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Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

While the little exchange between Gyuki and Ashlotte brought a smile to Alex's lips it was mostly ignored as Isabell offered some advice. The rules for item use in regards to the tourney was definitely something the Rancher would need to remember, especially if her opponents were going to abuse that option themselves. And with their being three preliminary bouts before the true qualification match she would need to do quite a bit of shopping later.

And that could be done on the way home. Hopefully the store would still be open by the time she arrived, but before she could worry about that something strange caught her attention. "Heads up, ladies." There was something up ahead, some person or creature that gave off a slightly... different?... presence. "Any idea what's up there?" It was a question asked to both Ashlotte and Gyuki, and hopefully one of them understood what was waiting for them. Alex preferred to know what it was she faced, but even if they were walking in blind she had no intention of turning away. A dragon doesn't simply run from a threat.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Gyuki and Ashlotte looked at Alexandra as if she were acting strange. "What's up there? Is there something?" Gyuki inquired.

"Negative. Nothing of interest detected." Ashlotte replied.

With Gyuki and Ashlotte ignorant of what Alex sensed, she still pressed on, while feeling the presence directly on her path home.

That's when things began to get a little strange...


(Mood music - )

It was hardly the time for it. The sky began to turn it's share of nighttime black when Alex would be sure it should only be early evening. The sky could get away with turning orange, but not black. In fact, it appeared to Alex that the sun was still visible in this odd shade of night, only one could gaze at it due to it's glorious light being swallowed up by the void in the sky. It seemed to happen both instantly and slowly, a gradual shift that Alex could not react to. Perhaps her mind was dulled, or her thoughts somewhere else. The answer would be unclear as to why, but the easiest to blame for it would be 'magic' at work.

Should she check, or simply listen, Alex would find the presence of Gyuki and Ashlotte no more. They were vacant from her side. It seemed like only Alex was drawn into this strange alteration of reality. But it seemed transient. Alex felt a loose connection to this place, as if she could drift from it at any moment and never see it again. The path ahead seemed to be an escape... But off to the side, Alex saw a light glimmer. Someone was holding a pole with a lantern on it's tip, waving it back and forth. As she'd witness this, she'd feel a cool breeze as a ghostly figure would pass right through her solid body, gracing by with only a chill and a swish of air. This phenomenon wasn't solitary either. Other ghostly figures seemed to be witnessing the light, and were drifting towards it, while it continued to sway back and forth gracefully, as if it was there purposefully, to guide the lost ghosts that wondered the darkness.

After a moment, Alex would get a clear view of the beacon in the darkness, and the one who held it. It was a beautiful girl, with skin quite pale. While looking at her, Alex would get a feeling that she didn't belong here... Not yet. The feeling she'd get from looking at the girl with the light would be a strange one, like meeting someone you've always known about and expected to meet, but never had the chance to see in person, or know what they looked like. No matter how Alex chose to react, she'd feel the depressing world around her beginning to fade as the pretty girl stepped away, while the ghosts floated around her as if finding comfort in her light.

If Alex did not follow, she'd feel that the girl would vanish, taking the void with her.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

No reaction? From either of them? That felt somewhat...well...odd... This presence she felt, was it something natural? Was it something that existed within the fabric of this world, so much so that everyone simply ignored it? Or was she simply hallucinating, the sum of all that was strange in this world causing her to slowly loose her grip on reality?

Alex asked herself these questions as they traveled, but with every step she took she became more and more certain that something existed within her path. It just felt too far off from everything else she'd seen to not be noticed. So why could she sense it and no one else? Was someone calling out to her? Was there a soul powerful enough to single her out while subtle enough to prevent anyone else from detecting them? That felt far more likely than the other thoughts. Something or someone was beckoning. For what she couldn't imagine, but best not to be rude-

The sudden onset of darkness was unsettling. It felt like night itself was descending, but when Alex looked toward the sky the sun itself could be seen hanging where it should. But its light was muted, enough to make it look nearly absent and nothing more than an overgrown pinprick that was any other star at night. But that wasn't all that was sucked away, and as Alex turned to address her mamono she found them simply gone. Not a trace of them remained, and as she searched for even a sign of their passing she soon found a stray light bouncing off of the beaten path. It belonged to a lantern dangling off the end of a pole, and as Alex was strangely drawn toward it she found a rather pale young woman bearing it as if it were some beacon meant to pierce through this strange veil that surrounded her. And a beacon it was. The faintest of breezes brushed over the dragon, and with it a chill ran through her spine. It passed a moment later, and in its wake Alex found a spirit gliding through her body as it followed the light that seemed to guide it through this darkness.

Ordinarily that would have sent all sorts of warnings careening through Alex's mind. A disembodied soul was something she didn't normally see in her home world, and when one did they found themselves facing a daemon. They were beings that consumed the souls of the dead, and if they revealed themselves to you it usually meant you were dead or soon would be. But that sense of dread just wouldn't rise. Instead she found... familiarity? Acceptance? It felt like a natural place she would find herself, just not one she should be seeing right now. And that same presence floated off of the girl guiding these lost souls that continued to flirt with that faint lantern light.

She didn't know what to do or what to expect, but before she could even question it she found herself turning and heading toward the girl. Some part of her pleaded for her return to the path, somehow she knew that continuing home would take her back into the world of the living as it were, but this void that surrounded her was oddly intriguing. And welcoming. It felt like she could simply stay and follow that light into oblivion, and that finally brought the dragon to a pause. Would that happen? Was she flirting with death itself if she remained within this void for too long? She didn't know, and yet she still felt compelled to approach. "Excuse me." She had no idea what she was doing or why, but she kept pressing forward as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "Are you what I believe you are?" If asked she would clarify, and that first thought was simply Death. But that didn't seem right. This woman wasn't actively reaping the souls she came across. "A shepherd, one who guides the spirits of the deceased to whatever awaits them." That felt a little more proper and accurate, and if the girl answered then Alex would consider it for a moment before asking another question. "Why can I see this?"
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Deciding to approach, Alex found the world growing ever darker, until the sky became the blackest night with only a single dot in the sky to represent the sun, giving bare illumination to the trees and grass, while the world under the presumed shepherds light seemed to be the only thing that existed.

Alex called out, as she'd feel a sensation of emptiness in her chest, as if all inspiration was sucked out of her soul. There seemed no malice behind this feeling, no intent. It just seemed to be a curse inflicted by being near this shepherd. "Oh, hello. Tis a surprise to see you." The girl said with a calm and serene voice. The kind of feminine tone that helps put young children to sleep with a calming bed time story, quite easy on the ears. "I had put up a ward to keep the living away while I do my task, but you were a little too strong for it, it seems." the shepherd revealed.

She stuck her pole into the ground, before granting Alex a courtesy bow and a flourish of her skirt. "My name is Charon. That doesn't quite suit my appearance, does it? Well, this world's magic has it's ways of doing that. I am indeed a Shepherd of the Dead. I guide them to their next destination, to Lady Death, her majesty." said Charon, before taking her pole back from the ground, and waving it over head again, seeming to attract more ghosts from the dead world.

Charon regarded Alex once more after finishing waving her light back and forth to pull more of the dead forth from the void. "Alas, while it is good to meet a new friend, I hate meeting you now. I do." Charon said as if meeting Alex early like this was quite upsetting. "You don't belong here. This is a land that does not welcome you. The living have their time before coming here," Charon announced, before reaching out with her hand.

The emptiness in Alex's chest seemed to come forth, before she saw what appeared to be a red crystal heart emerge from her chest and levitate into Charon's hand. Alex's crystal heart glowed bright with life, full of power and soul. Though it was no longer inside of her, Alex could feel Charon's cold fingers wrap around her essence of life. It was still apart of her.

"You still have much of your life to live. I cannot take this yet. Your heart isn't ripe." She stated, before opening her palm as Alex began to feel a pull, or perhaps a rejection. Alex's heart almost ripped itself from Charon's hand and returned to it's rightful place. Charon then held open her hand overhead, before the various phantoms around her began to shimmer with a blue glow in their chests. The glow, instead of warm, felt cold and fitting for one who was dead. Their cold blue hearts seemed to resonate with Charon, as they seemed to be the ripe hearts she sought.

"I've luckily met my quota. You've unluckily followed my light. Come, continue to follow it. Don't wonder off. You'll be lost forever. I'm going to ferry you back, once I deliver these lost souls." Charon announced, before turning, and walking away from the path Alex had come from. "Your heart doesn't taste of this world." Charon announced, as if when she touched Alex's heart, she 'tasted' it. "I'm not sure who rules the dead in your world. It differs here, no doubt. Don't let your ideas of religion or the like cloud your judgement on what you see. Try to keep an open mind, but not too open so as to allow curiosity to control. Caution should rule curiosity in the land of eternal dark." She advised.

