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Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

At first Alex was too surprised to do much of anything but look at the lizard in shock. Gyuki seemed to be possessed by some indignant fury aimed specifically at the dragon, and though it took a moment to realize there was no mistaken what Gyuki intended as their hips slapped against each other.

But Gyuki's rage faded almost in time with Alex's shock, and the both of them appeared to be looking at each other in their own form of confusion. But the accusation settled at Alex settled into her as well, and it brought with it that question of why the dragoness showed absolutely no shame. "I'm trying to get you to show some confidence, woman!" She was bound, unable to truly more or break free, but even so it would be surprising how focused Alex appeared right then. "I know we haven't been together long, but when we first met you met every challenge that crossed you head on! Testing my strength against yours, the very first battle against Ashlotte, even that first massage that was far more lewd than the one I started a few minutes ago, through all of those you didn't show any of this timidness that's running rampant through you right now! So what the Hell happened? Where did the confident warrior who promised to rub the shy right out of me go?"
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"I'm not trained for this! Combat is s-so much different than sex!" Gyuki defended herself. "Sex with a man... It's like he has a sword and I don't! Completely not fair!" Gyuki declared, probably not realizing she was suggesting she and Zulf 'cross swords' as it were.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"Oh, but it's not." Alex fixed Gyuki with a stare, and little by little it turned into a knowing smirk. "Not completely. You test your partner's defenses, look for those vulnerable spots that make them cry out for mercy, and when you find one you attack. You give them no quarter. You drag them down into the very pits of Hell, and just when you have them at your mercy you strike one final blow. You leave them broken beneath you, a messy pile of writhing flesh, and as you watch their last conscious thought leave them you stand tall and strong knowing that you are worthy of this triumph." And though that tale sounded like the exploits of a blood thirsty conqueror Alex herself looked rather wistful as if she were living through it right then and there. "I've played that part for my Mate. I've played both, victor and loser, and the only real difference between sex and combat is that whether you find yourself as the conqueror or the defeated they both feel absolutely wonderful. Or at least it does for me." That last bit brought a touch of color to the dragon's cheeks, but whether it was from embarrassment or excitement was impossible to tell.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Gyuki was silenced. What Alex said seemed to be sinking in, as the shyness was fading away in her expression the more Alex made sex seem like outright combat. Her claws rose, she looked down at herself. "But my weapons... Do you mean to say that... In sex... My whole body is like a weapon?" she inquired, trying to compare it as much to combat as possible. She looked back at Alex, before slowly adapted the same expression she had when they first fought, only with a much more red face. "Toh!" Gyuki shouted, before attacking Alex once more. She grabbed the dragoness, getting her in a bearhug of sorts that added to what already bound her. "Weakpoint..." Gyuki hummed, before looking at what was available to her. Since it was sex, inflicting pleasure was like doing damage to your opponent, and lowering their fighting spirit. She put her lips to Alex's neck, and began to lick and suck, while their breasts pushed against one another, nipples teasing one another. "Nnn... It's so easy to receive pleasure... Is it not possible to... To 'win' without being the victim of pleasure yourself? Even if you put it in means I can understand, I still feel so vulnerable..."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"That it is." While Alex was forced to sit and watch she found her own bit of understanding starting to bloom within her. This... This is how I can ultimately reach her... No matter the subject she responds to combat! And to prove that point Gyuki let out a small war cry, her face taking on that look of a warrior facing a challenge. In the next moment she rushed forward and captured Alex, and the bound dragon let out a surprised grunt before she was being attacked. The feeling of lips and tongue at her neck had her letting out a small gasp, and when the two women's nipples flicked against and teased each other that gasp became a short but sharp moan. "You can, especially against someone who cannot fight back. You just need to protect your vulnerable areas while attacking your opponents with your finger or mouth... But you'll need to act fast before your body starts seeking that same attention... At that point you'll need to learn how to accept your opponent's attack while continuing with your own."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"Receiving attacks as well as taking them...? This sounds even more harsh than actual combat..." Gyuki hummed, before continuing. "You're strong... But it feels like this is even more effective than fighting you! I can... beat you!" Gyuki announced, feeling rather energized as she licked up Alex's neck and massaged her breasts with her claws, bringing her tail under between their legs and rubbing Alex's pussy. "Mmm... Nnn-ah... I feel what you were talking about... I actually... Want to... R-receive attacks?" Gyuki awkwardly worded it.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

It appeared Gyuki was right. Alex let out her own deep hum of a moan once those claws came up to massage her chest, and with Gyuki's tongue dancing all along her neck the dragon's head simply shifted to the side so Alex could bare herself to her student. But that tail changed things. The moment it touched the dragon's nethers a rather intense memory flashed before her eyes. For an instant her body became incredibly tight, and as it did it almost felt like it would bolt upright and run no matter what restraints kept it bound, but in the next moment that tension faded. Little by little Alex relaxed herself into Gyuki's exploration, and soon enough her gasps and moans started to spill from her lips once more.

