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Dec 6, 2009
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CANACO. Courtier Service, Edmonton Alberta

It was a relatively calm and normal day at the Alberta chapter of CanaCo courier service in Edmonton. Couriers were recieving their mail and packages to deliver throughout the snowy territory of Canada and everything seemed to be as normal as the wasteland can be. Then suddenly Gregg Louisson, the companys CEO stepped in through the doors of his office. "Oi! Lissen up ladies and gents! We just recieved a strange order! We got a small simple package that was destined for The Old Great Mall in Toronto, eh! It doesnt feel very heavy but it was marked High Priority! It seemed to be a golden puck. Do we have any takers for the job, hosers?"
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Re: Alberta

“Aye!” Valarie called out, raising her hand as she moved away from the wall she was leaning against and began moving towards the CanaCo CEO in order to beat anyone else to the punch for the job. “What’s the pay?” she added offhand, mostly as just a formality. In the wastes, one didn’t pass up good work when it was available. Of course, if the pay wasn’t decent she’d back out – standards have to be maintained after all, but otherwise she’d take it.
Re: Alberta

"Attagirl, Valerie. A decent amount o caps in it for you, eh. The clientelle have said 100 caps upfront, and 200 more upon arrival. But I gotta tell ya, eh. It sure is an assload o caps for such an unusal package; and all the way to NCMP area, eh? But we just deliver ya' know? We dont ask no questions, as long as the pay is decent, eh? You're a good courier, and Id hate ta lose ya, okay? So be careful out there, and keep your eyes peeled for parkas, Romans and hockey masks, eh? Get back in one piece ya' hear?" Gregg told Valerie in caution and concern, also voicing his own opinion of the strange job, before sending Valerie on her way to her assignment.
Re: Alberta

“Yes, Sir. You know it!” Valarie said, accepting the job as well as her employer’s praise and concern for her safety.

Once she had received the package and her up-front payment, Valarie would set about checking her equipment and finalizing what gear she would be taking with her on her delivery before setting off.
Re: Alberta

As Valerie would step out of the office and onto the broken, icy and snowcoveted streets, she would find people walking to and fro about the streets, all bundled up in winter wear. Down the ways somewhat, she would see Barry's Imporium, an old hunting, repair, and clothes depot. There were also a couple of pubs, some apartment buildings and a Sherrif's office. Further down the roads a bout a mile or two, she would reach the city limits where a sign would be found reading:

---> Mooseport
<----- Clifton
^ Icehaven
v Ridgeway

Along the sides of the road there were the random bighorners, moose, and karibou. Pine tress lined the edges of the roads in the distance at parts she could spot forests and wildlife. About a mile or two down the road she would come across the old highway, which would lead her to I-33, which would take her in the direction of Saskatchawan.
Re: Alberta

Upon exiting the CanaCo building, Valarie would immediately begin making her way out of the city, passing glances at the familiar businesses and housing areas and giving polite nods to anyone who greeted her with one as she went.

As she arrived at the sign outside the city limits, she turned and began following the road towards I-33 and Ridgeway, keeping her eyes pealed and watching the treeline along both sides of the road as she walked. One could never be to careful when traveling the wastes...especially as a woman. She quite recall how far it was to Ridgeway or how long it would take to get there, but it was as good a place as any to stay the night if need arose.
Re: Alberta

A quick look at her Pip-Boy would show her that Ridgeway was 17 miles away to her south east. In a vehicle that would be a mere 17-20 minutes. But on foot i would take quite a bit of travel. Approxiamtely three days worth of travel.

Encounter Roll 7= No encounter

Valerie continues to walk in relative peace and safety for a few miles before te need to rest and eat get the best of her, making her need to take a pit stop.

Encounter Roll 83; number of enemies 1

As she sits, eating and resting at a make shift temporary campfire, she hears a buzzing noise come out from her right and finds herself confronted with a bloatfly!

Bloatfly Attack (10+49=59) vs Dodge (11+68) 79 Miss

Valerie manages to deftly juke out of the path of the fly's stinger, avoiding it's attack.