The road behind Alex had vanished. She seemed to have joined fully with Charon's world by following the light to guide the dead. It eventually became so dark that Alex could not see the ground on which she walked. There were less hills as she'd follow Charon, until it felt as if she were walking on nothing at all, but still moving forward. The light that Charon held seemed to be growing dimmer, but upon closer inspection it was the darkness seemingly trying to devour the single light in it's presence. The engulfing of darkness felt so thick that Alex would no doubt lose sight of Charon entirely if she let the girl get but a mere ten feet away from her.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Charon inquired towards Alex. "This black void. So blissfully devoid of complication. A nullity. This may be your home some day. Tis a fine place, but a far better one is where these souls go." Charon said with a smile. "Whenever you close your eyes to sleep, think of this place. The comfort of your sleep is what you will feel while you're here. Undisturbed and peaceful. Death is truly the final, and best rest. You can't appreciate it now, I'm sure. Its beauty is lost on those who are still awake as you are. It's fine if you don't understand, it's no crime nor insult. It's only a matter of time, which you still have."

Charon giggled, walking casually through the void. "I hope you'll be excited when you are about to die. I would be, if I were you."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Too strong? That though alone left Alex at a loss. Ever since she found herself wandering through this world she felt as if she were being outclassed by the titans surrounding her. And that was before she'd sacrificed half of herself to preserve her identity. She felt weak and pitiful, barely able to stand against Misao when it was fairly obvious the former man was one of the lowest classes of mamono. So what did she had that let her not only feel but invade this apparent dimension of death?

But even if those thoughts left her somewhat curious over her own affairs it truthfully took a bit of time for them to form and focus. Her mind was slow. Muddled. Enough that it took a few seconds to actually realize it as she listened to Charon introduce herself. But that sluggishness vanished in an instant when her life was pulled from her chest. The dragoness had no idea what was happening while fully knowing her very existence was being weighed and measured by this woman, and though that crystalline heart was drawn into the shepherd's grasp the feel of those cold fingers gliding over her very life meant that the heart still belonged to her.

Thankfully that grip relaxed only a few moments later. Alex was starting to feel rather anxious with her soul exposed as it were, and when Charon released it the heart practically shot back into its rightful place before it could finally settle. It helped Alex to relax a bit, the knowledge that she still had most of her life ahead of her helping a great deal, and now that she had somewhat awakened she focused her will until she no longer felt the compulsion to simply lay back and close her eyes. During this she was treated to the sight of her host continuing her work, the cold hearts of the deceased far more fitting for this world of darkness and their guide, and with that done the woman announced that her quota had been met. That alone spoke of so many other things, but Alex was far more focused on the fact that she was now stranded. Her little journey through this dimension left her cut from the other, and at this point all she could do was rely on this shepherd to take her back once her job was done.

As they continued Charon mentioned that Alex herself tasted different. And this was true. Then she mentioned that she had no knowledge of who governed death within Alex's home. "Neither do I." And this was also true. "The gods of my home vanished for the longest time. It's only been recently that they've made their presence known once more, but even then some have simply gone missing. Most likely they've either been destroyed or consumed by the Godslayer..." As Alex spoke she realized there wasn't any reason to reveal this. It seemed like utter nonsense to reveal this bit of chaos to someone who existed within this realm, but compulsion doesn't need a reason to make sense. It just is.

The more they walked the darker this world grew. The land itself seemed to simply bleed away with the sun, and the deeper they went the more Alex felt she was walking over nothing. And the void simply kept growing stronger. It even tried to consume Charon's lamp, and little by little it was starting to succeed. But Charon herself seemed to love it. She spoke of comfort, of the deepest, most relaxing sleep a soul could ever know, and in a sense Alex could understand it. She just couldn't accept it.

But Charon understood, and she accepted the fact that Alex couldn't accept what this emissary of death found so charming. And she advised her guest to be excited about the prospect of death. At this Alex managed a somewhat nervous smile. "I believe everyone is excited by their own demise one way or another..." She didn't have anything else to add past that, but the silence that followed her worlds combined with the utter emptiness she saw and felt to leave her with a strong need to fill the void. "You mentioned a quota. It makes me wonder what kind of life you live past your duties. Do you simply rest and wait until you are called again?"
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

(A long awaited post, maybe. Definitely belated.)

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Charon seemed to take an interest upon the mentioning of the one called Godslayer. "He sounds like an awful person. Murderers and the like who kill souls when they are young, like yours, cause a great amount of difficulty for me. The souls who come aren't ready for death, and as such, they do not follow my light as they are supposed to. They linger between the lands of the living and dead. Some even grow powerful enough to try to seek to become alive again. They possess the living, and even manifest themselves in their ghostly form in front of the living. I cannot take every soul I find, as I often meet my quota, and return to Lady Death with her meal." she declared her intent to apparently feed the souls of the dead to the one of her worship. "So, there are many souls that roam without a light. However, I always return and collect as many as I can. Can you imagine a world where the dead remain? Their souls with nowhere left to go? All of the energy, all of the magic in the air. Can you think of it? It would be complete chaos. Random storms, freak weather. Accidental deaths occurring all over the world due to ghostly interference."

Charon chuckled. "I'm saving the world every day. That is what Lady Death tells me. Though, only the best souls have their true destiny in bliss. The people who have led good lives have the sweetest souls. They are destined to sleep in the bosom of Death herself, while the undesirable souls... Either become monsters made of magic, demons, or angels. When I find them, I recycle them so that the world has free mana to enjoy like nectar. There is nothing to do with an evil soul other than recycle it, lest it become dangerous."

The question of what Charon does when she has done her duty seemed to require a moment of thought. "I do not rest." she said in reply, and went silent again, as if not sure what more to say. Then, suddenly, a light in the distance. Though it was no small light. It almost seemed like they were nearing the end of a pitch black tunnel, as the sight of an evening sky began to come into view. "This is it." Charon announced. Ahead of them was the horizon, and behind them was the deep black of the abyss.

"This is the end of the world."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex didn't... well, she just didn't understand how much of Charon's work was actually responsible for keeping this realm calm. Denevrion was a far more chaotic place, that much was certain, and Alex was fairly convinced that her home had no one to actually guide the dead to a peaceful rest. Spirits did occasionally harass the living, strange weather had been seen from time to time, and some deaths just couldn't be explained by any mundane measure. But if Denevrion was infested with the spirits of the dead then then why did all those things seem so rare? Why were ghosts still treated as superstition be some and completely ignored by others? Why wasn't the world covered in blasting spectral winds that tore the landscape to pieces? Why wasn't the very earth screaming with the cries of the dead?

The dragoness would have given it more thought, the fact that her guide didn't rest largely ignored by the grander disparity between the relative peace of her home world and the utter chaos that Charon said should run rampant, but the sight of some actual light on the horizon piqued Alex's interest enough to take notice of the difference between the growing evening and the utter nothingness that was now behind them. But that wasn't all that fought for her attention, and the suspended lamps simply framed the... she wasn't quite sure what to call the thing, but altar seemed like it would be a good start.

And if this was an altar than the object of Charon's worship had to lay inside. The shepherd confirmed that a moment later, and as they continued forward Alex began to prepare herself to meet royalty if not a god. "Is there anything I should know before meeting your mistress? I'd hate to unintentionally insult her."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Charon giggled. "You're a good person, Alex. You'll definitely be coming back here again." She declared, though as the Shepard of only this world, such would require this to be Alex's resting place... "Do not worry. Milady is kind and understanding. She may even be too kind for her own good." She reassured Alexandra as they walked along the bridge, towards the altar. The water below, it's depths black as the void before, splashed against the bridge's supports, spraying mist into the air. The spirits following Charon seemed soothed by the sight before them, many of them focused on the floating objects in the air, which also gave Alex a somewhat sound peace of mind, washing away fear and regrets of the past. Twas as if she was about to be cleansed of her past life, and born again with a clean slate. Even her name erased and forgotten, only to start anew.

Approaching the altar, it soon became clear what it's intention was. Up a flight of stairs, was a pulsing 'heart' that seemed to be brimming with life despite the nature of the realm of death. Right beneath that altar, was a slab used for a particular ceremony. It was nothing other than a sacrificial altar, though it held no stains of blood nor scars of abuse. The slab was clean and smooth, perhaps even comfortable considering. Though, there was no sign of Death, or anyone for Alex to talk to. Just the pulsing heart. That was when Charon looked to Alex with a smile. "The living cannot meet nor speak with Death." Charon began, before walking ahead of Alex, and ascending the stairs. The spirits began to soar as if pulled by an unseen force, flying past Alex and rushing into the heart itself, making it glow even brighter as they merged with the life force that the heart pulsed with, and joined with it. Alex could feel it's call as well, deep down inside of her true soul. However, her living instincts told her that to give in to that call would be to accept the embrace of death. "Just for a moment, you will need to die." Charon announced, standing over the altar and waiting for Alex. She held no knife or tool of murder. Just her lantern, and her smile. Just being near the heart, Alex could feel faint. Twas as if her life force was being drained out of her slowly, and sucked into the heart, even though such was not the case. She was simply discovering the inner struggle between soul and body. Within that heart was paradise, deep down she knew, but without her soul Alex's body would be nothing but a corpse.

