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Alcheria - WIP RP Setting


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Nov 10, 2008
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Got a little inspiration for this from Caulder's Dragon Game, not going to lie. Also drew from other sources.

"Table of Contents:"
Post 1: Core Details, Concerning Powers, Realm Descriptions
Post 2: Notable Persons Catalog, Order Rank Advancements, Timeline
Post 3: Realm Relations, Active Races List, Overview of Faiths

Rough Map of Alcheria that I've got done:

Core Details:

There exists in this world a number of ancient orders, wielding powers purportedly drawn from the world itself. While briefly described here, they will be detailed in full further down.

The Order of Water, whose members are often referred to as Cryomancers for their skill with ice and cold, is sometimes thought to be the oldest of the orders. It is, at least, one of two Orders who have regularly suffered the fewest casualties and whose original seat remains intact.

The Order of Air, called the Storm Callers, are the other Order whose original seat remains intact. They have often come to the aid of the Elves.

The Order of Light, called the Light Bearers, have long been practically part of the great realm of Caevaron, ruled and maintained by the Human race.

The Order of Fire, called the Forge Keepers, joined with the Dwarves after the loss of their original seat.

The Order of Earth, now called the Sand Shapers, have in recent years been one of the most volatile of the Orders, having started at least one major conflict, and nearly starting a second. They are also believed to have had a hand in several minor conflicts. Originally, they were known as the Stone Speakers.

The Order of Darkness, now called the Shade Weavers, were originally called the Oneiromancers. After the loss of their original seat, they retreated deep underground. They also granted asylum to a group of Elven outcasts who later became the Dark Elves.

Each of the Orders maintains members who have skill in dealing with the varieties of Dragons that live in this world.

Four major "organized" realms are detailed so far:

Caevaron - Perhaps the largest of the human realms, Caevaron stretches across much of the central part of the continent, bounded by the Frostveil Mountains to the north, the Stormwall Mountains to the south, the Elven Forest to the west, and the ill-historied Shadowfall Lake in the east.

Avalkris - Known as the "Wizard's Kingdom", Avalkris contained all of the Southlands within its borders at one time. A devastating civil war in the past, however, left most of the kingdom's former lands a burning desert. Now, only a warded isle in the middle of the Great River, and its seven cities, remains part of the kingdom.

Karnasis - Created after the Sand Shapers became militaristic, Karnasis is the youngest of the realms. Named after the slain leader of the Sand Shapers who organized the militarization, Karnasis often clashes with Avalkris for command of the southlands.

Varnaquetta - Originally the new seat of the Order of Darkness, the underground metropolis became known as Varnaquetta after the Elven Outcasts accepted the Shade Weavers offer of asylum. It is now their capital city, although the Shade Weavers still exert much influence.

Concerning Powers

Each of the Elemental Orders is known for manipulation powers that only members of that Order are capable of wielding, at least among mortals. Although the Wizards of Avalkris have long studied means of attempting to do so, no method of truly copying the abilities exists. Furthermore, it is known that there is no way for one person to have multiple sets of these abilities, nor anyway to hybridize them.

The closest anyone has ever come to these goals are the Avalkiri Wizards, and even they acknowledge that their efforts produce lesser results. Intriguingly enough, those who study and command the powers of wizardry are likewise barred from ever gaining the powers of the Orders, even if they abandon their spells completely. This occurrence has led to one of the few cases of the Orders and Avalkris collaborating on something. At least, something other than the major Wars.

One of the other discoveries of Avalkiri mages, and the one that ultimately lead to the War of the Shattered Ring was that certain types of magic, necromancy and fiend-summoning specifically, caused irreparable damage to their practitioners, not just to the soul but the mind and body as well. The mental deterioration, in particular, was rapid. Dark summoners very quickly became mere puppets, controlled by the same dark intellect. Necromancers suffered a nearly identical fate, however evidence of backstabbing and out-right battling between the two groups made it clear that the two groups were being controlled by two different beings, and those beings didn't really get along.

Realm or Order Descriptions:
The Cryomancers, the Order of Water

The members of the Order of Water tend towards being a hardy kind, dwelling in the Frostveil Mountains and the northlands beyond. For many outside of their Order, the typical image of a Cryomancer is that of taciturn mountain-folk living in a monastery-like outpost high in the northern mountains. Yet this is inaccurate. While many of those who are easiest to find do fit this image, their chief settlement, the underground citadel hidden beneath the Snowguard fortress, is surprisingly warm and inviting, as are its people, both the Cryomancers themselves, and their allies.

