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Alexis' Thread (xivvix)


Apr 12, 2009
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Tossed into the Burrows during the dead of night, Alexis would find that even in this long, low cavern, the lights were dimmed to effect a nocturnal feel. It was eerie, to say the least. At least there were no Masters or Mistresses to smack her around and put a collar on her. None that she could see, anyhow.

Scanning the room, she wouldn't find anyone to greet her. Not at this time of night, not all the way up here in the first cavern. The slamming of the doors still seemed to echo around her... or was that another noise? What was that... it sounded like a cross between the swing of a whip and fluttering paper, but it was coming from above her.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis' first instinct had been to immediately try the doors she had been tossed through, but a quick inspection revealed the doors to be too sturdy for her to open. Sighing, she walked back into the cavern and looked around. The strange noise didn't even register in Alexis' mind, until it grew loud enough to drown out her own thoughts. "What is that?" she asked, looking up.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Casting an eye up, Alexis caught sight of shifting wings -- lots of them -- where a colony of long, lithe creatures were gripping the ceiling of the cavern. The noise she was hearing was coming from those in the colony of creatures (daemons? She'd have seen humanoid daemons in the past, but probably nothing like this!) that were swarming off of the ceiling, apparently alerted to a change in the cavern by the echoing of the slammed-shut doors.

At about the time that Alexis noticed them the swarm of daemons seemed to notice her, for all of those that were perched upside down took to the air. They were quickly descending!
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis gasped as she noticed the creatures. They didn't throw her in here to die did they? To be eaten up by daemonic bugs? She was too shocked to run, merely swinging her arms in front of her face, hoping to ward them off.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

((D: Oh my goodness, I completely missed this reply! I'm so sorry, it was marked as read but I hadn't read it! And then my first post was eaten! Bad luck.))

If Alexis could be scared to death, then perhaps she really had been sent here to die. For all other intents and purposes, however...

The swarming bug-like daemons (who, despite their loud, whirring wings, looked more like snakes or tendrils than proper insects) flitted away from her face at the last second as she threw up her arms, buzzing back into the cacophony of wings that surrounded her. A few, however, landed against her body with thick, wet-sounding splats, clinging to her clothing and flesh with a tight grip. Where they couldn't wrap about her, their bodies were held in place by a hot, wet, viscous fluid. For those few that had managed to get a grip upon the woman, now that their wings were folded up under a secondary, encasing pair, the daemons looked more like tendrils with a harder central bulb. They settled for a moment, gaining their bearings as the rest of the swarm continued to dart all around Alexis.
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Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

(haha, it's okay, I figured you were just having too much fun in the other threads ;) )

Alexis was a little relieved that some of the daemons had retreated, but quickly went back to nervous as some landed on her. Thinking a bit more clearly now, she start swatting at the swarm with her left hand, while trying to remove the ones that had landed on her with her right. The combination of being wet and hard made her not want to touch them, but the things just had to come off. She tried gripping them as hard as she could and throwing them away from her. "Get off, get off!" She yelled at the things.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

((Pfft, these guys are going to be fun to try to write for -- if I'd seen your post earlier I'd have leapt on it ASAP!))

The yelling only seemed to make the daemons that were settled on her uncertain, for most of their wings unfurled again, and some even began to beat them noisily. Despite this, they came away easily as Alexis plucked them, taking flight as she peeled them off of her body. She didn't even have to grip them hard -- though when she did, she discovered that the tendril-parts of their bodies were fleshy, slick and smooth and hot, not unlike some anatomy that she might be more familiar with in a different setting...

