "No doubt your machine development required the forced 'participation' of prisoner mamono. If you in fact did have the technology you speak of, you'll tell me where it is now, and if I see a use for it, then the mamono will use it in defense against the angel attack. But that's only IF I see a use for it. I'm not out to destroy the angels. I'm out to change their minds. Crystal Claire is free on this world, and it's her philosophy that will rule the day."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"You overestimate yourself and your kind." Cleska chuckled. "How many beyond you and that water spirit can act with the kind of intelligence capable of the greater race? In the end, most mamono are just wild monsters that act on instinct and are horribly limited by the faults in their brains. Most of the mamono under my care weren't even aware of the conditions they were in. You still pity them, in their pitiful ignorance? Even the intelligence you have now is only from the grace of who you once were. Without your human intellect, you'd just be a brainless slime. You wouldn't be here, you'd be oozing through the plains aimlessly in a manner befitting your true nature. Just a monster. You even have me to thank, indirectly, for the condition you're in right now. You seem so proud of your new, sticky body. So how about I hear a 'thank you' if you're so happy? And Alexis as well, though she was just the messenger."

"You could rule over those simple minded monsters. Make them your minions. Yet you prefer to help them? Surely you've seen the pitiful little monsters, too stupid to understand their situation or to find a reason as to why they should exist. It's gods like us that give those lesser beings a purpose. You're wasting your time trying to treat them as equals when they're so far from being anything like you or I. It's a shame, really, so see your mind go to waste in that ooze, conquered by naive idealism."

Then, in regards to the weapon. "Queen should no doubt be overseeing the weapon now. Tis within the Magi Fortress, at a vantage point that allows it to fire in any direction, with enough power to ensure any angel struck by it leaves this life and has no other life to look forward to. Complete eradication. Trust me, if you want to have any hope of winning a battle against what's coming, you will need to use everything you can. Or else you and your precious little dumb friends will all die."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"If you were half as smart as you claim to be, Cleska, you wouldn't be wearing a maid outfit right now. And you wouldn't be bragging about conspiring to get me killed, as if providing me with the body and power to defeat you was your plan all along."

Arguing with Cleska was a fruitless endeavor, so Kala decided not to waste too many words on her.

"If Isabelle has the gun, then I'm sure she can use it or withhold its use as is appropriate. Let's just assume that Cleska's particular brand of crazy is as per usual, misguided and fraught with terrible assumptions stemming from her delusional god complex. Biggs, get us in close to the water temple, then you and Wedge get back to Isabelle as quick as you can. Tell her what Cleska said about the gun, but remember to explain it with the grain of salt it deserves."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

"You nearly lost against me, Kala. Your victory was only by the skin of your teeth, and only because you borrowed some power from the elements of Ignis." She said, though unfairly so, as Cleska's body was that of a machine powered by the energy of her power plant and created through the research made on helpless mamono subjected to the painful experimentation.

On the note about the gun and Kala's instructions, both siblings nodded with confirmation, though they looked a bit shocked that Kala described the gun in such a way. "The gun Cleska speaks of is called the Halo Breaker. Its use, as Cleska said, is specifically designed to puncture Angel crafted protection. Queen was the one who came up with the design." Wedge announced, and Biggs nodded, following up. "It's not finished though. It was tough to operate on it while under the watchful eyes of the angels, even though it was being made for just this event, when it would serve as a hope in the battle against them."

Undine's temple began to come into view, Biggs took the craft in for a landing near one of the entrances, where a harpy was squaking about the return of Kala. That notice generated more noise than Kala was hearing before, an apparently positive reaction to her return, in unison. Though there was something else going on, and it was not normal. It seemed that a large portion of the population was not within the temple, but camped out above it on the grass and mountains, the population consisting of humans and demons, seemingly excluded from the temple and not allowed back inside. "The first thing I see when returning to your favorite new home is hypocrisy?" Cleska laughed with amusement. "Oh, this is wonderful!" she cheered.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Kala sighed upon seeing this odd cluster of demons and humans outside the temple boundaries. She had no idea what situation had brought this into being, though she intended to find out.