About their practices, it has been learned that the Cryomancers who are encountered in their outposts along the mountains are often either serving as trail guards or still undergoing training. As they are "on duty" in a sense, they tend towards gruffness, generally preferring to focus on their tasks, rather than make small talk. Of course, being the most commonly encountered Cryomancers, this behavior forms the basis of the common view of the Order as a whole.

Given the test, and the apparent longevity of some of their number, it has been theorized that the Cryomancers are in fact a separate race from "normal" humans, and that those outsiders who have been inducted to the Order may have a Cryomancer or two among their ancestors. As for their allies, the northmen are often seen as allies of the Cryomancers, as are the rare "Northern" Elven communities, and the few Dwarf holds scattered about the northern Frostveil Mountains. The most mysterious, though, are the allies that the Cryomancers claim are spirits of nature. These "spirits" take the form of women of striking features. While the Cryomancers themselves seem to treat these women as a separate people, some from the south rumor that they are, in fact, just particularly gifted female Cryomancers.

In dress, the Cryomancers favor outfits primarily of layered cloth, leather guards, and fur. Their reputation of being skilled in the arts of stealth is only amplified by their choice of colors: Black and an icy blue. What metal they do use in their outfits is generally made from frost-steel, an alloy of iron and a rare bluish crystal found only in the deepest glaciers. Frost-steel itself proves highly reactive to the cold manipulation power of the Cryomancers. The crystal itself can be worked much like iron, and is difficult for most to mine, as normally the ice around it must be carefully melted, which risks destabilizing the surrounding glacier. The Cryomancers, however, can simply manipulate the ice to free it. The crystal serves as the primary trade commodity for the Order, as the crystal can be worked into decorative tiles. The crystals also chill the surrounding air, which makes it highly desired for food storage rooms.

As for their Dragon Riders, two breeds seem to be favored: Tide Gliders, and Scauldrons. Rumors of a third breed, used exclusively by special members of the Order abound, yet no proof has been brought forth as yet.

Caevaron, the Shining Realm, and the Order of Light

As it was founded by a group of light-worshiping warriors, it comes as little surprise that the Light Bearers have kept an eye on the realm of Caevaron, quietly or publicly as the case may be. In recent times, much of its lands are turned over for farming. In fact, the city of Solavus is the largest settlement, being the capital. Much of the realms military matters are handled by the Brotherhood of the Shining Light, the group of warriors responsible for claiming and ordering the realm. After the Second War of Darkness, though, the Brotherhood was rocked by a minor rebellion in its ranks, as much of the leadership of the time had fallen into over-zealousness. It was then that the Light Bearers stepped in and openly allied with the more level-headed members of the Brotherhood. Since that time, the two groups have practically merged fully.

For the Light Bearers, the Shadowfall Lake that borders the realm of Caevaron to the east is a source of both sadness, and some pride. The lake was formed during the end of the First War of Darkness, when the Orders combined their powers to trap and banish the otherworldly evils plaguing the lands. The center-point for this effort was the Order of Light's own seat, volunteered for the effort by the Order. To their slight shame, during the Soulveil Crisis a cursed citadel rose from the lake, and served as a stronghold for the forces of evil. It collapsed, though, at the end of the final battle of the Second War of Darkness, falling back into the depths of the lake. Only a ruined gatehouse and a fraction of the bridge connecting the fortress to the shore remains.

Since the merging of the Brotherhood and the Order of Light, the Brotherhood's citadel of Solavus has become the new seat of the Order of Light. The fortified city around the fortress, which shares the name, has since become the capital of Caevaron.

Of special note is the so-called "Path of the Bright Fist" which serves as sort of a policing force for Caevaron as well as shock troops for the Brotherhood. Originally trained in unarmed combat and given "executioner" masks, they originated as special enforcers of the more zealous leadership, giving criminals whose guilt was in question a trial-by-combat. Although their executioner origins were put aside after the alliance with the Light Bearers, these members of the Brotherhood chose to keep the unarmed combat and the masks, which have over the years since shifted from loose and plain, to tighter and far more ornate. Indeed, many of the members of this Path choose to create fancifully name personae which they operate under while masked. This combined with their publicly-viewable sparring matches have made them highly popular with the common folk.

As for their dragons, those of the Bright Fist seem to prefer the Grapple Grounder breed for its tendency to "wrestle" with opponents. Light Bearers and most other Brotherhood members favor Rumblehorns, while the elite knights of the Brotherhood tend towards Monstrous Nightmares.

Varnaquetta, and the Order of Darkness

During the First War of Darkness, the seat of the Oneiromancers was destroyed, the first of the Orders to suffer such a blow. Seeing the need to rebuild, survivors of the Order hunted for a suitable location, one that was more defensible than their original location. Soon, a cavern was found. One with a long, natural "stairway" leading down to a vast underground lake, with numerous plateau-like islands. It was here that the survivors of the Order of Darkness chose to rebuild.