As she swatted, the daemons seemed to grow sly to her ways, avoiding that arm and landing on her legs, on her back -- generally in places that she couldn't immediately reach. Once there, those that settled did so more quickly, and began to move across her body like hot slugs, even going so far as to leave wet trails!
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

The feeling of the daemons creeping over here caused Alexis to tense up and shiver as goosebumps spread across her body. She twisted and contorted, using both hands now to remove the creatures. The anatomical similarity was not lost on her, a fact that caused her to become even more nervous. Alexis tried to take a few steps down the cavern, moving away from the swarm, but it was difficult to do so with the constant distractions.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Succeeding in reaching the place where the cavern turned into the sloping passageway, Alexis was able to put her back to the wall, at the very least. The daemons simply weren't relenting, and now that they'd gotten used to her plucking and thrashing, they were becoming more difficult to simply huck off into the dark of the cavern.

One of the daemons had squirmed up her chest, questing up by touch to lay a wet appendage against her throat and chin. Distracted by this newcomer, Alexis perhaps missed the second daemon that had squeezed between her waist and the hemline of her pants. Even in the low light, she could see that those which had landed upon her (that she wasn't able to pry off and toss away) were becoming engorged looking, their otherwise pale bodies flushing red. If she didn't have an idea of what they were after before, this ought to give her a solid suggestion!
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

With her back up against the wall, Alexis was able to calm down and think about the situation for a second. She suddenly realized that these daemons were interested in killing her and eating her. That realization caused several feelings to flush through her mind. Relief that she wasn't going to die, a mixture of disgust and fear of what they actually wanted, and a mild arousal at their actions. Thoughts of what they might do to her made Alexis' body heat up and her face flush, but she quickly shook her head. "No, I'm not that kind of girl! I don't want that," she said, though she knew the creatures wouldn't understand.

Alexis stared down at the daemonic appendage at her chin, and watched it squirm, coming closer to her lower lip. She gasped as the creature at her waist began to work it's way to her crotch, causing her lower lip to brush the head of the one on her chin. Quickly closing her mouth, a trail of the liquid still trailing from the daemon to her lip, Alexis reached a hand to grab it, holding it back more than trying to throw it away. Her other hand still vainly swung at the creatures still in the air in front of her. How long could she keep them all away? she thought worriedly. She clamped her legs shut, hoping to stop the daemon down there, while taking small steps, inching along the wall, trying desperately to find some way of escape.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

At this time of night, this far up the spiral, there was nobody around to catch the commotion... and even if there was, there were few brave enough to wade into a field of swarmer daemons even if they had chivalry on their minds! Anyone who knew anything about these particular daemons, knew that Alexis was going to have to deal with them on her own... and hopefully she'd enjoy it, considering that there was only one way that this was likely to end. Still, she managed to inch into the main passageway, where the muted light outlined a gently downward curving path. Black doorways led to who-knew-where beyond... it was hard to tell with the glimpses that she could catch between her new-found friends!

Whether or not they were able to understand her, the daemons that had found purchase on her in the few moments that Alexis was preoccupied were merrily going about their business. It didn't seem like clenching her legs shut was going to stall the one that had slid under her pants for long -- for all that it was warm and hard, it was slick enough that she could already feel it pressing between her thighs, questing for telling folds of flesh and leaving her mons stickily wet in the process.

The daemon in Alexis' hands seemed more clever: as she grasped at its one end, the other had looped around to explore her face in more detail. It was getting to the point that so many had landed upon her and left their slime that the woman's clothing was soaked in most places! One daemon had even inched out over the shoulder of her swinging arm, as if to forestall further flailing...

Just her luck, to be swarmed by horny tendrils in the first few minutes that she'd shown up here!

((Activating pleasure threshold madness! XD))
Alexis' Pleasure: 7/24
Daemon 1's Pleasure: 0/7
Daemon 2's Pleasure: 0/7
Daemon 3's Pleasure: 0/7
Daemon 4's Pleasure: 0/7
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis gasps again as the creature poked between her thighs. She could feel her legs getting wet, and it wasn't just from the daemon... She closed her eyes as she began to give in to the pleasure, releasing her hold on the creature poking at her face. Her hand fell to her other shoulder, landing on the daemon there. She didn't grab it, but ran her fingers across it, feeling it's texture. Her other hand dropped from waving in front of her and fell to her waist, and began pushing past the hem of her pants reaching for the daemon. Although her rational mind was screaming to keep fighting and try to remove it, she found she couldn't force her hand to stop the creature, as her legs slowly parted.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

The change of attitude was noted with merry abandonment by the swarm all around her. As Alexis stopped fighting, several more daemons landed wetly across her legs or shoulders -- one even attempted to perch in her hair, though it didn't stay for long. More took to landing on the walls all around her, so that while a few still buzzed loudly about in the air, suddenly Alexis had a full compliment of strange-looking creatures, their insectoid wings unfurled like moths' to catch the low light in the passage.

