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Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

"Do you like that, Alexis? Should I do more?" He asked, feeling a little cheeky and very good for the pleasant awakening. He didn't mind using her own words against her for this. After all, if she'd been gone for an entire week, and had come back looking for more, the earth dragon wasn't going to feel too bad about her disappearance. He lapped at her again, tongue moving slow and pressed flat for her to grind against, should she want that.

Neiomu's Pleasure: 2/33 (Hit the Spot: 2/4)
Alexis's Pleasure: 21/24
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

"Oh, yes," Alexis said softly, her eyes closed. "More." Her hands pushed against the dragon's stomach, though not away from him this time. Instead she pushed herself further towards his tongue, hips bucking as she rolled her crotch up and down against him. Her forehead pushed down against him as she began breathing in heavy pants, moaning with each wave of pleasure that Nieomu pressed through her.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

She didn't have to ask twice. Holding her ankles apart between delicately poised forefingers and thumbs, the dragon chuckled -- a muffled noise that blew hot air across her exposed behind and back -- as his tongue ran against her. It wasn't so much rough, not like a cat's, though it held enough exciting slick texture to give her something worth grinding against!

Confronted with this, pushing back (when she didn't find her arm sliding in the spunk that still lined his smooth stomach), Alexis found herself losing the ability to speak coherently, if not the will. Neiomu was quite pleased to get his revenge as he felt the woman thrashing in orgasm against him. Tasting her, liking the taste of her, he rolled his tongue on itself as she began to show signs of relenting from her climax. "To taste you is divine," he murmured, nuzzling what part of her he could reach. "It's nice to see you again."

Neiomu's Pleasure: 4/33 (Hit the Spot: 3/4)
Alexis's Pleasure: 25/24 (New Status: Too Sensitive: -2 to the body stat for the next 5 turns. Pleasure gain is halved.)
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

As her orgasm hit, Alexis' legs tensed, pulling her even further against Nieomu's tongue. She cried out, her back arching to pull her face away from his spunk covered stomach enough to let it echo through the cave. She shuddered each time her juices shot out of her sex and into Nieomu's mouth. Finally, as her orgasm died down, so did she, falling weakly back against him, arms and legs splayed out limply as she simply lay there panting.

"Nice to... see you... too..." she weakly called back to him.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Doing nothing but chuckling at her panted reply, the dragon settled comfortably back for a while, allowing the human to regain herself a little. In the meantime, he caught sight of the new plant. Ears perking (though they caught against the blankets), Neiomu made a noise of surprise and nearly rolled on his side. He was still very well aware of Alexis, however, so he craned his neck back at her. "Is that plant what you brought back?" he asked, voice tinted with the same excitement of a kid upon discovering candy.

Neiomu's Pleasure: 4/33 (Hit the Spot: 4/4)
Alexis's Pleasure: 1/24 (Too Sensitive: -1/5)
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Finally managing to catch her breath, Alexis carefully pushed herself up from Nieomu's chest, then shifted herself around to face him. She smiled at his reaction, then pushed herself off his slicked belly. When she landed, she looked down at herself, finally realizing just how covered she was. As she ran her hands across her body, trying to wipe off as much of the she looked over to Nieomu and said, "Yeah, the plant, and a little extra I think you might like too."

Alexis flicked the liquid off her fingers, then continued, brushing off more and more with each pass. "You said you missed trees and sunlight," she said. Finally she wiped off her hands, moved over to the plant and delicately plucked out the envelope. She looked over at the plant Nieomu already had, noticing it had wilted even more since she last saw it. "Soil and water are two things a plant needs. This envelope can you give you the third." She held the envelope out towards him, a big smile across her face.
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Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Neiomu watched as she wiped gunk off of her, maybe a little entranced... though he readily enough suggested, "we should go find somewhere to wash," before she handed the envelope over to him.

Curious, his gem-laden brows quirked as he accepted the (relatively) tiny package. When he flicked it open, however, he crinkled his nose as sunlight spilled out. "Uuf, demon magic," he sounded as though someone had passed gassed under his nose, though soon enough he realized what the spell actually was. "Oh! Oh, this is perfect!" Wiping his watering eyes, Neiomu grinned hugely down at the human woman. "I know just the place for it."

