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Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

For a bit it looked like Alex was questioning her own right to exist. And why not? She was nothing more than a mockery, after all. But Death had an answer, and when it finally came to light it Alex hard. The image of Gyuki and Ashlotte searching frantically for their lost rancher struck a rather deep chord within the dragoness, and when that scene shifted to show them returning to an abandoned ranch, time and neglect turning it into nothing more than ruins that would soon become graves, a rather vivid spark of life flared within Alex. It formed a voice, one wondering who the hell she thought she was to sit here moaning about her life. Didn't she give each of them a promise? Wasn't she going to make Gyuki the finest of warriors so she could find a truly worthy mate? Wasn't she going to hunt down Ashlotte's lost parts and restore not only her body but her soul to something that could truly exist on its own? Didn't Misao deserve the chance to earn her vengeance? And has she done anything to repay Baa for her willingness to do anything for Alex even when it meant putting herself into grave danger?

Was Alex's word truly so worthless?

At that Honor and Dignity rose. As baseless as they seemed those two ideal were the very foundations of Alex's soul. No matter how much of herself she may have lost they defined who she was, and seeing what she could cause had them rising in anger and leaving the woman silently cursing herself for being so pathetic. She knew she had to do better, or she would be shaming the very blood that ran in her veins.

With responsibility seeming to ground her back into a semblance of her former self Alex turned from the tableau before her just enough to glimpse at Death readying her scythe in finality. "There's no need for that." Her attention turned back toward the fates that lay waiting for her mamono, and after a second or two of close inspection she turned fully to face the deity. The melancholy she felt earlier remained, that much could be seen, but beyond that lay a sense of purpose. Alex refused to let either of her charges waste away, not before they'd had a chance to truly live, and if that was all the half-dragon could manage then she was determined to see it through.

Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"Then make it so. And know that I will always be waiting."

With that, she lowered her scythe, and took Alex's soul, back into her chest. There, she was absorbed into that warmth so easily that it felt like falling into a deep, cozy sleep. Within Death's bosom, she slept. One last transfer happened, Death removed Alex's soul from her chest and placed it back into her body. Life given again, Alex rose, her physical body intact to behold the figure she was interacting with. The closest thing to a physical form. It was no giant, nor colossal being that Alex could only see the head of. Examining her soul closely revealed that, but standing with a familiar Charon was just a girl with red hair and a red dress with a rather frightening scythe.

"Go back through the gateway behind you, down the path. Keep walking, and do not turn back. You will be back, where you started." she declared.

"Oh, and make sure the bunnies don't hear of you doing this with us. They meddle too much." Charon declared.

Death's eyes closed, and her form seemed to vanish into red sand on the unfelt wind. Charon merely lifted her lantern, and all the souls following her flew out, traveling to other altars, as Alex saw not just thousands, but possibly millions of altars, each for one person to have their soul pass to Death's heart.

Home was behind her. No temporary home, but Alex's real home. The one she first remembers, and will remember last.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

She was ready to go. She had a purpose. She had the determination to see it through. But, gods dammit, Death did not play fair. The deity threatened Alex with oblivion, showed her the consequences of simply giving in to finality, and when the dragon had finally managed to come to a resolution Death simply embraced the wayward soul and pulled it into her bosom. And gods it felt good. Warmth and comfort suddenly surrounded the soul, and with it she fell into an entirely too peaceful rest that felt even deeper then the nap she took beside Baa. It made a piece of her want to stay, to embrace this rest for all eternity and dream whatever dreams Death had promised her earlier. How knew this god could be so devious...

How long she may never know, but some time later Alex woke, and this time she truly woke. Her body lifted itself off the slab, the first sight to greet her an image of that god itself as nothing more than a normal looking girl wielding a rather wicked looking scythe. It was a little disconcerting to see the deity like this, the massive, all encompassing existence that was Death now nothing more than a girl that Alex dwarfed, but there was no denying the voice that welcomed her back to the land of the living.

