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Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)


Jun 18, 2009
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This is the thread for Adventurers to post character sheets.

Please only make one post per player, if you have multiple characters (and many of you probably will), put each character behind a spoiler in the same post, with a brief description outside the post if you'd like.

Example Post said:
Marie Watson. A bubbly large-breasted waitress with the occasional lust for adventure, and a bad habbit of losing her top.
Name: Marie Watson
Description and basic backstory: The bubbly waitress of a gambling establishment, sent off to adventure with nothing but her uniform on her back. Her ample breasts barely fit into the uniform, and her skirt is way too short. The girl playfully keeps her faux bunny ears on the pink outfit as she set off into the world, unaware of just how bad things might get for her.
(Charpic concept: )

Desired Posting Speed: Varies per RP.
Desired Posting Length: Usually Paragraph or more posts prefered.

Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 10 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 8 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 2 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd -0 and 50/50

(Marie has developed a large tolerance against lewd actions against her in her time working, but has never really enjoyed it, the other thing she's learned from her job is how to throw a nasty right hook. She's eager to explore and get away from her previous life, but doesn't have a lot of endurance and will easily be discouraged if she can't surmount a challenge. Her greatest flaw is a strong lack of magical talent.)

Skills and Fetishes - (None Yet)

Character Sheet
Name: (Character's Name, obviously)
Description and Basic Backstory: (A few lines description preferably, picture can be added if desired. The deeper backstory should be described on your entering-a-dungeon post, but a few basics here to help describe her personality is useful.)

Desired Posting Speed: (List for the dungeon you're entering ONLY, not overall. This helps the Villain decide if you're right or not.)
Desired Posting Length: (Again, for this dungeon only! Single line, small paragraph, large paragraph, multi-paragraphs. It's a guideline, not a requirement to suggest this.)

Stats (assume a level 0 character for generic charsheet posts, or if it's a dungeon-entering request, choose the appropriate level of the character to enter the dungeon.)
Level -
Willpower -
Combat and HP -
Explore and Stam -
Spirit and Magic -
Tech K-H and Knowledge - (if applicable to the dungeon)
Naughty and Lewd -
(Description of stats reasoning at bottom is optional.)

Skills and Fetishes -

Simple Rules
An Adventurer's character is the one going into a dungeon and trying to beat challenges. This is done by having "Ability" stats and "Point" Stats.

An "Ability" is how good your character is at a task, and avoiding taking damage from a challenge of a similar type.

A "Point" stat is your character's Hit Points (vague description) for withstanding damage done by failing a challenge.

If a character runs out of the relivant stat's points, they take Willpower damage instead. If you run out of Willpower, it's gameover.

You start with 20 "Ability Stat" points, spent 1 point for 1 stat.
You start with 10 "Point Stat" points, spent 1 point for 10 stat, except for Willpower, which is 1 for 6.

If a dungeon is made for higher level characters, you get an additional 5 "Ability" and 5 "Point" to spend upgrading your character for each level.

For more details, read below.

Expanded rules, descriptions, and more
As an adventurer, your stats are your lifeblood. Different tasks may drain your Willpower, Hit Points, Stamina, Magic, or (my new stat, courtesy of the LoZ CYOA) Lewd Points. But in the long run, your goal is to not run out of any of these, or risk very bad things happening to your character :p

Each of these five stats will take damage or penalties depending on encounters and rolls based around four stats: Combat, Exploration, Spirit, and Naughtyness.

(Further description of Stats)
Point Stats - These stats are represented as X/X value, and penalties may occur when they reach 0.

Willpower - The catch-all of how long a character can keep going. If other values reach zero, then Willpower is what drops next. Willpower is expensive to buy, but a useful catch-all against being beaten when a single value hits zero.

Note: If any other Point Based stat reaches zero and takes more damage, Willpower is the stat that takes the damage overflow. When Willpower reaches zero, a character cannot continue and gameovers.

Hit Points - A character's toughness in battle, how badly bruised and beaten she can be before it starts to drain on her Willpower. Having many Hit Points means combat will be easier.

Stamina - Running and jumping, crawling and hiding, anything that puts extra strain on a character for a longer duration will drain Stamina. Stamina acts as the ability to keep going when the dungeon seems to go on forever, to keep getting past trap after trap and leaping over the next gorge. But even the most athletic characters will eventually feel a drain on their Willpower.

Magic - Just being talented with magic isn't enough, there is a toll on one's body as you shape the unseen forces of the universe and bend them to your whim... or in some cases, manage to light a campfire without matches. Either way, if you run out of magical power, it's a force of Willpower that fuels your spells, which is never a good thing.

Lewd Points - Walked in on by your dad topless, your little brother stole your clothes at the public pool, there's always something going wrong for cute girls, as if the universe was playing a cosmic joke on making them be seen in inappropriate situations. And that's before you count all of the perverts that would gladly take advantage of such situations. This stat is how much of this treatment a girl can take before it starts to sap her will to go on (Willpower).

Ability Stats - These values indicate how effective or skilled a character is at given tasks, and allows the character to avoid damage to the corresponding point-stat (as listed above), more skilled characters are less likely to be damaged by that type of challenge.

