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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

is it worth the stamina to do Thursday daily map for new player like me ?

Also which HA units should i focus: Rean, Bernice or Mariebell ? Assumed that i could not cost reduc or skill up any of them because i lack sufficient units.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was doing base summoning in a vain effort to get Valery so I can class-change Mehlis #2, so I could feed her to Mehlis #1 for the cost reduction and skill-up. I haven't gotten the silver mage, but I got my first base summoning black unit:

This is why I like Aegis better than a lot of these other social games (though, I would've been happier if I got Bashira).

U wanna get your petite ass kicked dont u??????????

Congrats, I cry with envy (I got a Valeri from base last week :p)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

is it worth the stamina to do Thursday daily map for new player like me ?

Also which HA units should i focus: Rean, Bernice or Mariebell ? Assumed that i could not cost reduc or skill up any of them because i lack sufficient units.

Probably not, new/midgame players have better things to use their stamina on. The ninja is pretty cool but probably not necessary and the plat healer is far too expensive for what it offers (Silver/gold healers will cover almost everything you need anyways).

Rean is probably best, you'll get copies of her constantly, unlike Bernice and Maribelle. Silvers will often outperform higher rarity units because they're easy to skill up/cost reduce, unlike Gold/Plat units (Black being an except because they're OP and are hella useful even without skill up/cost reductions).

You worded your message oddly though so I'm not sure if you're saying you lack the units to CC your HA's, or you lack copies of them altogether. Maribelle is either nearly useless, or one of the best event girls ever, depending on her skill level (3/5 is when she starts being solid). If you're stuck at 1/5 skill with only one Maribelle, best to avoid her. If you can get her to 3/5 skill or higher, you could probably level her first or along with Rean.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Probably not, new/midgame players have better things to use their stamina on. The ninja is pretty cool but probably not necessary and the plat healer is far too expensive for what it offers (Silver/gold healers will cover almost everything you need anyways).

Rean is probably best, you'll get copies of her constantly, unlike Bernice and Maribelle. Silvers will often outperform higher rarity units because they're easy to skill up/cost reduce, unlike Gold/Plat units (Black being an except because they're OP and are hella useful even without skill up/cost reductions).

You worded your message oddly though so I'm not sure if you're saying you lack the units to CC your HA's, or you lack copies of them altogether. Maribelle is either nearly useless, or one of the best event girls ever, depending on her skill level (3/5 is when she starts being solid). If you're stuck at 1/5 skill with only one Maribelle, best to avoid her. If you can get her to 3/5 skill or higher, you could probably level her first or along with Rean.

Thanks and sorry for my Engrish if it confused you :eek:

I managed to get 3 copies of Maribelle from the last event so i hope with some luck i can get her to 3/5 but i am not going to count on that. Therefore i think i will stick with a 50CC50 Rean.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow you can get 12 red gems a run from the 40/8 map. I'm averaging 10 gems a run now. 8, 10, 8, 12, 12. Long live 1.5x event + red gem daily :p

Thanks and sorry for my Engrish if it confused you :eek:

I managed to get 3 copies of Maribelle from the last event so i hope with some luck i can get her to 3/5 but i am not going to count on that. Therefore i think i will stick with a 50CC50 Rean.

Ah, goodluck! Even with 2/5 skill she'll still be usable, you just probably can't count on her as your main HA. Luckily her skill will always make her temporarily godly, just for much shorter periods lol.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Soma-chan's presence ... kawaii~! (Soma-chan, even if without a voice, moe moe dana~ )

Joking aside, Fruit just convinced me to waste crystals on the daily mission. 14 stamina is definitely useful.

Been busy with the challenge quest lately. I have 3 starred every map except the 2nd last/last/great magical battle. V = victory! (Now I can farm platinum/black fairy with remorse, though it's 5 stamina a pop *sweat drops*)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was doing base summoning in a vain effort to get Valery so I can class-change Mehlis #2, so I could feed her to Mehlis #1 for the cost reduction and skill-up. I haven't gotten the silver mage, but I got my first base summoning black unit:

This is why I like Aegis better than a lot of these other social games (though, I would've been happier if I got Bashira).