"The body is but a mere puppet. Day after day, your soul grows inside the walls of flesh that protect it. Your memories, your feelings... Your body pretends to be the one to own these things, but when liberated, your soul understands who the true master is. Such is death. Tis not the end. Tis true liberation from a prison of flesh, and to the bosom of the Queen of the Ascended." Charon praised her lady death with a blissful expression, her eyes fixed on the sky, as if about to cry from the passionate feelings flowing through her. Then, she looked to Alex, and extended her hand in invitation for Alex to ascend the steps towards the altar, and ascend from her mortal flesh. "Take my hand, Alex. I will carry your fragile heart, and show you what awaits you when you die. But promise me!" Charon demanded. "Promise me you won't cry when you are forced back to your mortal existence. It will be hard to part with such bliss."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

That was... well... "Forgive me if I hope that doesn't happen for quite some time..." Alex really couldn't believe it. She'd just been promised that her soul would return to this place once she passed. Sure, from time to time she'd wonder just what lay over the horizon once her body had finally died, but to see what lie in store, to feel the grand emptiness of oblivion suddenly open into a calm and disturbingly welcoming world, to hear nothing but the gentle rush of waves breaking beneath her and her own beating heart, the only truly living heart for miles around...

No... No, that wasn't right. She had yet to see it, but Alex could hear and feel a faint beating coming from that altar. The rhythmic pulse of some other creature lay ahead, and as Charon led the dragon closer to that shrine Alex could feel her own heart pulsing in time with whatever sat before her. It made her anxious to feel herself synchronizing with what could only be the ultimate avatar of death, and when she finally spied the pulsating heart that rested atop that sacrificial slab she simply froze. All she could so was stand and watch as Charon calmly approached it, and the spirits that followed the shepherd suddenly went rushing into the only sign of life in this land of death. With each ghost that was taken that heart seemed to grow stronger, its vibrant glow growing brighter, and for everything she thought she had seen throughout her entire life this entire realm left her completely speechless.

But that only lasted for a little over a second, two at the most. Before she could even understand what was happening her hand rose to her chest and ineffectually clutched herself as if she were trying to keep a strong hold on her very heart. A moment later she would swear she was doing exactly that when that other heart pulsed once again. She felt frightened and frantic, her entire body racing to contain her spirit as it felt a need to simply let go of its earthly binds and join its brothers and sisters in the paradise that awaited it. Alex's mind instinctively tried to call upon her innate power, to strengthen her soul and let it brush aside whatever force was beckoning her to her death, but her soul refused to respond. Its own instinct was to simply give in and accept its fate, and no amount of flesh would ever hold it back in what it felt was its ultimate purpose.

This left Alex confused and conflicted, her mind scared out of itself in this war between body and soul, and that was what Charon had to deal with when she beckoned the dragon forward. The fact that Alex would have to die to meet Lady Death only made that struggle even more intense, and when the guide demanded a promise from the warrior she was met with only silence. Alex was still trying to come to grips with herself, and though her mind fought for peace the basic need to live would have none of it.

For a while the woman felt she was going to tear herself apart, but another voice rose. I will return. Alex had no idea from where this came from, but as it spoke her mind drifted back toward her home world and the village she called her home. She saw the people that she knew, the friends she'd fought for and beside, and then she found the angelic figure she left behind. Her Mate smiled, those raven wings of hers carefully folded over herself, and cradled within her angel's arms lay the small child Alex had carried for oh so short a time. I will return. The thought of her family helped the dragoness center herself, and it gave mind, body, and soul a reason to return to the land of the living. I WILL return.

With peace and purpose settling over her Alex finally rose to meet Charon. "I will try." Her hand stretched out to embrace her guide, and though she was moving forward her grip was stronger than it needed to be. It spoke of the anxiety that still ran through her at the thought of dying for even a few moments, and if she was being taken into and then out of paradise there was no telling how she would deal with it. If it was truly as perfect as her soul believed then a few tears may end up falling no matter how hard she tried to hold them back.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

(Super long awaited post. A lot of things happened and only recently have I had free time.)

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Alex, with each step towards Charon, the following step would become more routine. Easier than the last. Soon, Alex would realize that she could no longer stop. The pull of the Heart was too strong, and her desire to be taken away won out such that she could feel her survival instinct vanishing completely. It was finally done, her fate sealed when she took Charon's hand. It was ice cold, and Alex felt her life vanishing from her body as she touched her. Indeed, Charon's hand quickly lost it's chill as Alex would find that such was due to her own body temperature dropping. Alex's skin and scales paled, losing their life and color. Alex began to feel brittle and weak. Her mind dulled, losing track of where she was and what she was doing. Things faded so quickly, that Alex only knew that she was growing old. She was dying. Her legs gave out as Alex's vision went blurry. She was blind, unable to see nor remember the face of the girl who held Alex upright to stop her from falling. The robed girl with the lantern guided Alex's body to the stone slab, elegantly laying her down upon the altar and folding Alex's hands over her chest. The girl's name forgotten, all Alex could remember was that this girl was her friend. Someone she trusted. With the deep sound of a beating heart over her, Alex was washed with a relief that she was dying next to a dear friend. The sound of the heart was calming too, in addition to the waves of the beach slightly dulled by Alex's aged ears.

Then, Alex's heart began to fall off the rhythm of the deeper heart, slowing down. Slower, and slower... It became impossible to think as time seemed to slow down. Her vision went dark as her eyes failed completely, leaving only sound behind. So relaxing was it, that Alex failed to notice her heart had stopped beating. If she took that one moment to think about it, she'd realize she was dead. Her life stolen away.

But, despite her heart no longer beating, and no sight to see with, Alex would find that her existence had not vanished. Somehow, she felt alive and dead at the same time. It was confusing, like having the rules of the world destroyed and remade in a way that was impossible to understand. It was easy to become scared, as Alex's soul was now without a body. The only thing that probably protected her from madness was the sound of the beating heart that never left her, letting her know she was not alone in an oblivion. But she couldn't easily find the heart. She needed help, a guide. Indeed, a light such as the one that was appearing before her. A perfect guide. The only direction to go. It waved back and forth, beckoning for Alex's attention. It wanted her to follow. It seemed friendly in a lawless and empty land. It would move on as Alex came closer, showing her the way. It was such a simple and relaxing task to follow the light, understandable and not confusing. Any sense of fear or doubt would be washed away by her new illuminated friend. It took her a moment to realize that the light was talking to her, but not with words. There was no such thing as a mouth, and there was no sound in this world. Just feelings.

It became clear how Alex knew this light was her friend. It was due to the light telling her it was her friend. The mere impression from the other light had her convinced. No doubt it would make Alex feel slightly insecure, as a mere suggestion from another source so easily laid it's impression on her and made her think it was her own. Yet, this other entity hardly seemed malicious. Or perhaps that was another feeling... Regardless, the light seemed to be leading her towards the beating heart. It grew louder as Alex moved, while Alex would realize she didn't move at all. She was just wanting to move the entire time, and assumed she was. With a bit of effort... Alex emerged... A scene of a familiar shore and floating monuments were laid out before her in a colorful display of a rainbow of magical threads, as if the whole world was made up of miles upon miles of yarn. Alex would be able to identify, feeling like a ball of yarn herself as traces of threads gently flowed through the air. Even her own threads, as she felt herself ever so slowly drifting away. Her own threads of magic gently peeling off of her and flying through the wind. It felt like it would take forever to die from this, so for now it was just magical.

The light beckoned her attention once more, urging her not to lose sight. Alex felt as if she broke free of a terrible prison. The black oblivion she would first remember was now a thing of the past. She was free now, in this magical world of threads. The shore of a new beginning. The sky, the ocean, the land beyond, there were no limitations. So amazing was this feeling of freedom that Alex would not be strange if she thought herself having reached true ascension, having the capacity to become a god in her own right. True freedom. A god's freedom. The light seemed to understand. It came forth, and wove it's own threads together with the threads drifting from her own. A variety of different colors. Alex would find that her friend was making her something. A present. With both of their threads woven together, Alex was given two spheres tied together by a rainbow string. A green sphere, seemingly representing Alex, and a white sphere that looked like a tiny version of her friend. Alex could feel a wave of overwhelming positive emotion from her friend. This was a most precious treasure given with the most positive feelings one could have. She wanted to show Alex that she thought dearly of her friend, the rainbow thread a representation of their bond they formed together. A gesture of emotion Alex would never have felt so intimately before, so directly from another entity. Overwhelming happiness that only a godlike being like they could share together. No mortal would ever understand. No victim of the prison of oblivion. One needed true freedom for this.

