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RPG RPG Maker Localization [Acerola] President Yukino (English Localization on Steam)


Nov 26, 2017
Reputation score
Of course the translation we got is very close to the original, nobody doubted that, they do a really good job with translations. But the thing is every shota scene got changed/removed that´s why we are waiting for that patch. Don´t get me wrong Yukino deosn´t have that many shota scenes but for example there is a bathtub shota sex scene which got changed to a horny teenager with some other pictures and some prostitution scenes are completely missing. The translation in general is great and if you don´t like shota anyway just go grab it. But the communication in this forum could have been different and I think if chiakisan would have told us, than the reaction would have been completely different (I can understand that they can´t talk about that stuff on steam because of the rules).
yep, I know, I know, I played the game in jap before.
I was just saying that in the end the work done seems to match with the explanation given by the devs (also, I tried to mess around with wolf a couple times, and creating those scenes it's probably been a pain in the ass, it's not just a thing about replacing a couple strings).
But yeah, I concur that they had a problem of communication.
Given the policies of Steam (that seems awfully invasive, btw) I don't know what they could have done (and if Steam is half as devious as I think, I'm positive that chiaki should edit away the wink wink part of the last post...) but this created nonetheless a problem with their supporters, even the ones not prone to throw a fit.

@taeakow there's a blonde guy in the park, buy the webcam from him...


Jun 10, 2009
Reputation score
anyone have a complete save for it? its a pain to redo all scenes to get that #$!"#!"# bear


Aug 8, 2014
Reputation score
Well, next time i think:unsure: everyone should think twice before buying games translated by Kagura Games, of course if you don't want to find out missing content compared to jap version. I just hate:mad: that i buy it right after the release not even thinking for a second that Kagura Games can do such a thing. They at least could warn us, but no - they just wanted to get as much money as they could (considering the situation i have the right to think so). Lost all my respect for this "company":cautious:


Jul 19, 2016
Reputation score
You know what made me mad was less the censorship and more the way one of the people answer it as if we are endangering the life of kagura games when we are only asking for clarification of why we are buying an incomplete product

are we supposed to applaude any product thats released ? especially the one we have to pay for


Jungle Girl
Jun 5, 2016
Reputation score
they just wanted to get as much money as they could (considering the situation i have the right to think so). Lost all my respect for this "company":cautious:
Yes you are entitled to your opinion and being upset is understandable but I doubt thats the case.


Jungle Girl
Oct 28, 2011
Reputation score
Instead of this i buyed Kunoichi tsubaki, and guess what, the shota scene is still in. Removing contents or modifying, is a disgusting thing to do


Tentacle Monster
Nov 29, 2010
Reputation score
It's understandable that they "modified" the content because they didn't want to get slapped by prohibited content or really bad image about the content. But maybe people would have actually liked a notice or warning about the modified content. I guess they can still get the refund if they didn't played the 2 hours.

Instead of this i buyed Kunoichi tsubaki, and guess what, the shota scene is still in. Removing contents or modifying, is a disgusting thing to do
If there is like a content police going around, it's funny that they totally missed this.


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 14, 2014
Reputation score
Well, it's mostly that STEAM got through a trouble period not a long ago with the feminist attack on steam about adult content.
Kagura's team had to deal with all the trouble and steam slow reaction time to decide on how to deal with adult content so they most likely chose the safest way.
Why the other platform couldn't get the "normal" version is another question, but I think there one think we forgot here - it's that it's rather pointless to keep repeating the same grief over and over without waiting for Chiakisan to come and gave an explanation.

I think peoples made their point clear enough, just wait for the translator to gave an explanation (hell, he must just have had the WE off the forum, so it's broadly 2 days of complain on the same thing without an answer from the only one who could gave an answer).


New member
Aug 28, 2018
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I'm enjoying the game, actually, just getting rid of the mosaics and the translation would be enough for me to warrant a buy, I don't condone the removal of content but I have played the game for 7 hours this weekend and so far I don't think the removal of said shota content warrants all the anger I have been seeing left and right but I do agree they should have strictly made it known there would have be some content changes, what I don't get is why there's shota stuff in Sou-kun's pc, how did this come to pass ? Well I'm not surprised, earlier this year Sony America vetoed to not bring Omega Lab Z for PS4 in the West and if memory doesn't fail me the game had already been banned in Europe territory and just last week it was confirmed the new Senran Kagura game for PS4 would have it's "Intimacy Mode" removed but it would be kept intact in the Steam release, to sum it all up, since Sony CEO and HQ stopped being in Japan things started to go awry.
The thing with MG and DL.Site is probably the same, these games are avaliable in there, thus it's avaliable worldwide, thus it's avaliable where it shouldn't be, so they had to comply and submit the game with removed content.