He set the envelope down, still aglow, and shifted into human form -- leaving the nest he'd been sleeping in suddenly unoccupied. In simple garb, the man scooped up the envelope in one hand and the shrub in the other, leaning down as he did so to give Alexis a peck on the forehead. "I know just where these should go," he told her, before hurrying (still a little wobbly-legged, but too excited to rest!) over to one side of the cavern. An overhang jutted out here -- not much of one, but it was enough so that when he settled the shrub with great care beneath it, there would be enough room for it to grow.

Taking the spell out of the envelope as one might gently handle roadkill, Neiomu pasted it to the overhang so that the plant would receive full light. He rushed back to his nest and brought the second, despairing plant to do the same. "This is perfect," he smiled over to Alexis, torn between tending plants and swooping her up in a huge hug.

Neiomu's Pleasure: 4/33
Alexis's Pleasure: 1/24 (Too Sensitive: 2/5)
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

"I'm so glad you like it," she said, beaming. She had been watching him the whole time he moved the plants around, enjoying seeing him so excited. She looked a little ashamed at his reaction to the demonic magic and apologized for it. "I didn't know demon magic offended you. Falia said that it had to be refreshed every week, though. I hope she meant you could use your own magic to do it, otherwise I'm not going to have much time for anything besides... refreshing." She laughed a bit at the last word, a slight blush on her face.

Clearing her throat, she walked closer to him, and pulled a bit on the shirt that had appeared from thin air at his transformation, trying to look down it. "I certainly need a wash, after that. Is there someplace near here to do that? I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy a cold one, " she said, motioning over to the ice cold pool in the corner of his cave.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

"It's nothing," Neiomu explained, keeping a reassuring arm across the woman's shoulders, squeezing her. "I can keep it refreshed, you don't have to do anything, it's just, demon magic has this itchy sort of smell. It's hard to explain..."

He looked down at himself, growing a little red in the cheeks in the process. He was still a little messy, yes, though at least the clothes he'd learned to transform with in the process had covered that up!

"Well, down here..." Neiomu thought about the other caverns in the vicinity. "Across the way and up a bit is that strange daemon cavern that boasts the best baths... or at least, that's what I've heard. I haven't been there, myself. We could see if they'd let us borrow them..." Sighing he added, "I guess I'll have to see the demon myself sometime. I could tell them I have a favor coming to pay them back. Something warm would be relaxing," he admitted. The voice in the back of his mind that was kicking him over giving in to the inevitable backslide he was heaping on himself got a swift kick in the mental shin. He felt different with Alexis. This wasn't meaningless, like the other experiences he'd had.

Neiomu's Pleasure: 3/33
Alexis's Pleasure: 0/24 (Too Sensitive: 3/5)
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis pressed up against Nieomu when he put his arm around her. The big man's warmth helped to chase away some of the chill she was starting to feel from the cooling traces of liquid that was still on her, but really she just liked being near him. Something about him made her feel safe.

The suggestion of the warms baths in the daemon cave had her curiosity piqued, though the idea of having to give some kind of tribute had her worried. "What kind of payment would you need to give just to use the baths? I don't wan to put any kind of burden on you just so I can have some warm water."
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

"I'm not sure," Neiomu replied, shaking his head. "I've never gone in there before... most of the caverns around here are a little too... social for me, though you could probably put me in a room with two people and I'd feel over-extended, so don't let that worry you."

((Before I forget, +1xp for the wakeup call! ^_^))
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis chuckled, and gave Nieomu a pat on the back. "Don't worry, I'll be with you." She looked down at herself, then around the cave and said, "If I'm going someplace, I should probably put something on. You don't happen to still have my clothes from last time, do you?"
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Neiomu smiled down at her for a moment, basking in her presence before he realized she'd asked a question. "Oh, of course," he told her, walking back to the sleeping nest. Nearby, next to a few dried leaves from his previously sad tree, rested a pair of folded garments, along with her bag of food. It looked like the earth dragon had done his best to scrub the clothing, though with mixed results. At least they were long dry, though they were faintly wrinkled.

"I wouldn't want you to have to go around naked," he tried to joke, though the thought apparently left him blushing.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

"Oh, really? You didn't seem to mind until I asked you," she said, smiling. She walked over to him, swaying her hips as she did, and took the clothes gingerly. She brushed herself off one last time (don't want to ruin her only set of clothes), then gingerly got dressed. As she did, she watched Nieomu. "Like the show" she asked, reaching out a hand to rub his arm, then put her hand in his. "Come on, let's go see those baths."
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

He'd ducked his head floorward, even though he had enjoyed the show. Knowing her was still too new a sensation for him not to feel a little embarrassed, lusting after her naked body. Mumbling something that sounded like agreement, he squeezed her hand as the two of them made the short trip out of his cavern (again, passing through that magic film was disconcerting, though as they left a deep sensation of relief -- probably the spell encouraging her to leave) flooded her body.

