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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Damn, that's annoying.

Think there is supposed to be a maintenance at 6am their time, but it's not there yet. So I'm not sure what's up. I gotta get to sleep, gunna lose a lot of stamina/charisma regen because of this.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hm, I don't seem to be having any problems. Though, one of the emergency missions was bugged apparently, so they're going to give out a free sacred crystal as an apology. The upcoming maintenance is for the Android-version; it should still be possible to play with the PC-version.

This is what I got/done so far during this event:
Charlottes: 11
Christophers: 3
Pales: 2
Belinda: 50CC35 (0 affection)
Sedis #1 50CC17 (max affection)
Sedis #2: Get!

Spent 5 sacred crystals (2 to expand my unit box, and 3 today to get Sedis #2 another copy of Pales from the 4th map). I'm hoping the next event will let me have time to farm silver fairies; I have way too many units that need to be fed to each other, and I'm in dire need of affection giving items (I only have enough to raise Belinda to 54~99).

While Pulse is technically correct. Her name is most likely , which is written in kana as "パルス", since it fits with the other characters named after those from Greek and Roman mythology (Iris, Minerva, Phyllis, etc.).

Also, I don't really see the resemblance between Charlotte and Pretty Cure. The latter look like typical magical girls, and Charlotte looks like she came from the same school of design as Sherry. Charlotte was drawn by the same person who did Belinda and Chloris, who is one of the three people I had bookmarked from Pixiv (the others are Wazakita, and Fujiyama Takashi). I just wish I knew what the metal plates covering Charlotte's knuckles are called; I don't believe I've seen that sort of protector before. It's been bugging me this entire event.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Hi all.
When we cleared the last mission in current event, some dialogue messages of the enemy Lord's appear on the screen.
For those who are interested in them, I have made screenplay.

The lord of the dead:
Although, I had thought battle to be nothing more than boredom,
this fight with you was joy.

The lord of the dead:
Unfortunately, this body is going to ruin.
But calm down.

The lord of the dead:
My soul is immortal.
I'll revive again soon.

The lord of the dead:
Prince, who is a descendant of the hero,
I'm looking forward to seeing ya... nex...


Sorry, attached file doesn't work well.

Many thanks !


Again near the end of the event, but I managed to 3star the final map. I leveled Stacy (?, the elf queen) some, so that my three healers can keep with Skeleton king damage. I have also realized, that spearmen skeletons hit for effing 720 damage, so using Yurina to tank the king wasn't the best idea. 15 vs 10 mdef is only 60 damage difference, so I just leveled my Carry to lvl 40/max affection. When spearmen pass I still change back to Yurina, though maybe that is not necessary. All in all I am glad I needed Carry.

Anyone knows how much healing throughput I need for final story mission, now that I can use 15 mdef Yurina to tank liches shots?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Anyone knows how much healing throughput I need for final story mission, now that I can use 15 mdef Yurina to tank liches shots?
Each lich deals 500 damage, so you need at least one unit with over 1.5k HP, and 3-4 healers that can outheal that damage output. However, you will have a much more difficult time than I did; I had the Immortal Princess Karma to cheese through the final rush that had the dragon, baphomets, and so on who will contribute additional damage to your front-line units. From what I've seen, the final rush requires a number of spare high HP units, so you can replace them as needed until everything but the liches are dead.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm still unable to play T_T

Where re u from guys? are u using a proxy? maybe the time zone thing is now not enough to play T_T
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

To my the infamous error 403 is displayed :/
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I think it died again, now for desktop client as well.

EDIT: Mobile client redirects me to information about maintenence. Apparently it is a 2 hour one, from 6:00 to 8:00. That is still one and half hour from now.

So... any other of the DMM games are worth checking? I read PeroPero is about guy who mindcontrols girls, and there is no gameplay outside of gatcha... Not too appealing. How about other titles?
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

using a VPN help for the 403 error.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I am going to go with Pulse, Pales sounds just about awkward to me as pulse is to you. (To be specific, there's a pulse cannon in Maiden Snow, and now I have one in Aegis.)

Charlotte's knuckles
The whole thing can be classified as a Gauntlet, not sure if that individual protector or knuckle has a specific name though. Great, now it's bugging me as well.

Now in terms of pretty cure:

The similarity in design of the character is quite noticeable in my opinion. I am more baffled by the fact you didn't notice it.
While the artist is obviously different, the source of the design has striking similarities like accessory and dress.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

How to kill the biggest Jelly in the daily quest 1st map ?

That thing go through all of my defense while pick off my units as snacks on the way to the boat. :mad:
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Snipers or Pirate, preferably high level snipers. (Archer's range is too short)

You need around 2 snipers + 1 archer (depending on rarity and the like) for that map to clear it at lower levels.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Wow did they region lock the game then if VPN's work? This sucks, still 403 error. I'm all in Japanese too, timezone and all.

Guess I have to stop playing, I don't like VPN's, usually slows everything down.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

You can shut down the VPN once in the game, it work too and try different IP on the VPN sometimes it don't work with all japanese IP.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Unlike KanColle, Aegis is near the same speed even with vpn due to the way the game interacts with the server. You won't notice the slow down on speed at all while playing. (Though load/result screen might take longer to load)

But yes, it's region locked and vpn required.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Good excuse to quit anyways :p I'll find another game. Longest DMM game I played, too bad. I'ma probably be done with DMM games now, all of em becoming region locked it seems. Unless there's one that really interests me.

Imagine the people who put money into the game and now they're told that they aren't allowed to play it, pretty terrible.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

They seriously went for a region lock? Oh well, bye from me too then, it's been a fun ride.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I have not attempted to connect from desktop client since yesterday, but Android client still works fine without any issues. Why on earth would they region-lock it however? Are they getting publishers in other regions, or what?


In patch notes they wrote:


Perhaps someone can provide a better translation. From what I get it is 'Abovementioned timezones can no longer play the game, we ask for your understanding.'. Unfortunately above there is nothing about timezones, just some apologizes for downtime and promise of holy gem in next maintenance. Plus we were not able to play with different 'timezone' since the beginning. I just hope they didn't region lock it to 'fix' the bug with game not working on non-jp local time setting...
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

So, did we just get the finger from them or is this some kind of bug that's accidental?

Because I do not understand the reason to block access to certain consumers.

Also, my mastery in the Art of Google is plain bad, so if anyone could give a heads up on how to VPN, I would be grateful.
Thanks beforehand.
