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Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Alexandra's Ranch

Alexandra's Mamono
Lizardman: Grade C
Mamono Level: 223
Life: C 102
Power: C 108
Intelligence: C 117
Defense: C 108
Skill: C 123
Speed: C 111
Loyalty: B
Tech: C
Special Trait: Able to switch to a variety combative stances, raising one stat grade with the exception of life.

Magic Slash
 	Mag 8

Aimed Strike
 	Pow 17

Restored Golem: Grade C
Mamono Level: 221
Life: D 68
Power: B 117
Intelligence: B 164
Defense: A 190
Skill: B 140
Speed: D 68
Loyalty: A
Tech: D+
Special Trait: Can Overcharge to increase Guts gain by 40%, while losing 2% life every second.

Metal Spear
 	Pow 10

 	Mag 20

 	Mag 10
 	Reduces Target enemy's Speed by 20% for one attack.

Weresheep: Grade E
Mamono Level: 210
Life: 35
Power: 35
Intelligence: 35
Defense: 35
Skill: 35
Speed: 35
Loyalty: S
Tech: C
Special Trait: Whenever an attack is made from or against the Weresheep, her opponent has a 10% chance to fall Asleep.

	Pow 25

Hip check
	Pow 13

Alp: Grade E
Mamono Level: 230
Life: D 80
Power: D 120
Intelligence: D 60
Defense: D 60
Skill: D 80
Speed: D 60
Loyalty: S
Tech: D
Special Trait: When about to be KO'd, survives with 1 Life.

Super fist
 	Pow 25

 	Pow 25

Double Knuckle Slam
 	Pow 50

Alexandra's Available Training Exercises
Basic Training
Domino: The monster tries to slam into domino slabs to knock them all down. Raises Power
Shoot: The monster tries to throw rocks at moving targets. Raises Skill
Study: The monster is taught by our own Inari instructor on magic and the ways of the world. Raises Intelligence.
Dodge: The monster tries to dodge our own elite squad of Rush Fairies. Raises Speed.
Run: The monster is put on a track with a cockatrice to chase her for as long as she can. Raises Life.
Endure: The monster stands in a powerful stream to try and endure for as long as she can. Raises Defense.

Alexandra's Schedule
Food Expenditures and Weekly Cost
Gyuki: Fish - 100
Ashlotte: Batteries - 100
Baa: Grass - 10
Misao: Soul Milk - 50

Training Schedule
Mamono Training with: None
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Free
Tuesday: Free
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: Free
Friday: Free
Saturday: Rest

Venice says: "Exchange the Free slots with training exercises to build your mamono's stats, or leave them all Free to spend quality time with your mamono. And remember, there's a limit on how many mamono you can be training during a week, you must remain devoted to specific mamono!"

Available Expeditions
You must have three mamono in your Ranch before an expedition becomes available.

Alexandra's Money: 3690G
Alexandra's Rancher Rank: E
Time Passed: Year 1, Month 1, Week 4
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Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

After making the decision to become a Rancher herself, Alexandra went through the various trials laid out before her, mostly tests ensuring that she wouldn't mistreat or lead any mamono under her care towards ill goals. During the process, she learned that her beliefs of how the relationship between trainer and mamono worked were not quite what she expected. Watching a Rancher and his mamono, a witch, the Rancher was on his knees, while the witch was bonking her staff over his head and scolding him harshly for ignoring her training in favor of another mamono, leaving the situation with him promising to absolutely make sure she got plenty of training next. And in a majority of cases, the Ranchers were more or less just support. The mamono themselves were the real stars.

But no matter what she thought of this, by the time she realized things were not quite what she expected, her training was finished, and she was given her license by the Desk Clerk who worked at the IMA(International Mamono Association). "Now that you have your license, you can go ahead and register a mamono to be your partner, or we can provide you with an eager partner in about a month's time." she announced, which was quite a long time.

And before Alex could react, a lizardkin slammed through the doors of the IMA building, her clawed feet clicking against the tile floor as she approached the counter, and slammed her fist down. "I have waited long enough!" she announced. "First a week, then a month, and now three months have passed! I have received much training, but even still you test my patience!"

"You will give me my worthy trainer, and you will direct me to her, NOW!" she demanded. And in response, the desk clerk sighed, and pointed her finger over at Alexandra. Turning, she looked Alexandra up and down. "You must be some form of half-blood dragon. I suppose a dragon would know plenty of strength, and you have a license on you it seems. Form a partnership with me, I am a capable fighter and I'm only going to grow dull as these humans force me to wait for 'the most suitable choice.'" the lizard girl complained.