Now that she wasn't fighting them, the daemons went to work quickly enough. Her questing hand found the opposite end of the daemon in her pants as the forward tendril slid, unfettered, between labia and dove into her waiting vagina. She found that the tendril under her hand pulsed hotly, wet and smooth, beneath her palm... at least, the part that wasn't covered by a hard, chitinous shell!

Her other hand was occupied by daemon flesh as well, though as her fingers stroked the length of the creature, she felt it push insistently against her palm, seeking firmer attention.

Now that the daemon on her chest was free, it settled contentedly over her shirt while one tentacle slipped against her lips, leaving more slime-like liquid there as it sought to find that open hole. Though her shirt was now thoroughly soggy, that didn't quite seem to be enough for this particular daemon: its other tentacle quested for the neckline of her shirt as it tried to snuggle in closer to its quarry! She could feel it throbbing more hotly from both ends than either of the daemons in her hands; apparently this one was excited to hold such a prominent place on her body.

While other swarmers had settled to wrap around her legs and torso, a second had wormed its way up the side of her leg, having slipped under her pants from the ankle. Now it was at her thigh, making itself known as it met the tentacle that was already plunging into her repeatedly... it didn't make a move just yet, though it did seem very curious to feel around the woman even as she was getting fucked!

Alexis' Pleasure: 19/24
Daemon 1's Pleasure: 6/7
Daemon 2's Pleasure: 4/7
Daemon 3's Pleasure: 0/7
Daemon 4's Pleasure: 2/7
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis tensed up and pushed her body against the cavern wall as the daemon began to pleasure her crotch, breath coming in rapid gasps. The sensations of these creatures were so different from anything she had felt before, she could feel herself slipping into lust rapidly. The hand down her pants began to rub eagerly at the daemon that was pumping into her, while her other hand grasped the daemon at her shoulder firmly and began to pump it, as she knew that was the kind of attention it wanted. The tendril poking at her mouth didn't have to wait long to receive it's attention, as she moaned from the pleasure she was receiving below, her lips closed around it's tip as her tongue darted forward to meet it.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

That seemed to be just what the various daemons perched about her body wanted. As Alexis opened her mouth, the daemon surged forward to meet her tongue. It was just as wet to the sense of taste as it was to touch... not necessarily bad tasting, but perhaps strange and unusual. Alexis found the daemon had positioned itself so that it was resting comfortably between her breasts, or at least the part of it that wasn't filling her mouth was doing so. The other end of its body had curled under one of her breasts to anchor itself in place, leaving a track of slime beneath her shirt as it throbbed with pleasure. She didn't seem to have to do a lot! Playing with the tip of it, finding a little slit there that leaked further fluid, Alexis soon found her mouth filled with what must be the daemon's spunk; not long after that, it had slithered under her shirt completely as if to hide.

It was probably good that the woman was given a chance to focus beyond what was invading her face -- while the daemon in her fist had curled its other end around her arm, she was causing it to leak copiously from the tendril in hand. These little guys didn't take a lot to get off!

The last two daemons were vying for entry into Alexis' vagina, the first already well entrenched as it pistoned deeply into her. The second, tendril questing about, managed to thin itself out a little by stretching further, so now the woman could feel the two of them moving together -- the second a little more slowly, but determinedly, the first with frantic thrusts that mirrored the way that its other end was moving in her second hand. Alexis felt something hot and wet splurt against her stomach -- the daemon that had originally slipped into her cunt had come. The wet that thoroughly coated the side of her legs felt as though it were being added to... it was hard to tell apart what was happening inside of her, though it was likely that the daemon had spilled seed from both tendrils at the same time! It relaxed in her grip, remaining firmly within her vagina though it had slowed its thrusting... just as the other was beginning.