Combat - The all purpose stat for fighting. Higher combat stats means your character has trained in all manners of weaponry, and even if they grab a weapon they've never used before, they can at least wing it.

Exploration - How good a character is at exploring an area. This doubles as an awareness stat for hidden enemies, but it's generally deemed if your character can get past traps and other obstacles.

Spirit - The all purpose magic stat. Regardless of how your character flexes magical talent, a well trained spirit can access powers more easily and detect the flows of magic around her.

Naughtyness - How willing a character is to get in what may typically be considered inappropriate situations, and how able she is to handle being pushed too far. The best warrior on the planet, after all, is worthless in combat if she's covering herself with both hands and legs pulled tight together.

In the event a dungeon is created using a modern or sci-fi setting (which will be allowed in this game! Since each dungeon is exclusive to itself and characters may be adjusted for such situations), the Magic and Spirit stats can be replaced by Tech Knowledge and Tech Know-how... Or instead of being replaced, merely added, forcing players to decide between more stats when struggling with their new character sheets!

Tech Knowledge (Point Stat) - The ability to brute force your way through technical problems by sheer luck of having known how it works or toying with an object until it functions right. But every so often, when you run out of ideas, it's time to just hit it with a hammer until something good happens... hopefully... (Willpower drain XD)

Tech Know-How (Ability Stat) - New Tech? Unknown Gear? Something totally insane you've never seen before? Not a problem if you have the know-how to break down its components and figure out what does what! With high know-how, you can easily make most things work... And just in case it doesn't, you may have just lucked out into knowing something about it by sheer happenstance. (Tech Knowledge damage on failed checks)

Rolls are a usual D20 affair, but the majority of a dungeon will simply be difficulty checks to see if the heroine passes a trial or takes damage from it, with optional roleplayed benefits to the outcome.

A "level zero" character (typically civilians and non-adventurers, however in certain dungeons these may be allowed in as well), will (in default settings) have 20 stat points to split amongst the four Ability Stats and 10 points to split into the five Point Stats.

Characters will gain 5 Ability Stats and 5 Point Stats per level, to be spent as follows:

(Note! These values may be modified by the dungeon's rules, please read your dungeon's info before posting sheets!)

Ability Stats are raised on a 1 point for 1 stat basis.
Point Stats are raised on a 1 point for 10 stats basis, except for Willpower, which is raised 1 point for 6 stats.

(Further on stat spending)
No stat even needs a single point in it. For example, a dungeon created in a no-magic world could rule for characters to simply put a 0 for all magic stats. Or a young village girl that has no experience fighting could simply have a 0 combat and 0 hit points value, showing that the first thing to attack her is likely to drop her effortlessly. It's all about how you roleplay and what your character will be.

You could even mix stats oddly. Maybe your girl is a world-famous boxer that's never lost a fight (high combat), but the first time she gets sucker-punched in a back alley, she realizes she's got a glass jaw, hits the ground hard, and gets raped senseless (0 HP value). If you have a reason for making such a character, go for it!
Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Guess I'll go first...

Kirika von Zemelest. A skilled but young mage with a superiority complex, and a need to prove herself.
Name: Kirika von Zemelest
Description and Basic Backstory: A tall, dark skinned, red haired, curvaceous wizard with a thirst for knowledge, and a desire for recognition. She prefers to keep herself and her clothing impeccably clean, and relies on her magic to keep it that way. Her arrogant attitude and belief in her own inherent superiority has landed her into some tight situations, but her magical skill has allowed her to prevail... so far...

Desired Posting Speed: Generally 1-2 times a day.
Desired Posting Length: Prefer paragraph or more.

Level - 0
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 0 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 8 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 10 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 20/20

(Spending a majority of her life studying magic, Kirika is understandably skilled in it, in addition to her own natural proclivity to it. When she wasn't studying, she was exploring the various nooks and crannies of the ancient school of wizardy she lived in, always hungry to find secrets. Growing up around mages hitting puberty meant the girl had to deal with the occasional inappropriate use of magic, and even learned to use a bit of it herself (for purely educational purposes) but never thought too much of it. Her major weakness is her complete inability to defend herself, having always lived in a sheltered environment, free from the threat of assault.)

Skills and Fetishes - None yet

Adding a second.

Kaylee. A former dancer turned treasure hunter, with a lust for gold.
Name: Kaylee
Description and Basic Backstory: A rather pretty young woman with long purple hair kept back in a ponytail, dressed in a dancer's sheer and revealing outfit. Having been sold into servitude to help pay off her family's large debts, Kaylee worked as dancer in a seedy night club for many years. Thanks to her quick wit and ability to learn quickly, she managed to never be taken advantage of like the other girls, but did learn a lot of tricks from them, as well as all the people who came in. She managed to escape before being sold as a slave due to her reluctance to service the customers, and now searches for gold and treasures so she can finally pay off the debt her family owes.

Desired Posting Speed: Generally 1-2 times a day
Desired Posting Length: Prefer a paragraph or more.

Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 6 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 3 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 30/30

(The seedy night club she worked in let her see and learn many techniques regarding physical pleasure. She learned some basics of fighting from watching the scuffles that would break out in the club, and even learned to harness magic a small bit. The strict rules regarding where she could go meant she never was able to explore much, but she did learn how to hide, to protect herself when her reluctance to pleasure the guests got her into trouble.)