Just existing next to her friend seemed to be enough. Sharing these good feelings was bliss. Astounding no doubt, how such divine happiness could be founded just from existing. However, it was not to last forever. Suddenly, she felt a feeling of regret from her friend. If Alex panicked, she'd do her best to soothe her friend. Alex felt her friend let her know that they'd be together again some day. Though brief, their friendship was created on the most intimate and eternal level. Alex felt herself pulled towards the heart, which filled her with warmth. Her friend promised to be with her until she reached 'paradise'. One day, they'd meet again. On that day, Alex would be able to stay with her instead of going into the heart. She wanted Alex to always keep her present with her, and never lose it. It was the most important bond they had, and with it, they'd always be able to find each other. Besides... It wasn't so bad. After all, Alex had so many more friends to make, inside of the beating heart of the best friend of all. The one who would never, ever refuse someone in need.



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Alex felt herself enter the beating heart. She felt her consciousness become an incomprehensible scramble, unable to tell what was going on as a million different emotions overwhelmed her from all over, as if suddenly there were millions of other voices deafening her. It seemed enough to drive Alex mad if it did not cease, making her confuse herself with the chaos around her if it didn't end as soon as it began. Soon, Alex began to find herself in a world she could slowly comprehend. It was like a dream, one where things could exist in ways that require no description. As such, Alex felt as if she was in her body again, though the illusion was not strong enough to make her feel like she was suffering that prison yet again. In this new world, inside the heart, Alex found herself in a world painted red. She stood in what appeared to be a stone tower about twenty feet wide, with various vertical windows that allowed her to peer outside and notice other towers constructed over a vast and plain land, like a red unmoving sea. While wearing her last mortal form like a robe, Alex found she could interact as she once did on a more basic level. And she did have such a thing to interact with.

She had an innocent beauty and sad expression, as if she were victim to very sad trauma while doing her best not to succumb to it. Despite how she radiated with comfort, Alex could feel how lonely this woman was. Her long hair was the same blood color of the rest of the world, including it's moon. She wore an equally red dress, and held a scythe that felt to Alex like a tool of orchestration. Oddly enough, Alex felt as if order in this world was kept through that device in her hands, which looked like something out of a terrible nightmare, giving off it's own vibes, mixing Alex with feelings of comfort, fear, and loneliness. Just from being near her spirit, just like her beloved friend, Alex quickly began to feel she could understand this creature before her... And how grand she truly was.

Perspective was an oddity in this world. The red haired figure stood right before her, and yet it seemed Alex was unnoticed. Alex found herself incapable of measuring the scope of what she saw. It had a form, that much she knew. However, unlike her friend, this creature's size and shape was far too massive to understand. Without a doubt, what stood before her was a goddess if there ever was such a thing that existed.

In this room, inside the realm of death, a strange wind blew through the tower Alex was trapped in. And there she'd remain trapped with the silent figure until Alex said something, able to speak normally if she wished, or through feelings.

(With her friend's aid, Alex has learned how to communicate with the soul and directly speak to others, be they living or dead.)
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Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

The pull of her body was strong, the instinct to survive so ingrained into her soul that Alex had to force her foot to rise, but that first step was all it took. The beat of that lone heart simply washed over and through her, each pulse an overpowering wave that drowned out the frantic cries of her flesh, and soon enough those cries simply died.

Alex soon followed. In what felt like mere instants her body aged, decades slipping through her fingers as her hand took hold of Charon, and moments later her body simply gave in. She aged, she decayed, she grew decrepit and confused, her memories slipping through her mind simply to vanish into the ether as if her head just couldn't keep hold of them. Why she was here, why she was being led to that slab, who that lovely young girl helping her forward had been, all of it paled in the struggle to remember who the hell she was. But that girl was nice. She was patient to a fault, helping this bag of old scales and bone prop herself onto that bed, and though it was hard the beat beat beat of that heart felt so relaxing and pure. It comforted the ancient dragoness, her own heart beat beat beating in kind, and it made her glad that her last moments were beside someone who cared enough to treat her kindly.

Her halt faltered, the struggle to pump far too much for it to handle, and soon enough everything simply went black. She couldn't see, she couldn't feel, all she could do was listen to the heart that was not her own, and once she realized that was all she knew there was no escaping the truth. Death had claimed her.

For a few seconds Alex didn't know what to do with herself. She had nothing left, nothing but her own sense of self, but despite the death of everything she still somehow felt alive. She existed. And it was frightening. There was nothing to see. Nothing to touch. A complete and utter plane of sheer oblivion, and were it not for the beating of that otherworldly heart Alex felt she may have gone mad. But she wasn't alone. That had to be someone's heart, someone's pulse that called out to her. She had to find it. She had to find this person. She needed to find someone, otherwise she felt she would simply go insane.

But... where would she look? How could she look? Her eyes were dead. Her ears were shut. She couldn't even feel herself moving one way or the other. Was she even moving? Could she move? How could she even tell what she was doing? Why was... Dammit, why was everything so empty?! She tried to leap. She tried to yell. She tried to reach, to simply feel something that would at least give her some sense of direction, but all she had was the pulse of that heart that beat everywhere and nowhere.

In that moment Alex felt helpless. Impotent. Utterly pathetic. She couldn't even tell if she was angrily buzzing around like some pissed off bee or simply shivering pathetically like some lost little girl. It was frustrating and frightening in ways she never even thought possible, and in that moment Alex was sure she was going to lose what little of her mind remained. But something broke through the utter nothingness that threatened to crush her. A beacon sprang to life, a light that both scared and soothed her, and as it simply waved back and forth Alex finally felt herself move. She could actually follow it. She could reach something, and even as it beckoned and led her to some unknown fate there was something... strange... Her dead heart felt something well within it, something that made that light feel somehow familiar, and though she could feel a wave of comfort that was definitely not her own it didn't feel... hm... malicious...

Yes...? Yes, that was it. There was no malice. It was the simple soothing comfort of one friend welcoming another, and though it was unsettling to feel it resonate so deeply within her Alex felt that even if it wasn't quite her own feeling it was still the truth. A friend had come, someone who could lead her out of this darkness, and as the dragon followed she heard that heart growing louder. It brought a sense of ease to the disembodied soul. She was being led where she wanted to go. Where she needed to go. Who else but a true friend would find her in death and help her from being lost? All she needed to do was follow, and after a bit Alex felt something give. She felt herself peeling away from some solid mass, some decayed prison that had kept her held and only fooled her into believing she'd been free, and as she felt herself emerging into a new world it all looked oddly familiar.

The shore she'd seen in life was before her once more, one of the few memories she had that now felt somehow stronger as she could finally see again with her own two eyes. But the world had changed. Where there was once solid stone, where things had once been solid and unchangeable she now saw color. Strings. Everything looked as if it were made of thread, a rainbow of light and magic that came together and created something far more beautiful that anything she'd ever seen in life, and a moment later she understood. She was part of this. She looked at herself and found her own threads dangling in the wind, and even though bits of herself were peeling away to simply dissolve into the world around her there was no fear. She wouldn't unravel anytime soon. Hell, she felt like she could pull those threads back into herself. Making herself strong and whole. Maybe even make herself stronger. All she had to do was reach out. The threads of the world simply sat there waiting for someone to claim them, and for a moment Alex felt like she could use them to make her own little world...

The light flashed before her. Alex found her friend shining as if she understood everything the dragoness had realized, and in that moment it reached for her. The stray magic that Alex had seen peeling away was taken by her friend, and after a moment the light started weaving their threads together. She was mesmerized by this, the first time she'd seen anything actually being created in this world, and once it was done her friend held it up for the dead woman to see. A pair of spheres were held together, a green ball made of Alex's own threads and a white one made from her friend, and the bridge that joined them was a rainbow of strings that felt like it could never be shattered. It was a bridge of pure emotion, something that could never be undone, and as the gift was handed to Alex she immediately understood what it meant. This was their bond. This was the connection she shared with her friend, something that transcended the mere bonds of flesh, and no matter what happened from this moment on their two souls would forever be connected.

It was an amazing feeling, one that had Alex soon orbiting around her friend with happiness and gratitude, but that feeling had to pass. A pulse of regret came from her friend, and Alex slowed with a sense of concern that was soon answered by comfort from her friend. Without even saying a word Alex understood that they had to part. There simply wasn't time. The heart was calling, and as it beat she could feel it starting to pull her into its mass. She was being pulled from her friend, and for a moment Alex struggled against it. She'd just come to know how to truly connect with another soul. It didn't feel right to simply tear them apart so soon! But even then destiny would not be denied, and as much as she herself regretted it Alex knew their time was at an end. But this wouldn't be the last. The gift they shared would always keep them connected, and Alex made sure she stored it in her deepest core so it would never fall from her grasp. She would treasure it and keep it within her heart until they could meet once again, and once they did they would never have to part.

