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Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

What's good about the Kanpani game? I played like 4 mins and it seems just a nicer version of LOV.
I also don't get the "all ages" rating thing when the only thing all this """games""" (the only actual game so far is Aegis) have to offer is borderline ero.... no gameplay, no history (well, more or less, but nothing interesting enough to justify playing), no challenge...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I would like some advice on Hien vs Saki. I realise there is also a gimmicky event ninja Nagi with a worthless bonus. She's still "free" so if you have any thoughts on her feel free to share.

From what I read, Saki is reasonably durable with almost 1.9k hp, and has higher attack, and also higher attack speed when awakened. However, with the same crystals to purchase Saki, you can essentially get Hien at CR-2. Unless lots of crystals* is spent on Saki CR, Hien essentially costs 5 less to deploy.

Any thoughts on which is more desirable?

*The English version has Spica, Saki and Akane in TP right now. Given that Spica is required and one might want Akane, crystals are limited. Of course, old veterans may find themselves with too many crystals?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I would like some advice on Hien vs Saki. I realise there is also a gimmicky event ninja Nagi with a worthless bonus. She's still "free" so if you have any thoughts on her feel free to share.
Nagi's ability isn't worthless; anyone saying otherwise is an idiot. She comes with a 1.3x damage bonus against youkai-type enemies, which means she's a good unit for the current subjugation mission, and most of the new story mission maps. Basically, it's there to balance her against players who have the Platinum Ninja Hina, where Hina is better than Nagi for most situations, but Nagi is better for youkai and tanking damage.

In the case of Hien versus Saki. Hien is better until you awaken Saki and then Skill AW Her. Saki's AW Skill allows her to attack 3 enemies at the same time, which makes her really good (possibly better than Hina unless Hina gets an AW Skill that makes her even more disgustingly powerful). Saki shares the same skill as the Platinum Ninja Azami, so it's possible to get Saki close to a state where she's ready for her Skill AW without having to purchase multiple copies of her or use rainbow fairies whenever they revive Azami's event.

So it's basically a case of whether you want Saki for the long run, or Hien for the short term (he's about as good as pre-buff Hina, who was disgustingly strong even before she got her HP/AT and cost-reduction buffs).

Also, if you want drop spoilers, the post in my signature has spoilers for Ling's event. You were asking about drop rates, and I made various posts in this thread back when spoiler data was revealed for farm-type events. You'll have to use the search feature to find them. They should be easy to find if you search for 'maintenance update'.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Saki: lv 99 HP: 1575 Atk: 303 Def: 256
Nagi: lv 99 Hp: 1688 Atk: 299 Def: 252
Hien: lv 80 HP: 1382 Atk: 276 Def: 203

As you can see, the two black Ninja have higher maximum stats than the Gold Ninja courtesy of their higher Level Cap.

Saki has higher overall stats in Atk and Def that is because her skill is more gimmick than other two Ninja.

Saki pre-AW Ninjutsu IV gives dodge chance of 50% and have low chance of instant kill while her post AW skill increases her range and allows her to attack up to three target at the same time. That couple with her AW skill that increase Attack speed and you have a killing machine again unarmored enemies rush.

Nagi is straight up beefy Ninja, overall good stats with high HP pool, combined with her skill that increase all her stats by 1.6 percentage make her a good semi duelist that could even duel a Red Oni with only one healer support, a feast that even some of my unit such as AW lv 53 Claudia or Rank 200 Prince could not do. Her passive makes her deadly again youkai race which is the most annoying and dangerous race of monster as of now.

Hien is the most simple one to use. He does not have any gimmick. His AW ability further decrease his cost, his skill allow him to reach high attack in short amount of time.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I doubt we'll be able to reacquire golds we already have from it. I think I missed the first Gold Rush though, so this could be nice. None of the units are ones that I really need though at this point, most have shown up in multiple gold rushes so I have them decently cost reduced.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Well i'm glad i have chance to further down claire (CR-1 atm) and iris (CR-1).
I'm itching to try lvl-ed the white old man (barba-something) since i'm still using valerie T_T i mention before (no 2nd mage yet), but still hoping noel to come out.

Well 1st gold rush is a good place for use late comer to have some of our sortie into gold and CR them if got dup, all im scared is just the drop rate on those fairy and what to do with multiple iron bronze fairy
PS: SC !!! drool*
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Nagi's ability isn't worthless; anyone saying otherwise is an idiot.

Idk what kind of player yeehaws is, but from the perspective of a free player unable to raise all and every unit out there, a narrow ability that works only on certain maps/events is worthless.