The combined fucking of the two daemons between her legs was more than enough to leave the woman shuddering against the wall, legs going weak as she found herself orgasming. It was an effort just to stay upright! As filled as she was, each spasm of her vaginal walls sent electrified jolts of pleasure through her, from tip to toes. The daemons that had come to roost all around her seemed to flutter as she gave way to her orgasm, beating their wings, moving as close as they dared along the wall to bask in her bliss!

Alexis' Pleasure: 40/24 (New Status: Clarity: +2 to the brains stat for the next 5 turns.)
Daemon 1's Pleasure: 12/7 (New Status: Too Sensitive: -2 to the body stat for the next 3 turns. Pleasure gain is halved.)
Daemon 2's Pleasure: 13/7 (New Status: Puttified: -2 to the agility stat for the next 4 turns)
Daemon 3's Pleasure: 5/7
Daemon 4's Pleasure: 2/7
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

As the daemon's fluid spurted into her mouth, Alexis shuddered, already feeling the waves of pleasure that preceded an orgasm. She let the strange tasting liquid pool in her mouth until the creature pulled out. Her head flew back as another wave of pleasure washed over her, greedily swallowing the spunk as the wave receded.

Just as the the first creature blew it's seed both inside and outside of her and the second creature began it's slow poking, Alexis felt her orgasm reach it's peak, and screamed. Her whole body shook, her back arched, and her toes curled. She had never felt anything so good, and came hard, barely managing to stay on her feet. The hand that had been pumping the demon on her shoulder dropped, Alexis squeezing it throughout her orgasm, but unable to pleasure it by her own will. Her hips rolled back and forth as her juices dripped out of her overfilled cunt. She moaned as her orgasm died down, and her eyes opened to stare at the cavern floor. In her orgasm, Alexis had moved away from the wall, just before her knees buckled, sending her down to ground, on all fours now, gasping and panting as she felt herself bucking unconsciously against the two daemons still inside her.

Looking down at the daemon still clutched in her fist, Alexis began to run her thumb over it, knowing it must be close to it's own orgasm, At the same time her other hand picked up off the floor and went to her chest, softly petting through her soaked shirt the daemon that had curled up under her breasts.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

The scream echoed up and down the passageway, and as Alexis collapsed, a dozen wallflower daemons took flight. Most of them settled on the wall and ceiling again, though two or three perched across the back of her shoulders and spine, taking advantage of a new flat surface. Beating their wings but not taking off just yet, they lent her an uncanny warmth as the daemons in her pants continued to give her reason to buck her hips.

Alexis could feel the daemon that was strapped about her thigh, under her clothes, was on the move again. It continued to ply into her now sopping wet vagina, but its other tendril slipped up her slick leg, taking advantage of all of that lubrication to press against her ass. Taking her slowly, the daemon worked its way in through her behind until was penetrating her from both ends with equal intensity. Alexis couldn't be more filled if she tried, now, stretched by the two daemons to her limits!

Collapsed as she was, Alexis was able to find time for her two other odd partners... and she was definitely correct about the daemon enclosed in her fist! Enthralled by the continued pressure that she'd given even through her own fall, the fist-bound daemon expelled more fluid... as if Alexis weren't covered enough already! Instead of retreating from her hand, however, it crawled down about her arm, coiling like an organic bangle. Suddenly, Alexis was awash in a wordless wave of post-orgasmic bliss that wasn't her own... perhaps she'd made a connection with this individual creature?

The only daemon that didn't seem interested in more action was the one that had curled up under her breasts! When she reached up to touch it, it gave a half-hearted reaction, though her hand was inevitably pushed to its hard carapace. Either it was just too sensitive to touch, or maybe it was a little embarrassed.