But Gyuki spoke of her own reactions, how her body craved attention even if she couldn't quite express that desire. "That's only natural. The body has its own instincts, and one of those is to feel the same pleasure you give to another. Besides..." At this Alex issued her own attack. Whether Gyuki kept her head mouth right where it had been or she pulled back to listen to Alex the dragoness would put the only weapon she had to use on the lizard's ear. Alex knew how sensitive her own could be, so the same nibble that would have her melting into pleasured coos should do the same to Gyuki. "Which is more fun, a one-sided slaughter or a hard-fought victory?"
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Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

It was a mixture of an ear and a fin. As Alex licked it, it began to flap and bits of Gyuki's sweat were flinged at Alex's face. "H-haaa!" Gyuki cried out from the attack on her fin, her body squirming admittedly more than Alex was, who had far more reason to squirm than Gyuki did. The sex training was paused for a moment as Gyuki was stunned by Alex's attack. "I... I think... I'd like to win... A... Hard-fought one-sided slaughter..." She declared. "At least, when it comes to sex."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

The squirming from Gyuki helped put Alex back at ease, and as the woman writhed on top of her she simply closed her eyes and basked in that feeling until it all came to a sudden halt. The dragon let out a little huff of disappointment, but Gyuki's answer had her smiling at the lizard. "If you want victory then you'll need to take charge. Because if you don't I'll just have to..." That pause led to Alex slowly approaching that fin once more, a clear sign that Gyuki needed to move or 'suffer'.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex gave her warning, but Gyuki hesitated to move. Alex likely saw enough sex in her time to know the look of someone who was wanting to be attacked, and Gyuki had such an expression, albeit it was being suppressed. Such restrictions on her honesty were lifted as Alex's tongue would find Gyuki's fin once more, causing the lizardess to mewl cutely and writhe under her attentions. It was perhaps quite awkward then to have Alex being the assertive and dominant one while she was yet tied in her rope. Then, Gyuki's tail began to move as Alex kissed her, rubbing both of their pussies while Gyuki grabbed Alex in a sense of a hug, squishing their breasts together while continuing to stimulate them both with her tail. While moaning in pleasure, she seemed to try to talk, but all that came out was inane babble. "Ahhgh, youuu~! Ahn, ther-ra-ra-ra-ra! Haaaa!" It would likely sound either hilarious or annoying, most likely.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

For a few brief seconds Alex rather enjoyed her control. She saw Gyuki's hesitation. She could practically feel the girl tensing in excitement as she neared the lizard's fin, and once the dragon renewed her attack that false bravado simply melted. Gyuki devolved into a writhing mass of mewling pleasure, the mamono simply surrendering to her more basic nature in that moment, and Alex couldn't be happier. This was part of her desire, to get Gyuki to simply bask in someone else's attention and let herself react on the instinct that all mamono held.

And Gyuki was performing wonderfully. Those little coos of pleasure caused the girl to simply melt and mold herself against the dragon, and the dragon was content to let her work. A moment later the lizard was pulling the bound beast closer, the tighter hold causing their busts to rub against each other and send a little thrill through the dragon as she felt her nipples being teased by Gyuki's pliant flesh. There was no doubt that Gyuki must have felt the same, Alex could feel the excited points of the lizard's breasts digging into her own, and as her partner's tail started to rub against them both Alex simply continued her assault on Gyuki's exposed fin. A faint kiss, a gentle lick, even a bit of nibbling from the dragon's lips, Alex did whatever she could to get a reaction out of the girl-