Wow gratz, that some crazy luck you have here, the drop rate is like 0.1 or something right?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I was doing base summoning in a vain effort to get Valery so I can class-change Mehlis #2, so I could feed her to Mehlis #1 for the cost reduction and skill-up. I haven't gotten the silver mage, but I got my first base summoning black unit:

This is why I like Aegis better than a lot of these other social games (though, I would've been happier if I got Bashira).

Pff I'd trade a Bashira for her any day. Congrats.

Thinking about it, I haven't seen a gold rarity from my base summon in so long...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

is it worth the stamina to do Thursday daily map for new player like me ?

Also which HA units should i focus: Rean, Bernice or Mariebell ? Assumed that i could not cost reduc or skill up any of them because i lack sufficient units.

In addition to what others said about Thursday missions, the second one (solo battle) is actually one of the hardest daily missions and if you are a 'new player', you can have trouble with beating it at all.

Mariabelle has a nice HP pool, but her base def is on a level of a normal soldier. At around 50cc40 Rean will have around 100 base def more. Unfortunately you are unlikely to get two skillups from two units, but even if you do I think that for underleveled team Rean is better to invest into. Otherwise you run into risk of having great burst def (and attack) of Mariabelle, but not having anything to tank some normal black armors.


Grats on your summon Petite Soeur. Base summon is supposed to have like 8%, but I don't believe it T_T. Since the beginning of the game I got silver unit twice. Due to current event I have accumulated 300k gold and I wonder if it is worth it to invest it in base summons or just spend it on eating iron soldiers...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Grats on your summon Petite Soeur. Base summon is supposed to have like 8%, but I don't believe it T_T. Since the beginning of the game I got silver unit twice. Due to current event I have accumulated 300k gold and I wonder if it is worth it to invest it in base summons or just spend it on eating iron soldiers...

Trust me on this, unless you have an insanity amount of luck, it is not worth to spent your gold on base summon. I had spent 200k gold at base summon and the best unit i got is a silver male name Bernard. :rolleyes:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Trust me on this, unless you have an insanity amount of luck, it is not worth to spent your gold on base summon. I had spent 200k gold at base summon and the best unit i got is a silver male name Bernard. :rolleyes:

From jp wiki, around 3.5% to get silver, 0.1% to get gold, and less than 0.1% to get black and plat.

As for me i have spend around 500k gold on base summon, i got 2 gold and around 8/10 silver.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Ok, my Japanese skills could have failed me, I was using data from here: . I wouldn't mind some silver units, but 3.5% is definitely more accurate...

Btw. in case anyone is wondering - Elf Queen from gem shop is apparently also considered to be an event unit, and is not affected by exp bonus.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I Was talking previously about sacrifying a black unit. Well sometimes it's obvious...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I Was talking previously about sacrifying a black unit. Well sometimes it's obvious...
Yup, that's the type of situation I was talking about. *nods*

Now if I can get a second copy of Kurisa or Nanaly ... ah I forgot how many unit the Goddess owes me % wise, haven't see a single black rarity unit since Nanaly, which was on day 5 or so back when I spammed Premium summons to get an early start.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Actually i really think my black unit % chance switch with the platinium % (or maybe gold). with 55 crystals got the black princess and the black HA.
Trade me some of your platinium chance for some of my black chance.
With this event and my previous stock of plat unused units and fairies from Phallanx 3, my Team average level has just exploded.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Damn I wish the last daily continued today, I had to sleep so I only got to 99 red gems. Now the question: I wonder if the 1.5x event with the Thursday red gem event is better than the normal Tuesday red gem daily lol.