Active member
Jun 9, 2018
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Internet made people, especially gamers, extremely sensitive to dishonest tactics used by game developers/publishers. People got to know about cut content after they bought the game - at this point it's too late for explanations and reasoning.
What makes it worse, it's a fact that they deliberately didn't announce any content changes prior the release so it wouldn't hurt their sales. You may think they didn't except reaction like this but that's just naive thinking considering what's going on in the industry - as game devs/publishers they should be perfectly aware how players react to dishonesty. Despite this, they still decided to remain silent.
They made people dissapointed and lost trust of many fans. Hopefully, they'll learn from this and take steps to regain it. Personally, I'll keep supporting them because I love their work. I don't care about cut content but the fact we didn't know about it before the release, made me disappointed. I hope they won't repeat this mistake - gamers are the most passionate people and no matter if you are developing/publishing small game, porn game or AAA tittle - dishonesty is a short way to lose your fans and supporters (and this matters a lot for independent publishers).


Oct 11, 2011
Reputation score
Hi everyone,

I'd just like to start off by apologizing. I think there were a lot of things that we could've done better. There were a lot of things that I could've done better.

This was an extremely difficult project for us because of the amount of uncertainty that was happening with Steam during the time of Yukino's development. We didn't know what was going on at the time. I don't think anyone did. So we chose the safest route. And I think one of the problems was that we weren't able to course correct in time by the time things were becoming more clear what was acceptable and what was not acceptable.

First of all, to provide some context, heading into Yukino's release, it was an extremely tough week for me and the company. The game got leaked about 4 - 5 days before the game was released. We had worked extremely hard on this game. Acerola had worked extremely hard on it too. I just felt bad for everyone involved. It was just really difficult seeing something that everyone had worked so hard on being out there before our launch, especially because our very livelihoods could be on the line. I can't say I was in a good mindset or able to get very much sleep during that week alone. I can't say I was all there.

In regards to why we didn't put out a statement in regards to what we removed, this was something that completely caught me off guard. You can call me an idiot. You can call me naive. That's okay and that's fair. But everything about this genuinely caught me by surprise. And I'm sorry for that. That's my fault. I'm going to own up to it.

I just want you guys to know that there was nothing devious about our intentions. I never started this to try to make a quick buck. It's just not in my nature. I've been a member here 7 years now because I loved talking about these games and sharing the excitement with every new release. I love this industry too much to purposely shit all over it.

We're still a new company. We released our first game 8 months ago. We're not even a year old. We're very much learning on the fly still, including myself. So I hope everyone can find it in their hearts to give us the benefit of the doubt. We know now and we're going to learn from this.

Please expect something towards the end of the week. We're going to make this right.

Thank you guys for your understanding.
Last edited:


Jungle Girl
Jun 2, 2013
Reputation score
Glad to hear that you guys try to fix your mistakes and apologise. Everybody deserves a second chance and I will continue to support you.

In regards to why we didn't put out a statement in regards to what we removed, this was something that completely caught me off guard. You can call me an idiot. You can call me naive. That's okay and that's fair. But everything about this genuinely caught me by surprise. And I'm sorry for that. That's my fault. I'm going to own up to it.
Can you give us an of insight what you mean by that? Sounds like other team members made decisions without you.


Oct 11, 2011
Reputation score
Glad to hear that you guys try to fix your mistakes and apologise. Everybody deserves a second chance and I will continue to support you.

Can you give us an of insight what you mean by that? Sounds like other team members made decisions without you.
As the company started to grow, so did my workload. I went from 60 hour weeks to 80 hour weeks during the first month of the Yukino Project alone. It started to affect my health. So I started delegating more responsibilities to other team members, and this was one of the decisions that was made without me. And I didn't find out about it until it was too late. However, it's still my fault because I wasn't decisive enough. I'm a big believer that a lot of problems start at the top, so ultimately, this was still my responsibility.


Jungle Girl
Jun 2, 2013
Reputation score
Ah ok thanks for the reply. I`m glad that you take the responsibility as the team leader, but please be careful with your health. There are so many more h games that need a good translation and it doesn´t help anybody if you burn yourself out while working on them. Health should always come first and I´m sure that everybody who supports you can understand that.