Besides, the heart itself was a beacon of warmth. Even if it was pulling her from her friend there was a promise of something more. Something even better. There were countless others to meet, others that her friend knew would be just as kind as warm, and as Alex found herself letting go her friend told her of one more. The one that heart belonged to. The one that would never turn anyone away, the one that comforted any and everyone that entered her realm, her paradise.


The moment Alex entered that heart she was overwhelmed. Countless emotions washed over her, the unheard voices of millions of souls all crying out in a jumbled chorus that assaulted and filled her all at once. She felt as if she was losing herself to that chaos, as if her mind itself was simply dissolving into an ocean of personality, and she wrapped herself around her gift in an effort to close out those voices before she drowned.

Little by little her consciousness began to focus. The chaos ebbed and allowed her to unravel, to once more let her strings stretch out and connect with the world she found herself in, and as her arms stretched out and her legs uncoiled she found herself surrounded by red. It was a landscape painted in vermillion, differing shades allowing her to see the tower where she stood and the countless others in the distance that seemed to stretch into a crimson eternity.

For a moment she was confused, her hand coming up to scratch behind her head, but as she felt her nails comforting her aching head she nearly jumped out of her skin. Her body was back? How? It was dead. Wasn't it? She remembered pulling free of it... And yet here it was. Or... No... This wasn't her body... It looked like it. Felt like it. Even moved like it. But after staring at it for a moment Alex realized that it was nothing more than a shell. A construct. Something that allowed her soul to stand and walk and feel the world that surrounded her. It was the medium she could use to interact with everything, the form that felt the most comfortable and natural, and considering all the other souls she'd heard it was probably the safest. She needed something to help define herself, and all the others must be doing the same...

It was then that Alex realized one of those others was with her in that room. She turned toward the girl that stood near, the girl who wore a look of sadness and regret yet stood strong enough to not give in to the utter loneliness she felt. She was as red and as dark as the world that surrounded her, a world that seemed to hold everything and nothing, and as Alex wondered why this woman felt so alone her body instinctively snapped back. Despite how small and frail this girl seemed when Alex took a careful look she found something enormous. Something far beyond anything she'd ever felt let alone seen. Not even the strongest of her kin could hope to measure up to the sheer enormity of the soul that stood before her, and as Alex stood before her completely ignored she finally understood. Despite how her body may tower over this girl the dragoness was nothing more than a mote in comparison. It would take a monumental effort for such a being to notice her, and as Alex looked on she felt that same wave of comfort washing over her that she'd felt on the shore. A moment later she heard the faint pulse, the beat of probably the grandest of hearts, and that was when she knew.

This girl is Death.

Despite the frailty and unease, despite the sense of emptiness and loneliness this girl was the master of this world. She could see it now, the way her essence seemed to flow through everything, and though she'd somehow missed it before the massive scythe the girl held was the very instrument of her control. There was no telling how the thing worked, whether the nightmare of a weapon and the passivity of the girl were two separate entities brought together or whether they were merely differing sides of the same coin, but either way there was no ignoring the sense of control that thing held over the world it governed.

Alex wasn't sure what to do at this point. In life she towered over most others, but now she felt completely overshadowed by the being who couldn't even seem to sense her. Some residual sense of survival told her to let the god be, but the rest of her self simply rejected that thought outright. This domain belonged to Death, and she welcomed everyone that was brought to her. Alex felt that call from outside, could still feel it now that she was in, and if this god truly wished to be left alone then she wouldn't wear that expression of ultimate loneliness. So Alex had to introduce herself. It was only proper manners.

Okay... then how?

That... was a rather good question. How does one speak to a being who makes you feel like nothing more than the barest speck of dust? Whose presence alone seemed to stretch beyond the eternity of the realm she herself made? Hell, Alex wouldn't be surprised if this entire world was actually Death herself, and this form was nothing more than the construct she used to interact with it. But if that were true then that meant she wanted someone to interact with, right? Maybe she just had trouble seeing others? Maybe her attention was so focused on the billions of voices out there that it was hard for her to focus on a lone soul? So maybe Alex had to simply make herself stand out. She already did. Kind of. This was a world of red, a reflection of the being that stood before her. As small as Alex was she was a being of green. Her friend had shown her that. So she stood in direct contrast to the world around her. She just needed to make herself pop out a little more, that's all.

So how would she do that? That was another good question, but after a bit Alex simply followed whatever instinct her soul held. It started by stretching out. Her loose threads unraveled and found some purchase with what she saw, and as they pulled back in the brought in the faintest traces of magic from the world surrounding her. A moment later she started weaving the two together, the process a little slow since she was nowhere near as experienced as her white friend, but after a bit she held her creating in her hand. A bit later she let go, and her little construct burst into a shower of light and emotion. Alex had put her feelings into it, her sense of curiosity and apprehension mixing with the power she borrowed from the world of Death, and after a bit of molding she fashioned it into a small firecracker that burst and announced her presence. And with that small flash her own voice would ring out, a small sound that didn't truly come from her mouth and yet felt as natural as her old voice as it offered the total sum of what she'd just created. Hello?
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

In a world full of somber content, Alexandra's firecracker of sudden positive emotion was a light that would make her feel almost awkwardly noticed. She could see various faces from their towers peer out in curiosity, some even looked disturbed as if the outburst was unwanted. Though an outburst it was, and as the perspective shifted, the figure of death turned, and looked in Alex's general direction. Though it seemed they were only but ten feet apart, when Alex looked more closely, she could look up to her window and approach it. She'd find that she couldn't reach the figure she identified as Death. Instead, the onlooking goddess looked down, eyes not quite meeting her, but searching for something. Looking for the disturbance. However, Alex was too small in comparison. A woman, albeit with a mighty soul in its own right, in the face of another soul the size of the planet she walked upon. When things came into focus, Death wasn't inside of the room simply existing near, but not aware of Alex's presence. Now, she was a large figure overhead, just as large as when Alex saw her before, maybe a little bigger. As if Alex hardly got closer at all, or the distance mattered that little. The overwhelming force before her looked at her tower, and all the others as if they were curious little things. Her mouth slightly open, eyes blinking just once. She registered what Alex had done, but seemed unable to understand further. Alex's attempt at calling out to the goddess... Was unheard, as she gave no reaction.

"Who does not belong?"

The question was both a booming inquiry and a gentle suggestion. The voice who carried it was the gentle side, but the sheer volume and impact made the red sandy ocean ripple in response from the sheer force of the goddess merely speaking to the land's inhabitants. The transience of Alex's existence slammed home as she felt her soul quake. The awareness of how easily the goddess could make a single wrong move and completely wipe out her existence was not a realization her instincts would take lightly. The goddess was a threat to her very life just by existing in her sheer size. However, she seemed to be a master at avoiding such seemingly trivial accidents by comparison. Her motions were just gentle enough to avoid catastrophe, while teetering on the brink of bringing ruin to her own domain. With such gentle jewels all around the goddess, Alex could see very well that her every movement was slow and controlled. She moved with grace and when she finished moving, she was more still than any statue. Trapped in a prison of her own design, she could barely move without causing a shift that would destroy the souls resting within her. Such might explain the seeming malice of the gods. Mortals often do not fret over the lives of ant sized creatures, and are seldom aware of what they crush beneath their feet. This gentle existence seems to count her every step so that she doesn't ruin any of the lives that are truly insignificant compared to her own.

The sand settled, and soon, the inhabitants of the towers seemed to reply. Lights began to glow over their pillars, shining like beacons to gather the goddess' attention. Their shine was a red glow to match the color of the land. The glow of the afterlife that would soon point at Alex, identifying her as the one who died, that shouldn't have. The one who had not accepted death, and yet stood in her presence. The defiant one, who came to upset the balance for her own personal gain. While some were curious, Alex could feel hateful emotions. She was not wanted. She could feel their desire to cast her out. However, they could not reach her, nor she reach them. That left the goddess to look, and gaze upon the beacons, before her eyes slowly swayed... And when Alex felt her eyes hit their mark, the pressure was immense. Not unlike gravity, but several times worse. She felt like her soul was being flattened. The towers around her soared away as if but leaves on the wind, leaving her in a crater of the red sea. All other perceptions of other souls were pushed out in favor of the goddess merely looking at her, and rooting Alex out amongst the others with her perception alone. Under such pressure, Alex would feel as if she was on the brink of simply not existing anymore. Like an insect, just a bit more pressure and Alex would be crushed, and she was powerless to stop it. Such an intense proximity to death would leave one excused for crying. It left no certainty that Alex would live. It was abundantly clear that any number of accidents could occur. She would die, and it would be hard to notice for the goddess. She might even dismiss what she thought she saw and leave Alex's crushed soul to scatter on the wind. A mistake she never knew about. However, thankfully it was not to be.