This week off has done wonders for my team, almost have all my main and specialized team to 40 or higher now. Those little bits of attack and defense boosts across your entire team really add up. Also Yurina is a late bloomer and I finally have time to raise her up, so she's almost worth her cost now. This is about the first time I could ever afford to stock fairies instead of needing to use them immediately, so I should be more prepared for whatever the next event throws at us, I recommend you guys do the same if you have the inventory space.

I've said it before but I usually like these breaks from events more than some of the events, lol. Oh hope they add male gift dailies eventually or something, they put them in the daily logins, so it doesn't seem like they're that special.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Maxxed Maribelle & Sorano~! I been too busy with Shiro Lily hence I don't have enough plat fairies :X (To prepare for awakening and all that)

Trade me some of your platinum chance for some of my black chance.
I would happily do so, just be aware that my luck is lower than one would expect. Hence don't blame me if you get a stream of silvers and gold suddenly became as rare as platinum :X

Usually, it's like this.
Silver 70~%
Gold 25%
Platinum 5%
Black 0%

10+1 Premium Gacha Attempts:
1~4) Silver, silver, silver, silver. *sighes*
+1 more: Shizuka. *tears* Shizuka~!
6) Silver
7) Gold Monk
8) Gold Healer
9) Silver
10) Silver
11) Gold Healer
"Goddess Aegis, thank you kindly for reminding me why I would wage war against you. You have once again convinced me that waging war against you is the right path that I must take."
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Oh a question: If you guys could have any one unit for free, who would you choose? No skill ups or cost down immediately, just like you'd obtained them from gacha. I guess if it's an event unit you can have some cost reduction/skill ups on them like if you'd had a bit of time to farm them lol.

As much as I'd love Sybillia, Olivia/Olivier or Kurissa, my duelists are already decently strong. Laila, is pretty specialized and needs skill ups to really shine just like Berna (Dem abs though). I don't know much about Onmyoji Mikoto even though she seems freaking amazing or I'd consider her (I really gotta find a video of her in action). I really love her look. So it's between Nanally and Saint Iris for me, both my healers and archers feel kind of weak right now and either would round out my team. I'm leaning towards Nanally since I at least have stronger healers to work on, but my archers suck atm :p

Nanally wins~ Even though she's overused and seems to be one of the more popular black units. Honestly I like Saint Iris's look more but I like how Nanally's skill doesn't really need skill ups. It's so hard to pick just one but I'm doing my best >.> I may change my answer later. Saint Iris almost seems too OP... Well among black units, they're probably both top tier.

Oh holy fuck, I just saw Onmyoji Mikoto's skill: DO WANT. I change my answer lol. Even if she's a one trick pony and is kind of weak, that ability is too cool. I don't know if she does magic damage or not though so that could change my decision. Here's the Pegasus Knight too: She's okay, not that impressive. Now I'm going through and looking up all the units I've never seen before.

Usually, it's like this.
Silver 70~%
Gold 25%
Platinum 5%
Black 0%

10+1 Premium Gacha Attempts:
1~4) Silver, silver, silver, silver. *sighes*
+1 more: Shizuka. *tears* Shizuka~!
6) Silver
7) Gold Monk
8) Gold Healer
9) Silver
10) Silver
11) Gold Healer
"Goddess Aegis, thank you kindly for reminding me why I would wage war against you. You have once again convinced me that waging war against you is the right path that I must take."

Dragon reminds me of why I'm happy that I don't wage war with the Aegis Goddess...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Aegis walks by, covers her mouth politely after a light burp, and pats the Prince's back. In a satisfied tone of voice, "Thank you, I haven't been this satisfied for a while now."

In return, prince cried out in anguish at the lost Crystals.

"Petty mortal, to think of waging war against me, you have succumbed to your temptation after all." In a condescending tone of voice, followed by a quiet giggle not suited to the mood. "But I am quite content that you have kept me fed so well. Perhaps I shall reward you?" In a tempting tone of voice she asked.

Prince wiped away his non-existent tears, then silently nods to himself, pondering. "Starvation tactics ..." the Prince whispered to himself.

