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Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

"Something..." Neiomu began, voice husky as Spur gave a particularly pleasurable jerk, "nnn... something's off, Alexis." It was hard to tell if he was frowning or if his brows were furrowed because he was concentrating on the strangeness of the pleasure he was receiving. He could obviously tell that it wasn't Alexis doing that -- she was a straight-up human, after all... right? He just couldn't quite fathom that it was a daemon who'd had the temerity that Spur had displayed, pleasuring the both of them at once. In short, he was baffled, but at least he wasn't reeling back in shock and horror.

Supported by Neiomu's hands at her hips and the buoyancy of the water, Alexis's shaking legs didn't need to work quite so hard to support her -- which was good, as the daemon that was bent double within her was working her hard, leaving her shuddering for more.

Alexis's Pleasure: 20/24 (Sex Frenzy 1/5)
Neiomu's Pleasure: 16/33
Spur's Pleasure: 8/15
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

The feeling inside her was so incredible, Alexis was close to another orgasm already. She began to rock her hips, thinking she was grinding against Nieomu. "Hmm?" she moaned. Something off? Yeah, something was different. She couldn't focus right now, though, as she was enjoying the feeling between her legs too much.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

"There's a..." Neiomu began, meaning to tell her about what he thought might be a daemon involved in their little escapade... though he cut himself off as Alexis seemed to be more wrapped up in a second climax. Now he did have to help hold her up as her legs tried to buckle beneath her thrashing body. Deciding to shrug off the strangeness, for now, (he was beginning to think that associating with Alexis was like associating with a strangeness-magnet) Neiomu instead kissed and nibbled along her neck, groaning and enjoying her orgasm vicariously.

Alexis's Pleasure: 38/24 (Sex Frenzy 2/5, New Status: Sex Fog: -2 to the brains stat for the next 5 turns.)
Neiomu's Pleasure: 20/33
Spur's Pleasure: 10/15
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis felt her knees weaken in this orgasm, even as the muscles in her legs tensed and her toes curled along the floor of the pool. Her hand on Nieomu's backside clenched and pulled, her nails digging in, as the hand on her clitoris moved to one of his arms, to help steady herself. She found the strength to moan through this orgasm, probably sounding much like the couples they had heard in the other pools. Her head fell forward limply as the orgasm receded, and her chest heaved as she pulled in huge breaths.

Even though she had just orgasmed, Alexis could feel her body ramping up again, and the sheer overpowering bliss of the experience was enough for her to completely forget that something strange might be happening. "Good," she cried, "feels so good."
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Neiomu was shocked that she was still going, and began to wonder just how many more of those she could handle. As hot and bothered as she was making him (as she and the daemon, he was certain; he could feel the proof, after all,) the man had enough sense to murmur gentling words in her ear. He was feeling a little shaky, himself. Now he forced himself out of the daemon's grasp, cock throbbing as it toyed with him to the last, and slung one of Alexis's arms over his shoulders -- he was guiding her to the edge of the pool so that she could support herself.

Spur seemed quite happy to oblige the woman as her hips continued to buck and shakily move towards the pool's ledge. Whether her fogged over mind gathered that what she was feeling now couldn't possibly be Neiomu's doing or not, it did feel almost unbearably good. Alexis was having a hard time keeping from crying out again, now that one of the daemon's tendril-ends had curled up around her throbbing clitoris to play with that as well.

Neiomu allowed her to settle how she wanted, keeping close, raining kisses on her. "How can I make it better?" he asked, leaning his head against hers and watching her flushed face with intense want clear in his expression.

Alexis's Pleasure: 19/24 (Sex Frenzy 3/5, New Status: Sex Fog: 1/5)
Neiomu's Pleasure: 22/33
Spur's Pleasure: 10/15
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis nearly collapsed when Nieomu sat her down on the ledge at the edge of the water, but managed to keep herself sitting straight by planting her hands down. She looked at him blearily as the feelings from between her legs continued. So it wasn't Nieomu, she thought. She realized, at the moment, she didn't care. What she did care about was what Nieomu had asked.

