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A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

"Oh, definitely. I can't imagine meeting the cultists of some strange god that demands pretty sacrificial girls, -as- a pair of pretty girls, is anything but a terrible idea. Buuut... I am curious. Still, you're getting a little tiresome, love. I'm sure Toothless over here could take us along just as well as you could." She pulled away from him, to run a hand along the other man's thigh. "Couldn't you, darling?" Then, she giggled ominously. "Oooor..."

Hebeny pinched the man who could still yet speak's cock in her fingers, pressing his urethra shut, and sliding her fingers down his length, still being careful to keep him from tipping over the edge. She offered no further stimulation, and simply kept him held shut as she mused. "So, where were you taking the Argossian? Perhaps we'll deliver her for you, and find out about meeting this 'Sacred Brother' of yours on our own~? I mean... if not, we could always just take the girl elsewhere, couldn't we? But if you tell us where to take her, maybe, just maybe, she'll actually get there~? After all, I do so like getting into trouble... and she seemed quite eager to pick a fight with the rest of your lot, too."

"Or don't. And then, whatever weird purpose you had in mind for the girl... whatever she was so vital for, will go unfulfilled. And so will you. Tsk tsk... what a shame, just disappointment all around. And your god... I suspect he hates to be disappointed, doesn't he? And you've already failed him so much... put down by a group half your size - two of whom were women of all things!... lost his girl... mmh, and failed to tell the folks who offered to take her to him for you where to go! I don't think mercy is in your future from him, no I don't. Assuming, of course, such a powerful and terrible god would have intended any in the first place. Who knows? Even if the powerful among us mortals can be trusted not to waste their time or mercy on the failures among their servants, perhaps a magnanimous god will?"
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

"Hghh ngghh hhhgghgh...!"

The rotund, bearded man's member was swollen purple, throbbing by this point under the Derketo lay-priestess' well-practiced hands. His fanaticism was momentarily drowned out by his primal lust and then swiftly this was replaced with primal fear as the barbarian woman towered over him like some dark-skinned portent of doom.

Caught between Hebeny and Rylynn, and the lack of mercy that the two of them offered, he grimaced in sweaty pain and swayed from side to side, trying to slip his manhood from the Stygian's grasp, though this was in vain.

"Huhhhrhh... I am not privy to the purposes of the Sacred Brothers! I do so swear in the name of all the gods of Zamora, the mighty and the low! The Argossian wench was for Doban Korr! By him were we paid. To him were we to deliver her! Go to him or do not. Flee or stay. The Brotherhood shall find you! Guhhh..."

The toothless man simply shakes his broken face in fear and shies away from Hebeny, glad to have her focus on his bearded cohort.

"Whatever it is you're going to do with me, do it!" The man groaned, his body twitching and his heels digging in to the muddy floor.
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

"Hum. My, this Korr certainly is a busy one, isn't he? Interesting." Hebeny's strokes started to speed up... and then suddenly stopped. "Well, it's too bad we couldn't have met under nicer circumstances. It was a pleasure, darling." The sorceress bent down, and pressed her huge, soft tits around the bandit's shaft, squeezing them around him tight, and grinding them up and down, in opposing directions, immediately jumping into a blistering pace as she massaged his manhood, bringing him to a sudden and forceful orgasm within mere moments! She continued pleasuring him as his seed spurted high into the air... and gave Rylynn a look.

Once he'd been taken care of, she gave the other one's thigh another caressing, far-too-affectionate pat. "Same to you, sweetheart."

Once the two were taken care of, and Hebeny had wiped off whatever fluids might've gotten onto her, she held the hovel's door open for Rylynn, and rejoined the others outside. "Well! That was informative. I think. Perhaps we should speak with our, ehm, 'master'~?" she said, declining to repeat what they'd gleaned until they were back somewhere safe and secure. Hopefully there were no spies or watchers on them... the sorceress pulled her cloak a little closer around her, hoping - probably vainly - that it would help, and that whoever tried to describe her would forget her enormous bow, and somehow not see the glimpses of dark, barely-contained flesh beneath the cloak.