Skills and Fetishes - None yet.
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Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Ashara - Treasure seeking Darkelf
Name: Ashara Darkmoon (Dark Elf)
Description and Basic Backstory: Ashara is an avargae height, lithe dark elf treasure hunter with long silvery white hair and red eyes. She wears a dark iron shoulder pad with a ruby embedded in it, a long silk skirt, tape wrapped around her wrists a gauntlet and boots, and carries a sword and a bow. who is equally skilled in combat and magic. Unlike her fellow dark elves, she seeked to escape from the dark underground tunnels and plotting of her kind.
Desired Posting Speed:Mirror of Youth (semi frequently to frequently, at least once or twice a week)
Desired Posting Length: Small or large paragraphs

Level - 0
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 5, and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 7 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 5 and 20/20
Tech K-H and Knowledge - N/A
Naughty and Lewd - 3 and 20/20

Skills and Fetishes -

Eliza: fierce warrior milf {Retired}
Name: Eliza Blackhawk
Description and Basic Backstory:
Eliza is a tall well toned and curvacious woman, with large breasts. She has black hair done in a ponytail and wears glasses. She has blue eyes. She was a famous war hero before retiring and starting a family.

Desired Posting Speed: At least once a day, 2 or 3 at most.
Desired Posting Length: At least a paragraph

Level - 0
Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 13 30/30
Explore and Stam - 0 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 2 10/10
Tech K-H and Knowledge - N/A
Naughty and Lewd - 5 0/0

Skills and Fetishes - Blacksmithing, Artificing, and martial combat. BDSM, Gangbanging, Paizuri, triple pen, bukake, and cream pies.

Sarah O'Rourke - Fierce bounty hunter

Name: Sarah O'Roruke
Long blonde hair, blue eyes, Slim athletic frame, heavy blueish green body armor. She is cunning, fast, and and an excellent marksman.
Desired Posting Speed: At least once a day, Wreck HR 9657
Desired posting length: At least a good paragraph. preferably two or three short paragraphs.

Level 1
Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP- 7 and 20/20
Explore and Stamina - 8 and 20/20
Tech and Know how - 30/30 and 5
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 30/30

Skills and Fetishes: Hacking, stealth, lockpicking. Fetsihes - Breastplay, fingering (anal and vaginal), Oral (penile)
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Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Okay, my turn to try an adventurer.

Sophia Raila: A young girl who always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Name: Sophia Raila
Description and Basic Backstory: Sophia, or Sophie as her friends call her, is a relatively short girl. She makes up for what she sees as a height disadvantage through her athletic build and long, dark hair. She tends to keep to herself, and loves to go into the woods. This has gotten her in trouble on more than one occasion.

Desired Posting Speed: Generally few times a day 3-5 days a week.
Desired Posting Length: However much it takes to get the job done ^.^

Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 0 and 10/10
Explore and Stam - 6 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 0 and 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 2 and 30/30

(Spending most of her free time in the outdoors, she is naturally adept at navigating through rough terrain. During her life, she has had several traumatic live experiences that have led her to have a warped sense of sexuality as well as an inherent distrust of people in authority.)

Skills and Fetishes - Unknown and Bondage
Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Well now that I can safely plug in my computer without the worry of it being blown to hell by lightning......

Lisa Mason: Wandering mage and knowledge seeker. (Now retired as queen of the lizards!)

Name: Lisa Mason

Lisa is a mage gifted with an odd affinity for the light even though she has no connections to a diety or the like. Her unbound curiousity leads her to want to learn more and more about the world and solve mysteries whose answers are hidden in the shadows. She will not hesitate to pause her search for mystery to try and help those not as fortunate as her.

Desired posting speed: A couple times a day is fine I'm pretty easygoing about it
Desired description size: Moderate paragraphs, I like knowing whats around me but I understand sometimes there just isn't that much to see :)

Level - 0
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 2 0/0
Explore and Stam - 6 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 8 30/30
Naughty and Lewd -4 30/30

Misha: A free spirited Ssen'Thial girl ready to leave her protected life and see the world.


Misha was born the first daughter of the king of the Ssen'Thial and was blessed with the strength and bravery of her father and the compassion and spirit of her mother along with having less defined reptilian features besides her tail but no one dares to look down on it lest they be torn apart by her father. She has proven quickly a master of all she is taught, gaining an impressive skill in martial combat and understanding the flow of magic within her but now she feels the urge to strike out on her own and see the lands outside the jungle as her mother once did. With her parent's blessing she's prepared to make her own mark on the world.

Desired posting speed: A couple times a day is fine I'm pretty easygoing about it
Desired description size: Moderate paragraphs, I like knowing whats around me but I understand sometimes there just isn't that much to see

Level - 0
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 6 20/20
Explore and Stam - 2 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 8 20/20
Naughty and Lewd -4 20/20
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Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Switching it around, playing as the player for once. :p

Ruth Alexandria; Lady-Knight of the Castle Celeste
Name: Ruth Alexandria

Description and Basic Backstory: Ruth was born into nobility the moment she left her mother's womb, and at a young age, her parents had already determined her future as a Lady-Knight in service to her kingdom.

