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Alexis Archer [Xivvix]


Dec 9, 2008
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Alexis Archer [Xivvix]
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Appearance: Slightly taller than average, with an athletic build and mid-back length dark hair kept back in a ponytail.
Bio: A quick smart mouth meant she had to learn how to either run fast or swing hard, and she learned both. Unfortunately that's about all she's learned, still mouthing off when least appropriate.

Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][120]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

Alexis awoke to the sound of water shifting next to her. She quickly reacts to see that she is in a room with a dead ends all but the one opening which was across, a seemingly dark water way. The only possible out would be straight through the water. Though what catches Alexis eye the most is the sparking item down in the water. There was the obvious few fishes swimming by and every once in awhile a very large shifting. She had also noted that she had been stripped clean of everything but some raggy skirt and raggy top.

{Examine} {Go For Item} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Holding her head as she stood up, Alexis looks around at the room. "Where the hell am I?" she said aloud as she examined the room for anything that might answer her question, or at last cover her better than the rags.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][120]}

Status: Free (Full Strength)

She examined the room but all she could find was that most of the room had a pool, maybe ocean of water on more than half, if she made one step for the door she'd be at least waist feet in water. The rest of the room was mostly plain, a chair here and some chains dangling from the wall. Nothing special to mention. She could hear the loud shifting in the water becoming much louder, as if whatever was big in the water was moving closer.

{Try To See What Is Causing the Shifting} {Go For Item} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Keeping an eye out for the large shifting shape in the water, Alexis carefully moves into the water to try to grab the sparking item.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][120]}

{1 Blue Stat Booster Pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Alexis successfully picked up the sparkingly object which turned out to be a pill bottle with one blue pill inside, the label on the pill bottle said 'booster.' The water was nearly ice cold and just going as far as the bottle, she was already waist deep. As well seeing as she has raggy clothes the clothes didn't really help her from keeping any part of her lower half warm or even covered. The shifting water slowly formed a shape and a small tentacle-like poked its tip out of the water and just as fast as it did, it went back under the water and shifted away.

{Go Near Last Seen Spot Of Creature} {Eat The Pill} {Wait} {Move On}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis holds onto the pill for now, not really ready to try taking a pill she found in this weird place. She moves carefully through the water towards the exit, trying to stay away from where she last saw the creature.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][120]}

{1 Blue Stat Booster Pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Alexis started to tread through the water towards the exit, every step made her deeper until she had to literally tread water at the basic to make it to the exit just before she made it to the exit the tentacle resurfaced and went straight to grab Alexis around the waist but she was quick enough to dodge its grab and finally see what was really under the depths of this room. The legendary Kraken!

[Large Creature] [Kraken] [Higher] [Level 2]

Description: Usually all you can see are the tentacles breaching the water but when it fully rises you can see that it is the legendary Kraken, a giant squid creature from the depths of the ocean. Its tentacles have small little teeth on the bottom of them which is known to inject a type of poison into its victims and each six of its tentacles are ready to strike the enemy down.

Alexis' exit isn't blocked, currently, but with the beast having six tentacles able to grab at her. She paused before rushing through the exit at the risk of being grabbed seeing as the Kraken was right near the exit now, one tentacle actually against the top of the door, as if it was pulling itself to the surface.

{Eat The Pill} {Wait} {Run} {Attack}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

"Holy shit!" she yelled as she saw the creature. Even if it meant getting closer to the thing, Alexis had to get away from it. She moved as quickly through the water as she could and ran for the exit.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][120]}

{1 Blue Stat Booster Pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Alexis went full force towards the exit to the room and as soon as she got there the tentacle swung down towards her, barely missing her. It had wanted to grab her again and used the exit as bait, but seeing as it had swung once it went to a new tactic.

Special Kraken Water Shot Ability: Failed. Not hitting Alexis and not making her vunerable for one turn, which success would've done.

The Kraken opened its massive jaws and sucked in some water before it shot the water straight out in a concentrated boost, however, Alexis was able to dodge it with ease as the Kraken had been off its target. The Kraken dove under and vanished from sights, though the shifting water gave the fact it was still there away.

{Eat The Pill} {Wait} {Run} {Dive To Attack}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Not wanting to push her luck, Alexis hurried out of the exit and ran to the next room.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][120]}

{1 Blue Stat Booster Pill}
Status: Free (Full Strength)

Alexis escaped out the Kraken's Den without another hassle from the big creature. She had been too fast for it this time and she stood in the new room, drenching to the point her raggy clothes stuck tight to her form. As well as she could see that there was nothing unique in this room, she could see every nook and cranny and there was not one thing in this room but another exit that she could try if she pleased.

{Wait} {Eat The Pill} {Move On}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis sighs after reaching the room, thankful there wasn't another creature in this room. She looks around a bit, but seeing nothing of interest, she walked for the next exit, pressing the rags against her skin, to try to dry them out a bit.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][120-5=115]}

{1 Blue Stat Booster Pill}
Status: Trapped (Sexual Trap)

Alexis slowly approaches the next room, thankful that she had a small reprieve but it didn't last long. Soon as she had entered the next room she had triggered a trap in the room and not being able to think quick enough, she was forced against the wall by a chain around her waist, it had literally swung out of no where and tightened against tone wall. The wall she was thrown against was covered in some kind of leafy plant that started to rub against every part of her body they could get to.

{Wait(possible boost to break free, but also risk of other things entering room)} {Try To Break Free}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis gasps as the chain hits her, then cries in pain when she hits the wall. She looks around at the plant on the wall, then notices what its doing and starts struggling desperately to free herself.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115/120]}

{1 Blue Stat Booster Pill}
Status: Free (A Bit Winded but full strength)

Alexis struggled hard and quickly brought free from the chain, it had obviously been an old rusty chain that was easily broken and she had escaped with only a small amount of her stamina lost.

{Move On} {Examine Room} {Wait} {Eat The Pill}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis kneels on the ground and pants for a few seconds, looking back at the plant. She then looks around the room, making sure there weren't any more surprises in here.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115/120]}

{1 Blue Stat Booster Pill}
Status: Free (A Bit Winded but full strength)

Alexis could see that there was no more surprises in the room currently, the only thing even really of uniqueness was the plant that had fondled her moments before. Which it still was rapidly moving around on the wall, as if it was trying to reach out, though it wasn't able to move passed the wall.

{Move On} {Wait} {Eat The Pill}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Since she seemed to be safe in this room for the moment, Alexis decided to try taking the pill. She was afraid something weird would happen, but weird things had already happened anyway, so...
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115/120]}

Status: Free (A Bit Winded but full strength)

Alexis took the pill only to feel as if she had gotten a bit more aware of herself, she actually felt different but in a good way when she took it. As she stood in the room, nothing had approached her and nothing in the room had changed. The plants were the only company she had in this room.

{Move On} {Wait}

(bah :p start getting creature rolls >.> XD)
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

(haha, I'm sure it'll happen soon ;) )

Glad the pill hadn't done anything strange, Alexis moves to the next room, watching out for traps this time.