And there was no denying the fact that Charon was there as well. The pair of otherworldly beings had parting words for Alex, instructions to let her find her way home and a warning not to reveal any of this to the bunnies. Apparently they didn't know when to leave well enough alone, and if they got it into their heads to try and restore what Alex lost Alex felt that it would end badly. Even now the mere thought of regaining herself was swallowed by some form of unending dread, that any attempt, even the bending of time, would result in a disaster that would completely end her in some way or another. "I'll make sure they don't try anything foolish."

At that the pair returned to their duties. There were no parting words. What would they serve? No matter how many centuries passed Alex would eventually die. All things did. There was no denying that she would return to this place, and no matter how many other memories she made the braided bundles of weaves that bound her with Charon would ensure that their connection would never be forgotten. It made her wonder if she could reach out and grab a stray thread left by Death so they could also tie themselves together, but as the deity faded and returned to her realm Alex decided to led that question pass. This memory would be more than enough, and as she turned to finally leave she lingered for one more moment to glimpse at the stone that marked her deathbed. Of all the beings in the world she had to be one of the few that knew exactly what waited for her in death, and despite how ominous that might sound she actually found comfort. Who knew death would be like this?
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Going down the long path, Alex found Charon soon behind her, ushering her forward. It felt like the ocean that encompassed the oblivion of the end was soon what she traveled through, rushing through the waters of the dead, when she had just been walking moments ago. Like through the rapids, Alex went, this sensation so different to how she entered that one had to wonder if they were truly going the right way about it.

It came to be regardless, Alex found her area's surroundings becoming green, and the somber monochrome surroundings given life. She felt Charon's presence suddenly gone, and Alex now stood in the woods alone. Feeling the weight of this world's gravity, Alex felt significantly heavier. As if she was weaker. Rather, she felt as if she was starting from square one all over again. How she knew that, she wouldn't remember. But now, her new adventure would begin truly. And she had a long road ahead, wherever she chose to go.

She'd eventually reunite with her two companions, who were worried sick when she walked into the woods and vanished outright. They were thankful she was okay. "I was worried we'd lost you forever. I'm not sure what we'd do without you. Can't run a farm legally without a Rancher, and if you were gone then they'd stop sending in your rations, which means... Who knows." Gyuki said with a sigh.

Alex knew. She watched them starve to death.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Throughout the trip back to the land of the living Alex remained quiet. Reserved. An absolutely terrible traveling companion for Charon. All because she was still coming to terms with what she had become. She had nothing left to tie her to the past, no basis for the person she was, and no reason to actually hold onto it. But even if her past was gone its scars remained. She knew she was strong. Even if that strength had fled her she knew she had the potential to reclaim it. And she was determined to do it. There was a strength of will that matched her strength of body, and even if she didn't know what spawned them a strong of sense of Pride and Honor still defined the very essence of her core. And then there was her lost training. She may not remember how often she trained or how she persevered, the battles fought, her victories and defeats, but as she walked with her armor all around her and her gear stowed on her back she could feel her muscles tensing in certain ways... her fingers curling as she regarded her sword and the way her wrist tightened when she pulled it free and simply tested its weight. It was like her body had become accustomed to even the slightest of movements when weighed down by all she wore, and it would remember even more when it was time to get serious.

It was at this time that she realized just how heavy her gear had become. Even if muscle memory remained she didn't have the proper strength to actually use it. She was no better than a pup at this point, and any training would need to start slow to let her become used to the weight of her own body let alone her preferred weapons. So I need to start over... It made her wonder if this weakness was a result of her temporary death or her rebirth, but when she turned to ask Charon she found herself walking through a shaded forest. The world she somewhat knew had returned, and with it all trace of the realm of Death and the shepherd that guided Alex home. No farewells, no until-we-meet-agains, just silence. It was a bit disheartening, but a moment later the dragoness thrust those emotions aside. Even if there was no chance to say goodbye this wasn't the end. She still had Charon's gift, the small binding of threads from them both kept safely stored within the depths of Alex's soul, and it was a promise that no matter how long it took the two would eventually meet again.