Sense Motive check, as per usual, I guess.
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

The man's breaths went more shallow and ragged as Hebeny pumped him faster, and then his eyes bulged in frustration as she stopped suddenly. He had feared she would, after all. A foreign temptress, a heathen who had set upon him and his fellows with this rabid savage and the Brythunian guttersnipe. But then, to his utter amazement and shock, the Stygian brought her soft, ample mounds to bear upon his stiffened rod and mashed them together around his manhood to provide continued bliss.

"Guhh..." he groaned, softly, his eyes clenching shut.

Hebeny's breasts were the perfect design for this erotic technique, full, maleable, with just the right natural space in the cleavage to give the friction needed to end the Zamorian's suffering in a contented double spurt of cum, which came to rest upon her breasts and neckline. A necklace of pearls, as it had been so eloquently described to her in the temple at Luxor.

"Temptress...nnhuhh..." the bearded man's eyes rolled back and he lay in a stupor. His toothless friend's bloodied mouth agape, incredulous that the interrogator had granted this form of mercy. Perhaps if either of them had known the true promise of Derketo, they would not be so surprised, but it was not so.

Hebeny was soon able to clean herself off, though she would prefer to have clean water later to remove the lingering smell of man seed upon her.


Out of doors, in the alley laneway once more, Danya and Jann awaited them. The former had scrounged more scrapes of bloodied clothing from the fallen men, but still looked a dirty street urchin.

"Well? Did they know of my sister?" Danya asked in Shemitish to Hebeny. "I must free her from that awful pig of a man! I care not if he is king of these wicked cities, he shall not have Myrlena!"

"Calm yourself, girl," Jann said, his eyes scanning to either end of the alley. "We've just declared war on these scum, and in the heart of their own city. We should decide on our next move quickly, before we're noticed."

The Brythunian glanced from Hebeny to Rylynn. "So where to now? Back to Nimides? Or somewhere else?"
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

"Mm, careful with names, you two. You never know who's listening," Hebeny said, still scrubbing at her skin with a purloined scrap of cloth under her cloak, trying her best to hide her rather distinctive skin. "For now, though, yes. We'll sneak away and consider our next move."

She started tracing their way back to Nimedes, hoping that the Cold Brotherhood was led by some crazy cult would be enough for them to get paid. Hopefully he would know more about what they'd meant about something happening tonight... though she still needed to plunder this Doban Korr soon. Tonight, or perhaps even earlier, preferably... who knew how long the sister would last in the governor's clutches, after all.

As she passed by the Argossian, leading them away, she touched her on the shoulder. "Patience. These are dangerous men we're dealing with. Don't do anything that will get you caught or me found - that just makes more work to do, and less chance to see her again."
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

Hebeny leads the party back to the merchant district, keeping her distinctive Stygian skin covered as best she can with her cloak. Jann and Danya hush down as the lay priestess bids them to do, but the Argossean's strain and worry is evident in her every step.

"I understand," she says, as her shoulder is touched. Her skin is warm and her sorrowful stare searches the Stygian's eyes imploringly. "But it is because he is so dangerous that I am driven to speed. My sister is all that I have left in this world. If you have any means to save her, please, I must know! I shall not endanger you, I swear, but there is nothing I would not do to keep her safe."

The four travelers arrive at Nimides' building and climb the stairs to his abode, knocking heavily upon his door, but there is no answer. After a minute of waiting, Jann tries the door and finds it locked.

"It appears that he is not home," the Brythunian muses. "We may have to make our own plans."
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

"Of course he isn't," groaned Rylynn, shaking her head. "It seems as if we've little choice but to head to the Night Bazaar. Perhaps we should give the paymaster a visit--was it Gorgo? Or Doban Korr? Fuck if I remember these fools' names." She paused to consider whatever it was that Danya said, and looked to Hebeny for a translation. Either way, the more they found out in the least time possible, the better.
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

Jann grimaces.

"Yes, we'll need to get there at some point. Quicker would be better, since we let those men live. As soon as they get free, our descriptions will be passed around, no doubt."

The Brythunian looked around the streets and indicated the southwest.