"Shut up, Cleska. You have no idea what's going on down there, so your commentary about hypocrisy is not only ironic, given who you are, but also premature."

The diamond slime motioned to Biggs.

"Can you set us down near the temple entrance? I need to talk with Undine as soon as possible."
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Cleska looked ready to give a retort, but the first thing Kala said came off as a command, or so it would seem. Cleska looked choked, as if something squeezed her throat with every attempt she made to speak. In the end, Cleska looked bitterly unable to reply.

Biggs would nod to Kala, bringing them down. He had a look of concern on his face as well, wondering what could have brought about the situation. They touched down near one of the mountain entrances to the inside of the Temple. If guided, it'd be one that lead straight to Undine's Home, as it were; the location Kala was born. Biggs and Wedge were silent. They weren't sure what was going on or how things should be. As outsiders, they seemed to understand that they didn't have a place to comment or do much of anything else other than follow Kala's lead.

It wasn't long before Kala entered that it seemed nearly every citizen of the temple was looking in her direction and spreading the news of who just returned. The initial spotter told her friends, and her friends told their friends, and so on. Though it was far from a rejoice and celebration that her return was respected. It didn't seem that Kala was hated, but rather the Temple and it's people were in a very foul mood. The reason was likely due to a particular building that used to be standing was no longer there. The construction, as well as the island it stood on, was gone and all that was left was a broken pillar of earth just like the others that held the various other buildings above the water.

"Kala! Oh, Kala it's terrible!" Crystal Claire called out in despair, running towards Kala from Undine's temple. "No one is listening to Undine! There was an attack on the Graceful Waves peace hall! Everyone thinks that the humans we were welcoming into the Temple are responsible, and everyone is blaming Undine for letting them in! Some are even calling her unfit to rule!" Claire announced, looking stressed out via her expression on her crystal face. "Undine was so upset that she locked herself inside of her Temple." Claire directs Kala's attention to the building she came running from, the large aquatic themed temple with the hole in the ground above it, letting the sun's rays shine in. "Not only that, but Heaven is delivering threats to us! No one knows what to do, and no one is listening to me either!" she declared, though looked at Kala as if she was her final hope for someone who can make her voice be heard.
Re: Giotto, The Great Dwarf Queen (Kala;Blu)

Kala had wanted to greet Crystal Claire warmly, but the expression on her face and the evident signs of chaos near the temple grounds put a damper on any hope for kind reminiscing. The blaming of human beings for these troubles was also cause for concern, and Kala's instinct was to suspect sabotage.

"It's so easy to spread fear and uncertainty, and so difficult to foster trust sometimes," Kala lamented to Claire, taking the demi-goddess' hands in her own and kissing her on the cheek, trying to calm her.

"I should talk to Undine, and to the mamono claiming no certainty. It's clear I've been away too long. Can you get me into the temple?"

A moment later, she decided to dare ask a follow up question.

"What about Erik? And Lian? Are they both all right?"
Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

(Should have switched the chapter a few posts back)

Chapter 6: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings

Claire seemed calmed by Kala's kiss, relaxing a bit as she held Kala's hands in turn. "Yes. Undine desperately needs to see someone reliable like you. This situation is the worst in these circumstances. We won't even be able to muster a military force together to contest the angels at this rate. Lian says something must be done or else everyone will scatter and abandon the temple." Claire declared. "Erik and Lian are fine, and they are working hard to try and remedy the situation. They've managed to get a lot of help from complete strangers even, who are willing to show their good will towards the Temple and hopefully restore the faith." Claire declared.