((Quick note: dodge is determined by Agility + 1/2 Luck + d100))
Re: Alberta

After a few miles walking, Valarie’s basic need to eat and rest got the better of her and made her take a break, setting up a makeshift camp off to the side of her route. She’d managed to avoid any unwanted attention for the time being, but as ate a familiar buzzing sound signaled the end of her luck so far as she looked up to see a Bloatfly buzzing towards her.

The courier manages to move out of the way in time to avoid the mutated insects stinger, and quickly draws her pistol, taking aim and opening fire.
Re: Alberta

Valeries attack: 96 Hit 9 damage, dead

Valerie manages to steady her pistol and land a direct hit on the annoying insect, causing it to drop dead in front of her. She can now either continue on her way towards Ridgeway or salvage the meat from the critter to cook at a campfire later on. It was now niegh on high noon, she would need to stop for sleep and rest once night fell but should be able to get Bout the halfway point before needing to stop for the night; considerng their were no more incidents.
Re: Alberta

After the mutated insect hit the ground dead, Valarie took a second to look around to make sure there weren’t any others nearby before re-holstering her weapon and going over and retrieving the meat from its body. She never really liked the stuff, but as with most things in the wastes, one often couldn’t afford to be too picky, and it was filling and nutritious enough for a simple meal.

With that done, the courier packed up her camp and set off towards her destination again, looking to make some more progress before she would have to hunker down for the night.
Re: Alberta

Encounter roll 28 no encounter

Valerie manages to make decent headway on her trek as she doesnt run into any more creatures, at least hostile ones, before she arrives at what seems to be a small town. Not quite a ghost town, but it is nowhere nearly as busy as the major points of interest. There appears to be a small general store, a bar, and a few lil settelements spread around. There is also a gas station northeastish. There dont seem to be any inns around, she can either check out the bar, the store or the gas station; or explore the general area. However she will need to find shelter and try to get some sleep before long as it is now about four o clock and it would be getting dark in about three hours.
Re: Alberta

With the rest of her trek remaining uneventful, Valarie manged a good distance before coming upon what appeared to be a small settlement with a general store, gas station, and a bar. There didn’t seem to be an inn, though, which might make finding a place to sleep here for the night...tricky. Still, if she could manage it, it would be better than sleeping out in the wastes, which she likely would end up doing if she ventured onward seeing as how nightfall was only a couple more ours away.

With some time to kill, Valarie opted to check out a little of the town, heading towards the general store first. Maybe she could find something a bit more appetizing than Bloatfly meat to eat for dinner...
Re: Alberta

Stepping through the door of the general store Valerie was announced by the tell tale "bing bong" of the door's sensors. As she entered the building she was relatively promptly greeted by a fairly tall and well built man with a full beard, dark crew crew cut, and jade green eyes wearing a long plaid flannel shirt, a fur lined worn brown leather jacket, courdoroy pants, and rugged hunting boots. "Oi! Hello and welcome to Chuck's General Store! Is this your first time through Caribu Crossing, eh? What brings a fetching young gal like you through our sleepy lil town, eh? Business or pleasure? Whatever brings you here Im sure we got what you need or something youll want, eh." The man greeted and conducted business friendly with Valerie.
Re: Alberta

“The former, mostly. I’m passing through – and likely staying the night – on my way to deliver a package,” Valarie explained, hinting at her employment as a courier. “I didn’t notice much in the way of an inn when I arrived, though, so depending on the availability of room and board around here I suppose I might find myself enjoying a little of the latter, as well,” she said plainly, having long since gotten passed the stigma that a little bit of selling herself was sometimes necessary in the wastes.

“But, that’s neither here nor there, at the moment. I’m Valarie,” the courier continued, introducing herself as she slipped her backpack off. “What do you got in the way of food and supplies? Something better than Bloatfly meat, I hope,” she finished with a chuckle, looking to either buy or trade with the supplies she had on her.
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