"I can lead us there, and I think finding this Doban Korr will be easy enough. He's the merchant lord of vice - a fancy way of saying the proprietor of the greatest brothel in the city, perhaps even in Zamora, though many in Shadizar would take exception to that claim. Although gaining an audience with him without twenty or so guards will be difficult."
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

"Right," she said in reply to Jann with a quickness. "A brothel? Seeing as sex slavery seems to be all too popular about these parts, I can't be surprised. Although, twenty or so guards, hah--this man must think he's damn important! A troupe of half that many men in Cimmeria would make you a laughingstock. But I guess it works for these Zamorans." Though she would be loathe to admit it aloud, even Rylynn wasn't keen on fighting hordes of guards just to get to one self-important ass.

"Hrm. I imagine there has to be someone to his tastes? Surely he'd welcome some women without keeping his guard up?" She glanced sideways to Hebeny. The girl had skills in -that- department, no doubt, as the barbarian could easily testify from the night before, as well as the lewd display that had occurred only moments before. No doubt the dusky-skinned beauty had the guile to reach him without conflict. As for Rylynn herself, she was used to attracting hostile intent. Perhaps she would just have to wait and see what kind of looks she received.

"Lead us on, then. Perhaps if I can get just a glimpse of the situation there, we can figure something out." Rylynn nodded to Jann and allowed him to lead the way.
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

"In Zamora, a man in his position would be a fool to go with less. The position of the paymaster is taken through treachery and force, and all are overseen and blessed by the priesthood of Bel, the patron god of thieves. They must always safeguard against an unfair advantage, an ambush, a poisoning, or some other intrigue, for the power they wield here is mighty indeed and thus there are always wolves and jackals looking to usurp their position."

Jann's words seemed bizarre to a barbarian like Rylynn. These civilized folk lived a very bizarre and needlessly troublesome life, it seemed. And what was more, they seemed to settle their pursuits and ambitions with methods that left a sour taste in her warrior's mouth.

"And as for what he seeks out in attractions - to my knowledge, it is everything under the sun. Girls - and boys - of all sorts are on offer in his part of the bazaar. High spenders can make requests and such will be made available. The bazaar prides itself on being able to cater to the limits of imagination. If it is possible to find or steal on this world, the priesthood of Bel endeavors to acquire it and sell it at the bazaar. There is quite a high request rate for scandalous scenarios to be made possible at Doban Korr's estate."
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Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

Jann had a point. These Zamorans, from what she had seen, were always thrusting daggers into each others' backs. Perhaps it was just a necessity of the lifestyle in these parts. But it was one that Rylynn would still be hard-pressed to accept for herself, as all too often, more companions meant a higher chance that one of them would bear the dagger of betrayal in the first place. She could understand common goals, but people who needed others for safety... that was a bit more puzzling.

"B-Boys...?" Rylynn's brow furrowed at the mention. She had seen many a tavern wench and prostitute in her day, but boys as pleasure slaves were far less common. The woman would have spat a remark about how disgusting the idea was, that boys should be raised towards manhood rather than kept as pets for pleasure... if it wouldn't have made her an immediate hypocrite. Unbeknownst to her, a blush crept over her cheeks, defined enough to show through her tan skin. A flood of memories washed over her, those of passion and pleasure that she had experienced in her youth in the Cimmerian wilds, and she swallowed, as if seeking to keep them down in the deeper parts of her being where they belonged. Rylynn herself was no stranger to scandalous scenarios, but even she couldn't confess as much to her current companions--not even Hebeny, who seemed all too open about such things.

'Catering to the limits of the imagination'? Could this maze of politics and guile and human refuse truly recreate some of the most intense and captivating experiences of her youth?

Before the thoughts could sink their roots too deep into the soil of Rylynn's immediate desires, she shook her head a few times. No, they were certainly headed to the territory of the Night's Bazaar for business reasons. Steeling herself, the barbarian continued on, hoping to have the determination to ignore such temptations.
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

When she noticed Rylynn looking at her, the Stygian swallowed a bit of disappointment when she realized the Cimmerian didn't speak Shemitish... and therefore likely wanted to know what Danya had just said, and not that she'd been admiring the Stygian's chocolate skin and considerable curves, like she'd been hoping. Hebeny nevertheless translated for Rylynn, hoping satisfying her curiosity would help give her the opportunity to satisfy her other urges, later.

