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Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][78/80]} {[Stamina:][101-32=69/120]}

Status: Pinned (Pregnant/Horny)

1-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
2-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
3-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
4-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
5-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
6-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
7-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
8-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
9-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
10-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]
11-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]

While Alexis is having her emotional fit the tentacles take the chance to pin her back into position, each and every one gripping hold of her once more. Alexis felt her vagina start to get wet and warm as she felt her body ache for something to penetrate her. The only thing she could think of was if one of these tentacles would just penetrate her already, wanting it and needing it.
Alexis' Emotional state soons diminishes but soon enough she feels the need to be fucked.
Pregnancy Status: Horny (6/10)

{Unable To Do Anything But Beg For It}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis' sobs turn to moans as she stops fighting the tentacles and begins relaxing, her legs spread and mouth open, hands rubbing what tentacles she could.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][78/80]} {[Stamina:][69/120]}

Status: Pinned And Felt Up/Being Raped (Pregnant/Queezy)

1-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]&[Felt Up]
2-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]&[Felt Up]
3-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Penetrated]
4-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Penetrated]
5-: Tentacle Spawn [Green], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Penetrated]
6-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Penetrated]
7-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Penetrated]
8-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]&[Felt Up]
9-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Pinned]&[Felt Up]
10-: Tentacle Spawn [Blue], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Penetrated]
11-: Tentacle Spawn [Red], Small Class, Level 1 {[Health:][20]} [Penetrated]

Alexis feels herself give in to the tentacles, the warmness between her legs demanding it, before she can even think twice the tentacles penetrate her mouth, vagina and ass with ease. Nearly every one of the tentacles penetrated into her, causing the sensation to double. The tentacles worked hard and fast on her. Thrashing about inside, hitting every sensitive spot in/on her body.
Alexis' horniness subsides and she finds herself being raped senseless, to the point her stomach becomes queezy and distracting.
Pregnancy Status: Queezy (7/10)

{Try To Escape Rape} {Give in(no loss of hp/stamina, risk of losing exp)} {Attack}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

With her whole body weakened, pinned down, and violated, Alexis finally snapped and gave in, letting the tentacles have their fun with her body.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][78/80]} {[Stamina:][69/120]}

Status: Stunned (Pregnant/Queezy/Feels Used/Multi-Orgasmed)

Alexis could feel the tentacles working inside of her ass, around her breasts, massaging, caressing. Some even seeming flicking her nipples as if they were trying to lick them. Almost like they were deciding she given up, the tentacles continue to work her body, rape her mouth and tug on her hands to make her caress them. It wasn't long and the one in her mouth exploded its liquid pleasure, almost immediately after, it slithered away into a crevice, leaving ten to remain. The tentacles continued harder on her body, every second passing Alexis could feel her body becoming exhausted in a way but at the same time, she didn't feel anything but the pleasure. Her muscled contracted and squeezed the tentacles in her vagina as she was hit with another orgasm, though that didn't stop the tentacles. Yet another let its juices flow inside of her, this time in her vagina before it slithered away and she could get a bit of sigh of release, though soon as it left, another took its place, thrashing and thrusting into her vagina. She could feel herself having orgasm, after orgasm from the countless stimulations. It wasn't until the last one came that she was finally free of the creatures. Her body was dripping from head to toe in the creatures juices, she felt violated and still sick to her stomach. She just laid on the dungeon floor, used and abused.
Alexis' queezy feeling doesn't subside.
Pregnancy Status: Queezy (8/10)

{Unable To Move One Turn}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis lay on the ground, soaked in the tentacles' fluids, gasping for breath after the seemingly endless orgasm.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][78/80]} {[Stamina:][69/120]}

Status: Free (Pregnant/Angry/Feels Used)

Alexis slowly caught her breath, still soaked in the tentacles' fluids she got to her shakey feet, standing up only to have what she could only describe as a fit of anger coming over her. She was so angry if a person could literally steam from anger, she'd be steaming. Though as she made a quick scan around she saw nothing remained in the room but her.
Alexis' queezy feeling slips away as her emotions are filled with nothing but anger..
Pregnancy Status: Angry (9/10)

{Move On} {Wait}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis' eyes began to tear up again, but instead of self pity they were tears of anger. She screams as loud as she can and moves around the room, kicking and punching any small objects she saw, too angry to think of anything else. Eventually, she was able to calm herself enough to sit and wait for the fit of anger to pass.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][78/80]} {[Stamina:][69/120]}

Status: Free/In Labor (Pregnant/Exhausted)

Alexis' anger slowly slipped away and she rubbed her stomach, knowing the time was very soon. Her emotions being a spiral but at the end seemingly she was more or less feeling like a mother. It wasn't long before she felt tingling between her legs, almost as if something was stroking the inside of her. Though her motherly instincts told her that it was her baby. A baby made from the tentacles which had ravaged Alexis' body with no concern of what or who she was.
Pregnancy Status: Motherly (10/10)
Alexis starts to pant, as she goes into labor.
"They got another one?" A female voice rang out from the exit to the room, a woman whose attire was in full leopard skin. A leopard skin bra, just covering her breasts, which revealed her stomach. A medium sized leopard skin skirt and in her hand was a spiked club with spikes only at the top and the bottom seemingly a curved soft end. The club was made out of bones as far as anyone can tell and she had long red hair, pinned up with a small hairpin. The woman looked Alexis up and down as Alexis was panting in labor.