"Who are you? Are you trying to talk to me?"

The question rang through Alex's soul. For a time, it was all she could comprehend as her being yet again felt numb as it shivered from the motions of her inquiry. Before Alex, could come to her senses, she could feel herself being pulled in closer to the goddess. Slowly, her even shape grew... No, it got closer. Closer. Closer, and closer still. Soon, Alex looked as large as her hand. Then, her finger nail. And then, Alex found herself no bigger than anything on the goddess' body, invisible to the naked eye. Even as she got closer, Alex felt like the goddess lost track of her, letting Alex and her only sanctuary in this world of unseen uncertainty drift through the black and red void. She was almost lost forever, before the goddess found her once again, and drew her in. Closer, closer, and closer still. Until Alex was face to face with the goddess, in a way. Her eyes, each with an iris large enough for Alex to call a continent in their own right, slowly closed once Alex was alarmingly close. As she closed her eyes, Alex too felt like she was being pulled into a slumber. Her conception and vision faded... Until a shock hit her. A collision with something massive... When she and Death touched.


Alex felt herself sent on a trip through a thousand minds. So many visions, all blending in together to shape a world she found familiar. The world she just came from, and the city of Venice. However, many of these visions did not carry the imagery of the city. Instead, they carried lives both interesting and dull, as they walked through this world and saw things that simply didn't exist anymore. It was hard to tell if these images were dreams, memories, or if they were happening right now. She first could see a man with brown hair working inside of an intimidating facility, creating a mechanical life that grew its own consciousness and became an independent soul. Then, she saw an angel with jet black wings fighting a life threatening battle against her kin of fair wings, both zealous in their beliefs while the black winged angel seemed to be fighting to protect, and the white angel to destroy. Their battle clashed into the distance, too far for Alex to witness the outcome before another memory flew by. A lewd scene of a single lamia naked amidst a host of male patrons, all coddling her and some scolding her for her behavior while she seems to live a royal life basking in their affection. Her memory faded, and the last one Alex would see approached her... Once more, it was hard to tell what she was seeing... Several demons, two of them looking like alternate colored twins, were standing on a boat that seemed to ride along the red sea Alex would be far too familiar with. Another demon with long red hair and a scar over one eye stood between them while being embraced by both. Finally, a grinning man with cat ears stood on the side lines, grinning at the trio. They all gazed at the red moon together, as if they too were stumbling through their memories as Alex was stumbling through others. Many other friends were on the boat too that Alex couldn't identify. As if their story wasn't yet complete, or not remembered entirely yet... But it was obvious that their story was over, given where they were. Meanwhile, Alex's had more to tell.

Indeed... It couldn't end like this...

Through some effort of magic, or some twist of the soul, or perhaps all events prior were a dream, Alex found herself in a familiar world. It was quite different, but indeed one she knew well. Donevrion. And her location was none other than with a familiar scene that haunts her memories to this day.

"Puny little whelp!"

The words that started that echoing dream tore through Alex's mind. Much like the angel, and the others before her, she had her own demons arising in her heart. Her innermost thoughts echoed within Death, her memories and emotions interlocking with the entity of godhood, becoming one with them. As if she were showing Death truly everything. Heart, body and soul. Though, before she could open her eyes once more, old phantoms decided to torture her. Her memories began to echo with the others in the void as she became her own little pocket of an eternal living memory. And it began with her face being struck by his hand. Akorvick's hand.

"I think an apology is in order~"

Her words followed. Annabeth's. With their joined forms, both covered in shadow, vaguely familiar as the overwhelmingly tall brother and feminine shaped sister. It was clear how this nightmare was going to end... But Alex wasn't reliving it as her old self. Instead, she felt just as powerful as she is now. The gap between them, her and her siblings, wasn't so small. Just like she wanted to back then... She just might stand up to them.

"This is not the fate you want."​
Alexandra: 2000 / 2000
Guts: 100

Akorvick: ??? / ???
Guts: 0

Dragon's Breath
Mag 63

Pow 44

Triple Strike
Pow 75

Stunning Blow
Pow 69
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Well that failed...

As blasé as that thought might have sounded Alex couldn't help but step back as the anxiety she felt grew. Though she hadn't gained Death's attention so many others had seen her little firecracker, and many of them were not pleased. She could feel their collected gaze pouring down on her, curiosity and contempt washing around both the tower and her form, and despite the pride and arrogance of her father's blood the greater part of her just wanted to hide.

"Who does not belong?"

But Death spoke. Her question was nothing more than a mere suggestion, the gentlest of souls simply wishing to know what disturbed her quiet world, but that world shook as the god's voice rolled over any- and everything that stood in its way. The intent behind it slammed into Alex's pitiful self and left her reeling as if she'd been struck head on by a battering ram, and all too easily she could see how everything could have gone wrong. Death asked nothing more than a simple question, and the world quaked. Her own curiosity and care had kept it subdued, but had there been any force behind, had there been any anger or malice, nothing would have kept that voice from leveling Alex's tower and everything within it.

As grateful as she was that she hadn't been torn asunder the dragoness had no time to sit and relax. The inhabitants of this world soon answered their mistress, and all around her beacons sprang to life and focused their vermilion light upon the intruder within their midst. Cries of injustice rose, accusations of defiance and anarchy, voices singling her out as nothing more than a creature that sought to sow disorder within the existence of those who had accepted death and wanting nothing more than her exile or destruction.

Alex couldn't understand why so many rose against her. She had no desire to cause any harm. She had no desire to disturb them. She didn't even realize that she could. Dammit all, that little display of hers was supposed to be nothing more than a greeting! And why the hell should they even care? She was invited here, dammit, and she just wanted to introduce herself! It's called being polite!

But if her wish was to garner the attention of the goddess known as Death then that wish was granted. The gaze of this crimson world's supreme being finally settled onto the speck that had been labeled intruder, and in that instant Alex felt herself being crushed. There was no hope to stand before a soul that felt like it could eclipse an entire cosmos, and with it focusing on the mote that was the dragon's soul nothing else would disturb them. Nothing else could. Death herself was beyond measure, the sheer enormity of her presence silencing all others and leaving Alex as nothing more than a mere insect just waiting to be crushed.

"Who are you? Are you trying to talk to me?"

Good gods, she felt like she was going to shatter. As gentle and innocent as that question was it rebounded through Alex's soul, and it could do nothing but wind around itself in a vain attempt to keep from being shaken apart. It left the dragon completely senseless, her world reduced to nothing more than the effort needed to hold herself together, and when she finally came around she found herself being pulled. Death wished to speak with this soul personally, and that simple desire left Alex's body rocketing through whatever ether composed this world as if reality itself was struggling to obey the goddess's wish. And it was only through Death's focus that Alex felt any semblance of control. The gaze of the goddess was the bridge that brought Alex closer, and when that gaze was lost Alex felt herself tumble. Death had lost her guest, understandable given how small and insignificant it was compared to the overwhelming presence that created this world, and once that bridge was broken Alex simply fell. Her minuscule existence simply drifted through the void, the endless expanse that surrounded Death a landscape of nothingness that threatened to leave Alex to drift into eternity, and for an instant all she could do was panic.

Thankfully the goddess found the lost dragon and simply drew her back on track, and soon enough Alex was left to face the ever-expanding presence of Death all on her own. There was nothing she could do to protect or hide herself, not when it looked like she was preparing to crash against the open sea that was the goddess's eye, and as it started to close Alex found herself losing control. Everything faded, her own perception failing as what passed for her eyes could no longer hold themselves open, and just before she finally fell asleep she felt nothing until the two finally met.


Was this a dream? Reality? ...Both? There was no way to tell. A million different visions flashed across the eye, a jumble of lives mixing into a cacophony of sight and sound that should have torn a normal mind to shreds. So many lives passed within the blink of an eye, so many that seemed mundane and others that stood up and demanded to be seen for the glory that they were, and as they struggled with each other some managed to stand apart. The inventor creating life from nothing more than a collection of nuts and bolts; a pair of angels struggling for dominance, one light and seeking to destroy while the other dark and seeking to protect; a single lamia surrounded by men, each doting on her in their own way as she lived like a queen. A final rose, the image of a ship carrying a number of souls, and amid them stood a trio of demons, two identical twins and yet not while a third stood between them, each embracing the other as they sat and watched while some man watched them and simply smiled. And this group was odd. They were only seen in passing, the image flashing by just as quickly as any other, but this group seemed to watch others as well. Whether they were simply watching the sky or were somehow sailing within the same red sea that had been seen only moments earlier was impossible to tell, but there was something about them, something that said their tale wished to be told, and they would wait for as long as it took before they could finally share.