"Boys," Hebeny said, half in reply to Rylynn's whispered mention, licking her lips. "Ahh... they can be cute, sometimes."

"I'd leave a note for him, but I don't think it would be a good idea to leave anything written down. So, I suppose we'll just have to make sure we don't get our collective selves ruined, and come back later, won't we?" Hebeny says, having turned to the rest, her hand still drumming its fingers against the Jeweler's door. "To the Paymaster. He'll be productive, hopefully, and we're short on time - what with whatever horrifying ritual going on tonight, and Myrlena besides. I'm not sure how we'll work this, given that short time limit, and that being so inured in the flesh trade might leave him a little less impressed with my assets... but we don't have much choice elsewise, do we?" Walked up, and gave Jann a little slap on the shoulder. "Come on, you know the way around this awful place better than I do."
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Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

Under the gloom'd glare of the cloud-hazed sun, the small party made their way west, hugging the edge of the central plaza and turning slightly down slope along the Road of Desire, which bordered the northern edge of the poverty stricken Maul and the cities' more guarded middle class estates. They then turned south at the Crescent of Jewels and arrived at the Grinning Gate, where stood the fabled Night Bazaar of the City of Thieves.

Towering above them, the gate itself was adorned with a mosaic made of colored stones to the strange gods of dark Zamora, with Bel, the God of Thieves, taking pride of place at the apex of the archway. He was depicted as a swarthy and roguish man, adorned with a short beard, a devilish and knowing grin, and slender hands from which spilled an array of gems and coin. The other strange, stern and ominous gods were set apart from him and on either side of the mosaic, and seemed disinterested in the wealth and splendor that Bel had accumulated.

To either side of the gate were posted a pair of well-muscled and armored soldiers. Silver bracers and breastplates gleamed, and in the large hands of these men were wielded spears with broad heads. At their belts were also sheathed thick bladed short swords, and in their off hands they bore metal bucklers with no insignia and a single spike jutting out of the center. The guards gave the women in the party several idle glances, but made no move from their posts.

"Here we are at the Night Bazaar," Jann said as he swept his hand out in front of him. "During the day, it is perhaps not as impressive, but the stalls are always open, and now especially, the foods will be on display, as are the fighting pits, for the day offers the best light to view the spectacle."

The Bazaar itself was a depression in the city - a literal pit sunk into the stone hill upon which the City of Thieves sat. The roofs of buildings here were major thoroughfares, linked to one another by small bridges or stone stairways. Many of the balconies to each building were set up as stalls, with the interior acting as store rooms or holding spaces for the wares sold at window and doorway. At the central trough of the bazaar, there were larger structures, each suited to its own purpose. There was an ampitheater, where groups of robed men sat listening and debating with one another, while a group of entertainers practiced for a future performance. There was a great line of stalls curtained by tarps of fabulously bright colors that stood in contrast to the dark and forlorn poverty of the surrounding Maul, within which were sold goods from the far corners of Hyboria and beyond. From there, the smells of roasting animal meats, savory stews and fine perfumed delights wafted up to the rooftops on which the travelers stood.

Beyond the central market, there was a series of caged fighting areas, where large muscled men thrust and parried and practiced for their lethal gladitorial performances. Then there was a great connected estate - practically palatial in its appearance, and ringed with armored guards just like those who protected the Grinning Gate behind them. Outside of the many entrances to this stone building were men and women in fine robes and silken outfits, calling to passerby on occasion and welcoming them inside beyond the beaded curtains.

"There lies the abode of Gorgos, Favored of Bel, First Paymaster of the Night Bazaar," Jann told them.

"Within that place, different wings assuage different lusts. All of the nine Paymasters have their seat of office within, but it is also for many their place of business. Doban Korr maintains his power from that part, there."

He pointed to the southern end of the building, where more scantily clad women were posing outside the archway and occasionally beckoning out from windows to passersby on the streets below. Banners of pink and purple hues fluttered above the turreted rooftop and spilled out extravagently from the balconies - advertising the excess and wealth of the establishment.