However, that plan did not work as well as her mother and father hoped. They trained her hard, working her into the ground to try and build some bulk on the girl, but Ruth was far too petite for her to stand by the side of the average, male knight. They fed her more than she wanted, but she refused to gain any weight. And it was after they found she was strong enough to hold a sword, that they sent her on her way to become a Knight, just as they had planned.

Only a couple of years had gone by, with absolutely no contact with her family, leaving her in servitude to the lord of the castle, until a call of adventure was made...

Level - 0
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 9 30/30
Explore and Stam - 3 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 2 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 6 20/20
Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Was bored, so I brought back my favorite rape-bait charry. Will apply for something later, must sleep now.

Name: Ashley
Description and Basic Backstory: About five foot four inches tall and roughly a hundred-and-ten pounds. Dark brown hair that falls to just past her shoulders. Large, but not massive, breasts and a voluptuous ass are the only obviously remarkable features about this young woman. She has been on the run for the murder for quite a while now, making money in any way she can just to survive. Over time, she has even come to enjoy some of the lewd acts she'd been forced to perform in order to get a little bit of spending money, as well as a degree of skill with small weapons and avoiding thrown punches (and chairs.)

Desired Posting Speed: Five to ten times a week or so is fine, ranges randomly depending on when I've got free time. Fairly well paced but not racing.
Desired Posting Length: A paragraph is enough, but the more you give me, generally, the more I can give back.

Level - 0
Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 4 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 5 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 0/0
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 30/30

Skills and Fetishes - Good with knives, and fairly acrobatic. Likes gangbangs, creampies, and monsters (especially those with tentacles XD.)

Made another character. And she's a techie too. Why? Because I could. :p

Name: Phage/Karrie
Description and Basic Backstory: About 5'8" tall and with a perfect hourglass figure, golden blond straight hair, deep ocean blue eyes, and full D-cup breasts with tiny pink nipples, Karrie (her stage name being Phage) gets more than a few tips at the strip club she works at at night. During the day, she works as a mechanic, repairing and upgrading everything form firearms, ships, and personal mechanical upgrades. The reason she works herself so hard is to pay off the loans she took to get her own bio upgrades, which not only cured a lethal disease she'd inherited (and made her immune to all other diseases and infections,) but gave her her seemingly perfect body and mind.

Desired Posting Speed: Once a day, if not a little bit less. Whatever is manageable.
Desired Posting Length: One to three paragraphs.

Level - 0
Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 3 and 10/10
Explore and Stam - 4 and 10/10
Tech K-H and Knowledge - 7 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 20/20

And here's # 3.

Name: Natalie
Description and Basic Backstory: A fairly short girl at about 5'3", with long raven-black hair, Natalie was seemingly harmless young girl, and a promising young student at a small magic academy, right up until she started delving into the dark arts. Necromancy, demon summoning, evocation, black magic... Anything the young woman could get her hands on to increase her own powers, she studied relentlessly. It wasn't long until one of the instructors discovered her midnight activities, of course, and she was forced to flee. Since then, Natalie has changed, her devotion to the dark arts only increasing. Her eyes have become dark and sunken, while the little fat that had been on her figure had melted away years ago, leaving her lean, but still pleasantly curvaceous, thanks to the aid of a succubus years ago.

Desired Posting Speed: Once a day or so, maybe a little less depending on how busy I am.
Desired Posting Length: A paragraph or two is enough.

Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 1 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 5 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 10 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd - 4 and 20/20

And # 4.

Name: Sera
Description and Basic Backstory: With long golden hair, sky0blue eyes with flecks of forest-green, perfectly pointed ears, and pale creamy skin, Sera was practically the image of perfection for an elf. An impressive bust that only occasionally got in the way of her archery, along with her perfectly sculpted ass, had gotten her into trouble on a few occasions, especially due to her inexperience in such matters. She had learned the ways of her woodland people well, and wished for nothing more than to do good in the world.

Desired Posting Speed:
Desired Posting Length:

Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 7 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 8 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 5 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd - 1 and 10/10

Skills and Fetishes - As one of the Rangers, Sara has little experience with sex. She's still a virgin, but as she's lived so independently all her life, she subconsciously enjoys being dominated. She is skilled in combat and survival in the wilds.
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Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Well, from the looks of things normal Maria and future Maria are starting to develop their own little quirks. It only felt right to actually edit this thing, but I wonder if I did it too much?

The sheet for Maria
Name: Maria Caidella

Description: 5' 9" with dark red waist-length hair tied into a ponytail, a fit body, and an ass most people would die for. Her rack, on the other hand, is something she wishes were a little bigger. Her perky yet modest B-barely-bordering-on-C cups don't seem to grab much attention in a world filled with Double-D's and greater. Even so she does her best to garner attention and wears an almost too tight leather ensemble that leaves very little to the imagination.

