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Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

As much as it'd be unfair for other people to call you out on liking this game, so too is it entirely silly for you to call people out on disliking it, especially when you seem to have taken little effort to understand why people are upset.

I'm not about to claim that the outrage is entirely justified, but you can be sure that when there's smoke, there's fire.

The game is arguably worse than PT, depending on what you're looking for in these types of games, and there are plenty of people who gave (much) more than 20$ for it through the donations, the result however is mediocre at best. Considering the considerable funds he received it's no stretch for people to think this is a simple bait and switch, especially when you look at how the game was pitched originally.

TL;DR: while you can argue that the outcry is not entirely reasonable, you can be sure there is at least a reason for it, and it's not really your place to decide whether or not those reasons are good enough, especially when you don't take the time to understand.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

since i've broken my lurker status above may as well contribute

here is a save right before i'm about to give her the ball dress. preetttty sure i got all the scenes (public/private) but I cant really tell since there's no way of visually telling for the public scenes.



  • b4ball.zip
    98.9 KB · Views: 0
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Can anyone here give me tips to get the harem ending for the waifu book ? i tried to evenly distribute my attention but i always get the solo ending if i do...
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

ooookay, i wake up after having a good day yesterday and being happy for the release ans see that for some reason people hate the game....well nothing i can do about it, cause i love corruption and akabur game does that in a amaizing (And funny) way.
Yesterday i played like a mad man but found the bug were one of the books disapear and i cant read them in order, so no more corruption options for hermione, no problem so i though of restarting but...anyone knows how to get rid of the saves? deleting the save folder don't help so i think they are stored elsewere, anyone knows were? i want to delete them cause i normaly make a save before taking a option so i can go back...so i end with a lot (And i mean a lot) of saves xD and is messy
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

anyone knows how to get rid of the saves?

Saves are in appdata/roaming/renpy

but ya i love this game been played it 4 hours yesterday taking it slow and finding all the dialogue and as always Akabur is funny as hell.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Can anyone here give me tips to get the harem ending for the waifu book ? i tried to evenly distribute my attention but i always get the solo ending if i do...

I got it the first time i tried to split my attention.

Just pick each option in order.

Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Two months ago this game wasn't even announced, we expected another update to Magic Shop, not a whole new fucking game. What we got was more than we could have ever imagined before it was announced, and it was put out relatively quickly.

I didn't see a mass exodus and de-funding of his Patreon, therefore everyone complaining can take a step back and
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Is the mini-skirt obtainable? If so how? Or is it a patron only code or something?
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

I can't believe that i am breaking my lurker status for this but i have side with the people who think this is a "Destiny" situation.

First of all, we can all clearly see that this is an unfinished game right? All the cut content he himself alludes to and a mysterious abundance of black screens where in his previous game there would be a CG. Wasn't it explicitly said that this would be a complete game as opposed to his last effort? Wasn't that one of the points of Patreon? This game was not what he led people to believe it was gonna be.

Secondly, i don't believe in coincidences. Someone leaks a beta version of his game and mere hours later he just happens to release the game which just so happens to be at a stage close to the leaked beta version? Then his explanation is "shit be cray yo" and goes on a textbook defense mechanism "lash at everyone and anyone" tirade? Isn't it a better explanation that he just used the leak as an excuse to drop the project? A project that he perhaps wasn't working as hard on as people thought he was? I don't know, but things don't seam right.

And finally, holy crap is he burning all the bridges. Correct me if i am wrong but wasn't it always the plan from the start to release this game to the public and not just his patreon supporters? Wasn't patreon just there to give him more freedom and support to work on the game? Why is he calling people leachers all of sudden? I would say that sounds like trying to find scapegoats for any anger from the people who financed his project. I don't know man...i think no one can question his talent but i think people have legitimate reasons to question his character now.

Bottom line, this game did not live up to what was promised in my opinion. If he released it out of the blue people would say it's great, but he gave people certain expectations, and the game does not meet them. It's just as unfinished as his last one and no where near as good, even though the premise was much better. if would have put the work in it would have been better then the last one, but he didn't so it isn't. I did not pay for this, so i don't have the right to be mad at him, but i would be lying if i said i wasn't disappointed.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Just for statistical information, I will now start recording how his Patreon fares over the next few weeks.

12/18/2014: 880 Patrons at $7732/mo.
12/19/2014: 880 Patrons at $7832/mo.
(missed a day)
12/21/2014: 907 Patrons at $8108/mo.
(missed a bunch of days)
12/26/2014: 932 Patrons at $8265/mo.
1/1/2015: 969 Patrons at $8519/mo.
Last edited:
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Well i think he just got mad about the fact that it got leaked earlier, i mean maybe he planed on adding cg and things like that and he gave the beta to his patreons so they could find bugs and stuff, who knows maybe he wanted to give a christmas present but all of that got ruined with the leaked project and he just did a fast fixing of majors bugs an released it so people at least got to play (Thats why 1.01 version and all that).