"My name is Gyuki, and I am proficient in all forms of combat, be it magical or physical. I have no weaknesses, and therefore I am more suitable than any of the trash these humans will lend to you." she stated matter-of-factly.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Did I make the right choice? Alex was beginning to question her decision since she watched that man, more precisely how he was brow beaten and more by the witch he supposedly owned until he finally promised to give her some more training time as she wished. It seemed like the monster women of this world held all the power, but Alex had already committed to becoming a rancher. And there was still the fact that technically a 'mamono' belonged to the ranch where she was registered. Even if she was worshiped as the end all be all of divine beings the half-dragon just couldn't accept being made to belong to another, even if it was only on paper.

So she finished her training and trials and received her license as she had initially planned. With that done all she had to do now was wait for a partner to be registered. And thus she was given a choice. She could choose a partner or let this IMA find an eager and willing mamono. In a month. That felt like a rather long time to wait, but what else could she do? It wasn't like some warrior woman was going to just stroll into-

"I have waited long enough!"

Nevermind. Alex simply sat back on her heels and listened to this lizard woman air her frustration at being made to wait months on end, but when the desk clerk gave a little sigh and pointed toward the half-dragon Alex simply tipped her head while her tail bounced once before coming back to a rest. At the woman's inspection she raised an eyebrow, but when the lizardkin complained of her skills being put to waste while waiting for a suitable partner to arrive Alex found herself smiling on the inside. This beast woman was a proud thing, and she'd definitely work hard to prove her worth. And if memory served correctly her kind were known as excellent fighters capable of using any manner of weapon and technique that they saw fit. As a fellow weapon fighter Alex felt a sort of kinship with the woman, a respect that only a warrior could hold for another.

"Very well, Miss Gyuki, I shall accept you as my partner. But be warned that I can be quite demanding and expect nothing less than full commitment." Alex expected some kind of response, and somehow she knew the lizard woman would not back down from the challenge that the dragon had issued. Once she had her answer she turned back toward the clerk to sign whatever paperwork was needed, and once that was out of the way she waited to hear what else would need to be done.
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Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Gyuki grinned, folding her arms at Alex "I have trained with my fighting style with aims to reach the very top, you'll find that I'm more than committed to the task." she assured Alex. "But I must ask, do you plan on giving me a name to call you? Or should I just address you as my trainer?" she asked. And when Alex turned over to the clerk, she found the woman already handing her a slip that had both Alex's and Gyuki's pictures on it.

"There, you two are officially apart of the Rank E IMA," she said. "Your complimentary Ranch is waiting for you outside of town, listed as Vacant Ranch #039 on the map," she said, pointing to a very large board that detailed the city and surrounding areas with great accuracy. Lifting her hand, a slip with Alex's name and picture levitated into the air, before flying over to the same board, and sticking itself to the map, right over an empty black square that had #039 over it, indicating that was where Alex was to go.

"Get yourself acquainted with your Ranch, and the President of IMA will visit you shortly to educate you on how to run things." she said.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Damn. She forgot to introduce herself again. That seemed to be one character flaw she could never get past. "Alexandra. Alex if you prefer, most people do." Of course there was a longer name complete with titles and such, but that would amount to nothing in this world, so a simple name would do.

What followed next was a minor display of what Alex could guess was magic, and once her new home was identified she committed it to memory as well as the surrounding area. "Very well, I believe I can find my way there. Thank you for your help, Miss." A dip of the head was given to the clerk as a show of respect, and unless anything further needed to be said Alex turned to leave and inspect Vacant Lot #039.

For a while nothing was said, the dragonkin content to simply walk forward in silence while her new partner accompanied her, but once they were somewhat alone she finally ventured a question. "Tell me about yourself, Miss Gyuki. What is it you seek as partner to a Rancher?"
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"Very well, Alexandra," Gyuki said, deviating from the norm Alex might have been used to by calling her by her full name. "I have trained since I was old enough to hold a sword, with the hopes of meeting a powerful warrior. But even after all of those years, my training is still not finished. When I considered all of the powerful individuals involved in this Ranching business, I knew it was the perfect opportunity to raise my combat prowess even further. So, to answer your question, I seek to fight powerful opponents." she told Alex.

And once Alexandra would be done with her reply, they would arrive at their Ranch, which looked like a rather old and worn barn next to a small house. The inside of the barn wasn't quite as filthy as barns built by humans, but rather looked more like an apartment for a few mamono to live in. "This will do fine," Gyuki said, not upset by the sight. "Lots of room to practice, and overhead protection from the elements. I would greatly appreciate no longer digging holes under rocks to hide from damned rain..."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Upon hearing Gyuki's response Alex suddenly recalled the lizardfolk's tradition involving training and more specifically how it was used to find a suitable mate. The fact that the woman thought she was not yet ready meant she may still be quite young. It could also mean she was not quite as confident as she seemed. Either way she was using the IMA to test herself and advance without worrying about needing to adhere to tradition. Quite a shrewd little lady. It brought a smile to Alex's face. "Well then, once we arrive we won't waste any time..."