Born and raised in a rather different corner of the world, Maria left to see the sights only to learn one awful truth: People are idiots. She'd heard tales of this from the elders, but it wasn't until she hit the mainland that she learned every single person on this continent had deluded themselves into believing that magic existed. She knew it didn't, and she immediately began trying to set people straight. This has left her having to deal with some serious backlash from most everyone she meets, but she perseveres as best she can. If people can't handle the truth then they can take a stick and fuck themselves right up the ass.
Sci Fi
From a young age Maria loved to break things. Her parents would yell at her all the time for this. Eventually she tried to put them back together, and she found she loved that even more. Everyday she would crack something open and piece it back together like some oversized and far more expensive puzzle. At first her parents were rightly pissed, but through the power of love and the patience only family can have for each other her attempts began to become more and more successful. After years of this she pretty much understood the inner workings of any technological object without any proper training and study, even going so far as to understanding the complex programming behind some very simplistic AI. Now she mostly works as a consultant or technician for whoever is willing to pay.

Ghosts of the Storm
Because she was a gear-head for hire the Confederate military contracted her to assist in the repair and reclamation of one of their exploration vessels, the TCRS Storm. Upon arriving the platoon she accompanied found the ship overrun with killer cyborgs created from the remains of the Storm's crew. She was the only one to survive, skill and luck pressing her through the ship and eventually to the bridge. There she met Colonel Zaphron, the sector's greatest hero and now deluded turncoat who forced his crew to become killer machines. She also found Carnassus, a very large and very dangerous female alien of unknown origin. Zaphron forced Maria to fight the beast, but sheer perseverance eventually put Maria on top. She gained control of the ship, but Zaphron managed to shoot himself before authorities could question him. Distracted by that and her call for help Maria realized that Carnassus was still very much alive and had escaped. A message written in blood, "You're still mine," let the human know that she was now being hunted.

Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 2 and 10/10
Explore and Stam - 5 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 8 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 30/30
--- Tech K-H and Knowledge replace Spirit and Magic in the appropriate setting
Level - 1
Willpower - 30/30
Combat and HP - 2 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 6 and 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 11 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 6 and 40/40

Level - 2
Willpower - 42/42
Combat and HP - 3 and 30/30
Explore and Stam - 7 and 40/40
Spirit and Magic - 13 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 7 and 50/50

Skills and Fetishes
Scientific magic
Her attempts to convince people that magic isn't real has led her to create small devices which can rival and even overcome similar powers a mage can produce.
Scientific disbelief
Her belief in the foolishness of magic is so strong that it can alter the manifestation of supernatural power. Case in point, if someone's flying at her she'll throw a special blade a few inches over that person's body. The person will fall, and some invisible wires that could support the person's weight will start falling all around them. This will only extend to powers that can't be described any other way. This won't work against a harpy that actually beats its wings to stay afloat, but against a succubus whose wings are there mostly for show she will find herself falling on her ass.

Breast play
Her tits may be small, but they're extremely sensitive. A combination of massage, light nips, and nipple pulls can bring her to orgasm in under a minute. Too much pressure, however, will put her into so much pain she'll literally claw her way to safety if she can.
Her ass is perfect, and a good open slap followed by a massage to spread the sharp sting can push her excitement through the roof. Again, do it too hard and she's likely to just turn around and slug you in the face.
A recently discovered fetish, there's just something about firm, hard flesh pumping through every hole...
Sci fi
Tech Know-it-All
Her ability to understand technology just be looking at it has grown to a complete and almost intimate knowledge of any piece of machinery just by using her five senses. Some people have begun to question whether she's actually human.

Breast play
Her tits may be small, but they're extremely sensitive. A combination of massage, light nips, and nipple pulls can bring her to orgasm in under a minute. Too much pressure, however, will put her into so much pain she'll literally claw her way to safety if she can.
Her ass is perfect, and a good open slap followed by a massage to spread the sharp sting can push her excitement through the roof. Again, do it too hard and she's likely to just turn around and slug you in the face.
Bordering on becoming a technophile, Maria becomes quite excited whenever she gets her hands on a large piece of machinery. The way it pulsed when it came to life, the way it vibrated as she brought it to full power, each shudder echoing through her body... She always kept herself in check while she worked, but once she was done her body would start aching for more.
Prehensile tongues
Maria always enjoyed a good tongue sliding across her body, but when Carnassus showed she could use hers for so much more there was no turning back.
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Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

This is.. uh.. mine.. it's.. uh.. a bat. =3 And i don't know how to do that spoiler thing, so here you go.


Name: Rouge

Description and Basic Backstory: Rouge is a mildly reknowned hunter of treasure, artifacts and other valueble things. Such as a ferret would take to such shiney objects, perceived more valueble than they would ever _really_ be considered, Rouge has what would be consider a 'psychological obligation' to bring herself into tremendous adventures for the gain of a particular prize. Rouge's upbringing was surrounded by slight pomp and wealth. Her mother, a noble matron, would be considered a 'knight' whose greatest adventures would be considered in the bedroom of many of the mightiest beasts. It was, perhaps, inevitable that Rouge would find her hips picking up where her fists would leave off. She is mildly indomnitable in her relentless pursuits of coveted treasures and tokens, even if she must 'borrow' a keepsake during her quest.

Desired Posting Speed: At least once per day.
Desired Posting Length: At least one paragraph.

Level 3
Willpower -24
Combat and HP -8 (80)
Explore and Stam - 7 (40)
Spirit and Magic - 4 (30)
Naughty and Lewd -13 (100)

Skills and Fetishes - Uh... she's a bat. And... too many to count. ((I play WAY better than this. XD))
Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Alright. I have a character. Now I just need to find some dungeons. Nice quick build character system too.