Then, Claire noticed Cleska. Excessively so. Claire's face warped in shock, before seeing Cleska in her current state of wearing a humiliating outfit, and her face turned into confusion. "Kala... You spared Cleska's life?" Claire inquired. "I'm not against such acts, but she is a monster through and through. Do you think you can redeem her?" she inquired, before they reached the closed doors of Undine's temple. Impossibly huge and far too heavy for any mortal to push, Claire stepped forth and put her hand to the door, slowly pushing it open as Kala felt a gust of wind pull her in slightly from the door opening. "Can you merge with that one too?" Metal suddenly inquired quietly, having been attached to Kala the whole time, acting as armor and a holster for the Dwarven Flare gun.
Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

"Well at least Erik and Lian are both safe and doing their best. It's what we all have to do in these situations. As for Cleska... no I did not spare her life because I thought I could redeem her. Much as I would love to hope someone like her could actually be instilled with a heart that knew compassion... it's not the reason she's like this. It's because if she did die, she could pass into a body that had more power. In this form, she's completely under my control and incredibly weak. It's a delaying tactic. I hope to have righted the world for all mamono and humans alike before she figures out a way to break free, and by then maybe we'll have figured a way to either give her a heart or know how to destroy her permanently." Kala shrugged, knowing that she could do no more and that the problem was for another day.

Metal's sudden question made Kala wonder. "You know, I'm not entirely sure. Claire... is it possible for me to merge with you? Metal wants to know, and so do I for that matter. I've learned that with other slimes, when I merge, we can share powers."
Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Claire looked directly at Kala as she spoke, two of the Crystal woman's hands held together as she listened with concern. Hearing Kala's plans with Cleska, she seemed content to simply trust in her friend. "In the end, you'll still give her a chance to turn a new leaf." Claire declared, but she looked happy rather than disappointed as most would be. Crystal Claire's reputation was unfailingly forgiving. Such was what got her imprisoned in the first place, imploring the Magi and thusly Cleska herself to change their ways. It was a testing reunion between the two, who Kala could see shared uneven glances at each other. Though the winner became clear between the competing stares. "Your dress looks cute on you, Cleska." Claire complemented Cleska. The former Magi leader frowned deeply and blushed with embarrassed fury. Still under Kala's order to be silent, she had to fume quietly as she wore the skimpy maid outfit.

At Kala's question in reference to Metal's question, Claire had to ponder that proposition for a moment. "Well... I'm... Not a slime, I think. My body is quite solid. I think that alone is a problem. My durable body can't become like slime and mend with you. I'm not very combat worthy because of that." Claire chuckled. "Well, that's not really the reason why I don't fight, but you knew that." she said with confidence. "But that's very interesting that you can gain other slime's powers! Did you meet with the Lava Slimes of Ignis' mountain? If you gained their immunity to boiling hot lava, I'm sure you had an easy time reaching Ignis!" Claire declared.
Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Kala nodded at Claire's words, though she didn't comment on allowing Cleska to turn a new leaf. She just wasn't convinced that Cleska had a soul that would allow such things, and she knew that Claire could be forgiving to a fault.

"Good to know. Just wanted to check. And yes, I did merge with the Lava Slime, but getting to Ignis wasn't all that easy. I had to fight Baphomet when I got there, and had to destroy the Magi power generators that were draining Ignis' power.

"As such, the Magi are going to be weakened, at least until the Dwarves can rebuild them some power generators. But they are free of Cleska's leadership, breaking ties with the angels, and Ignis is free to regather her power. I've also brokered an agreement between the Magi and the dwarves, so some human-mamono ties have improved at least. But now I see that the Angels are attacking us, and we're quite flooded with refugees. Not an ideal situation."

Kala entered the temple with as much haste as she could achieve with Metal swirling about inside of her. She hoped that she would be able to work out a plan with Undine that would see safety return to the temple and be able to drive the angels back for a time.
Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

With Metal around her, Kala's steps would make a clinking sound as if she were a human again wearing armor plating. She was half of that, and very much so wearing armor when it came to Metal. Claire's eyes widened though when Kala mentioned Baphomet. "Wha-? You...? And you survived?" she said, astonished. "That's frightening... I'm so relieved you came out okay." she said, looking as if she had trouble swallowing such a big reveal all at once, fearing for Kala's life even though she's clearly survived the ordeal.