Alexis' Pleasure: 22/24 (Clarity 1/5 turns.)
Daemon 1's Pleasure: 5/7 (Too Sensitive: 1/3)
Daemon 2's Pleasure: 6/7 (Puttified: 1/4)
Daemon 3's Pleasure: 10/7 (New status: Fuckbuddy: The NPC becomes an ally, following the PC and obeying most wishes unless given reason otherwise.)
Daemon 4's Pleasure: 10/7 (New Status: Minxified: +2 to the agility stat for the next 4 turns)
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis continued to moan as the daemon pumped into her pussy and let out a soft cry as it slid into her ass. She could feel herself approaching orgasm again, and back began to arch. The explosion of bliss into her mind from the daemon, caused her to cry out again. The sudden feeling causing her to forget the daemon on her chest, her hand dropping down to the ground as she rode out the sea of pleasure that was suddenly adrift in. Her head drooped, nearly touching the floor, as she rocked back and forth in rhythm with the creature.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Though she didn't have anything to press back against, Alexis found that rocking her hips in just such a way helped the daemons immensely -- even the lazy creature resting on her lower stomach seemed to get excited again, for while it had simply been filling her vagina before, allowing the other daemon to do all of the work, now its lower appendage moved in rhythm with each of the other daemon's thrusts... and those were getting faster and much more insistent as the double-ended daemon pumped rhythmically into Alexis in both orifices!

As close as she was to another orgasm, the woman couldn't contain herself any more, and that seemed to be the same for both of her active unusual partners, too. She could feel them spurting hot seed into her (and in the case of the first daemon, another load spread out across her stomach and soaked into her shirt,) leaving no space in her cunt unfilled. With the both of them pumping semen into that particular orifice, in a few moments, excess was dripping to the floor, mingled with her own juices. The both of them weren't about to stop, either... even as Alexis may have thought that their frantic thrusting had come to an end, a second wave hit and they forced more thick fluid into her. It was more than enough to driver her over the edge, so that if she wasn't firmly supporting herself, she'd probably collapse on the floor. With the noises that she was making, she had upset (or more likely excited) the rest of the swarm into action, so that most of them took wing again, save those that were quite happily nestled across her body.

As amazing as all of that was, the woman had a few minutes to drift on endorphins before a strange sense of tranquil sleep began to descend upon her. Perhaps it was just that the second strange but wonderful orgasm had rolled through her in such a short time, or perhaps it was something else altogether... whatever the case, she soon found herself quite thoroughly asleep...

Alexis' Pleasure: 28/24 (Clarity 2/5 turns. New Status: Pregnant )
Daemon 1's Pleasure: 5/7 (Too Sensitive: 2/3)
Daemon 2's Pleasure: 9/7 (Puttified: 2/4 New Status: Still Horny: Pleasure threshold begins again with +10 -- or in this case, let's just call it a double-orgasm!)
Daemon 3's Pleasure: 3/7 (Fuckbuddy -- Daemon 3 is the daemon coiled along Alexis' arm)
Daemon 4's Pleasure: 15/7 (Minxified: 1/4 New Status: New Status: Still Horny: Pleasure threshold begins again with +10 -- or in this case, let's just call it a double-orgasm!)

eta: +3 xp for finishing out the scene; an additional +1 xp for getting the fastest arrival-sex-pregnancy combo evar. XD
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Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

As the orgasm washed over her, Alexis found she couldn't even scream or moan anymore, her breath caught in her throat as she rode out the waves of pleasure, her body shivering as load after load was pumped into her. As the orgasm subsided, her body shook, her arms and legs trembling weakly. She managed to roll over onto her side as her limbs gave out on her. She didn't know anything about the daemon's wrapped around around her body, but she had the presence of mind to be careful not to hurt them. As she lay there her body spasmed in remembered pleasure. She moaned weakly as she felt the unnatural slumber washing over her...

(I guess that's what I get for having so many fetishes going at the same time XD)