Say hi to...

Celeste Everset: Beloved fighting princess with an "indomitable" will.

Name:Celeste Everset
Description and Basic Backstory:
See image for description. Compassionate, wilful and intelligent. Down to earth but overly idealistic. Always ready to help those in need and put others before herself. Insistent on their beliefs and goals, and doesn't give up easily.

Celeste holds a highly unusual position as a ruling princess of a tiny kingdom. The "kingdom" consists of little more than a castle town, a few villages and the small span of countryside surrounding them. It is the remnants of the old lands her family lost through political issues and family tragedy. The miniature nation rests between the borders of its neighbours, largely ignored and left to its own affairs. Celeste is the last living heir to her once proud family name and the kingdom after her father recently passed away in sickness. Rather than relinquish the country to others, the young Celeste shocked all by stepping up and taking on full responsibilities herself. She cares deeply for the people of her country, and has proved a surprisingly able and popular leader, though tends to push herself in struggling to manage everything she has taken on. It is only through charisma and force of will that she has been able to hold the troubled kingdom together.


When yet another disturbance concerned her diminutive kingdom, despite her servants and peoples well voiced concern for her safety, as always she sets off personally to resolve the issue whatever it may be.

Desired Posting Speed: Plenty of time at the moment. Able to check several times a day, but I'm perfectly fine playing at a more relaxed pace.
Desired Posting Length: Whatever's appropriate. Happy to write/read good descriptive posts.

Level - 0
Willpower - 24
Combat and HP - 10 & [10/10]
Explore and Stam - 6 & [20/20]
Spirit and Magic - 4 & [20/20]
Naughty and Lewd - 0 & [10/10]

Despite her carers finding it a inappropriate activity for a princess, Celeste always enjoyed practising in sword play and other forms of combat, and spent a lot of time training in martial skills. Despite her exceptional skills, her physique still limits her heavily, being unable to withstand much in the way of punishment. Celeste is in no way a mage, but possesses a strong spirit, and has even managed to master a few basic spells. While she copes exceedingly well with the general hardships of the world, she remains incredibly naive and inexperienced concerning anything sexual. Any such treatment will test her resolve very quickly.

Skills - Sword play and combat, foundation level magic, politics, planning for flood prevention, optimism (?)
Fetishes - Innocent/None yet...

Current status: Nah
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Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

So I thought I might have a play around with this system.

Lycoris Nifalim; cleaving her own path one skull at a time.

Name: Lycoris Nifalim
Description and Basic Backstory:
A young, albino, woman Lycoris has never really managed to fit in. With a near flat chest and only the faintest hints of a womanly figure, both normally concealed by armour or heavy clothing, many may mistake her for a young man from a distance. Though her white hair, which held in a loose pony tail that reaches her waist, goes some way to show her femininity. She stands 5'6'' with a slim, lean build. Her eyes are a cherry blossom pink.

Cocky and arrogant to a fault, Lycoris has always believed that she can do whatever she wishes as long as she has the determination to back up her desires. She is quick to speak her mind, even if it might land her in trouble, and assures herself that her position is always the right one. However she is prone to being anything from headstrong to outright stupid at times thanks to her belief in herself.

She was born into a poor family and quickly passed on to a retired knight's care, her family fearing her an ill omen. Her adoptive father's obsession with crafting her into a dangerous warrior certainly didn't lead to Lycoris developing a 'normal' view of the world.


Level - 0
Willpower - 42
Combat and HP - 7 and 10/10
Explore and Stam - 6 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 7 and 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 0 and 0/0
While Lycoris has been well trained in the arts of combat, magic and survival by her father and those he could pay to train her, she has always been something of a glass cannon. She is quickly worn down when someone matches or exceeds her skill level, so she relies on her near never ending determination to win through. She hasn't had any time to devote to finding out about her sexuality, which may leave her at a nasty disadvantage against some foes.

Skills - Cleaving things with a hefty axe, blowing things up with magic and getting on everyone's bad side.
Fetishes - None yet.
Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Well lets see how these character ideas work out.

Selene Morrita- Young noble with a terrible sense of direction and a lust for new experiences.
Name: Selene Morrita

Desired Posting Speed: Minimum of once every other day.
Desired Posting Length: Multiple small paragraphs.

Back-story: Born to minor nobility Selene always wanted the things her parents refused her. She wanted to fight, learn magic, and dress whichever way she desired. Constantly denied because those things were "un-ladylike" she ran away on the eve of her 17th birthday. Since then she has traveled about gathering experience and knowledge in the various arts: blade, magic, and "sword".

Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 6 20/20
Explore and Stamina - 1 30/30
Spirit and Magic - 4 10/10
Naughty and Lewd - 9 10/10

Cursed with a poor sense of direction she must travel a great deal to find even the most simple locations. given that being more promiscuous is one of the primary reasons she left, Selene is very accepting of such situations, unfortunately she doesn't know how to deal with them once they go beyond her control.

Skills and Fetishes - monsters, rape(both ways)

Fabris- Talented mage with her eyes set on becoming a hero.
Status- Serving in Krisalis Castle
Name: Fabris DeViln

Desired Posting Speed: Minimum of once every other day.
Desired Posting Length: Multiple small paragraphs.