Walking to the temple doors, Kala would find them shut tight. For the first time since her reincarnation of a being of slime, Undine's doors denied all visitors. Claire stepped up to the door, knocking on it. Despite being a tiny hand against such a large door, Kala heard a resounding echo go through Undine's chamber. "Undine? Can you hear me? Kala is here. She wants to help you. So please... Stop shutting yourself in. Kala is here to help you fix everything. She loves you, you know?" Claire declared, perhaps drawing a few conclusions, but still thinking the best of people as was her habit.

It took a moment, with Kala also able to participate in encouraging Undine, but regardless, upon hearing Kala's name, the large doors began to creak following the flow of water, the pillars next to the door that contained flowing water over the hinges began to swirl as seen through the glass it was composed of, the pillar itself turning as the water pressure turned the door, peeking it open just as Undine peeked out through the crack, a distressed expression on her face. "Kala..." Undine's voice called out weakly, before the water element came out from the crack in the door and embraced Kala, letting her liquid form mix with Kala's own for a moment. "Kala, I apologize. I must seem so useless. I'm just... I'm at wit's end. I know that the attack was done as sabotage on behalf of the angels, but despite punishing the humans responsible, there's no end to the amount of revenge the people want. I'm hated for still supporting the humans who live here..." Undine said with a whine, sounding not unlike a woman who was suffering a planet shattering migraine.
Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Kala held out her hands as Claire worried over her.

"There was no much else I could do. Baphomet was not a reasonable being, and we had to contest her somehow. It was a fortunate turn of events when another demonic being ended the fight by drawing her away. However, I'd rather not dwell on that person either."

With Metal swirling around and making up part of Kala's mass, the diamond slime amused herself with the thought of once again being in the position of walking around in armor, like a knight. Shattered memories of her human self in armor, much like Alexis' uniform, floated through her mind as she waited for Claire to convince Undine out of her sanctuary.

Upon seeing the distressed elemental that had revived her into being, Kala's heart went out to the poor Undine, and she surged and clinked forward to embrace the liquid woman in sympathy.

"Undine, don't fret so. You were right to uphold your point of view. The bond between human and mamono cannot be broken by the acts of a few wayward humans any more than humans should revile us for the acts of wayward mamono. Logic and common sense and decency will prevail! I'm here now, I'll address these naysayers and inform them of the steps we've taken to right the wrongs. Here, let me through and I'll bring you up to speed..."

For however long it would take, Kala would detail what had happened on her journey, from the meeting at Ignis' volcano, the confrontation with Cleska and Baphomet, the new deal with Isabella of the Magi and the nature of the agreement between the Magi and the dwarven kingdom.

"So there is a faction within the Magi that is willing to act in favor of the Mamono, and to prove the change in power, Cleska is captured and stands before us in a powerless form under our control. Humans will throw their lot in with us against the angels, we have to make mamono see that a decision has been made, the factions are changing. There is no longer a clear demarcation based on race. The anger and our defenses must be concentrated on the angels. Somehow, we must organize a proper plan to deal with them."
Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Undine listened with quiet attention, her liquid body being the only motion Kala could perceive. As if she were a natural standing river, and the pure liquid flowing through the temple was using her as a medium, and it was. Despite being still, it seemed like Undine was constantly in motion. "You went through a lot for the sake of protecting this temple, Kala... I have no shame nor hesitation with calling you a savior. You have such amazing accomplishments to show, something others cannot argue against. I have undeniable faith that you will be able to rally everyone under you. After all, I suppose you..." she glanced at Cleska. "You have a way with dealing with cruel people, it seems. And so many here have indeed turned cruel after that explosion. Such that my voice cannot reach them past their cries of anger and stomping through shallow water."