The dragon trialed off as she caught sight of her new home, and as she looked at it she appeared a bit impassive. Gyuki didn't seem to mind in the least, her wish to no longer have to dig out a burrow with her claws making Alex reconsider her initial hesitation in accepting such a rundown looking lot as her own, and after a bit of contemplation she finally came to a decision. Sometimes a person just had to make a humble start. This would do. For now. "Let's head inside and stake our claim."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"Don't make yourselves cozy just yet," announced a woman's voice, as Alexandra would catch the scent of the undead in the air. When she would use her eyes to investigate the source of voice and smell, she'd see a vampire in an authoritative dress standing before her. And behind the vampire herself stood a sight that might surprise Alexandra: A fellow dragon

"Pleasure to meet you, Alexandra, Rank E. I am Venice, Rank S, and I'm here to help you get started on how to properly perform the duties of a Rancher." she said in a business like tone, as if she's done this over a thousand times.
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Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"The pleasure is mine..." Though Alex did give the obviously veteran Rancher a respectful nod her attention was quite obviously elsewhere. "And I appreciate you coming to see me. Any advice will be fully welcome." Even when she looked directly at Venice the half-dragon was clearly keeping her attention on the dragon waiting behind the other woman. Her hand even came up to rest on her waist while her tail rose a bit and slowly curled through the air, an almost mirror image to her spiritual cousin. Her counterpart would obviously notice the sword and shield strapped to the back of her armor, but so far Alex had yet to make any motion toward them. She seemed more curious than agitated.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"That's Jade," Venice said, speaking for her companion. "Please don't stare at her for too long. As her trainer, I can say that may take any prolonged stares as a challenge." she warned Alexandra. "Forgive her if she seems rude. She's not entirely sociable with those out of her range of respect. Getting her to speak to me alone was the greatest challenge in my life." she chuckled.

"So, let's take care of the most important thing, food. Your friend here needs to eat, and what's provided is from the funds we provide you for your services to our city, including entertainment via the tournaments," She reaches into her shirt pocket, and hands Alex a list. "Pick something out for your partner to eat. As her trainer, it's important what you decide her diet to be."

Potato 10
Some monsters like it, but it's not very popular.
Milk 50
Intended for smaller monsters, it tastes very good, but is not very filling.
Fish 100
Main source of food for most monsters.
Cup Jelly 150
High in nutrition, and taste. Great for busy monsters to keep them happy, and comes in a variety of flavors for all tastes.
Meat 300
High quality, delicious meat. Monsters higher up in the food chain prefer this on frequent intervals.
Golden Apple 500
Food provided by the most powerful tree of magic, said to have grown near the earth spirit gnome herself. Ancient and powerful mamono races often dine on this rare treat.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Jade... Just hearing the name started some odd flame to flicker with Alex, part of it belonging to her own dragon fire yet somehow a bit different. But she wasn't oblivious to what Venice was saying, and though it took a bit to act on it the half-dragon eventually closed her eyes, shook out her neck, and let her tail snap behind her a few times before completely relaxing. "My apologies, pure bloods seem to have an odd effect on me."

Now that she could think a little more clearly it was time to consider options for food for Gyuki. The choices seemed a bit spartan, but after giving it a once over she had an idea of what she should choose. But this choice didn't immediately affect her, so she offered Gyuki a chance to check it over. "Any preference?" If the lizardkin had a specific request Alex would answer it. If not then she'd simply go with some meat.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"Fish sounds like a reasonable and cost-effective choice." she replied.

"Shall I write you up for some fish then? Oh, and don't worry about food for yourself, Alex. There will be food provided to all Ranchers, but for more food to feed their partners, they must spend their own money." Venice informed her.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Shrewd and frugal. Alex was definitely starting to like her. "Fish it is."

With that out of the way the dragon warrior offered a glance toward Jade to see if she could discern any emotion that showed either on the woman's face or in her posture, but her attention returned to Venice. "What about equipment? I'd imagine even with proper care a mamono who prefers to use a weapon will eventually wear through the one she carries."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Venice looked over past Alexandra, and to Gyuki behind her. Gyuki seemed to know what she was interested in, and drew her sword. Upon looking at the straight blade, and all of the runes on it, she smiled and nodded. "I don't think that will be a problem. It appears your friend's equipment has already been enchanted, so even in dire states of damage, our own witches can repair it." she assured her.

"Is that all?" she asked. "The basics I will cover will be acquiring food, which you do via the delivery man every sunday, training, socializing with your fellow Ranchers and district owners of errantry locations for benefits, and last but not least, combat." she informed her.