Many years later, a group of Elves were driven out of their forest home by their brethren, who were seeking to avoid open conflict with the Brotherhood of Shining Light. The Brotherhood, then during its highly over-zealous era, had learned of certain practices of the outcasts that disagreed with their own views. The matter was somewhat settled, though, as a traveling Oneiromancer offered the outcasts asylum at the Order's new seat.

Since then, the outcasts, now known as the Dark Elves, have turned the plateaus into a metropolis of sorts for their own kind. The Oneiromancers, now known as the Shade Weavers after the translation of the Dark Elves own name for them, still hold much sway over the city. This influence is not resented, however, as a few gifted Dark Elves have been inducted into the Order over the years. The cavern city is now known as Varnaquetta, with the name being drawn from the ancient language used by the elemental Orders, and said to be a translation of the Dark Elves original name for their settlement.

A known export of the city are strangely glowing purple crystals. Careful examination of the exported crystals show no existing magic on them, so some other property causes the glow. They are, however, sought after as decorations. The guards of the city tend towards the use of both the Boneknapper and Whispering Death breeds, while the Shade Weavers themselves favor Flightmares.

Rough Map of Varnaquetta: (Subject to change)

Image that inspired the city:

The Realm of Karnasis, and the Sand Shapers

Originally known as the Stone Speakers, the Order of Earth has had a rather difficult and turbulent history. For much of its early history, the Order bore only two noteworthy events. First was when the Order as a whole gained the pledge of service of an entire Dragon breed. The second was in part, perhaps, the origin of its reputation as pot-stirrers: A challenge leveled against the Orders of Water and Air of deliberate withholding of strength during the First War of Darkness. It was this challenge that lead to their current, and long-standing, feud with the Cryomancers.

However, one of the more crippling blows to the Order came during the War of the Shattered Ring, when the rebel faction in the Avalkiri civil war laid waste to the Order's seat. Left reeling from this blow, the Order initially struggled to remain on firm footing when the Soulveil Crisis, and later the Second War of Darkness, erupted. By the time of the Third Elemental Convocation, however, they had regained their footing, and were re-establishing themselves in the deep desert. It was during the Convocation that the Stone Speakers began calling themselves the Sand Shapers.

Shortly thereafter, the Order of Earth gained a new leader, Karnasis. This new Grandmaster began pushing a more structured, and militaristic, view. The normal "reactive" mentality of the Orders, he claimed, were the reason that the Order lost its original seat. During the build-up he instigated, Karnasis oversaw the transformation of the settlement of Sokurnas, the new seat of the Order, into a fully entrenched fortress-city.

Shortly after the fortress was completed, Karnasis launched an assault on the Avalkiri outposts in the desert, blaming them for the damage that the Stone Speakers suffered. The Sand Shapers assault, however, was stopped when the Grandmaster of the Cryomancers appeared and challenged Karnasis to a duel, claiming that the leader of the Sand Shapers had fallen to corruption.

The results of that duel did little to smooth relations between the two Orders. Since then, the Sand Shapers have carved a realm of their own out in the desert, naming in honor of their fallen leader. In more modern times, the Order of Earth has remained contentious, although the Gobsucker breed of Dragons remains allies, often launching themselves in waves against the Order's foes. The Shapers themselves rely primarily on the Hobblegrunt breed for its Dragon-riders, although rumors creep out from the deeper parts of the desert at times of a second breed in use by the Order, one that is terrifyingly stealthy.

The Marblehold, and the Forge Keepers

The Marblehold, capital of the Dwarves, began as a simple quarry, bringing high-quality marble out from underground to be used in other holds, as well as the other races should they purchase it. When ores were discovered nearby, the quarry was expanded to a true hold. It truly became the center for the Dwarves, though, after the Forge Keepers revealed the secrets to dragon-aided forging to the Dwarves of Marblehold.

The hold itself is fairly open and has something of a conical shape. This stems from its origins as a quarry, with the various halls and houses opening out to the old pit, which has since become the main training area for the hold's Riders. After the First War of Darkness, the Dwarves of Marblehold chose to welcome their long-standing allies of the currently homeless Order of Fire into their halls, and the new Forge Keepers' seat was established among the Dwarves.

Since then, both groups have prospered from the sheltered home, and the friendship between the two groups. Many secrets of metalworking were discovered once the command of flame held by the Order was combined with the ingenuity of the Dwarves. The Order also brought with it the traditions of Dragon Riding. Since then, the armies of the Dwarves have come to rely on the Gronckle breed for their Riders, and the Snafflefang breed for their couriers. The Forge Keepers themselves tend towards a related breed, the Hotburple.