Back-story: Ever since she was a little girl Fabris has dreamed of being a hero. Her elder brother Anton got to live her wish, he trained hard for many years and eventually became a talented knight. Being slight of stature and weak physically her dream seemed impossible. That would all change on February of her 14th year. One night, out of the blue she called a massive storm into her bedroom. The house shook to it's foundation and her parents, not wanting to deal with more random outbursts, sent her off to the nearest magical academy. Five years later she managed to graduate, with a bit more control over her explosive powers.

Level - 0
Willpower - 12/12
Combat and HP - 6 10/10
Explore and Stamina - 4 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 7 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 3 30/30

A very powerful mage Fabris has a great deal of magical reserves and due to the explosive nature of her magic she tends to win most fights she can land the first blow in. However, she is still quite frail. In the academy her lack of control caused a lot of resentment and as a result she was the butt of many pranks. Thought relatively inexperienced sexually she can ignore a great deal of harassment as a result.

Skills/Fetishes- Exhibitionism, triple penetration
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Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

This looks like a great place for me to once more jump in on RP again here...ehehe.

Rinne Alfaren, magical thief with a penchant for bad situations while greedy fingers look for more money.
Name: Rinne Alfaren
Description and Basic Backstory:

Oprhaned at a young age, Rinne and her sister took to the streets - one foraging for bread while the other would huddle in thrown away blankets. The two grew depending on each other, taking what they needed to survive..and then the slavers came. Rinne's sister, Rielle, was taken away - which crushed the young girl's spirit for severa years.

Though, she soon learned of the girl being put on auction for the slavers - and that an exorbitant brothel would buy her for her harem. Watching her dragged away, Rinne managed to sneak in to this harem, and watch her sister tied up to a wooden horse, being licked, with toys stuffed in her..trained. The young girl's heart was broken..

She quickly began to amass money to pay for her sister from the brothel - of course, they gave an exorbitant quote - to try and defer the redhead from trying..

But with her will to get into trouble, as she's been doing in her life already - anything from time as a barmaid, to posing as a magess to learn flecks of magic, Rinne set out on her quest to make every single bit of that insane fee to free her sister..

Desired Posting Speed:I can keep up with as much as they're willing to give, whether it's 5+ a day, or 1 a day. ^_^
Desired Posting Length: Multi-para preferred, but will give to match what I recieve

Level - 0
Willpower - 18/18
Combat and HP - 4 and 10/10
Explore and Stam - 7 and 20/10
Spirit and Magic - 4 and 20/10
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 20/20

Fetishes and skills : Forced lesbianism, toys, sex drugs
Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Jayne Harvistir is the counterpart to every farm boy that grows up to be a dashing hero.
Name: Jayne Harvistir



She has an intense, confident and focused personality, combined with naivete and inexperience.

Desired Posting Speed: Generally 2-3 times a day, more if the dungeon villain is faster.
Desired Posting Length: Preferably multi-paragraph.

Level 0

Willpower - 30 / 30

Combat and HP - 7 and 10 / 10
Explore and Stamina - 5 and 20 / 20
Spirit and Magic - 0 and 00 / 00
Naughty and Lewd - 8 and 20 / 20

Farmwork has kept her tough in mind and body and well-suited to enduring tasks. Her innate farmgirl-turned-heroine nature allows her superior intuition with combat, but her naivety and inexperience means she falls easily when actually struck. She has no knowledge or innate power of magic.

Skills - Sewing, cooking, plowing, tilling, animal husbandry, archery
Character Fetishes - Exhibition, bukkake, rough sex, anal sex
Player Fetishes - Corruption, continuity, transformation (of the minor/enhancement type)
Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Stocaryn Silverkin: An silent assassin-in-training with a deep mind behind her deadly katars.

Name: Stocaryn Silverkin
Description and Basic Backstory: Stocaryn known to have a keen wit and amazing ability to understand room wide puzzles. She is also know for her quick and deadly attacks with her dual katars. However overall she is a fairly quite person and rarely speaks unless spoken to.

Desired Posting Speed: At least once everyday or two if not more
Desired Posting Length: small paragraph or large paragraph are fine but the more you give me the better post I can make.

Level - 0
Willpower - 30
Combat and HP - 27
Explore and Stam -28
Spirit and Magic -0
Naughty and Lewd -15

Skills-stealth, lockpicking, assassin...ing?

Fetishes - None yet...
Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Hmm, I don't know if I'm supposed to just dump this here or not, but here goes!

Christi Mace, toughened fighter, your everyday friendly town guard.

Name: Christi Mace (best last name ever right?)

Description & Backstory: a toughened young(ish) lass who's been on the city gaurd since she was 16, of course thieves and criminals
underestimated her, and tried to erm...."Take advantage" unfortunately for them she's proficient not only in armed combat
but also hand-to-hand submissive positions and holds, of course one can only last so long in the big bad world,
and she got caught off once or twice as she got older(19), surprisingly it didn't phase her that much, she still has the
will power of an oxen, unfortunately not much can be said for her proficiency in arcane arts or knowledge of things
irrelevant to fighting, so these will catch her where it hurts.(BALLS OF STEEL AND DOESN'T AFRAID OF ANYTHING o:<)

Specific description: She's quite athletic, with a slender body,
her red hair wildly falls over her shoulders, it matches unusually well with her violet eyes, her entire appearance seemingly matching that of an ambitious flame.