This left the woman to continue in her silent trek, but eventually her companions from the ranch stumbled upon her. She could see the worry and relief on Gyuki's face, and whether it was wishful thinking or some odd sense she believed that Ashlotte felt the same. Whether she was deluding herself or not didn't matter, it was simply good to be reunited with those two, and when Gyuki voiced her fears Alex could only nod gravely. "It would not have been pretty..." There was a certainty in her voice that told the others she knew exactly how disastrous it would have become.

Whether they pressed her for details or not didn't matter at that moment, though. Alex simply wanted to return home and come to grips with everything that had happened. It was only when they were nearing her home that certain thoughts were starting to garner her attention, and it caused her to slow. When she died she'd seen how this world was made. How everything was made. Matter, spirit, the secrets behind everything were simply waiting to quite literally be unraveled. All it would take was the pluck of a few strings, something she'd so easily seen after she passed, and she wondered if she could see them now. To test it she started by looking at herself. Those threads were the most familiar to her, the shape of her soul so ingrained into her being that she knew that if she could open that part of her mind's eye she would see the frayed threads that had shown just where her spirit had been torn and severed by the Black Dragon and the loss of her past. She would be able to see just what she remained of her identity, and any changes should be clear as day.

And to start she would look for one thing. "Ashlotte, do you detect the curse within me?" Lotus said the moment she felt pleasure the curse would take her. Well, that little lesson with Gyuki had to count, right? If it took root then there had to be a trace she could see, and if Ashlotte could find it then so would Alex.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Testing... Looking... Finding... Alex found herself readily moving the threads of her soul from within, leaving her body at her will seemingly with ease, as the death experience did well to make her used to the ways of the soul. Asking Ashlotte, the golem's eyes flashed, scanning Alex up and down, before shaking her head. "You are pure, master." she stated. "Why do you ask?"
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

So, magic was available to her. Even more readily than she would have believed thanks to her experience with death. She would need to train with this as well if she wanted to grow.

But that would need to come later. Her question was answered, and for some reason the succubus curse had yet to touch her. Which didn't make any sense. But Ashlotte also wondered why Alex would ask such a thing, and after giving it a thought she figured she would answer truthfully. "I need the both of you to promise never to reveal this to anyone else." Once she had their assurances and was certain no one else would overhear she would continue. "While I was away from you I died... and I met Death. She revealed some truths about my very existence. I'm not who I thought I was. But that doesn't matter anymore. Any connection to my other self has been severed, and now I reside solely in this world. That also means I'm starting from nothing, no previous strength or training to help me adjust. I think I may have some residual muscle memory, but I won't know for sure until I train." For a while she was silent, a little more contemplation. "But since I'm starting from scratch I began to wonder. I've been told the curse is impossible to avoid, so why avoid it? Maybe I should just embrace it and become one of you."
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

When Alex first began, the two girls, despite remaining near, seemed to get much more distant. Then, Gyuki put her arm around Alex's shoulders. "It's alright, Alex. You only found some mushrooms or something and had a bad trip." she ensured her. "Just relax for a while and leave things to us. You must need some sleep after getting lost." she said, hoping to take Alex to her room to sleep.

Ashlotte nodded. "Your energy does seem much lower after going missing. Perhaps it is best if you recovered."

They comforted her, because she was clearly going a little crazy.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex couldn't stop herself from quirking an eyebrow. Neither of the two believed her, and after considering the story itself it did seem rather outlandish. Couldn't really fault the girls for that. But damn was it annoying... It was probably why she frowned a bit before answering them with a sigh. "Perhaps some rest would do me some good." With that said she allowed them to lead her home and put her to bed, and all she did was ponder her lot while she waited for the next day to begin.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Going to her bed, she found Baa sleeping in it. Already tired, Alex found herself entrapped by the aroma of Baa's wool. Since she was already there, and she had about ten steps left in her, it is assumed she made them moving to her bed, falling in, and inevitably spooning with the sleepy sheep...

When she awoke, it was to Baa gently shaking her. "Heeey~" Baa cooed. "Wakey wakey~" she announced, while Alex would awaken, feeling like she had a very good night's rest. Meanwhile, Baa still looked drowsy, but very much conscious.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Her bed was occupied. Alex raised a brow at the sheep, but with the aroma of Baa's wool seeming to wrap around her and coax her to simply give in to the wonders of rest the dragoness could do little more than march forward. On the way she peeled off her gear, the motions needed to undo her armor so practiced that she could strip even if she was half dead on her feet, and by the time she hit the bed she was clad only in the simple top and short set she used to keep her armor from chafing at more sensitive areas.