The Storm Callers, the Order of Air

Perhaps the most enigmatic of the Orders, the Order of Air also has the most isolated seat. Nestled away within a high valley former by the cluster of western mountains known as the "Crown of Thunder", the hidden seat of the Storm Callers is well-secluded. Known to some as the Storm Pillar, the structure is the only true holding of the Order.

Only the surface Elves have significant contact with members of the Order, and even that is just visits from travelling members of the Order. Only masters of other Orders have seen the Storm Pillar, as it is often viewed as the oldest seat. Their Dragon Riders seem to favor the Shockjaw breed, although the Stormcutter and Changewing breeds see use as well.

Avalkris, the Kingdom of Wizards

Founded initially by power-hungry scholars, the realm of Avalkris is sometimes thought to be the most reckless of the realms. Certainly, history bore that image out, as much of their once expansive realm has been turned to desert, and a sizable chunk now ruled by the Order of Earth. Indeed, the only part of their lands that is still officially ruled by them is the island on which they started. Their power-hunger and recklessness, however, have also faded over the years, partially due to discoveries about the impossibility of their original goal, and partially due to "burned hands" as the saying goes...

The seven cities that remain of the realm are heavily warded against further attacks, and the wizards have even made peace of sorts with most of their once-rivals, the Elemental Orders. Only the Sand Shapers, the Order of Earth, remain hostile towards them, in part due to severe losses in the past that they feel the Wizards are responsible for.

As for the island the cities are built on, although it is larger than many islands, it remains an island. In fact, there are some who claim that the modern realm of Avalkris resembles less a kingdom, and more a sprawling university.

The northern-most city on the island, built on the island's highest point, is Avalkir, the capital, and is devoted to the study of magic itself. Each of the other six are named with relation to one of the six "elements" and each focuses on a particular aspect of magic.

Being the kingdom of wizards, it is of little surprise that the vast majority of magical devices are made here, and trade in them has brought a fair amount of wealth to the kingdom. Each city is features numerous spires, sparkling fountains, and quite a bit of other decorations.

{Under Construction: More to come later. -OP}
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Re: Alcheria - WIP RP Setting

Notable Persons Catalog:

"Angelus Mors"

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Brotherhood of Shining Light, Path of the Bright Fist

Persona adopted by the current Grandmaster of the Path of the Bright Fist. Renown for having unusual, and perhaps slightly extreme, training methods. Thought even by some of his own Path to be at least slightly crazy. Although gaining in years, Mors' vitality remains, partly due to his structured lifestyle. A large part of his resistance to aging, though, is derived from his own mastery of the light-manipulation abilities of his Order.

Torc Emada

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Caevaron Inquisition

An aging man, High Inquisitor Emada is nominally in command of all of Caevaron's magistrates and inquisitors. In practice, however, the Bright Fist handles most of the enforcement, and the magistrates handle the actual procedural aspects of the law. Emada and his inquisitors, positions left over from the days of the Brotherhood of Shining Light's over-zealous days, spend most of their time dealing with the punishment of already convicted criminals. This generally involves being forced, via pillories, chains, and stocks, to watch and sometimes participate in elaborate musical dance numbers orchestrated by the High Inquisitor himself. It's well known that this behavior is the reason that the Light Bearers selected Emada for the position.

Lanric Tolzen

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Cryomancer

Lanric is one of the more traveled and "active" Cryomancers. His tall and powerful build is made somewhat more striking by the white hair and glowing, icy blue eyes that seem to be the hallmarks of a Master Cryomancer. Part of his fame is due to being the only outsider, and perhaps one of the few in all, to complete the final test of Angelus Mors' accelerated training program for the Path's unarmed, and powerless, combat style. This has earned him quite a bit of respect from the Bright Fist membership, many of them calling him "a true Man of Ice".


Species: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Shade Weaver/Varnaquetta

Zilver, or Z as he's commonly called, is the eldest living Shade Weaver. Perhaps even the oldest living member of any of the Orders. After a throat injury left him mute, he sent a letter to the Forge Keepers and the wizards of Avalkris, requesting a device from them that would enable him to continue speaking. Their collaboration paid off: The "lovable grandfather" of the Shade Weavers could speak again, although due to using techniques similar to making music boxes his speech now has a musical quality to it. Zilver is perhaps the only known person to turn down an offer to lead his order, preferring to act as a go-between for the Order and the leadership of Varnaquetta. As a side note, his name "Zilver" is a fake one, something not uncommon among the Shade Weavers.