For example, I raised Claudia because I don't have other princess and her normal skill is pretty op. She is a very good unit, but her special/aw ability was useful like.. 2 times in several months. I would exchange a buff that works 3 times a year for a constant 10 magic resistance anytime :S

Agree with all the rest. Saki AW skill put her back on the game.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

am I the only one here who likes Claudia? I have she is kinda squishy but her dps is really good and awesome during skill activation. I am really glad I've got her, unfortunately only -3/6 and I am still regretting it.... She was my first princess except for Anya and for me she waS always quite useful. I would not be able to complete a lot of things if not for her. She also helped a lot with 4 golems crazy map...
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I like Claudia, still use her on some daily missions. I'm not a huge fan of her art (Some anatomy problems), but her AW art fixes that slightly. I might awaken her eventually, her skill is incredibly strong and I don't plan to skill change Anya to the more offensive version, so she fills in nicely there.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Claudia wise, I have Sherry and Anya and waiting for her skill AW to determine whether to AW her or not. Her true damage skill is really good if and only if she can tank whatever she's hitting. (Which is often not the case when it comes to golems, not without hp buff anyways)

Nagi wise, she shines best after AW skill. She's like Maribelle, fire and forget. Except her skill duration is shorter than Maribelle's.

(This one I don't get, since Maribelle reaches higher stats, can 4 block like a great wall, and actually do solid damage while blocking. For a whole 70 seconds which is enough to last past mid-game or end-game against any boss. 45 seconds on a ninja on the other hand ...)

Compared to 45 seconds of Nagi having double hp, atk, defense, which arguably makes her a solid duelist against air target and whatever else thrown at her. (The stun at the end is actually a plus, let the boss pass and recover then hit from behind.)

Interesting Cliche: Skill AW Nagi can solo a wind fuujin within that 45 seconds with 1 healer. (Air -> Ground -> Dead)
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

am I the only one here who likes Claudia? I have she is kinda squishy but her dps is really good and awesome during skill activation. I am really glad I've got her, unfortunately only -3/6 and I am still regretting it.... She was my first princess except for Anya and for me she waS always quite useful. I would not be able to complete a lot of things if not for her. She also helped a lot with 4 golems crazy map...

Hey, I actually like her, art included. Even spent like 15 crystals to get her to -3 cost. But her AW ability probed to be marginally useless so far.

On the other hand Artemis and Vampire hunters get buff against a lot more common types of enemies as a class perk, in addition to their personal ability and not instead of.
If Clauda and Nagi had real AW abilities and not just a mini buff to their "special skill", they would be among the best event units.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

For example, I raised Claudia because I don't have other princess and her normal skill is pretty op. She is a very good unit, but her special/aw ability was useful like.. 2 times in several months. I would exchange a buff that works 3 times a year for a constant 10 magic resistance anytime :S
Narrator: "Upon finishing his latest magnum opus, the idiot TieSKey turned his head and saw a bubble dragon, a fire dragon, a dragonewt mage, and the desert dragonewt chieftain crowded around him with pensive looks in their eyes. Each of the dragons deftly lift their tails and point towards TieSKey's clock. It's a minute past Sodomy O'clock."

Narrator: "While Tieskey is on the verge of losing his anal virginity, Princess Claudia is sitting patiently in the next room waiting eagerly for TieSKey to call for her help. Will TieSKey cry out for Claudia to come save him? Tune in to to find out next week!"

Soma: "This programme has been brought to you by the Soma-chan Foundation. Whenever you look at Extend Range I, remember that it isn't worthless; cuteness is justice!"

Claudia and Nagi's abilities are balanced around their skills and stats. Claudia's skill gives her True Damage, Attack 1.5x, and +10% Magic Resistance up to 50 seconds. All of this is to widen her versatility when it comes to choosing her over someone like Sherry for the following situations:
1) Temporary 20% MR Versus 10% MR
2) Enemy x% MR Versus Enemy y% MR
3) Dragon-type Enemy Versus Non-Dragon-type Enemy

They didn't just decide on yx damage against race arbitrarily. They had to pick things for Claudia to make her different from Sherry, Lilia, Sybilla, Kaguya, and Olivia so players have various reasons to choose her over them. Giving Claudia 10% Magic Resistance would make her too similar to Sybilla and Olivia, and encroach on Lilia's territory (Lilia's purpose is that she always has 15% MR, High HP, High Defence with her Skill, and HP Regen, making her the strongest tank unit in the game that can fight a stone golem without the Prince buffing her).

The same goes for players who have the witches Figneria and Despia when it came to Eliza, Eliza's main difference is that she has a stronger slow effect than the other two with her skill, and her ability makes it so she deals more damage than Figneria while also keeping her full range during a snowstorm.

This decision-making process is the same for practically every other character or class in the game. Generally, Daniella is more useful than Soma, but Soma's skill makes her essential for certain important situations (i.e. it used to be that you needed Soma to get 3 stars on Undead Monsters because the archer targeting priorities during the red and regular gargoyle waves would let one past Daniella).