He is giving responses to much unlike him like wanted to be hated or something maybe he will finish it,who knows maybe he found a job and is leaving the internet and the trainer series or maybe he will finish it and give us a surprise what i can say is that i'm a supporter (A minor one) and when the storm calms and he says something if he is not leaving making games i'm not leaving his patreon :D
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

I got it the first time i tried to split my attention.

Just pick each option in order.


i tried that. chapter 1 is a and the last chapter 20 should be b right ? it doesnt work. still ending 1, study abroad...
i dont get it....
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

Well i think he just got mad about the fact that it got leaked earlier, i mean maybe he planed on adding cg and things like that and he gave the beta to his patreons so they could find bugs and stuff, who knows maybe he wanted to give a christmas present but all of that got ruined with the leaked project and he just did a fast fixing of majors bugs an released it so people at least got to play (Thats why 1.01 version and all that).

He is giving responses to much unlike him like wanted to be hated or something maybe he will finish it,who knows maybe he found a job and is leaving the internet and the trainer series or maybe he will finish it and give us a surprise what i can say is that i'm a supporter (A minor one) and when the storm calms and he says something if he is not leaving making games i'm not leaving his patreon :D

Wasn't he constantly hammering on about being a perfectionist and how much he lamented leaving his previous game unfinished? But he just released this because he got mad at a leak? Does not compute.

He found a job that pays more then 8000 dollars a month for an unspecified amount of work? As far as i know the minimal wage in Russia is about 100 dollars i think. 8k is a lot of money, it should come with a lot of responsibility, or at the very least accountability.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

I really like the game the dialogue is amazing just amazing for a porn game.

The fact that it's most chibi and very little cg is a shame imo, before i started playing i thought i was gnna hate the chibi but it was alright, not what i'd use as fap material but it was ok.

Why he released his game now is probably a multitude of things combined and i'll just wait patiently till he will say what those reasons were, maybe some copyright shit (cockblockers) or maybe something with his living situation.

even tho the cg was (very) minimal i played the game in 1 go not because it was short but because i rlly liked it and couldn't stop playing.

He makes really fun games imo with really nice art (and hey, hermoine porn, who can complain) so it would be a shame to see him stop (but who stops with that paycheck).

The hate on ask.fm is stupid, some person (or more) that had their expectations wayyyyyyyyyyy too high and they got dissapointed, i hope he realizes he has alot of fans. just my 2 cents here.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

This might be due to it not being fully complete, but I can't do more with her than just talk, panties and flirt.

Any help?
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

After having played it thoroughly -- one handed -- it does seem to be very similar in size to Princess Trainer, and lacking in full CG images. It does make up for that with an abundance of animations, but the Chibi artstyle is not usually one people find fappable.

That being said, I didn't have too much trouble; the dialogue was one-hundred percent Akabur, and by far the most enjoyable portion of the entire thing. His "storytelling" in this was perfect for wanking. I loved the pacing, and the slow breakdown in her character.

I do think that the beginning of the game is very, very grindy. Farming books and gifts is not fun. Furthermore, I was half expecting the gifts to provide scenes -- perhaps a lesson on how condoms should be applied? A vibrator sequence, perhaps? That would have been neat.

Still, this provided one of the best wanks I've had in days, if not weeks. I do not know the extent of his promises on Patreon or his blog posts; I suspect that his ideals were higher than his hands. That happens sometimes, and experience is the best teacher on these things -- it's a shame that this is such a public letdown to people, because with better organization and/or coding/asset creation assistance he'd be knocking 'em out across the globe. As it stands, we may very well lose his willingness to invest such time and/or effort ever again.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

I havent played the game yet but it seems like people are annonyed there were missing CG screens, maybe akabur had done them but had to end up removing them in the end for some political reason like he mentioned in his post?
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

I havent played the game yet but it seems like people are annonyed there were missing CG screens, maybe akabur had done them but had to end up removing them in the end for some political reason like he mentioned in his post?

That makes absolutely no sense. The character design was his own, and everything else that could be linked to copyright like the names and locations are all still there, and someone objecting to the pornographic content makes no sense as well as that is also there in the form of the animated stuff and the one scene he bothered to draw.

Honestly that whole thing reeks of BS.
Re: Akabur - Magic Shop

I'm done with Akabur. I've been backing him for a long, long time, but this is just awful.

I hate the grindy, RNG-based gameplay but I don't blame him for that; he tried something new. What I find inexcusable is that he blatantly cut corners with these chibi scenes.

I was giving him money to produce quality art like what I saw on his Patreon page, not this.

Been on the fence about trying Roundscape for a while now. Looks like I'm switching.