Species: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Sand Shapers

Perhaps one of the most arrogant and aggressive Sand Shapers since Karnasis, Osturek is widely thought to be angling for the Grandmaster position in the Order. There have even been some reports of the man referring to himself as "Osturek the First", as if he believes himself to be some manner of royalty. Many of the other Masters among the Sand Shapers make it a very blatant point to not mention his self-proclaimed "title" at all.


Species: Human
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Forge Keepers

Considered one of the more promising Forge Keepers, Hector has yet to take the Mastery test. However, he is one of the more traveled and active Forge Keepers, so it's likely only a matter of time. Hector is often chosen by the Masters of the Order if a sensitive message needs to be sent to one of the other Orders.


Species: Human
Gender: Female
Affiliation: Storm Callers

Originally, Alenna was an orphan from Caevaron who slipped away from the streets to join a group of travelling entertainers. Unfortunately, she retained some of her old habits from the street, eventually supplementing those habits with acrobatics. After getting exiled from the entertainers, she came up with the idea of trying to raid the Storm Pillar for items to sell. As she made her way towards it, she was caught in a nasty storm while trying to climb the paths through the Crown of Thunder. She would have died there, save for the aid of a mysterious old man heading the same way... One who knew the path well. By the time she reached the Storm Callers' seat, she was deemed ready for the Apprentice test, as her companion was actually one of the higher-ranking masters. Since then, she has shed her rogue-ish past in favor of becoming a full member of the Order of Air.


Species: Half-Orc
Gender: Male
Affiliation: Avalkris

An unusually charismatic half-orc, Karsh handles a great deal of Avalkris' mercantile affairs. Although a successful businessman and merchant, Karsh also has made claims to being a great singer, however little evidence has surfaced to support these claims, leading some to question if he isn't at least slightly insane.

{Under Construction: More to come later. -OP}

Details on membership in the Orders:

For all of the Orders, there are four stages to membership: Initiate, Apprentice, Full Member, and Master. Within each Order, the names of these stages may vary. Each Order also has a Grandmaster, with varying degrees of influence.

Initiates are taught the most basic aspects of the Order's teachings, and also tested. For a sizable number of Initiates, this is as far as they get. However, it still leaves them better trained and educated than many other folk.

It is once a prospective member reaches Apprentice Rank that the abilities are granted, or unlocked as the case may be. For each Order there are also tests for the Member and Master levels. In all cases, these tests vary dependent on the Order.

For the Cryomancers, there are two ways that the Initiates are granted their early powers: Either through being "gifted" with the elemental cold energies by one of the frost spirits allied with the Order, or by being a descendant of members of the Order. In recent years, the second method has been proving more and more common.

Once an Apprentice is deemed ready for advancement, they are brought into one of the council rooms around the Cryomancer's citadel home. Then, after being told the time limit for the exam, they are frozen inside a block of ice formed by one of the Masters. They must then break free from the ice within the time limit, using only their control over the cold.

No one knows the criteria for being chosen to undertake the Mastery exam for the Order, only that a group of Masters meet the candidate at the Citadel, then lead them off to a distant location. Sometimes, the candidate does not return. If they do, however, their eyes have taken on an icy blue coloration, and frequently have a similarly colored glow. Also, the new Master's hair has been turned completely white.

Sand Shapers

Often considered one of the harsher Orders, the Initiate test for the Sand Shapers involves a "pilgrimage" of sorts to the ruins of the original seat of the Order. This is especially hazardous, as the ruins have long been haunted by undead, likely formed by the members of the Order who lost their lives during the destruction of the location.

Once an Apprentice proves themselves worthy of advancement, they are buried up to their chin in the desert sand, and must dig themselves out from the sand. The Order's Mastery Test takes place deep within the Fortress of Sokurnas, and all Masters are sworn to secrecy about it, on pain of death. The Mastery test does, however, leave a permanent mark: A Master Sand Shaper's skin appears almost "textured", as if bearing patterns reminiscent of wind-blown dunes.

Light Bearers/Brotherhood of Shining Light

Although originally two separate groups, in recent years, the Order of Light and the martial forces of Caevaron have become so intertwine that they are practically the same organization now.

In fact, all Brotherhood of Shining Light members, upon joining, receive the same training, and are allowed to chose between joining the elite Path of the Brilliant Blade, the popular Path of the Bright Fist, or the Light Bearers. Those that lack the potential to become part of the Order of Light instinctively choose one of the first two options. However, those who do join the Order are not restricted to joining the Light Bearers.

For the Brilliant Blade, the path from Initiate to Master calls for a mix of skill and knowledge. To advance to Apprentice, the Initiate must prove proficiency with the main weapons of the Path, as well as proving a basic grasp of the tactics employed. To advance to full Knight, an Apprentice must defeat a particularly noteworthy foe in single combat, then pass a verbal examination on the Path's tactics. This is test may be waived if the defeat occurs as part of a campaign, depending on the Apprentice's service. The Mastery test for the Path is no less than leading a major quest against a difficult foe.