With Baa spooning against her Alex rested quite peacefully. She had no other choice, so when she finally woke to the sheep's gentle prodding she did so slowly by opening her eyes. "Good morning." Following that her eyes closed again, and though it looked like the dragon may just nod off once again her body lazily rolled onto her stomach and stretched. Her tail joined in, her entire body seeming to twitch as her muscles loosened for the coming day, and following a small grunt of simple pleasure she rose to her feet. "Anything interesting happen while I was out yesterday?" It was doubtful anything had, but Alex would listen as she donned her gear to prepare for the day ahead.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Baa put a finger to her lower lip, and hummed. "Hmmm... Interesting... Oh!" she gestured. "I had a dream about you, but it strangely wasn't entirely about you. It was about you watching a pair of twin girls adventure through the afterlife. It was quite surreal. Does that count as interesting?" she inquired.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

For a moment all Alex could do was look a bit dumbfounded while her mind could only conjure a single word. What? It seemed absurd, but somehow Baa had managed to catch a glimpse of Alex's brush with Death. Gyuki or Ashlotte would think this was nothing more than coincidence, but Alex watching twins? In the afterlife? With those twins in the afterlife? Coincidence could only go so far. "Y-yes... That is very interesting. But let's keep that to ourselves, okay?" Gyuki and Ashlotte already thought Alex was losing it. No need to drag Baa into it.

But aside from that somewhat stunning revelation there was nothing left to worry about. And it was still the weekend, so Alex had time on her hands. So what would she do? Well, she still wasn't entirely sure how much of herself had been lost. Sure, all her experiences of the past lay solely on what she'd done in this world, but those memories had glimpses of her true strength even if she hadn't truly tested herself in true combat. The closest she'd come lay in that small training bout against Ashlotte after Alex and Gyuki had their disagreement.


So maybe that was the place to start. "Whether or not you believe what I told you yesterday my strength had still abandoned me. I'd like to see just how much I've lost, and I'd like to see it in person. So I'd like to use you as a sparring partner for a few minutes." The golem's acceptance acceptance was practically assured since all the construct wanted to do was serve Alex, so once the weakened dragon had it she began to search for Gyuki. "I'd like some help. I'm going to reevaluate my strength in a spar against Ashlotte. I'd like you to watch and point out any flaws in my form." The lizard had seen and felt a bit of Alex's fighting style, and since the girl was a warrior herself the dragoness figured she'd have a much keener insight into how much of Alex's training remained. Hopefully the belief that her muscles remembered more than she did would prove to be true.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"As you wish, master." Ashlotte replied simply, before going with Alex, and Gyuki nodded as well. "If you say so, then I suppose it must be true. Let us see, however." Gyuki vied to just see it with her own eyes, watching how they spar...


A magnificent difference. While Alex 'felt' normal enough in the day as it began, it felt like all the mamono in the world became about ten times stronger. Though reality told her she just got weaker. A lot weaker. Ashlotte simply seemed able to push Alex down with some degree of ease. Her metal frame seemed impenetrable, and the only way she could fight Ashlotte was by avoiding her attacks, and not blocking or trying to compare her weight against the construct's at all.

"Your form is... Still good..." Gyuki hummed, then, she said something odd. "Your strength is still the same though. Because you came from another world, without the succubus curse you're basically stronger than a human, but not as strong as all those blessed by a demon lord. You're not so weak that you cannot fight Ashlotte, but you're no mamono, that's for sure." She stated. As if she had no memory of losing to Alex. In fact, as she seemed inspired by the fighting, she moved her sword and shield arm around as if there was nothing wrong. The injury had vanished too. There were signs of Death's threads vaguely over Gyuki. Normally an ominous sign, but twas just a sign that Death erased all traces of Alex's former identity.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

So, her form remained intact. She could still fight. Just not on a mamono's level. Certainly not against any of her charges, and definitely not against anything else that might threaten them. She simply didn't have the same impact that could send Gyuki flying. Plainly put she simply wasn't a mamono.