{Move On} {Wait} {Attack} {Talk/Answer}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis looked at the woman, and especially the club, and felt the need to move, if she could. "Please just leave me alone," Alexis said weakly as she tried to move through the exit as quickly as she could.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][78/80]} {[Stamina:][69/120]}

Status: In Labor/Stunned (Pregnant/Exhausted/Orgasmed)

Alexis starts to head for the exit but is stopped hard as she feels as if a million small fingers are brushing along the inside of her vagina. The 'fingers' slowly move along the inside until she can clearly see and feel it. The tentacle baby has millions of small tentacles on its front (mouth?) and it started to work those on Alexis' clit and around her lower body. The next thing she felt was her orgasm washing over her.
Pregnancy Status: Giving Birth/Being Baby Raped
ENCOUNTER: Amazon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
The Amazon just smirks, "Hun I don't think you have any room to talk, with that baby on the way, you're going to need someone to show you how to shape up. To let those things defile your body, hmph, weak woman is all I have to say." She said as she crossed her arms and looked Alexis up and down in a 'for shame' kind of manner.

{Unable To Do Anything Due To Orgasm}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis shivered and gasped for breath as the tentacle baby pleasured its way out of her. Looking through half-closed eyes at the amazon, she spat out, "I'm sure you've had plenty of tentacles inside you by now, if your so comfortable here."
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][78/80]} {[Stamina:][69/120]}

Status: Pinned (Exhausted)

The amazon laughed, "You'd be surprised how well a woman can fair in here when things are constantly after her." She said as the tentacle baby slowly made its way out of Alexis, though before it could go anywhere the Amazon brought her massive club down onto the tentacle baby, crushing it in one hard swing. Though almost immediately after she lifted Alexis up by her neck and shoved her against the wall. "No tentacles have ever been blessed with touching my body and none will ever. If you could only learn to fight, maybe you'd be able to survive in here as well as us amazons.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

"I've been in a few fights before," Alexis said, as calmly as she could while pinned against the wall by her neck, "but fighting people doesn't prepare you for those things." She was tired from her ordeal with the tentacles, and didn't want to get into any more trouble right now if she could avoid it. "I haven't been in this place long, but somehow I doubt you're going to teach me to defend myself out of the goodness of your heart," she said, waiting to see what the amazon would do. Maybe if she could keep the amazon talking, she could catch her breath and find a way out of this.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][69+6=75/120]}

Status: Pinned&Felt Up (Winded)

Amazon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
The amazon smirked, "Oh I will but first, we must train your endurance." The tone in her voice sent shivers down Alexis' spine. Though what she meant was soon found as the Amazon's hands moved down to Alexis' waist, holding her hard against the wall as the Amazon's lips move to kissing Alexis' womanhood, licking at the lips of her womanhood. What she meant by endurance was becoming more obvious as she felt her body shiver.

{Try To Escape Pin} {Attack} {Wait}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis smiled as the amazon began to kiss her, though only slightly from the pleasure she was feeling. "First rule of fighting is not to underestimate your opponent," she said as she brought both hands over her head, clenched them together, and swung them as hard as she could at the back of the amazon's head.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][75/120]}

Status: Being Raped (Eaten/Winded)

Amazon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
The amazon removed her tongue away from Alexis only to respond, "I never do." Before the blow could touch the amazon her hands intercepted and gripped Alexis tightly around the wrists. 'Now see if you were a strong woman, you'd know how to defend yourself. Lets see how well you continue to do." The Amazon pinned Alexis' hands to her chest, making sure to push a bit so it rubbed against her breasts and caused a few sensations every now and then, though the main thing was her tongue returned to licking Alexis' womanhood before a tongue slipped through the lips and started to work its magic on Alexis' body.

{Try To Escape Rape} {Attack} {Give In}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

"Bitch," Alexis snarls and grits her teeth as the amazon goes back to molesting her. "For someone who says she hates tentacles," she grunted, trying to resist the pleasure, "you sure don't seem to mind the taste of tentacle jizz." As she said the last, Alexis brought her knee up as hard as she could, trying to catch the amazon in the chin.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][75/120]}

Status: Stunned (Winded)

Amazon, Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}

The amazon slammed her body weight against Alexis' legs before removing her tongue just to speak. "For one who acts so tough, you really are a push over. Its not the taste, or what you're feeling. Its testing your endurance, I've endured tests as well. If you can only endure! You can win."
The amazon stood up and repositioned herself against Alexis, placing her full body against Alexis' while slipping one hand between them, her fingers slipped through Alexis' private lips and started to work on her. The amazon's free hand was holding Alexis' wrists tightly above her against the wall, while her legs were positioned between Alexis' so she couldn't so easily send a kick. As well as her chest was pushed tightly against Alexis, she made a point of using that as well. Massaging Alexis' chest with her own. "You'll break down, I know it." Before Alexis could even resist again she felt herself climax onto the amazon's fingers. The amazon pulled out her fingers and licked on them, though just playing with Alexis made her own body drip as well.
The Amazon smiled, "You'll make a good pupil. Mind if I tag along?"

{Unable To Move Due To Orgasm} {Aquire Amazon's Help?}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis shut her eyes and gasped as the amazon worked her body to orgasm, shuddering against the woman. When the feeling finally faded, she hung her head, not even bothering to struggle against the woman holding her against the wall. "Tag along?" she asked angrily, "What, so you can insult me while I get raped?" Alexis fumed for a few seconds, then looked up into the woman's eyes and said, "I guess I don't have anything to lose. Not anymore. I could use the help. Fine, what do you want me to do?"