Advancement along the Path of the Bright Fist is, perhaps, far simpler. In order to be declared an Apprentice, the Initiate must display a particular level of physical ability, as well as a proficiency with the basic techniques of the Path. Once deemed ready, as an Apprentice, the student must then participate in a round-robin style tournament against other Apprentices, and be judged by the Masters as having displayed an appropriate level of proficiency and skill. Finally, Mastery exam is the most grueling of this Paths challenges: The prospective Master must face two current Masters at once and prevail.

For the Light Bearers themselves, each level requires a greater understanding and control of powers, although the exams at each level are conducted in private, and none who undergo the tests choose to speak of it afterwords. The 'mark' borne by Master Light Bearers makes them appear to be shining with a light all their own.

Forge Keepers

For students of the Order of Fire, much of their time as Initiates resembles that of being a blacksmith's apprentice. Once they prove themselves committed to the Order's ways, a test which involves both martial and mental challenges, they are taken into the great forge that sits in the center of the Order's seat. There, they are branded with a mark that has been mystically imbued with fire enegy, both from an elemental source and dragon's fire.

Upon being deemed ready by the Masters of the Order, an Apprentice is put through a literal trial by fire, where their skill at controlling the element is tested. While the observing masters will stop the trial if there's risk of fatal burns, there's more than a few Apprentices and full members who bear burn scars from the trial.

Although the exact details are unknown, it is known that the Mastery exam involves the forging of a suit of armor by the prospective master. This suit becomes their mark of mastery, after gaining the rank. In addition, they are accompanied by a constant heat-haze.

Shade Weavers

Those seeking to join the Order of Darkness must, after the tests to prove understanding of the Order's methods and teachings, undertake a form of vision quest. Those Apprentices who have spoken of it tell of darkness and nightmares. After this test, all members of the Order wear a full-face mask, often embellishing it in private as they advance.

Once an Apprentice is deemed ready for full membership, they are taken to a dark maze. Once inside it, they must find their way out, usually facing down manifestations of their own fears.

Somewhat fittingly, the exam for Mastery is a physical journey into the realm of nightmares, to battle with and subdue a powerful foe. This battle often marks the new Master in some way, usually through a violet glow around the eyes.

Storm Callers

When progressing from Initiate to Apprentice, would-be Storm Callers are taken by a master to the peak of one of the mountains forming the Crown of Thunder during a storm. While the master waits just shy of the peak itself, the Initiate is sent on ahead to the peak. There they are exposed to the very thing they seek to control. After a signal that only the Masters of the Order know, the master approaches the peak to check on the student. If the student expresses understanding of the lesson, they are taken in as an Apprentice.

When passing from Apprentice to full member, the exam takes a similar form to the previous test, only this time the Apprentice must spar with the Master during a much fiercer storm. It is impossible to truly best the Master, but that is not the goal of the exam.

The most mysterious of the exams is the Mastery one. The would-be master is sent alone to the roof of the Storm Pillar, during a storm just as fierce as the previous test. It is in the morning, after the storm has passed, that the fate of the examined is seen. Those who have passed the Mastery test show the signs of it: pure white eyes that crackle at times with lightning.

Key Historical Events

Note on dating system: In the current reckoning of this setting, the known history is currently divided into three Eras, with two major "buffer zones". The splitting point for each Era is known as the "Wars of Darkness", as both of those major conflicts were marked by extended eclipses and devastatingly severe storms.

First Era, approximately 2000 years before the First War of Darkness

Earliest known tales of nomadic humans bearing unusual powers emerge. Among these tales are ones of the nomads helping the local race in some way, and receiving some manner of boon. Six such tales exist:

In the two oldest ones, a group of north-men nomads aid a hold of dwarves in calming a raging nest of dragons. In reward for this, the dwarves aid the nomads in constructing an underground hold, much like the dwarves' own holds. From the same timeframe, a tale of the elves places a group of mysterious human nomads aiding the elves in turning aside a storm that threatened to burn down one of the oldest forests. The elves rewarded this aid with gifts of wood to aid the nomads in the construction of a home.

The remaining stories are only slightly "younger": Tales of nomads ending a curse of nightmares on a swamp-land tribe of humans and receiving a home, of mysterious nomads bringing secrets unguessed of metalworking to the dwarves and receiving secret of stone-working in return, of nomads leading a lost human tribe to a new land through a storm and receiving gifts, and of nomads aiding in the making of channels for waterflow and receiving a home.