"Maybe I should do something about that, then." Without any further preamble Alex turned and started heading toward IMA headquarters. Whoever chose to follow her would find a spark of determination settling behind her eyes, and if anyone asked what she meant than she would answer as simply as she could. "I'm seriously considering allowing myself to become a mamono." Which was why she was heading to the IMA. She wanted to know how that would affect her claim as a Rancher, and once she had that information in hand she would turn and start heading toward Zippangu. She hadn't come a clear decision just yet, but the walk would give her time to think, and if she decided she would go through with it she knew just who she would talk to.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Going to IMA HQ, Alex waited for about half an hour before an audience was granted with Venice's caretaker, the vampiress. "... What you chose to do with yourself is of no concern to us. Honestly, did you need to ask how becoming a mamono would affect you? All of the greatest Ranchers are mamono, so the answer was already with you. Did you not realize?" she asked somewhat mockingly, being her usual antagonistic self.

With knowledge in hand that the only thing it would do is curse her, she then went to the Zippangu region. It seemed just as peaceful as she'd recall. A lot of older mamono often went to Zippangu to enjoy the ancient wisdom others had to share, and to get away from the wild hustle of the younger generation.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

"So no restrictions then." And it made sense. Of the few ranchers Alex knew Fio was one, and she was obviously a mamono. But there was something else. "If I do become a mamono am I able to register myself under my own ranch? Will I be able to participate in IMA sanctioned battles?"

With said knowledge in hand Alex was free to enter Zippangu, and thus she did. The land itself seemed calm and restrained, though that was simply the calm waters that hid the churning currents below. Her time at the Carnal Carnival was proof that this relaxed realm could be just as boisterous as any other. Maybe even more so when Alex recalled the onis punching each other through buildings.

That's what made her approach to Fio's ranch more cautious, and once someone acknowledged her presence Alex would ask for either Fio or Lotus since they were two most familiar to her. But if someone else wished to greet her then she would accept it. Ultimately she was there for one reason, and once asked she would answer. "You remember that debacle with Jade during the Carnival? That happened because I felt the mamono curse taking root and panicked. Well, I've recently learned a few things about myself, and now I realize there's no need to run from it. So I'm here to ask Zuki to help me convert." In essence she was asking to have sex with Zuki, and that caused her to blush as she always did. Of course she probably could have avoided this awkwardness by asking the man directly, but since he was a resident of the ranch she figured she'd need to at least inform someone of her intentions. Otherwise she was just some random trespasser trying to steal some affection, and that just sounded wrong.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

The woman at the counter laughed hysterically. "If such was the case, then Venice would have done so a long time ago, and secured herself as supreme ruler over this pathetic world. In short... No." she said flatly. "Nor are you allowed to hurt other Rancher's mamono of your own action, and they are not permitted to cause you harm in return. Even though that rule is broken all the time in leu of violation and the like." she stated. "The basic rule is, if you hurt mamono with your own hands, you are not fit to be a rancher. But other Ranchers are fair game~"

When she came to Zippangu looking for either Fio or Lotus, she found both. They were traveling together, and Lotus seemed to be giggling at something Fio said. "Your mother is simply caught in stasis. I cannot identify with the want for mortality, but I can tell she is sick of this world, and of living in it." she said, and Fio just sighed, before seeing Alex. Meeting her, she listened to Alex. "Right now, your body is purged of the succubus curse. So even if you did it with Zuki, it would have no success." Fio explained. Then, Lotus just smiled, and one of her tails reached out towards a tree, and unseen from all the branches, she plucked out a single fruit that was pink and in the shape of a heart.