The walk to the daemon cavern in question was as short as Neiomu promised, and the pair of them entered on a great, open space that seemed all the larger for the way the floor descended in wide tiers. Looking up, Alexis could see a colony of something that looked (maybe disturbingly) familiar, though in the full light of the cavern's day, the clustered daemons' iridescent wing-covers were quite pretty. None of them seemed to be moving, either, though people on the ground were going about their daily business.

Speaking of which, a young, pale-skinned man with a strange looking black worm (or snake... it was hard to tell) coiled around his shoulders had spotted them, and was coming over. "What can we do for you?" he asked, a little wary, though his smile was polite enough.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis moved closer to Nieomu as they entered the daemon cave. She was surprised to see so many humans living in the cave. Weren't they afraid? When she noticed the daemons near the ceiling, she jumped, for she recognized them instantly, and half expected to be surrounded already. She calmed down when she noticed them lazily fluttering their wings, though, and looked up with a blush to Nieomu.

As the young man approached them, Alexis looked at the black snake(?), marveling at how calm the man appeared to have such a dangerous animal sitting on him. Tearing her gaze from the creature, she looked at the man and said, "Yes, We've heard that this cave has excellent baths. We were wondering if we might use them?"
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

The man raised his brows, looking first from Alexis and then to Neiomu, then back again. "Well, that depends. I'd ask the patron if she'd like to pass you two on her usual test, but she's busy at the moment..." He quirked a grin, noting both of their nervous expressions. "You both look like you're afraid you're going to get tripped and taken on the spot," he told them candidly. The snake-like thing, about an arms-length long, slithered over his shoulder, and the man chuckled to some unspoken words. "You might, but we do have the best baths. What can you offer in exchange, besides the obvious? I might be able to let this one slide, I'm sure Nest wouldn't mind if you're only here for a soak."
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis cleared her throat at the man's innuendos. Indeed she was afraid that she might get attacked, although she was still of the impression that daemons attacked people for food, rather than pleasure. She turned to look at Nieomu to see him blushing furiously however, and thinking about him and her last (and only) experience with a daemon, she realized what the man meant. She looked back at the man and stammered for a second before managing to say, "I... we... have some food... in a bag... back in the cave... his cave, I mean... if that would be enough. Or maybe... if we just promised something from Falia... would that be good?" She nervously curled her mouth and waited for the man to reply, clinging just a bit tighter to Nieomu.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

The man and the snake-like creature seemed to confer, or at least his head was turned to its upraised, featureless tip.

Neiomu, leaning toward Alexis, murmured, "I don't know if that's such a good idea..." he looked just as nervous.

Before he could suggest that they leave, the man raised a finger, then in a gallant bow, pointed towards some lattice-slatted walls constructed against the far end of the tier. "A payment from Falia would be welcomed well enough, though as our guests, you're under our hospitality," the man quirked a grin, leading them to what indeed turned out to be several large, deep pools. Steam gently wafted from the surface, away from the small stream that formed at the far end of the pools where the water collected and was shunted down to other tiers. There were even little changing nooks, even if modesty didn't see the name of the game, here.

In fact, they could hear the muffled, luscious noises of possibly more than one pair, beyond the lattices. Neiomu looked as though if Alexis weren't there, he'd have turned on his heel and fled. The man, distracting him from possible cowardice, piped up, "I'm Flaqus, by the way. Could I get your names? Just in case the patron decides to beat them out of me later for allowing you two in here without her permission." Noticing that they weren't really smiling, he added, "kidding, of course."
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis waited until the man stepped away a bit and looked up at Nieomu. She patted him on the arm and whispered, "If you don't want to be here, we can leave." The noises from the other pools was pulling a blush to her face as well, but the water looked nice, and she really needed to clean up. Right now though, she kept close to Nieomu, and only stood near the entrance of the bath area.

"Alexis," she said, responding to Flaqus' question, "and Nieomu." She wondered offhandedly, what kind of payment from Falia a cave full of daemons would want.