"It is to there, we must go?" Danya asked, unsteadily. She crossed her arms in front of her and looked from side to side. "It repels me, even from this distance. To think that those pigs were going to sell me to such a place. Though I am an ungrateful fool to complain, when my own sister yet faces a greater horror."


The four of them would reach the Ring and Swallow brothel in just under ten minutes, for though they could see the residence easily from the Gate, the actual path to it was unclear, and involved many bypasses, twists and turns, and a few retracings of steps, for which Jann humbly apologized.

"They designed it this way purposely, I think," he told them. "For when you are high on food and drink, and have partaken too much of the lotus, you will find it devilishly hard to leave. So instead you stay, lost and bewildered, and without the care needed to look after your coin. Still, perhaps it is better for such people that they do lose themselves in the Night Bazaar, for if they make it past the Grinning Gate, there are no longer any guards to frighten away the ravenous thieves of the Maul. Truly, it is a place of wonder and of despair. Though Bel favors the clever who can prosper here."

Eventually, they made their way to the entrance of the brothel, where no less than eight lovely, perfumed whores, topless and of many different shades of skin and hair, curled their fingers and gave winking flirtations to the men nearby, including Jann. They were bold women, and ignored the fact that the Brythunian was already accompanied by three gorgeous females.

"Tis' a fine day, my young master," said a buxom Zamoran lass with dusky skin and brown teats with areolas like saucers. "Finer yet, that you've arrived to share a drink with me, yes? Don't be afraid to bring your harem with you, we can dress them up as one of ours, if you fancy it?"

"I am not his," Danya said darkly, but her comment was dismissed as easily as a passing breeze.

"I must confess though, I am more than enough for one man to handle," she said.

Another whore, this one fairer of hair and slighter in figure, put her hand on Hebeny's shoulder. "Such a beauty... you are like a walking goddess. Say you will stay with us tonight, and we shall bathe your skin in milk and soothe your muscles with hot stones and oils of the lotus. You shall be the envy of our customers and our stable alike! And then..."

She bent closer to Hebeny, to whisper of the various things she would like to do involving her tongue and Hebeny's body.

Rylynn would not be approached by any of the prostitutes, but she would hold the gaze of a dark skinned young man in a silken purple vest and a baggy pair of pants that hid the shape of his legs. His hair was short, dark and slightly curly, and his lean, muscular skin gleamed in a way that suggested he had been wiped in oils. She could smell his floral scent from ten feet away. He smiled at her, and gestured to a wooden chair beside him, which was festooned with comfortable looking cushions and had a small foot rest below it.

"Remember what we're here for," Danya muttered to the other three.

"Aye, aye," Jann said. "We know Doban Korr is linked to the Cold Brotherhood. If we can find out from him or anyone close to him where the Cold Brotherhood is having its ritual tonight, we can get that information to Nimedes, or failing that, stop it ourselves."
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Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

Rylynn remained quiet in thought and wordless anticipation of what they might encounter. Luckily for her, the scenery took her mind off of the mention of their destination. One of the main avenues they traveled down seemed like a border, a wall of sorts between two different parts of the city. She couldn't help but think of the divide in this society. Surely, in her homeland, everyone was expected to pull their weight and provide on their own. The weak would not be coddled for long, and the strong would excel--such was a truth that she had always known, hence her own share of strength that she had cultivated over the years. But thus far, those in power here seemed like fat, greedy, weak pigs who only gained their wealth through guile or other reasons that the barbarian could hardly comprehend. The ways of civilization were truly baffling to her at times...

Her eyes veered up towards the grand, expressive mosaic. This Bel seemed a fitting god for the types that did their business in ths area. Rylynn knew that money was important in civilization, but here it was something of a god all its own. Perhaps understandably, too, as it afforded the richest here practically any desire they wanted. As she gave the well-armed guards a momentary glance, she understood that such riches also bought people the security they needed in the form of hired muscle, and of course persuasion through the coin itself. She could have sworn she felt her coin purse grow heavier. The tokens could easily be a crutch, a distraction from the more important matters of strength, skill and self-reliance. Likely, it would be better to spend some soon before she grew too attached to the idea of its power in a place like this.