Meanwhile, Jade in the back was unmoving mostly, and her expression was blank. Though occasionally, she glanced up at the sky, examining the position of the sun, and seeming impatient.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"Yes, please continue."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"Well, food must be ordered every sunday so that you and your mamono will have something to eat. Since you've ordered fish, just leave the money for it in the delivery box," she pointed to a blue box with a wide slot for coins hanging on the fence surrounding Alexandra's Ranch. "And a fresh supply will be delivered to you. The delivery man will come by, pick up the money, and leave the supplies with you."

"Once you've done that, write down your schedule on the pamphlets left for you in the same blue box, and when the delivery man comes through on sunday, he will take your schedule, and the money, and deliver it to me. The appropriate areas for training will be made available for your partner on each day you write them down for. Failing to show up to your appointments you yourself applied for will result in a warning directly from me, followed by appropriate punishment should you continue to make repeat offenses. These are provisions we supply to you, a fresh Rancher. Do not request them and then not make use of them." she warned Alex.

"For this week, food and training should be your main concern. I'll find something for you to do to get a little practice working with your partner in combat. Another thing of importance is to socialize with your partner as well. If I understand it, you two have only just met each other. Instead of training every day, you should leave some slots free so as to go into the city, and do a little sightseeing with your partner. Familiarity with your partner is very important along the lines of trust. As well, in the city, you can possibly see one of those prestigious Ranchers I mentioned, and get to know them a little. They are quite well made into the society, and have many connections to self-made training areas and exercises, and most importantly, they have ownership over various areas of the island, and allow select few to run errantries into dangerous areas, usually to tame a dangerous mamono or two while making the island more peaceful in the process."

"So, before I go, my advice to you is to make friends, and prepare to get your hands dirty next week."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

The explanation of food seemed simple enough, and the necessity to adhere to a training schedule wasn't even an issue. She would never simply abandon her own commitment like that. It would have been a grave dishonor, and a dragon is nothing without her honor. But socializing? Well...she had to admit that Venice did a fairly good job of outlining its usefulness. To simply ignore a potential resource would be akin to simply leaving food to rot. But dragons weren't known for being social creatures. Hell, Jade was a shining example of that very truth, and Alex felt a small part of herself simply wanting to step inside and curl under a blanket to rest. But Father always said the strongest of champions never stood alone. Guess I'll just have to throw myself out there, eventually.

When Venice referenced the delivery box Alex made sure she had it in sight, and she did the same for the training schedule. In fact she already had a rough sketch for it, and after a couple seconds she figured she may as well fill one out.

Monday: Domino
Tuesday: Endure
Wednesday: Study
Thursday: Shoot
Friday: Dodge

With that done she pulled out the completed form and decided to also include the money needed for the first order of fish. For a moment she looked like she would hand them to Venice since the vampire had already accepted the order for the fish, but just before she did she thought better of it. It wouldn't be prudent to simply expect the woman to accept everything like that. An S Rank Rancher surely had more productive things to do than cater to a new Rancher's whims. Then again that could be why she was here, to check on the new Rancher and see that they were ready for the coming week at least. So Alex took a moment to look at the blue box once more, then toward the hand that carried all she gathered, then toward Venice. To the last she gave an inquisitive look, her actions asking what she should do with the money and schedule without actually saying anything. Better to leave the less important questions implied rather than waste timing talking them over.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"Put all of that in the box for the delivery man to collect." Venice said, before Jade finally let out a sigh.

"How much longer are you going to cater to the green horns this time?" she inquired, speaking with a deep, powerful voice, though still feminine. "I will be late for my training with Fio." she stated.

"We'll be leaving soon, Jade. Please remain composed." Venice requested. "If you'll be taking no time off, I'd highly suggest you still stop by the town on Saturday, and attempt to bond with your partner. If there's any miscommunication between you two, you may lose even against a prepared opponent."

"And with that, I'll be taking my leave, unless you have any further questions? Don't mind Jade's complaining as you consider this, she won't be late for another hour. She just prefers to be early, to show her dedication to battle."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

With Venice's answer in hand Alex folded both pamphlet and payment together and pulled them back to wait until their business was done. And by the sounds of Jade's complaints that wouldn't come soon enough. But even with an elder choosing to finally speak down to everyone it only garnered a cursory glance at the woman before Alex turned her attention back toward Venice. "Don't worry, I've known a couple dragons much like her." There was a bit of a dark edge to her tone, but once Alex caught it she buried the rising memories and continued. "I believe we can handle things from here. I thank you for your time, Miss Venice."

Once the veteran Rancher and her charge were well and gone Alex turned back toward Gyuki and let out a deep breath. "Let's see if we can't find a suitable training area. Once we clear it out we can put it to use."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Gyuki looked to Alex with a shrug. "Not every battlefield is a suitable area. I will make due with any environment." she replied with dedication. "What about you? Do you know of the art of combat and war?"