If you want a worthless ability by definition, I would suggest you examine Chloris, Bella, and Elva's abilities. It used to be that they were a hard 2%, so they had the highest chance out of everyone to instantly kill a boss-type enemy (Minerva and Xiao would both have a 1% chance with their skills), but they changed it so they're also affected by each enemy's multiplier (i.e. 4% against goblins, 3% against merfolk deep ones, 0.2% against bosses, e.g. liches, 0.002% against Fuujin, Ushioni, Nurarihyon, Mummy Priests, etc.). I can't think of any situations where that kind of ability is ever useful, though you're free to do some math to determine whether it's practical for something like Beatrica and Marie's god-tier map with all of those deep ones that came out in a huge swarm (personally, I'm looking forward to destroying that map with a True Dragon Warrior Anya).
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Narrator: "Upon finishing his latest magnum opus, the idiot TieSKey turned his head and saw a bubble dragon, a fire dragon, a dragonewt mage, and the desert dragonewt chieftain crowded around him with pensive looks in their eyes. Each of the dragons deftly lift their tails and points towards TieSKey's clock. It's a minute past Sodomy O'clock."

Narrator: "While Tieskey is on the verge of losing his anal virginity, Princess Claudia is sitting patiently in the next room waiting eagerly for TieSKey to call for her help. Will TieSKey cry out for Claudia to come save him? Tune in to to find out next week!"

Soma: "This programme has been brought to you by the Soma-chan Foundation. Whenever you look at Extend Range I, remember that it isn't worthless; cuteness is justice!"

Claudia and Nagi's abilities are balanced around their skills and stats. Claudia's skill gives her True Damage, Attack 1.5x, and +10% Magic Resistance up to 50 seconds. All of this is to widen her versatility when it comes to choosing her over someone like Sherry for the following situations:
1) Temporary 20% MR Versus 10% MR
2) Enemy x% MR Versus Enemy y% MR
3) Dragon-type Enemy Versus Non-Dragon-type Enemy

They didn't just decide on yx damage against race arbitrarily. They had to pick things for Claudia to make her different from Sherry, Lilia, Sybilla, Kaguya, and Olivia so players have various reasons to choose her over them. Giving Claudia 10% Magic Resistance would make her too similar to Sybilla and Olivia, and encroach on Lilia's territory (Lilia's purpose is that she always has 15% MR, High HP, High Defence with her Skill, and HP Regen, making her the strongest tank unit in the game that can fight a stone golem without the Prince buffing her).

The same goes for players who have the witches Figneria and Despia when it came to Eliza, Eliza's main difference is that she has a stronger slow effect than the other two with her skill, and her ability makes it so she deals more damage than Figneria while also keeping her full range during a snowstorm.

This decision-making process is the same for practically every other character or class in the game. Generally, Daniella is more useful than Soma, but Soma's skill makes her essential for certain important situations (i.e. it used to be that you needed Soma to get 3 stars on Undead Monsters because the archer targeting priorities during the red and regular gargoyle waves would let one past Daniella).

If you want a worthless ability by definition, I would suggest you examine Chloris, Bella, and Elva's abilities. It used to be that they were a hard 2%, so they had the highest chance out of everyone to instantly kill a boss-type enemy (Minerva and Xiao would both have a 1% chance with their skills), but they changed it so they're also affected by each enemy's multiplier (i.e. 4% against goblins, 3% against merfolk deep ones, 0.2% against bosses, e.g. liches, 0.002% against Fuujin, Ushioni, Nurarihyon, Mummy Priests, etc.). I can't think of any situations where that kind of ability is ever useful, though you're free to do some math to determine whether it's practical for something like Beatrica and Marie's god-tier map with all of those deep ones that came out in a huge swarm (personally, I'm looking forward to destroying that map with a True Dragon Warrior Anya).

Lol, the narration was funny.

I won't say there aren't worst abilities out there, yet that doesn't make Claudia's one actually good. As I said, Artemis, Vampire Hunters and Bandits (I'm pretty sure I'm missing another one here) get a very similar (better in my opinion) ability IN ADDITION to their personal ones.
There are a lot of routes the devs could have taken to make her different, I mentioned 10 MR just as an example. A ranged attack was the top expectation during her event and if I'm not mistaken, that was unique at that moment.
And btw, dragonewt chieftain is easy and she barely survives those other dragons until awakened :S
If you want to make her the kirifu against dragons, give her a 50% dmg reduction as a minimum. There are a lot of high dmg units out there, having type-specific tanks would be a little more interesting.

Last Week on 24 ejem, AEGIS:
Narrator: "Tieskey is on the verge of losing his anal virginity to the Dragon Gang, Princess Claudia is ready to save the day. Will TieSKey cry out for Claudia to come save him?"

TieSKey: "Claudia, I Choose You!"

Claudia: "Hai, watakushi ni makasete kudasai prince-sama!"