Perhaps a century or so after these tales sits the story of what has become known as the First Elemental Conclave, and the first known records of the various Orders.

First Era, approximately 100 years before the First War of Darkness

Portents of trouble emerge, as conflicts begin rising between human tribes located in the more central band of the continent. The fighting is sporadic throughout the century. Members of the Oneiromancers quietly send word to the other Orders, as they've noticed a dangerous trend in the fighting.

End of the First Era, First War of Darkness

The simmering conflicts from the previous century erupt into open warfare as otherworldly forces of evil cross into the plane. Apparently as part of their power, these beings seem to cause the natural disturbances that give the conflict its name, "The Great War of Darkness". The Orders take to the field in massive numbers, both giving and receiving heavy losses. In particular, the Orders of Fire and Darkness suffer the loss of the seats of their Orders. During the fighting, an army of human champions of light forms, calling itself the "Brotherhood of Shining Light". With the aid of this new group the Orders manage to defeat and contain the invaders. With the threat of another wave of the invaders, the Order of Light sacrifices its seat to banish the invaders, causing the creation of Shadowfall Lake.

Third Year, Second Era

First major instance of "internal strife" occurs among the Orders. Vocal members of the Order of Earth claim that some manner of punishment needs to be made against the Orders of Air and Water due to withheld forces, as they emerged from the Great War with relatively few losses and no notable losses of grounds. These claims are shut down by the other Orders, as well as less contentious members of the Stone Speakers, through pointing out the fact that the bulk of the fighting was in the eastern parts of the land, and those two Orders are the most westerly.

Year 31, Second Era

The Order of Darkness sends word to the other Orders, announcing their discovery of a suitable location for a new seat for their Order. A month later, the Order of Fire also establishes a new seat for themselves, this time choosing to join their long-time allies, the Dwarves.

Year 352, Second Era

An over-zealous member of the Brotherhood of Shining Light discovers certain practices among portions of the Elven population. After convincing the Brotherhood's leadership to threaten all-out war over the matter, the Elven leadership decides to exile all members of the group responsible. While being chased by the Brotherhood's zealots, these outcasts stumble across a travelling master of the Order of Darkness. The master offers the exiles asylum with the Order, and they accept. Faced with the prospect of angering the Orders as a whole by going after them, the Brotherhood calls off their chase.

Year 353, Second Era

Shortly after the Elven Schism, the Orders convene in a Second Elemental Conclave to debate how much influence they should exercise in the affairs of the realms. In addition, the Order of Darkness' seat is renamed "Varnaquetta", in acknowledgement of the outcasts, now calling themselves the "Dark Elves", having fully settled in. During the Conclave, a group of scholars break into the meeting and demand to be taught the Orders secrets. A short fight breaks out when they are denied, and the scholars are discovered to have some mystical abilities of their own. The scholars flee to an island to the south, and found the realm of Avalkris. These scholars end up becoming known as "Wizards".

Year 704, Second Era

Civil war erupts in the realm of Avalkris, after certain fields of study are restricted or banned. The conflict becomes known as the "War of the Shattered Ring", referencing the rings worn by the wizards to mark their fields of study. By the outbreak of the war, Avalkiri wizards control much of the southern part of the continent. At the end of it, though, only the loyalists remain with just the original island left to them, the rest of their once mighty realm reduced to blasted desert. Unfortunately, the seat of the Order of Earth is among the settlements destroyed during the fighting.

Year 1047, Second Era

An event known as the Soulveil Crisis beings. Clerics across the realm are cut off from their deities, and other spiritual matters seem impeded or blocked. Eventually, this mysterious "Ban" is lifted through the work of elite members of the Brotherhood of Shining Light and the Order of Light. During the crisis, however, a mysterious and seemingly cursed citadel rises from the surface of Shadowfall Lake.

Year 1073, Second Era

A horde of monstrous beings issue forth from the citadel in Shadowfall Lake, under the cover of a terrible storm. This marks the beginning of a Second War of Darkness. The fighting lasts thirty years before victory is achieved against the monsters. A sudden earthquake strikes after the final blow, and the citadel collapses back under the surface of the lake.

Year 3, Third Era

An extreme zealot takes control of the Brotherhood of Shining Light, and begins decrying the Orders as the source of the cycle of darkness, as they do not submit to commands from the Brotherhood. A brief insurrection occurs within the Brotherhood, and the more extreme members end up dead in the fighting. The new leadership declares the previous leader's comments to be untrue, stemming from insanity. They also request aid from the still nomadic Order of Light in reforming their organization to hopefully prevent further outbursts.

