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Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][75/120]}

Status: Free (Winded)

Amazon, COMPANION, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}

The amazon laughed sofly, "I only wish to teach you endurance and help you from being defiled once more. With me by your side, my endurance test, which you failed, will be the last time someone lays a finger on you!" She lifted her club up and waited next to Alexis, as if awaiting her order.

{Wait} {Move On}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis pushed herself away from the wall, and took a few unsteady steps on wobbly legs. Not wanting to give the amazon any more reason to laugh, she stopped and spent a moment letting her legs strengthen themselves, then quickly walked towards the next room. She didn't look back at the amazon, but said, "I hope so."
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][75/120]}

Status: Free (Winded)

Amazon, COMPANION, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Big Blob, Medium Class, Level 3, {[Health:][58]}

The amazon keeps pace easily with Alexis and upon entering the next room she places her club in front of Alexis' bust and puts her index finger to her lips. "See that slime over there." the amazon whispered to Alexis and pointed to the direction of what looked like a bad spill of something nasty. "Its a creature within the dungeon, it is made of slime and overall is a very fast opponent."

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis looked at the slime, then at the amazon. "So even puddles of slime are dangerous here?" she whispered back, "What a lovely place you've chosen to live in." Pushing the club away, she started moving quickly, but quietly, toward the exit, waving for the amazon to follow.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][75/120]}

Status: Free (Winded)

Amazon, COMPANION, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Were Tiger (Female), Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][34]}

Alexis was slowly moving on to the exit when she heard the russling and a movement of what she could only assume to be the slime. The next thing she knew, the amazon was shoving her through the exit. "Its coming!" Though they both made it out successfully, the slime had reached the door and nearly had gotten them. The amazon placed her hand on Alexis' shoulder. "I live here because I was made to live here, I did not choose it, but I do know how to handle myself. Now I'd like to advise you to not trust many people here. What one person may seem kind, its no doubt a lie or just a turn over a new leaf until they can get you bent over.'

"Hi!" Alexis could hear a girl speak, and it wasn't the amazon, and waving to the girls. "What are you doing here?"

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

"That doesn't give me much reason to trust you then, does it?" Alexis asked the amazon. She jumped when she heard the new female voice, and looked over at the girl. "Uh, hi," she said to the girl with a wave, then turned back to the amazon, and she said under her breath, "What wonderfully timed advice," before returning her attention to the girl. "I'm trying to get out of here. What are YOU doing here?" Alexis stayed close to the entrance, not wanting to step further in, in case this girl turned out to be trying to decieve her like the amazon had warned.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][75/120]}

Status: Free (Winded)

Amazon, COMPANION, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Were Tiger (Female), Medium Class, Level 1, {[Health:][34]}

"I honestly don't know." The girl responded, before scratching the back of her head. "I'm confused, last thing I remember was going to bed in my apartment and then...waking up here."

The Amazon leaned in to whisper to Alexis, "Don't be fooled, the dungeon 'players' are put in raggy clothes. She's one of the inhabitants whether her story is true or not." The Amazon tapped her club in her other hand, keeping full on guard incase the woman attacked her or Alexis.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Talk}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

"Alright, well, we are going to keep looking for a way out," Alexis said, walking towards the next room, trying to keep some distance between herself and the girl. "You can join us if you'd like," she said, with a weak smile, "In the next room that is..."
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][75/120]}

Status: Free (Winded)

Amazon, COMPANION, Level 1, {[Health:][75]}
Black Stallion, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][105]}

"I kinda like it here, see you around." the girl waves as Alexis and the Amazon leave, as they both exit the Amazon catches the fact that the girl let out a feline roar/meow as she sat down. It was no doubt some kind of were creature. "Also," The Amazon points to the horse up ahead in the new room. "I doubt any animal here is pleasant either."
The black horse seems to not even notice the two females entering the new room.

{Wait} {Run} {Attack} {Pet The Horse/Call The Horse}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

(Funny how you were complaining about my creature rolls before)

Alexis sighs. "Is there anything in this place besides potential rapists?" she asks. After a slight pause, she says, "Tell you what. Why don't you show me how strong of a woman you are and do something about the horse, if it's so dangerous." Alexis leaned against the wall, waiting to see what the amazon would do. "I'll just stay right here, catch my breath, and learn about how strong I should be."
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][75/120]}

Status: Free (Winded)

Amazon, COMPANION, Level 1, {[Health:][75]} [Pinned]
Black Stallion, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][105-9=96]}

"As you wish young lady." The Amazon said as she drew her club up and at a fast pace she went running straight towards the horse and swung her club straight into the side of its face. The horse then bucked up and knocked the amazon onto the ground, blood apparent from the amazon's club and the horse slammed his hooves down towards her face, keeping her pinned to the ground.

{Wait/Watch} {Run} {Join In The Attack} {Tell Her To Stop}
(True but now you got a companion too. :p The ability of the amazon >.> to teach haha)
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis continued leaning against the wall, watching the fight. When the amazon got knocked down, Alexis smiled a little bit. Maybe she enjoyed that a little too much. "Need a hand?" she asked.
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][75/120]}

Status: Free (Winded)

Amazon, COMPANION, Level 1, {[Health:][75]} [Pinned]
Black Stallion, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][96-2=94]}

"Don't be so foolish young lady." The Amazon grinned as she pulled her club back and swung it at the stallion's face, the horse nearly fell over as he stomped to the side, giving time for the amazon to swing her legs over her head in a roll to stand up straight. "See miss." The horse slowly rammed into the amazon and slammed her against the wall, pinning her tightly to the wall. Its snout in her face and its body making sure to move to block any escape. "Persistant bastard."

{Wait/Watch} {Run} {Join In The Attack} {Tell Her To Stop}
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

"Oh yes," Alexis said, slightly amused. "I see you being thrown around by a horse." With her offer refused, Alexis simply waited to see how things would unfold.

(am I failing rolls to get stamina back from waiting? or can I not do that because of what's going on?)
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis Archer
Level 1
Experience: 0/100
{[Health:][80]} {[Stamina:][75+12=87/120]}

Status: Free (Winded)

Amazon, COMPANION, Level 1, {[Health:][75]} [Pinned]
Black Stallion, Small Class, Level 1, {[Health:][94]}

The Amazon had decided this was getting a bit out of hand and swung her club towards the horse only to have her hand slammed into and the impact of the club becoming down to being nothing. Though she fought off any movement that it was making towards her womanhood or bust. She refused to let the thing touch her indecently. Though due to the fact it was getting slightly out of hand for her, she stopped talking to Alexis.

{Wait/Watch} {Run} {Join In The Attack} {Tell Her To Stop}
(Failed waits, until now. :p)
Re: Alexis Archer [Xivvix]

Alexis crossed her arms in front of her as she continued catching her breath and watching the woman fight off the horse. Even if she was still mad at the amazon for what happened between them earlier, Alexis didn't want anything to happen to her. "This is getting a little out of hand..." she said, considering helping, but deciding she'd give the woman a bit more time.