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Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115/120]}

Status: Free (A Bit Winded but full strength)

Alexis slowly entered the next room to hear a small russle in the corner of the room, she then saw a small shadow slip behind a table that was tipped over. The russling stopped as soon as it was out of sight.

{Move On} {Wait} {Examine Room} {Go Investigate The Russle}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Hopeful that she had found someone who might help her out of this place, but afraid it might be another strange thing, Alexis moved cautiously over to the table to investigate the sound.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115/120]}

Status: Free (A Bit Winded but full strength)

Alexis slowly and cautiously went to investigate the noise only to see a snake-like tentacle creature that couldn't have been longer than one foot. It seemed to look up at Alexis, though there was no facial features, it was arched up like a cobra does when it moves. As fast as it arched up it lunged towards Alexis but missed, Alexis was able to quickly dodge it.

ENCOUNTER: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
Description: Very similiar to their tentacle spawn counter parts, this tentacle spawn looks like a 1-2 foot snake with no eyes, no mouth and overall like a featureless snake. However, it is solid red.

{Run} {Wait} {Examine Room} {Attack}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

"Ah!" Alexis yelled as the tentacle lunged at her. She stepped back, looked at it for a second, then ran forward and tried to kick the table over on top of the creature, hoping to crush it.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

(Lucky until now....)

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115/120]}

Status: Pinned (Against the ground, one on each ankel and one wrapping around her arm)

1-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
2-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
3-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
4-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
5-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
6-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
7-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
8-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
9-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
10-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
11-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
12-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
13-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
14-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
15-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
16-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}

Alexis slammed the table down but just a few seconds to late. It had already escaped out from the range of the table. It rose up like a cobra again and then there was a small sound of like a small whining, the tentacle jerked about as if it was the one doing the noise.

Tentacle Spawn's Special Ability Tentacle Call: 16

Alexis sees from the exit that there is fifteen more tentacle spawns of a blue, green and red variety coming into the room to join the one that was whining. And all at once they all leapt towards Alexis, tentacles flying everywhere but tonly three connect with Alexis' body. Pinning her to the ground. One on each of her ankles and another wrapped around her arm pinning her down while the other tentacle spawns russled around the room as if getting ready for more action.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Wait(easier to escape next round, but chance of getting deeper in)} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis screams as the swarm of tentacles attempts to swarm her, then grunts when she lands on the ground. She looks disgustedly at the tentacles wrapped around her wrist and ankles, then notices the rest of them getting ready to jump at her again, and frantically starts tearing at the tentacles pinning her, hoping to get free.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115/120]}

Status: Being Raped and Pinned (Against the ground, All over. One tentacle in her vagina)

1-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
2-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
3-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned] (fail)
4-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
5-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned] (fail)
6-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
7-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
8-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
9-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
10-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
11-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
12-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned] (Penetration)
13-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
14-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
15-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
16-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]

Alexis tries to escape but the combined effort of the tentacles holding her down was just too much. She couldn't break free from their grasp or hit them. The rest of the tentacle spawns took a leapt. Every single one was successful in their pin and wrapped themselves all around her. While the three already holding Alexis move up to try to feel her up but two failed, the third, however, slipped straight up Alexis' leg and into her vagina, thrashing around. As well as due to the green tentacle's ability, when they pinned Alexis, one of them stung her and injected a special fertility drug.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Wait(easier to escape next round, but chance of getting deeper in)} {Attack(which?)}

(o_O A tentacle freak's heaven)
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis was so surprised by the sudden swarm and the penetration that she wasn't able to react, and she waited, trying to figure out how to get out of this.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][115-14=101/120]}

Status: Pinned and Pinned And Felt Up (Against the ground, All over. Many feeling her up.)

1-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felt Up]
2-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felt Up]
3-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
4-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felt Up]
5-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
6-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felt Up]
7-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felt Up]
8-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
9-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felt Up]
10-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
11-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felt Up]
12-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felt Up]

Alexis waited and successfully endured some of the tentacles but it also got her a bit deeper in. Three other tentacles penetrated her. One had entered into her mouth, another entered into her vagina along side the previous one and the fourth was in her ass, all four moving around viciously with others starting to feel her body up. The creatures worked hard and slowly wore down her stamina but it didn't take long for the combination of the tentacles special abilities and the fact there was four of them to get her to orgasm. All four which had penetrated her had released themselves in her. The one in her mouth, the one in her ass and the two in her vagina. All leaving their little trail of victory behind as they scurried off, weakening the strength in numbers ability that the tentacles maintain.
Due To The Tensity Of The Situation, Alexis' orgasm does NOT make her lose her turn. Alexis IS pregnant.
Pregnancy Status: Motherly (0/10)
Her Motherly Instincts Give Her a +100 Modifier

{Try To Escape Pin} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

"MMMmmh! MMmmmph!" Alexis moans against the tentacle in her mouth as her orgasm hits. As the creatures start spurting their fluid into her, she is unable to resist swallowing most of it, only coughing up a little bit after the tentacle leaves. Coming to her senses, Alexis curses herself for letting things get so out of hand as she begins to thrash around, trying to escape from under the wriggling mound.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

1Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][101/120]}

Status: Pinned (Pregnant)

1-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
2-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
3-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
4-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
5-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
6-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
7-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
8-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
9-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
10-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
11-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
12-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}

Alexis' natural motherly instinct combined with her drive to escaping let her rip free of all twelve of the tentacle spawns, even though they had her from every angle, she broke free and surprised all the tentacles. They all moved as if they were ready to strike at her again. All twelve of the tentacles going lunging for Alexis once more but even so most miss, however, three do connect with Alexis' body again and hold on, trying to pin her back down so they can resume their fun. The other tentacles scurring around the room, waiting for their shot.
Alexis remains in her motherly instincts.
Pregnancy Status: Motherly (1/10)
Her Motherly Instincts Give Her a +100 Modifier

{Try To Escape Pin} {Wait(possible easier chance to escape next round, but chance of getting deeper in)} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis snarls at the tentacles, angry that they were trying to use her like this. She makes a grab for one of the ones that had latched onto her so she can start beating it, hoping the attack will scare the others.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

1Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][101/120]}

Status: Free (Pregnant)

1-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
2-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
3-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
4-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
5-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} []
6-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
7-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} []
8-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
9-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
10-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
11-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}

Alexis viciously and grabs one of the tentacles, swinging it into the wall, crushing it completely in one blow. The other two tentacles that had latched onto her let go and all the other eleven tentacle spawns scurried over to their fallen comrade as if to see if he was okay. The tentacles took flying leapts towards Alexis but everyone she dodged with such skill that the tentacles barely even got near her. Though soon as they missed her she covered her stomach and started to feel sick.
Alexis' motherly instincts slowly went away to reveal a queezy feeling.
Pregnancy Status: Queezy (2/10)
Her feeling of queeziness brings her resistance to half.

{Run} {Wait} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis paused for a moment until her stomach calmed down, then aimed a kick at one of the green tentacles near her.
Last edited:
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80-2=78/80]} {[Stamina:][101/120]}

Status: Pinned (Against The Ground/Pregnant)

1-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
2-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
3-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
4-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
5-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
6-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
7-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
8-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
9-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
10-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
11-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]

Alexis kicks at one of the green tentacles but the tentacle was obviously too fast for her in her current sick state. Though soon as she let loose her kick all the tentacles seemed to swarm her, pinning her back to the ground and holding onto her tightly. They were determined to use her more then they had already and it wasn't going to stop unless they were dead. Her queezy feeling passes but as soon as it does she breaks one arm free and literally pounds on her stomach in god knows what kind of fit but before she can do anymore harm to herself the tentacles sustrain her again.
Alexis' queezy feeling subsides into what can only be seen as a rage and sickening of what was growing inside her stomach.
Pregnancy Status: Suicidal (3/10)

{Try To Escape Pin} {Wait(possible easier chance to escape next round, but chance of getting deeper in)} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis screams angrily at the creatures and starts thrashing around to try to break free of them.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][78/80]} {[Stamina:][101/120]}

Status: Pinned/Felt Up/Raped (Against The Ground/Pregnant)

1-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felted Up]
2-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felted Up]
3-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felt Up]
4-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
5-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Penetrated]
6-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
7-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felt Up]
8-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felt Up]
9-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Penetrated]
10-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
11-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned And Felt Up]

Alexis tries to break free from the tentacles but all she does is give them an opening as two slip under her skirt and almost like a bullet they shoot from her leg up her thigh and straight into her vagina, thrashing around wildly, causing a extreme pleasure while other tentacles rubbed and caressed her body, and a few just held her down. It was hard to figure out which was doing what, besides of course the ones inside her. Soon after all the stimulations started she could feel her motherly instincts start to kick in.
Alexis' suicidal emotion slowly slips away and her motherly instincts return and kick in full gear.
Pregnancy Status: Motherly (4/10)

{Try To Escape Pin/Rape} {Wait(possible easier chance to escape next round, but chance of getting deeper in)} {Attack(which?)}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

"No, no no!" she yells, putting all her strength into throwing as many of the creatures away from her as she could.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][78/80]} {[Stamina:][101/120]}

Status: Crying (Pregnant)

1-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
2-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
3-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
4-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
5-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
6-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
7-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
8-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
9-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
10-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}
11-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]}

Alexis tries to break free from the tentacles and every single one is thrown off her as her motherly instincts kick in once more. All eleven of the tentacles go lunging for her again but Alexis is able to slap them away before her emotions slowly get to her and she slumps down in the middle of the room and starts to cry. Unable to know why but she just starts crying.
Alexis' Motherly instincts slip away from her and she just sits down in the room and starts to cry.
Pregnancy Status: Sad (5/10)

{Unable To Do Anything Due To Your Sadness}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Sobbing, Alexis wipes her eyes. "Why is this happening to me?" :(