Lotus handed the fruit to her from her clean and soft tail that smelled delightfully like flagrant shampoo. "One of the most common fruits in this world. Eat it, and the curse will grip you. You will feel lustful afterwards, so if you want to change, give in, and.... Well, that visit to Zuki will be necessary~" she cooed.
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

So, Rancher could not harm mamono, and mamono could not harm Rancher. This was most likely a safeguard to keep a Rancher protected, but that same safeguard said nothing of Rancher vs Rancher. This was definitely an interesting thought, and Alex simply tipped her head in acknowledgement and thanks before she turned and left. This didn't give her very many options to participate in any battles, but if she were challenged directly by another Rancher... Did the IMA actually have contingencies for such duels? Alex couldn't have been the only one pondering that same question. Perhaps she would ask next time she found herself in the area. Or maybe if some cheeky Rancher decided to have a go at a dragon...

Alex knew the corruption had been purged, Ashlotte had already said as much, but there had to be a way around it. She'd been infected before, and she had a strong suspicion that the spirit from Lotus's tail had been the root cause. Perhaps she could borrow it again and get infected that way.

But Lotus had a far more practical idea. Her tail rose into a nearby tree, and after reach for something unseen it returned with a rather odd little fruit in its grip. It strongly resembled a pink heart, and as Alex accepted it she was given some simple instructions. Eat the fruit, become touched by the curse. She would fall into a lustful state, and considering what she wanted to do it would be perfect for her visit to Zuki.

For a few moments Alex simply looked at the little thing. "Thank you..." She had the sense to show her appreciation for Lotus's gift, but as she excused herself she started feeling nervous. Why? She was about to change her identity, but she had no past to define it. Why preserve a blank slate? Was it the sex itself? Maybe... Even now the dragoness felt a lingering sense of anxiety as she thought about laying with another. But... Well, all her memories of passion in this world were actually quite pleasant. Whatever anxiety she felt was being overwhelmed by anticipation and excitement. A massive part of her was looking forward to sleeping with Zuki once again.

But as she approached his home and prepared to knock she felt herself hesitate. That was when her fears finally found a voice. Would he accept her? Would he care enough to help her? Would he welcome her even after she practically ran out on him, too scared to accept what was happening to her and too selfish to check on him once everything had settled down? So many worries all piling on how this man would treat her, all causing her to wonder if she was even good enough for him.

And that was what caused her to slap herself. The strike of palm on cheek was quite surprising given the relative calm of Zippangu, and it might even serve as the knock on his door before Alex settled herself. A flare of anger and pride rose once she heard those questions rolling around in her head, and they chided her for being such a fool. She was a gods be damned dragon. He should consider himself lucky to have struck her fancy as he did, and if Zuki wanted nothing to do with her than it was his loss.

Whether he answered his door at her slap or at the knock that soon followed didn't matter. The moment he showed she suddenly blushed, her greeting sounding surprisingly faint before she cleared her throat and managed a proper "Hello." even if she was still blushing furiously. The moment he wondered what brought her here she would present the fruit, and after he took it she would nervously answer. "I, uh, would like your help with something. May I come in?"
Re: Alexandra's Ranch (Termite)

Alex had departed from the kitsune, who merely grinned quietly and watched her leave. Fio then looked to her, asking aloud such that Alex could hear. "What has you so amused?" she questioned. Lotus glanced at her. "She left out much of the story. I imagine she still has a dragon's pride from whatever world she came from. This world empowers women, and rejecting that curse has no doubt made her feel small and pathetic. It's amusing... But also understandable." she said, before they continued to walk and allow Alex to go knock at a certain youth's door.

"Coming!" the voice rang from the other side. Then, the door would open to the dragon, as the oriental youth looked up at the taller dragoness. "Oh! Alexandra, I did not expect you, you gave me no notice. I would have been more prepared to receive you. What uh... Brings you...?" he asked, before she proposed the fruit. A moment passed, he stared at it, before the door closed slightly as he leaned over and put a hand to his face, laughing. "Alex, do you understand what this means? In our culture, you're being incredibly vulgar. It's fine though, since I think I understand where you're coming from. It looks like it's from Lotus' tree as well, so I imagine she left you without the know on purpose to mess with you. Please, come inside." he said, opening the door and allowing her inside, offering her to the knee high table with pillows for seats. He fetched some green tea, pouring two white cups with lotus flowers full of steaming hot tea, and providing a plate of cubed sugar in the center. "Please, sit and relax. You are welcome here." he assured her, offering her a warm smile.