Year 15, Third Era

After a period of time, a Third Elemental Convocation is called. The chief matters end up being the recognition of the Light Bearers' new citadel-seat of Solavus, the Order of Earth establishing their new seat at the Fortress of Sokurnas, and the potential for a third major war against the otherworldly darkness. In addition, the Orders of Earth and Darkness adopt new names for themselves, becoming known as the Sand Shapers and Shade Weavers, respectively.

Year 73, Third Era

A Sand Shaper known as Karnasis becomes Grandmaster of the Order of Earth. He begins feeding the resentment the order has against the Avalkiri over the destruction of their original seat, leading to open warfare between the groups. Although the conflict was between the Sand Shapers and Avalkris, it becomes known as the Frostfire War after the Cryomancers step in. After discovering evidence of corruption against Karnasis, the Grandmaster of the Cryomancers challenges the Sand Shaper leader to a duel. The challenge, and the war, ends with Karnasis' death.

Year 134 Third Era

The Sand Shapers, having claimed lands during the Frostfire War, establish a realm in the deep desert. They name this realm Karnasis, in honor of their fallen leader, and in an effort to spite the Cryomancers.

Year 523, Third Era

After several centuries of relative peace, several planar breaches occur, disgorging several hordes of lycanthropic beings. These beings immediately attempt to conquer the realm. Although concerns run high, the fighting ends quickly as the beings are hunted down and wiped out. Many breathe a sigh of relief, as no eclipses occur during fighting.

Year 524, Third Era

A Fourth Elemental Convocation is called, and during it the Sand Shapers try to press for action to be taken against the Cryomancers, believing them to have almost completely been wiped out by the Rift War, as the previous year's event became known. This claim was proven highly inaccurate by the Cryomancers. Of further discussion was growing concerns of a Third War of Darkness looming on the horizon. However, the end-results of the Convocation is unknown at this time, as several of the delegates to it were slain by outside forces. The survivors fled back to their orders, and the Grandmasters of each Order swore the survivors to secrecy after hearing their tales.
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Re: Alcheria - WIP RP Setting

Realm Relations

For the most part, the various major settlements around tend towards at least cool relations, in part due to a fair bit of effort being put in by the various Orders to prevent major conflicts from flaring up. While the efforts don't always work, for the most part things are kept at least civil. These efforts have been stepped up in recent years, leading to a concern over another War of Darkness on the horizon.

There's only a few notable instances of major groups not wanting to work together directly. The Dark Elves still bear a form of grudge against the surface Elves over what they view as having been "sold out" to the Caevaron Inquisition. While they tend to be cautious around members of the Human kingdom, they've come to acknowledge the efforts of those who've been trying to curb and blunt the over-zealotry that led to the Exile. Another element that has lessened their anger has been a growing fascination with the "culture" of the Path of the Bright Fist, although many think the interest may just be amusement at the perceived ridiculousness of the Path's antics by the Dark Elves.

Unsurprisingly, the biggest rift in relations comes between the Sand Shapers and the Kingdom of Avalkris, although relations between the Sand Shapers and the Cryomancers make for a close second. While efforts are made all around to keep meetings between these parties civil, it's not unheard of for things to come to blows, often just a duel of sorts.

There does exist a few scattered tribes of various races in the eastern wilds, however as they primarily keep to themselves, little is known about their views of the other groups.

Known Races

Dark Elves
Beastfolk {Used as a sort of "catch-all" term for races with noticeable animal features. -OP}

{Under Construction: More to come later. -OP}

Known Dragon Breeds

Tide Gliders
Grapple Grounders
Monstrous Nightmares
Whispering Deaths
Terrible Terrors

{Under Construction: More to come later. -OP}

Overview of Faiths

Each of the major races on the continent seem to have their own faiths. The elves of the surface worship a range of deities, known by titles, and the chief of these is known as the Elder Lord. As a whole, the elven deities are referred to as the Circle of Fate.

The human realm of Caevaron's worship seems to have drawn elements from the elves, as they worship a being known as the Ancient King. Among the servants of this deity is a lesser one known as the Fatespeaker. The humans of the North-lands have their own pantheon of deities, more fitting for the fiercer nature of the folk there. {Norse Pantheon, basically for them. -OP}

The Dwarves revere a being known to them as Mahal as their creator, and the one who taught them the bulk of their crafts. Among the Dark Elves, ancestor-reverence is far more common, with those who lived through the Exile being held in highest regard.

For the Avalkiri and most of the Elemental Orders, a philosophical reverence towards the source of their powers forms the closest thing to a faith among their numbers, with the exception of the Sand Shapers. Their reverence for Karnasis has turned the late leader into a sort of martyred culture hero.

As for the Wild-folk, those who live in the eastern reaches, little is known, although the general thought is that they may have some manner of shamanistic traditions among their tribes.
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