"Fighting pits, huh..." Rylynn was no stranger to watching duels between men. But what was strength here? Mere entertainment? Still, what little she did see was impressive and called out to her, in a way.

As she continued walking, the scent of great food hit her nose, and she fought the urge to find a place to simply gorge herself. She was, after all, here for business, but as more and more of the city's finer points showed themselves, temptation tugged at her, gently at first, but more and more firmly as she witnessed so many people enjoying themselves.

"I see... I can tell," responded the well-muscled woman to Jann's comment about the place's design. "There's simply no shortage of distractions here."

Rylynn's brow furrowed slightly as they were greeted by the squad of lovely prostitutes. These women were stunning, no doubt, and undoubtedly chosen for their easiness on the eyes. Her companion Hebeny seemed to fit right in to such a place, where beauty and allure were in high demand.

But her eyes caught something more tempting to her, a young man who reminded her of a lover from her past. She couldn't help but gawk a little at his presence, as if she had seen a ghost, and she found herself taking a few wayward steps towards him without even realizing as much. Only when Danya uttered her stern reminder, one that didn't need to be understood word for word to get the general feel of, did Rylynn snap out of it... at least momentarily. She fell halfway back in, pausing to give the beautiful boy a few coins, perhaps because the feel of it had been unconsciously weighing her down, or because she wanted some services from him, or some information. Or all of the above.

"Ah, er..." she started, turning to the tanned youth, and suddenly loathing herself a little for not being as great with words as Hebeny. She didn't know why she had gotten so nervous all of a sudden... it was unlike her. "Could you tell me if there are any good rituals here? I mean, parties? I'm looking for only the best. I have... ahm, some coin to spend."
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Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

The dusky skinned youth smiled as Rylynn handed him the coins, and his eyebrows rose, perhaps indicating that she had given him quite a sum. Briefly, his glance flickered towards the archway entrance, where some guards stood, as well as a tall, thin man in blue-grey robes, with his arms tucked away within his wide sleeves. He was old, maybe in his fifties, and his nose was wide and upturned in a porcine manner that was at odds with his gauntness, marking him as an atypically ugly fellow. His eyes were intensely focused on the young man and his interaction with the barbarian woman.

Wordlessly, the boy flinched his attention back to Rylynn and pocketed the coins in his wide trousers. He then indicated that she should seat herself in the chair with the cushions, however it was then that she asked her stuttering questions of him. In response, he laughed lightly. His voice was naturally soft and docile.

"My lady, you are in the Night Bazaar, nine times blessed by Bel. Whatever your desire is, coin can purchase it for you here. And if I may be bold," the youth put a smooth, scented hand on her bicep, hardly gripping it with any strength at all. "You have been quite generous with your coin already. What you have paid me is easily enough to secure my services for the night. If that was your intention, then I am happy to serve your requests, but if I am not sufficient, please allow me to show you around the establishment, and I shall see that you receive the best treatment for your money. At the Ring and Swallow, all pleasure of the flesh is satisfied, but I can bring you refreshments and goods as you wish. I am skilled in the application of oils and the soothing of muscles as well."

The man seemed to not yet gather that Rylynn was seeking a specific kind of gathering, but perhaps if she could provide more detail about what or who she sought, the eager young man would be willing to share what he knew.
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

The delicious smells of food in the Night Bazaar's air tempted Hebeny sorely - after her upbringing of luxury, she was still only just barely getting accustomed to the realities of poverty and days of hard marching, after all. Even the cheap street food she'd find here would seem like luxuries, and she could afford quite a feast with the heavy silver at her side.

Tempting as well was the amphitheatre filled with arguing old men - she'd seen scholars gather in similar manners, back home, but it was somewhat of a surprise to find such a gathering here, in this city of thieves. She lingered for a few moments as they passed by, wanting to know what they were discussing, and hoping that when she was done with the ridiculous tasks they'd took upon themselves tonight, they'd still be there for her to listen in on.