There was something about that ship and its demons that lingered within the dragon's mind, but that all came to an abrupt halt as her own memories suddenly sprang to life.

"Puny little whelp!"

The demons of her past rose, the shadowed forms of Akorvick and Annabeth taking shape before Alex's brother lept forward and slapped the sense from her. Alex found herself reeling, her arms flailing just like her body as she was forced to pirouette and nearly crash into a tangle of limbs, but by some miracle of chance her feet found purchase and helped her stay upright. Annabeth seemed to dance in delight, the sight of her runt of a sister being put in her place always some kind of joy to the rather malicious soul, but unlike before where Alex would simply accept it and hope to move on she stood her ground. She stood proud, she stood up, and she shoved their insults back at them. This was madness, her sense of survival screamed it at her, but some inner sense of pride had finally awoken and Couldn't stand to let her sire be insulted his own children. It wouldn't!

"I think an apology is in order~"

And there it was. The demand for her to grovel at their feet and beg for forgiveness. A sense of shame overcame her, shame that she could be reduced to this, but it was overcome by the shame that she shared the same blood as these pathetic wretches. They insult their mother, the woman who gave them life and beauty and would give them all the love she could if they would only ask. They insult their father, the man who gave them strength and training, everything they could ever ask for. They insult the people who gave them everything they had, and they had the gall to call everyone else pathetic?!

Alex approached them, her head bowed and seemingly submissive while she tried to keep her warring emotions under control. But that was it. She couldn't take anymore. The snide comments, the years of repression, the constant suffering and fear... She'd had enough! They had no right to do half the things she suffered! She was better than this! Gods, if this was what they were like than she was better than them! She wasn't just going to sit down! And she wasn't going to let this pass! And... and...

And she knew how this was supposed to end... She knew she would strike them... And she knew it wouldn't be enough. They'd get right back up, they'd beat her down, and though Akorvick wouldn't desperately want to kill her Annabeth would stay his hand. No, she had something else in mind, something that would make Alex wish she were did by the time they were done.

"You twisted bitch." Not this time. Not any time. "I know what you really want." Alex stood tall, taller than she ever thought possible despite how small she was. And she looked them in the eye. No, she looked down at them. Even if they towered over her these two beasts were beneath her. They would ALWAYS be beneath her. They were nothing more than perversions of her parents, twisted beings who only resembled their father and mother and had been warped into things only the gods could understand. "And you think you can just take it from me?!

With that she let loose. She could feel her muscles tightening. She could feel her fire burning. She could feel her strength overflowing, and she would hold it back no longer. Her fist flew, and with it she brought every ounce of strength she could into knocking the both of them flat on their asses. She was going to floor them, leave them stunned and dazed, and as they struggled to collect themselves they would realize the one thing they always tried to ignore.

Alex was no longer the puny little whelp she was. She was their equal, and soon she would be their better.

(Use Stunning Blow)
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex charged, landing her attack on her opponent with a stunning blow, knocking Akorvick back. Alex dealt 464 damage and 75 Guts damage!

Alex's attack seemed to do damage, but not in the conventional sense. Rather, it seemed like her attack had no impact. Only a phantom impact, upon the phantom she faced. He moved as if he was struck, but the black shadows moving like a rapid flowing river just seemed to part like smoke. There was no substance to the wicked entity.

Akorvick wasn't slow to reciprocate. Though his blow was light following her stunning attack. He struck at her with his tail, but Alex dodged it!

"I ought to have strangled you at birth!" the phantom growled at her.

"Even father makes mistakes sometimes. He sired you, didn't he?" Annebeth's phantom stated.

"Are you dreaming?"​
Alexandra: 2000 / 2000
Guts: 31

Akorvick: ??? / ???
Guts: 0

Dragon's Breath
Mag 63

Pow 44

Triple Strike
Pow 75

Stunning Blow
Pow 69
Last edited:
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

She felt the hit. Her fist connected, Alex's punch enough to send her brother reeling, but as it landed she also felt nothing. No mass. No substance. It was like he didn't truly exist, and though he stumbled his body simply parted like smoke before he regathered himself an instant later. That surprise was nearly enough to let him smash into her tiny frame with his massive tail, but her awakened senses let her slide just out of reach before he could connect.

Akorvick said:
"I ought to have strangled you at birth!"
Annabeth said:
"Even father makes mistakes sometimes. He sired you, didn't he?"
But it gave them room to berate her. They continued to prod at her failings, the worst of it aimed at her very existence, and she felt her dragon rage. The fire within became an inferno, a nearly hellish blaze or indignation, and it kept the sight of her siblings' phantom forms from seeming anything less than real as she fumed at them. "I AM NOT SOME MISTAAAAKE!" Her scream became a roar, and before that roar had even started her fire refused to be contained. It poured through her body, her throat feeling the burst rise on the heels of her screech, and a moment later her flame exploded onto the field and sought to consume everything in sight. It was nearly wild in its fury, but the brunt of it focused and bore itself down onto her brother as if it were meant to cleanse the world of his tyranny.

(Use Dragon's Breath)

But even then a remote corner of her mind heard a voice. "Are you dreaming?" It wasn't enough to break her from whatever strange fantasy lay before her, but even then it sent a chill down her spine. Her subconscious truly hoped that this was anything but a dream, because if it were then she wouldn't be able to escape the nightmare she would be forced to relive once again...
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex unleashes a fiery storm! The fires engulf the phantom who howls in pain. (768 damage)

Out of the flames, Akorvick burst forth, charging into and hitting Alex with a painful memory of his tail mutilating her, as it did before. The pain felt fresh, and real. Enough to make her mind and body twist in suffering. Alex takes 808 damage!

Alex felt her spirit weakening. Merging with the world around her. Her arms from the elbows down adapted a ghostly figure, like that of the phantoms.

"In this place, the dead shall dream of the past. It's all I can give them.

If you do not wake, you shall join them.
Alexandra: 1192 / 2000
Guts: 0

Akorvick: ??? / ???
Guts: 7

Dragon's Breath
Mag 63

Pow 44

Triple Strike
Pow 75

Stunning Blow
Pow 69
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

No... Her flame burned, her brother howled, and gods did it feel good to hear that scream of pain. No no no... But it wasn't enough. His mass simply burst through the fires and managed to swat little Alex back with his tail, and with it came agony. The memory of her mutilation tore through her, his impossibly thick tail tearing into places it never belonged, and Alex could feel her flesh ripping to shreds as she rolled into a heap and cringed everywhere. Whatever rage she held faltered just like her body, and though it felt like an eternity she managed to pick herself up and pull herself back together.

But as she rose her voice suddenly broke into whatever ether surrounded her. "WHYYYY?!" It was filled with anger and indignation... desperation and exhaustion... and fear. The weight of everything seemed to fall at that very moment, her body doubling over as her more rational side started to respond to the voice that felt like it surrounded and filled her even if it did nothing more than whisper

"In this place, the dead shall dream of the past. It's all I can give them.

If you do not wake, you shall join them.

I don't want this... She couldn't even tell if her own voice was being whispered or simply bled out of her, but it rang out all the same. I'm so sick of it... this nightmare that always rears its ugly head... Her voice sounded tiny and inconsequential to her own ears, and no matter what she tried she could do nothing to hide the hint that her tears were nearly ready to fall in an instant.

But it didn't stop her from launching herself forward. That voice said she needed to wake. Death itself told her she needed to wake. But she didn't know how. All she knew was that this phantom would keep tormenting her, and she desperately wanted to keep herself from falling into its clutches. So she fought. She threw her tiny body into her brother's face, and only once her leap had ended did her fists fly. She pounded him. She savaged him. A punch, a scratch, it didn't matter as long as she tore this phantom to pieces, because that was all she could hope for. Maybe if she destroyed this thing then this damned nightmare would finally come to an end.

(Use Triple Strike)
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex struck once, twice, then thrice. Bashing the phantom repeatedly, until its figure turned into muddy shadow that she could no longer recognize.

Annabeth said:
"What have you done?"

Alex felt as if she had destroyed something. Caused a paradox in her very own existence. The chain of events in her life that led to this point started to break apart. Everything she could remember that once was, her sufferings, her joys, her victories and her failures. She felt herself starting to forget. Instead of being remembered and locked within this place, she felt as if she broke the damn of her mind and know it was running wild. Though even as she tried to grasp onto what was, it was gone soon enough. Eventually, all she had memories of was this place. This world. The Ranch.

"It is done.

Suffice it to say, you can no longer return.