Narrator: "Claudia finally arrives to the battle field, the tide is about to change for our heros."
Narrator: "But against all odds (really?!) half of the dragons flew past Claudia's sword to run havoc at TieSKey's precious cherry. Out of desperation, Claudia ran to catch them, when a fireball lands from afar breaking one of her nails. Oooooh, her poor nail, Claudia dies of sorrow with a sad face....."
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Event Spoilers:

Gold Monk Momo:


Pre-CC Skill: Strengthen Attack II
Post-CC Skill: Strengthen Attack III

Skill AW allows her to switch between a defensive or offensive-type skill:
破撃の拳 (Hageki no Ken; 2.2x Attack) ⇔護身の拳 (Goshin no Ken; 2.2x Defence)

Black Armour:

Sacred Fist AW Skill:
Gold Monk Gina:
Pump-Up ( seconds; HP 3.0x; Attack 1.5x; CT: ; WT: )

Platinum Monk Ling:
Qigong Rasenha (Life Energy Spiral Rupture) (x seconds; Attack Speed Increased; AoE Attack Against Nearby Land Units; CT: ; WT: )

Gold Monk Momo:
Hageki no Ken (x seconds; Attack yx; After skill expires, switches to defence-type skill; CT: ; WT: )
Goshin no Ken (x seconds; Defence yx; After skill expires, switches to attack-type skill; CT: ; WT: )

Platinum Monk Ur:
Spinning Claw ( seconds; Attack Speed Lowered; Attack yx; True Damage; Skill Weaker After Use; CT: ; WT: )
Spinning Claw ( seconds; Attack Speed Lowered; Attack yx; True Damage; CT: ; WT: )

New System "Entrust Deployment" (委任出撃):
Immediately Clears Story Mission if Conditions are Satisfied.

1) Requirements: 3-star, and All Drops (Completion Reward) Acquired.
2) Will obtain everything like a normal 3-star trip including bonuses from shop bonus, and Noel/Mia's ability; however, this doesn't take "Gold Get!" into consideration.

Added Momo's AW illustration.

Added Black Armour illustration.

Added Sacred Fist AW Skill Parameters.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I'm still confuse whether its good idea to skill aw nagi.
I know that for ninja every atk worth alot, but that 1 time use is..... *sigh*
Its hard to keep nagi in frontline without her skill activated so i guess i still leave her skill not aw.
On nagi aw ability, i still wish they add more than 1.3x dmg -->1.4x dmg :p I have no problem with the aw ability itself its great for 3rd story map and maybe some event map, but i just wish aw her make it alot more worthwhile than just +0.1x xtra dmg (maybe change it to 1.2-->1.4 :p)
Question: does this dmg up happen after the formula atk - def = dmg x1.4 / or (atk x1.4) - def = dmg

Next aw skill after seen ling animation I had feeling they gonna make more fancy skill.
Maybe like everyone loved skill Omnislash ? melee duelist: untargetable - increase aspd (2atk/sec) each hit slow the enemy greatly for 4-5sec duration :p alowing different enemy hit that close :D (of coz give animation like thief dodge disapear and reapear to hit)
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

New System "Entrust Deployment" (委任出撃):
Immediately Clears Story Mission if Conditions are Satisfied.

Now this is a weird system. A lot of missions have their final drop near the end of the mission, so it seems kind of pointless. It does make me wonder which missions will be the fastest to clear if there is a mission that has all their drops 3/4ths into the mission.

Since it does mention completion reward, I also wonder if it means one of each type of drop or all the drops in the mission.
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

It sounds like the game just automatically clears the run,so you don't even have to start it, and just does the drop rate calculation right away. I may be wrong though, but that's how i read it.
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

Upcoming Event Spoilers:

New System "Entrust Deployment" (委任出撃):
Immediately Clears Story Mission if Conditions are Satisfied.

1) Requirements: 3-star, and All Drops (Completion Reward) Acquired.
2) Will obtain everything like a normal 3-star trip including bonuses from shop bonus, and Noel/Mia's ability; however, this doesn't take "Gold Get!" into consideration.

AH! I know this system! This is FUN

SO MUCH FUN! It gonna help a lot at farming :3

Hope it works on Daily or Event Quest too :3
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Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

I just hope I don't get tempted into spending too many crystals on that new system for ultra-rapid leveling (I just hit 191, and this is after using a couple back when story missions had 1.5x drops).

And why is Momo's illustration from 2013?
Re: Aegis Thousand Year War - DMM Online Game

how is it fun when you wont be playing at all ? Does not seems funny too me :/ I hope I'd you like to play you still can do it....

Anyway, I am really excited for new monk, even if I have Gina ... Momo picture is so cool and good looking .... nad I also have gold rush to participate, fortunately I can leave some maps as they are (like garret or iris, Garrett I won't use, iris min cost already...) So many things going on....
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