During their passage through the Night Bazaar, Hebeny also dawdled at a few trinket vendors, electing to spend a silver or two on a shiny little amulet, punched through and threaded onto a simple length of string. The sorceress looped it around her neck, letting the plain, yet glittering piece of metal lay on her chest, just above her cleavage. She toyed with it during the walk, seeming just a bit distracted with it.

The sorceress was sorely tempted by her flatterer's offer, as well, but not for a few pleasing hours with some pretty, well-kept women and men who certainly would know how to please her. No, what intrigued her most was the bath and massage. Hebeny had gotten used to feeling grimy over the last several months, but she most certainly did not enjoy. The best she'd gotten all day was a little rinse after waking up, and that most certainly hadn't washed off the exertions of the night before - in her mind, at least. Milk sounded delightfully luxurious, and there was still the oil and heated stones, besides...

But no. There was work to do. Rylynn had started before her, even! The Stygian had some severe worries about just how this all was going to go, but the foreboding warning she'd milked from the thug earlier had made her skin crawl. Whatever it seemed this Cold Brotherhood was doing, it seemed to her that stopping it was the only option... yet she had close to no idea how they would do it.

In response to the woman, Hebeny simply drew closer to Jann and wrapped her arms around one of his - though she had the presence of mind to make sure it wasn't his fighting arm. Watching Rylynn approach the boy, she saw his eyes in the direction of a man across the room, towards a man flanked by guards, too well-dressed and lightly armed for a thug, and too unpleasant to be just another worker. Pulling up closer to Jann, she whispered, "Is that him? We do know what he looks like, do we not?"
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

The foods would sing out to Hebeny. Some of them she had tasted in Luxor, but others were smells and flavors that were new to her - heartier stews and spicy sweet meats, bitter ales and smoked freshwater fish. Her stomach rumbled, for it had already been a long morning and fighting in the side streets had worked up an appetite.

When she passed the amphitheater, she would hear snippets of conversation, all of it seemingly revolving around the labyrinthine theological doctrines of the Zamoran pantheon. Men openly spoke of their preferred god, or gods, and debated the necessity of others. Some proposed that Zath, the long feared spider goddess was waning in power, and that this had been proven when the Tower of the Elephant had crumbled to dust years ago, leaving her favored High Priest Yara nowhere to be found. Others pointed to this as a mere distraction, or that Yara had been found unworthy and that a new champion was to be found in the webbed city of Yezud, a week's march to the north. A strong fellow wearing little from the waist up who had myriad scars and flagellation marks across his body suggested that this city was doomed if the Governor Oleska refused to throw more support to the temple of Ong, for without Zath's priesthood united, the purity of the Zamoran people could only be found in a strong disciplinarian core, dedicated to clarity through pain. Most derided this man's position, but were wary to mock him too much, for he was the stockiest of them all and his temper appeared to be thin. Most men said that Bel was enough to safeguard the City of Thieves, and while this was widely accepted by the locals, the fact that Bel was a foreign god from Shem meant that he would never truly protect Zamoran interests, only that of thieves.

The debate seemed as if it would go on long into the afternoon and possibly night, for there were many would-be scholars and each was passionate about getting his turn to preach.

The prostitute nearest to Hebeny, who had offered the massage and milk bath to her, was saddened that the Stygian chose to shy away towards Jann.

"You can bring your man with you, we frequently perform with couples," she added, hoping to salvage her offer.

Meanwhile, Jann shook his head at the ugly man that Hebeny indicated.

"I've never personally seen Korr before, but I doubt that'd be him. Not like one of the paymasters to lurk in their own doorways. More likely he'll be in one of his private chambers inside. That man however... he's probably a private slave owner. Maybe he owns some of these girls, or perhaps that boy that Rylynn's talking to."

Jann seemed all to happy to have the Stygian stick close to him, even if she wasn't as clean and done up as the prostitutes. Danya was also standing close by to him, and sending off many indicators that she wanted nothing to do with any employee of the Ring and Swallow.