With that, Undine made her way to the center of her shrine, where a large body of water existed. "I shall summon all of my aquatic followers to my doors. Can you deal with them now, Kala? Or do you need some time?"
Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Kala didn't really feel all that comfortable being the target of so much praise from Undine. Being labeled a savior for her actions thus far was a bit much in her mind. No one had been saved just yet, there was still a war on, and angels and demons were both champing at the bit to see good people and mamono ground into dust. There was much more to do.

"I'm ready to speak to everyone. I'll try to make them see reason and rally them to our cause. I'll make them see the light."

There wasn't much else to say. She had to stay confident and hang on to hope. The mamono needed to be reminded of who the real enemy was, and they needed to see and hear about progress in favor of their own interests. The diamond slime intended to represent that progress.
Re: A War of Blood Soaked Golden Wings (Kala;Blu)

Undine nodded. "I'll send my message through the waters and get representatives to come forth. You won't go alone, I will be with you in your confidence." she promised, losing her shape and submerging herself into the water and becoming one with it. Seemingly nothing happened at first, before Kala heard sounds of splashing in the distance. Eager splashing. Undine soon reemerged before Kala, her water powered doors creaking open as from far off, members of different races all over came forth, mostly swimming from the upwards springs of water to submerge in the pools of water that ran from all directions of the temple like a dozen rivers. Each stream all joining together to the final destination of either the bodies of water to either side of Kala, or Kala's very own birthplace as a mamono in the center of the very end of the temple. It was from the sides that the representatives emerged, and each were given a name from Undine.

(Inspirational Music Used - )

"Kala, I will introduce the speakers who will debate the actions we should take for the sake of our future." Undine began. "They are the most respected and have done the most for this temple, earning the right to speak for it's welfare." She informed Kala that she wasn't just speaking to riff raff, she was speaking to those with privilege and a history.

"Francis, the Merrow, who will be speaking on behalf of mermaid kind. She is here today due to her negotiations with Atlantis that have kept us at peace with them." A pink haired merrow, with a sly and excited grin was indicated. Her eyes were mostly closed as if 90% of her mind was lost in thought, and the last 10% was paying absolute attention to everything, looking Kala up and down and smirking with intent.

"Zerahylie and Guru, the sahuagin and charybdis respectively. They keep our lives peaceful by warding off our potential enemies and lesser mamono from causing chaos." Undine indicated to a sahuagin with a Chrybdis on her back seemingly to act as a speaker for the mute creature.

"Quara, the Kappa. She and her kin brave the waters outside our territory, making sure the water runs pure and rescues victimized mamono fleeing from Order soldiers from time to time. She is much like a scout to us and has saved many lives." Undine indicated to a rather loose looking Kappa woman, who was casually leaning over the edge of water she emerged from.

"Karkinos, representing the cancer beach population. She keeps the beaches clean and brings in ship wreck survivors, acting as protectors on land where sahuagins cannot. She is much like Zerahylie, among this temple's guardians." Undine indicated towards the crab woman emerging from the largest body of water in the heart of the temple, likely unable to fit in anywhere else.

"Tenno, the kraken and leader of scylla. She keeps the ocean areas of my temple safe by attacking hostile Order ships ruining coral reefs and prevents the kidnapping of innocent mermaids." Undine pointed to the purple skinned woman content to stay in the large body of water that the crab emerged from, leaning back against the steps leading out and facing towards Kala. She looked not unlike a queen with the way she carried herself.

"Alora, the Nereid, who has been giving us all too valuable information that our enemies and even our allies would prefer to hide from us." Undine indicated a blue skinned fish woman with webbed hands and fins for feet. Her facial expression wasn't that different from Francis. Both women seemed rather sly, and perhaps untrustworthy given their nature.

"And finally... Pirupi. The sea slime, and but one member of a hive mind that make up the bulk of our forces. Their minds are all linked together, so I just brought one in." Undine said, as if she herself found Pirupi's species odd. Kala already knew plenty about the sea slime, and she Kala as the sea slime waved at Kala. "Hi-hi!" she greeted the diamond slime.