As if hearing a nightmare coming to life, the Goddess's eyes opened wide. "Wait ..." she cried out hesitantly. Remembering the last time it happened, living by everyday on bits and pieces of Crystal. "Please reconsider ...?" Pleadingly, she requested.

Prince stood up straight, and smiled in reply. "Fairy Rescue event is this Friday, don't worry too much."

Aegis calmed down in response. In a relived tone of voice, "That's right, there's no way Prince would refuse feeding me crystals for that event."

Prince turned around promptly, with a grin on his face. "Hence, I would only declare war afterwards," and this time mockingly, "still, don't worry too much~"

The Goddess's eyes locked on to the Prince's back as he left the room whistling a cheerful tone. Aegis took a few deep breathes. "It's alright, he will succumb to temptation once again ... and I will patiently wait until then."

"I pray that it's sooner rather than later though, " in a shaking tone of voice she mentioned. After all, for a Goddess who has been well-fed by crystals, gold seems as distasteful as stale bread.

"Prince, it's time for farm work. Soma-chan has been waiting for you." Prince's assistant Anna calmly interrupted Prince's cheerful mood.

Prince grimaced, "right now? But I have just decided to starve a certain tsun-tsun Goddess." he reflexively replied.

"Oh? I see." Anna acknowledged. "In that case, I will enforce it for you Prince. But it's time for your farm work, you don't want to keep Soma-chan waiting now."

Prince shivered, "wait, I can handle rationing myself, you don' ", without another word, Anna dragged Prince away by his ears. "Don't worry, this is part of my duty. I will make sure both you, who has been wasteful lately with hard-earned event crystals, and that pampered Goddess learns better." Anna concluded in a cold voice, leaving no room for excuses.

Aegis, who was leaning against the wall, hoping to hear the fate of her future food supply, dropped onto her knees. " ... " She was reminded that the easy to tempt Prince is one thing, but Anna, who has managed to help Prince stack up over 4 million gold is a completely different story.

Quickly realizing the dire situation, she got back up and chased after the duo, crying out, "Wait, Anna! Please! We can still ... "

*flick* Aegis sat on the ground, covering her forehead in pain and cowered before Anna's menacing presence.

"Silence. While Prince wasting gold was forgivable, since he was increasing the strength of his army for the future. I will not forgive him for wasting precious Goddess Crystals just to increase the number of his harem." Anna in a cold-blooded tone of voice declared the pair's fate.

Both the Prince and the Goddess shivered helpless in reply. The Prince tried to crawl away on his fours while Anna was focused on the Goddess...

Unfortunately, he bumped into Soma-chan, who was coming to check why her beloved Prince was so late.

"Prince-sama, what's wrong? Why are you crawling around like a puppy?" In a curious tone of voice, Soma-chan tilted her head and asked.

Then she giggled, realizing, "Is this a new game? Mind if I join? Prince, Prince~ I can play as well right~?"

"Heh~ I see. Like a puppy." Anna spit out those words in a emotionless tone of voice.


During Today's rural gate marathon, a new melee unit with 19 cost was introduced. The unit's specialty is passive stats buff and ranged attack despite being a melee unit. Not only that, it has a half-damage melee attack to boot.


"I am just glad Soma-chan is the one riding on top." Prince's last words.
"I still have ... I still have Today's share, if I can stretch it out until the end of the month ... oh no, I already ate all of them~!" A certain soon-to-be-starved Goddess's last words.
The moral of the story is. Anna is the strongest. This concludes me and my mortal nemesis's fate for this month.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Just how exactly works the cost down thingy for units?

When feeding a unit with one identical, the cost for the base lowers by one; there's a chance for this to fail, right?

Now, how many times can this be done? until the unit has a cost of 1? or it's just a single time per unit?

Also, when trying this with an already class changed unit, it needs another class changed unit, or it can be the base one?
I mean; [chief soldier + soldier]
or it has to be: [chief soldier + chief soldier]

And for a last question, is possible to get another Katie? (well, the quests lady)
I think she's not listed in the gacha's possible rewards.