I still hope Yukino was succesful enough for you guys, even with the problems and that your relationship with Acerola didn´t suffer because of it. There are so many more Acerola game translations I would love to buy from you ( Especially Liana and Melissa). I also hope that you caught who ever leaked your unfinished translation, that was so messed up.


Jungle Girl
Jun 5, 2016
Reputation score
I mean those issues happen with companies and all sometimes everyone so busy doing this and that that what seems like a little thing slips through the cracks. Just take it as a learning experience it isn't really just one persons fault so I wouldn't beat yourself up about it to much. I for one appreciate you talking about it and not bullshitting or beating around the bush.


Jul 19, 2016
Reputation score
This is honestly the reply I am waiting for , the reply that should have been there the first time. I honestly would rather hear this rather than accusations of me trying to endangers everyones livelihood. or some passive aggressive statement of how Steam and Me is the wrong one instead of whoever did it


Jul 19, 2016
Reputation score
Most people are not mad because of the change or cut content. Most people doesnt want their money back , they wanted their content back. MONEY was never the problem. What was questioned was the integrity of the COMPANY not chiakisan
1. They didnt tell us they are going to change content out of whatever reason they have, other dev did , senrans publisher said that a mod is gone BEFORE they release it , if they told us at release , if they told us before the release , the problem wouldnt be this big
2. The fact that they are still quoting old steam rules as if it will absolve them of their fault of the first point is a big questionable part of the communication and only made us question the decision even further

What we are buying is a translation of Acerolas game, it is advertised as such , it is sold as such , and we bought it as that object. The fact that we unknowingly had an altered product instead is what made us be vocal about it , you cant just tell us "lol play it like a new game , titles change when people localize game " Guess what, just a title change isnt that important compared to changed content , but thats not the point.

your point about tolerance has NOTHING against the issue. The Japaneses will rekt a game so horribly it wont even sell, if they dont like it and think its bad. Content erasure was never the issue, the issue was we bought a "not as advertised product"


Tentacle God
Dec 15, 2014
Reputation score
Well this is my opinion, don't get insulted or rage because of this ok?

I dont know why people really mad about some change or cut of some content in the game. Really? I know anyone can have opinion or critics but did you even buy the game before you speak. If you dislike the content and feel like cheated, then try to take your money back, take it to the trial if must. it's not like it's really the first time this is happening in translation/localisation of a game. Many games add or remove some parts of the content because they already have the permission to change some of it from the developer itself. I've seen many kickstarter game or published novel that change from the original one.

Just play the game like it a whole new game itself. Even the title can usually change when people localise some game out there.
Chiakisan doesn't deserve all the hate she got you know. It's not like he has ill intend or want to trick all of you, and his team only want to protect themself from SJW community or even law of child pornography that makes them a criminal only because they try to do their job. Another cause of the change too I think because that western community really likes too find faults in some game and bring it too media, Japan are more tolerated in this kind of aspect heck you can even buy porn/hentai magazine in convenience store there, so games like this have limit's line in the western release comparing it to the Japanese release because of different culture that you must tolerated.

If you are mad because the lack of contact... They have their own website and mail, this forum is not their priority job to check, if you want detailed explanation, you can mail them yourself instead waiting the answer in this forum for some attention.
People don't like buying censored games. Especially if the censored content was content they were looking forward to. It's a good thing people did find out before buying because requesting a refund on Steam after purchasing ends up costing the publisher more money due to chargebacks. It's not a matter of playing a whole new game. People wanted Yukino. What they got was Yukino English Edition without Shota. It's not the game they intended to pay for.

The main problem here isn't even really that the Steam version is censored. It's that the Mangagamer and JAST versions are censored to the same extent. Those versions had no reason to be at all, being on a fully functioning adult web store with lengthy history of all sorts of adult content. The other problems are in fact some of the responses I've seen on discord, Steam, and Twitter. Fans, consumers, people who bought the game are receiving comments from Kagura Games members making it seem like they're the ones at fault for wanting the original content as was intended in the first place. Those kinds of comments are not acceptable at all when you're trying to represent a company. Sinom in particular is very guilty of this on the Steam forums and twitter.


Jungle Girl
Jun 2, 2013
Reputation score
Yes you guys are right but we are talking about maybe 2% of the content. What they did was wrong but I can understand that it is frustrating if you work on a game for multiple months, get problems with steam and have 60 hour weeks just for some idiot leaking your game and people be mad for 4-5 scenes. Also let´s be honest some people are super toxic and threatening on the internet, I don´t even want to know the comments they got. Does all of this justify their actions? No, but I think it´s understandable since we are all humans.