She's beautiful in a unique way, not the classic "princess in a castle" look.
Her clothes are very basic, just tan leather with linen undergarments.
her only specific clothes item differentiating is her silver buckled leather boots.

Post speed: 3 times a day is liked, once a day is ok as well, if need be can be reduced to less v.v, it can also be more, in fact sometimes I prefer that.
Post length: at least one paragraph, as long as wanted

level - 1 (yay!)

willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 10 and 20/20
Explore and Stam - 7 and 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 3 and 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 5 and 40/40

(Strong minded with experience in all things non-magical, she has moderate spirit, high field experience,
and a little bit of experience with that of perverse individuals in her time)

Skills and Fetishes -

She has skill in climbing (training excersize)
And advanced experience in submissive restraint
she also knows a little Cooking, she lives by herself
She has a fetish for being in control in sexual situations,
and oral sex (both giving and receiving)
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Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Elongated Dungeon test character.

Alura Firebrand

Level 2
Willpower - 48
Combat: 9 - 30 Hp
Spirit: 9 - 30 Mana
Explore: 8 - 40 Stamina
Naughty: 4 - 20 Lewd

Description: Trained from a young age in the ways of the fist, she also showed massive talent in magic. Having no patience to learn spells in the normal fashion she instead trained her body to use her fists to push out the magical energy. Igniting it she learned to control fire though using her bodies motions and control of mana. Not only could she create it but she could control it in limited amounts.

Wearing little when setting off on adventures, she tends to have many strange looks given to her. Since her ample frame is hidden by little cloth, and what little cloth there is does not leave many of her qualities to the imagination.
Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)


Desired Posting Speed: I can do once per day to several times a day depending on too many variables.
Desired Posting Length: I'd prefer multiple smaller to one larger, but those sizes in general.

Full Name: Terrasia

Back-story: Terrasia's parents expected her to met married and settle down young. They did everything in their power to do so even though her real interests were martial. Though they stopped every official lesson she managed to 'persuade' a few people to instruct her. This didn't go over well.

Forced out of her home she began going by Rasi. Now a mercenary she's found her first love hard to find work in, no one believes such a small girl is as good with a blade as she is, and has been forced to use her second set of skills slightly more than she'd prefer.

Level - 1
Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 11 10/10
Explore and Stam - 5 20/20
Spirit and Magic - 1 30/30
Naughty and Lewd - 6 40/40

Skills - Sword play and 'sword' play, cooking, athletics
Fetishes - going from fighting to sex, anal, seducing women
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Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Here's my first attempt at a character.

Name: Ana Oqite
Description and basic back story: Granddaughter of a small time adventurer (her grandfather) she has set off into the world in an effort to prove herself worthy of the family name. her hair is long and loose and her small white dress affords her maximum maneuverability when casting spells. She expects to manage with just her magic, and doesn't carry any weapons but her staff.
She is of middling height and curvy, being one of the more popular girls in town (though somewhat of a prude).
(Charpic concept: )

Desired Posting Speed: I can post quickly on weekdays but i will slow down on weekends, so i would think about 3 or more on weekdays to 1 or two on weekends.
Desired Posting Length: No issue giving lengthy posts.

Level - 0
Willpower - 24/24
Combat and HP - 1 and 0/0
Explore and Stam - 2 and 10/10
Spirit and Magic - 15 and 20/20
Naughty and Lewd -2 and 30/30

(Ana has a great magic talent for one so inexperienced, what she lacks is any real skill in hand to hand combat. She is fit (has to maintain that figure) and no stranger to sex, but enjoys equal partner sex, or at least thats what she tells herself.)

Skills - She specializes in illusion magic, both auditory and visual, but knows a few other spells, for offense and defense, a fiery bolts spell and a shielding spell mostly. She has done a little exploring around the hills of her hometown so isn't totally lost in the wilderness

Fetishes - She has only had sex with a couple of her few boyfriends, but as a young girl she was almost raped by a drunk male adventurer, this is something she's mostly forgotten but unconsciously it arouses her.
Re: Adventurer's Charsheets (And rules)

Name: Cala
Description and Basic Backstory:
Cala is a brave and courageous magical warrior. She is trained in swordplay, and use of magic. Cala is completely virginal with an un-penetrated maidenhood, while it may embarrass her or make her feel uncomfortable, if it helps further her goal/mission she is not completely opposed to nudity. She is also friendly and kind hearted and almost always willing to help those in need.
Desired Posting Speed: Moderate
Desired Posting Length: Large Paragraph or Several Paragraphs

Stats (assume a level 0 character for generic charsheet posts, or if it's a dungeon-entering request, choose the appropriate level of the character to enter the dungeon.)
Level - 0
Willpower - 18W
Combat and HP - 6C/20HP
Explore and Stam - 5E/10S
Spirit and Magic - 4S/30M
Tech K-H and Knowledge - N/A
Naughty and Lewd - 5N/10L

Skills and Fetishes - None at present
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