You had your chance to stop, but I suppose you cling to a sentimentality that you deem worth it all.

I am sorry, but this is your home now, such as it is.

I just wonder... Why you would choose to abandon your other existence for this one?

Were you not happy?

Or did a part of you wish for more?

The other you... Is gone. In a sense. She exists somewhere, but not here.

I simply advise you not to tamper with your existence further.

Just be happy with the life you still have yet to live.

Wake up.


(Inspirational Music - )

Alex felt a great pressure around her, as if she was being suffocated by an unknown force of gravity from all directions. Extending her sense of consciousness would reveal nothing but a sense of sameness. Indeed, there was something, and all around her. Suffocatingly so. But at the same time, it was all the same. No matter which way she looked about, it was the same. A void of it's own to be sure. But it at least felt like existence, removing the fear of being lost in unknown nothingness. As she laid there, as if dormant, the familiar figure of Death made herself known to Alex. It felt as if she waited years for a response. Or was it mere minutes? Alex found herself unable to even count the seconds that went by. She honestly couldn't tell if it had been a thousand years. That precious sense of the moment of now, a sense of progression, was lost.

She came to Alex's perception in the form of a body, a figure seemingly derived from the sameness around her. "You hail from another world. As many do, but your existence still yet lies in that world while trying to exist with this one. That fact made the shutters of reality crack, as if the universe itself didn't know what you were. Even I was confused at first. Normally, when one travels across the fabric of written existence, from the weaves of one world to another, their collaborative fabric is transferred with an equal supplement to replace what was lost, so as to not upset the balance of reality. You... Extend your hand too far. Existing in the past, the future, there and here all at once. I don't know what force invoked it, but it was a foolish one."

It seemed like she was more speaking to herself than to Alex, somewhere in the middle.

"Your soul and hers are not the same. Be rid of those memories. Forge a new sense of self. You are but a shadow, a farce."

"But, you are still real. The people you think you knew do not exist, not here. If you continue to form that link between your other self, grievous action would need to be taken."

(Alex feels all of her former power, knowledge, and skill leaving her. Or was it returning to someone?)

"Thank you, for finding your way to me. Whoever you were before, you must have been a very interesting person. But you must become new."

She points her scythe at Alex.

"The choice is yours in the end. If you cannot bear the thought of losing your former self, then I shall offer you eternal comfort in the bosom of my soul. Here, you can rest, and dream away the sufferings of whimsical gods."

"Your time to die is not neigh, and the living call for you. Put in the end, Death is also a choice, yet also an inevitability. However..."

"Time doesn't exist here. There is no Flow of Weaves. Only mere existence. With that being said... You look like you have questions."

"And I don't mind new company. The complication of intelligent existence is the only thing capable of surprising ancient relics like us. Intrigue me, if you'd be so kind."​
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

She did it. She won. Even if she knew it was nothing more than a phantom that thing was still her brother. It was a direct memory of what she knew, from his strength to his disdain to his downright ruthlessness, and as little Alex watched it collapse into unrecognizable mist she realized she finally managed to conquer her past. She wasn't the puny little whelp who could do naught but take the abuse her siblings threw at her. She wasn't the mistake that shamed her father. She was equal. Better. Worthy of standing proud and tall as one of Aureus's kin, and when the specter of Annabeth asked what she'd done Alex turned with confidence. "I've proven myself, you haughty-"

But something was wrong. The image of her sister seemed to fade, and with it the memory of that bitch's name. The torture, the pain, the misery associated with her siblings simply fled her mind, but it didn't stop there. Her mother's kindness. Her father's pride. Her escape and her training. The Silver Legion, the Hidden Village... Will, Roko, Aes...

Her daughter...

Alex screamed at that. Her hands clutched at her head, a useless attempt to somehow grab and keep the traces of her past that were being stolen from her and sent gods knew where, and behind that Death spoke. She said there was no turning back. Alex could never return to her previous existence. The little dragon had literally destroyed it. It made the god wonder why. What could possess a soul to abandon one reality for another? But it was all lost on the girl. All she could do was silently wail for the loss of her loved ones until Death gave an order to

"Wake up.



The soul of Alexandra Alistar woke within a void. Wait... No. Something surrounded her. It pressed on her from all sides, suffocating her even when she no longer had to breath. And it seemed to extend into eternity. It was nearly as horrifying as that brush with absolute nothingness she felt earlier, but this was at least some form of existence. It was something, and that gave her some form of comfort.

But that nothing to ease her sense of loss. Her past was simply gone, the memories of her childhood erased, the only thing remaining nothing more than the moment she woke in this world and everything that happened since. It shouldn't have bothered her. There was nothing for her to remember, so what could she cry for? But even then her memories of this world contained allusions to another. References to a past tragedy she couldn't remember. A vow to return to loved ones she know longer knew. The very basis for everything she knew and understood had simply vanished, and all it left in its wake was a sense of confusion and despair.

That left Alex as nothing more than a melancholy spirit as Death made her appearance. She appeared in an instant that stretched for aeons. She waited for Alex to respond, years passing in matters of minutes, the sense of time for the lost soul completely shattered and useless as she struggled to find something to say to the deity that hung before and all around her. But eventually Death spoke, and she said Alex was not alone. There was another version of her, an existence that, well, existed in her true home, and even if her past was gone a passing ghost of a connection could be felt as it sped across realities and returned to its rightful home. Even then Alex tried to reach for it, but the moment she did she realized she could never reach it. Her own existence was tied here, to this world of mamono, and even as Death said so Alex could feel she would need to destroy herself to reclaim what was once hers. And that she just wouldn't do. There was a sense of self-preservation within her, a need to prove herself that knew no bounds, and even if she would never know why it existed it kept her from taking any final step that would leave her crushed and broken.

So all she could do was simply sit and listen, all because she was nothing but a face. An illusion. A pale copy of her true self that somehow found its way to this world and lost everything yet somehow clung to some form of empty existence. And Death found this intriguing. The Alex that sat before her was a complicated, convoluted mess of an existence, and that was the only thing that could interest what she called an ancient relic like herself. But how interesting could Alex truly be? She was nothing more than a mockery of her true self, a dim shadow that couldn't even manage to keep herself intact... But as those thoughts crossed her mind a rather nebulous sense of pride chastised her. It berated her for becoming overly emotional over events that were far beyond her control. And why? Because a dragon must always stand tall. She must never devolve into some mopey, sulky mess, and though she didn't know why she had the sense that the dragon existing within her had already gone through enough of that in the past.

So what now? Even if she wouldn't allow herself to sulk Alex still had enough of her humanity to want some sort of comfort, so as she floated before and within Death she brought her knees up to her chest and hugged her legs. The deity had asked her guest to ask any question, and now she was waiting with infinite patience as Alex tried to gather herself together. "I don't know what to say. I can't even think of a question to ask. I'm nothing more than a shade that no longer has a past, and everything that built me into what I am was founded in that lost past. So how can I find a question? What do I have left that could possibly interest you if I can't even remember it?" It seemed she had questions whether she like them or not, and after a bit of a pause she found one forming that actually had some sense of purpose. "Why do I still feel this need to exist? I have nothing left to value that existence, but I can't seem to bring myself to simply toss it aside. Why does a farce like myself cling to the notion that my life has worth?"
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Her answer came, after almost no thought at all. Or did she take her time?

"Though you are but a copy of the true real, you too are real. Though you are now empty of what was, become filled with what you yet have. Truly, you have not lost all your memories."

"Create new memories. Then when you have truly died, dream for eternity with me. Besides..."

Alex saw visions of the land she had tread from. An eerie forest, where a lizard and golem were panicked, looking for their vanished Rancher.

"Don't you have someplace your new existence belongs to?"

With that, reality warped. Alex felt as if she was moving. She stood in a place reminiscent to the altar she died at. Only there, instead of the beating heart, the altar had two clean slabs exactly like the one Charon killed her at. Above both slabs, were tall painted glass windows, both beholding the familiar shapes of Gyuki and Ashlotte painted into the glass.

The vision of the two searching turned to the two returning to a ruined Ranch, as if months had passed. Perhaps years? Her few mamono tried to survive without Alex, and were failing. The end result was all of them in a state of starvation. The cruel fate of those who fail evident in what she saw. Ashlotte was idle in a corner of the room, apparently on her last ebs of power. And Gyuki looked impossibly thin to the point of death.

"If you do not, then I shall collect them. With no good memories to dream with, a mercy shall be given. The three of you will be unraveled, and allowed to experience the peace of oblivion."

She holds her scythe in hand, and Alex feels her soul respond. Without resistance... This will be the end of her tale.

Death approaches to Reap your Soul.

Alexandra: 240 / 240
Guts: 0

Death: 12000 / 12000
Guts: 0

Accept Death
--- 0

--- 0

--- 0