"Hah~!" The tail play was starting to become enjoyable, Gyuki's softer scales and more welcome body a complete and utter contrast to Alex's experience with her siblings, but as her own body was starting to react she had moved in just the right way to cause herself to gasp. Her body had twisted enough to cause Gyuki to rub against her crown, and the moment it did a burst of white heat exploded out of Alex's core. For a moment it brought her to a stop, Gyuki's attempt at speech largely ignored as Alex's body tightened itself, but after a bit Gyuki would receive an answer to whatever mess she was trying to say. "Do that again..." And if Gyuki obliged she would find the dragon starting to mewl herself, her body bucking as much as it could to grind against the tail that had found a weak point for Gyuki to exploit. But if the lizard thought this would win her a reprieve then she would sorely be mistaken. Alex leaned forward once more to nibble on that fin some more, though now instead of trying to get Gyuki to react she did it now simply to make her partner feel good. She would have liked to do more, to reach around and squeeze the warrior woman's rump, to spin the girl around and show her just how wonderful all the nibbling and licking on Gyuki's ear would feel between her legs, even something as simple as pulling away so Alex could spread her own legs and show the inexperienced girl just how wet she had made the half-dragon, but that was all beyond her reach. All she could do now was shower what attention she could on the lizard and encourage her to keep going.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"Y-yes! Yes, okay!" Gyuki replied, before moving her tail even more, hugging Alex closely while her tail went faster and faster between both of their legs. Gyuki's lips began moving and making noises unable to be shaped even into broken words. It'd be revealed she was trying to announce her climax as she came all over her own tail, before becoming dead weight against Alex. "Wow... This is terrible..." she commented. "Once you start, it's impossible to stop..."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

That tail ran faster. It slid across both women, its length slickened by both Gyuki and Alex's nectar. Their mingling juices softened those scales even further, allowing them to glide across their sexes and more importantly over Alex's crown in an almost maddening display.

And the dragon felt herself getting closer. Yes... Though she was inexperienced Gyuki was passionate about this small coupling, and though she may not have been as experienced as the rancher the fact that she was pleasing herself as well as her trainer meant that Alex was starting to feel that familiar knot tightening deep within her belly. With each pass of that tail that know wound tighter, and Alex didn't fight it in the least. She let the growing pleasure wash over her, welcomed that feeling of growing ecstasy as her climax built. Not a move was made to hold it back, to stretch out the growing bliss for as long as she could manage to leave herself tottering on the edge of an orgasm that was already starting to make her pant. She just needed a little more, a push here or there, just enough to send her easily tumbling over the side so she could join the lizard in post-climactic bliss...

But Gyuki finished first. The girl's inexperience let her rush to her own release far faster than Alex ever could have, and that left the dragon panting in slightly frustrated denial while Gyuki simply became dead weight atop her body. For a moment she tried to push herself farther, to buck her hips up and against the lizard in an attempt to giver her just that extra little push she needed, but it just wasn't enough.

It left Alex whining and groaning, but after a bit she started to cool down in disappointment. It was nearly enough to have her voice that disappointment at Gyuki's little observation. If she really couldn't stop she wouldn't have left Alex hanging like this. But cooler heads prevailed, and Alex simply settled with a heavy sigh. "Is it truly so terrible?"
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Gyuki's inexperience wasn't limited to just being unable to last as long, as Alex would find out whent the lizard pushed herself up, giving a firm yet bashful look to her trainer. "D...D-did you climax as well?" she inquired, truly none the wiser.

(RJ makes small posts and is bad/should feel worse etc)
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex paused for a second at that look, but once that second passed she simply decided to be truthful. "No. My... experience... means it takes more for me to reach that plateau."

(Termite answers with a small post)
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Gyuki sunk her head, "S-so I failed... I'm a failure..." she sobbed a little.

Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex let out a small exasperated sigh. Somehow she knew this would happen... "You're not a failure. When you first started training how well did you do? How well did you measure against someone who was fully grown?"
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex seemed to hit a sensitive spot. Gyuki seemed on the verge of tears when she asked her question. "I was completely and utterly obliterated! The shame! The agony! Taunted by the girls who advanced faster than me!" she pouted, looking quite defeated.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex couldn't hold back the frown that came over her face. "Is that how your kind treat each other? Tch. Yours and mine sound too much alike..." Granted she loved being the descendent of dragons, it was something she took great pride in, but there were some aspects she absolutely loathed. And this was one of them. How in the world could your elders expect an untrained whelp to perform admirably against someone who's spent their life training their body to perfection? Gods, it was infuriating! "...But you're still a warrior, are you not? You haven't let that failure in the past stop you, so I don't expect this one will. You just need to learn how to train, correct?"
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"My elders always said that the road of a warrior was not paved with kindness." Gyuki explained. "But, yes, you are correct. I need to train a great deal. I aim to surpass all my supiriors."