"And, everyone... This is Kala, the former Magi and human turned slime. She converted the Magi into our allies single-handedly, defeating Cleska and enslaving her in addition to fighting with the abomination Baphomet and surviving to tell the tale. She is here to present to you her thoughts on the matters at hand." Undine declared, finally introducing Kala herself and giving Kala a slight bow of respect to show that she now had the floor.

"Of course the favorite gets the most grand intro." Tenno, the kraken, groaned in the back. "Nothing you've done, Kala, gives you the right to tell us what's best for our home." She criticized Kala immediately.

Francis the merrow waved her hand in dismissal. "Certainly, you've already made up your minds. But I want to hear what this Kala has to say about this prejudice towards humans." the merrow said eagerly.

Zerahylie clicked her bladestaff against the stone floor, while Guru meekly addressed what the sahuagin wanted to say. "It's not prejudice when we caught the offenders red handed! They were humans!" she declared, and Zerahylie nodded.

Alora the neried shrugged, resting one cheek in her webbed hand while supporting her elbow on the ground. "We already decided to cast out the demons after the humans confessed that their alliance was with the demons. Oppressing the humans so they cannot do this again, and ridding any opportunity for Jezebel or Pandora to move in our territory is a done deal. I don't see any other way." she said, half directing that at Kala as if most in the room knew what Kala wished to discuss.

Karkinos snapped her claws. "Just look at the evidence! By all rights we should kill the demons up there, we let them stay too close! Slay them all!" she declared with war-like zeal. "Humans used magic to explode the Peace Hall! Ulala was in there, ironically discussing how to make peace with Pandamonium, and she died because of those bastards! There must be an answer! There must be blood! Not even the supposed neutral demons are innocent!" she demanded.

Francis snapped a look in the crab's direction. "That's jumping to conclusions. There is no evidence that Pandora was responsible. Don't forget that they lost someone to that explosion too." Francis reminded everyone.

Tenno, the kraken, raised a tentacle to grab attention. "Shut up for a moment, all of you. Take a moment to fill Kala in before you immediately fight over the issue." she encouraged them, before filling Kala in herself. "I'm sure you've figured out that there was an attack on our Peace Hall. A single human was caught, and two other humans found as helpers some time later after an investigation. After interrogations, they gave up names of demons living in the Temple grounds, leading us to conclude that it was the demons who attacked us, not the Order as we had initially suspected." Kala may indeed have initially heard that the Order was suspected before this scene. "With angels, demons, and humans as well all seemingly gunning for us, there is one decision we have all agreed upon, which I'm sure you're here to debate." Tenno declared, and the others all nodded, mind Francis and Pirupi.

"We need to abandon Undine's Temple. There is no hope of saving it, and even if there was, the losses would be too great." Tenno announced.

Francis shook her head. "That's basically asking Undine to sacrifice herself. She cannot leave."

"Better one die than all of us!" Tenno snapped back harshly. "Do you want to fight a war? How many need to die? Besides, this war isn't even our problem. It's all because of this Kala bringing the Magi into contact. When it comes to the angels, isn't it just the Magi they're after? Kala is the one truly in the wrong. She caused this to happen. She turned the Magi to 'our side' and in doing so made the worst possible enemy! Clean up your own problem, Kala!" Tenno snapped at the diamond slime ferociously.

"Shut up!" Pirupi snapped back at Tenno. "Kala only helped us! The angels were gonna come kill us one day anyway!"

"Bullshit!" Karkinos swore. "They have bigger fish to fry with the demons! Tenno is right! This is all 'your' fault!" she pointed her claw at Kala, accusing her. At that, Pirupi looked ready to start a fight with the crab, her face twisted in anger as dozens of similar voices outside in the temple rang out, as if countless pirupi's were all complaining about a stupid crab bitch. Hive mind indeed.