"Should we ask to see this Korr person?" Danya asked. "Or at least perhaps go inside? It's no use standing here and it's not like we're here to hire any of these people."
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

Hebeny was not one to resist pleasures when they made themselves available... she made it but a few stalls before the tempting aromas and the strain of the day drove her to trade a pair of silver pieces for several skewers of spiced meat and vegetables, grilled above a fire. She bought enough for the others, yet not so many that they would be weighed down in whatever they might encountered in Doban Korr's domain. The victor's feast would yet have to wait.

The thought occurred to Hebeny, to incense these men discussing the worthiness of their gods to aid her group in storming the cultists. Surely some among them would take up arms against some upstart cult making a play to steal away power from those established already... even if it meant fighting thugs as dangerous as this Cold Brotherhood. She thought the better of engaging them now, though... if she were right, they'd be at it all night.

The prostitute tried to pull her once again into a bath, but this time, Hebeny smiled at her. "Forgive us, it is just that we mean not to stay overlong. As I understand, this is the house of Doban Korr, and one of the finest pleasure houses in Arenjun, if not the whole of Zamora, is it not?" Hebeny untangled herself, and stepped forward, pulling two coins from her pouch. "Might he perhaps be in?" The Stygian slid her coins, held in her fingers, up the underside of the whore's breast, laying the coin on her nipple and pressing it, just firmly enough to keep it in place. The other coin went to the woman's other teat, and all the while, Hebeny gazed into her eyes, the mysterious grin she'd learned in the temples on her lips.
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

Hebeny untangled herself from the whore who sought to beguile her and countered the unsought for attention with her own offer. The cool coins were pressed against the young Zamoran woman's flesh, and as she did this, Hebeny could see the strumpet shiver with pleasure and avarice. The girl's arm came across her breasts to clamp the coins and the Stygian's hands to them, then answered in a husky whisper.

"The master is in, yes. He is overseeing the new dancers in his viewing hall upstairs. I will take you to him if you like? A beautiful one like yourself, he may think you are a dancer as well."

The prostitute's fingers lingered on the back of Hebeny's hands. Clearly her approach had left an impression, and it seemed the girl was eager to help the priestess of Derketo.
Re: A Wicked Age Undreamed Of

"Oohhh... do you mean to say I don't look like a dancer, dear?" Hebeny chided as she idly played with the whore's soft flesh. Hebeny pulled her forwards, slipping her hands out from under the girl's arm to guide her along, one hand on her arm, the other on her waist. Hebeny swayed side-to-side with her in the dust of the street, gazing into her eyes from under heavy lids and smiling for her all the while. Slowly she drew her deeper into her arms, until the girl was pressed up against Hebeny, the sorceresses' deep, chocolate-hued limb encircled around her waist.

Hebeny only broke their shared gaze when she pushed her down to sit at a bench or a wall outside, to twirl a few steps back. She slid her hands up her lithe body, over her taut stomach, and then into the air above her head, the cloak around her shoulders falling open to reveal the Stygian's almost entirely unclothed flesh. When she flipped her hands backwards at the wrist, she shifted her hips at the same time, making the ivory beads at her waist jump and rattle as they settled back against her skin. "They only taught me a little, but I don't think I'm bad at it..." Hebeny said, rolling and shaking her hips like she'd been taught, before trying a few steps.

When she finished her little demonstration, the Stygian swung her hips as she walked over to her plaything of the moment, staring into her eyes once again, trying to draw her eyes away from her hand, as she fished out another coin from her purse. When Hebeny reached her, her hands slid down to caress the whore's face, being careful to slip the hand with her coin pressed into her palm behind the girl's head and out of her sight. She draped her legs over the girl's lap and sat, leaning against her. "You work here, don't you? So you must know how Korr likes his dancers. How did I do? I want to make a good first impression..." Leaning in towards the strumpet's ear, fingers caressing the girl's neck, Hebeny whispered, "And remember, flattery comes easy... -I- pay for -truths-." Biting her coin as she drew back, Hebeny slid the coin across the girls lips and cupped her face in her palms, before pushing in to give her a kiss. She planned to put up a fight before she gave it up, though, giggling and nibbling and pawing... though when she finally relented the silver, she'd whisper, "I imagine a lot of interesting things happen here... keep an eye open for me, won't you, Miss... mm, what should I call you~?"
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