"I want... mmm..." she started, closing her eyes as a particularly sensitive spot was touched inside her. "I just want you to feel good, too." Alexis reached an arm out, her hand cupping his cheek in her hand as she gave him a deep kiss, then running down his neck, and grabbed his shoulder. After releasing him from the kiss, her hand ran down to his side, stroking up and down, letting him decide what he wanted from her, as a sudden pang of pleasure caused her to arch her back and moan.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

If they'd been less in the middle of things, Neiomu might have chuckled. As it was, he groaned at the sight (and sound!) of her, taking no time to decide in guiding her hand down to stroke his throbbing cock. Sitting so that he was facing her, Neiomu swept his arm behind her neck as he leaned forward for another kiss, giving the poor girl some support.

Spur, a little disappointed that she didn't have both of them in her nefarious grip, never the less continued to play with Alexis... though as she felt the woman rise to another climax, she slowed her squirming down considerably... she needed a bit of a break!

Alexis's Pleasure: 26/24 (Sex Frenzy 4/5, New Status: Sex Fog: 2/5, New Status: Invigorated: +2 to all stats for the next 5 turns.)
Neiomu's Pleasure: 30/33
Spur's Pleasure: 10/15
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis threw an arm around Nieomu as he pulled her towards him, clinging to him through yet another orgasm. She bit down on his shoulder and shuddered, the motion translating down to the hand wrapped around his cock. She continued to squeeze and jerk his rod as she trembled from the waves of pleasure.

As her orgasm faded, Alexis started to go limp, and would have fallen to the ground if it weren't for Nieomu holding her up. She gave little moans as the daemon inside her continued to squirm around still, but only panted for breath. She was getting exhausted!
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

By the time that she'd gone through all so much unexpected sex, Alexis was beginning to feel a little worn out... Spur's thrashing wasn't quite so delicious anymore. In fact, it was starting to feel uncomfortable.

Ignoring that for now, however -- she could still grit her teeth through the jolts of... well, not pleasure, necessarily, but not pain, either -- Alexis bore down on the man before her, and was aptly rewarded! Neiomu spasmed as she felt him come, though the seed he'd spilled was whirled away in the current of the bath quickly enough. As the orgasm passed, he leaned back against the pool's ledge, panting and smiling. When he noticed that Alexis was still squirming, or at least looking a little uncomfortable, the smile disappeared quickly enough as his hand slipped back between her thighs!

He managed to get a grip on Spur, trying to pull the daemon out of Alexis. He wasn't quite ready for how phallic the creature felt, however -- throbbing and slick, she was practically vibrating -- so, surprised, he pulled his hand back, giving a grimace. Gamely he grabbed at Spur again and pulled her away from the human, careful as he watched to see if Alexis wanted him to do anything differently.

Alexis's Pleasure: 2/24 (Sex Frenzy 5/5, Sex Fog: 3/5, Invigorated: 1/5)
Neiomu's Pleasure: 36/33 (New Status: Fuckbuddy: As Neiomu is already an ally, this status makes him feel closer to Alexis than before; he will follow her wishes without question, now, and will actively seek to keep her safe and happy... like he wasn't before. XD)
Spur's Pleasure: 14/15
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis gave a slight cry and shuddered as the creature was pulled away from her, then fell back against the ledge, letting herself rest as she panted for breath. She felt tingly, like her body had fallen asleep and was now waking back up. With a groan, she sat forward, crossing her legs as she did, and looked at the daemon. With a quizzical look at Nieomu, she asks, "So I guess it wasn't a snake after all, huh?" She laughed, then put a hand on his arm and said, "Sorry about all that. I'll make it up to you later." With a wink and smile she leaned back against the ledge to relax a bit more in the warm water. Even though the ordeal had taken a lot out of her, she was already starting to feel better.
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Before Neiomu could throw the thing into the water, Spur had curled lasciviously around his wrist and arm. "Eugh!" He made a face, and then, looking sorrowfully disgusted, tried to scrape the daemon off of him as it spurted something slimy but clear onto him, and then went limp.

Thinking better than to drop it back into the water, the dragon peeled it off and deposited it gingerly on the group, shuddering and cleaning his arm off by submerging it in the water and scrubbing. "I just can't get the image of giant leeches out of my head," he apologized to Alexis, still scrubbing.

After a moment, at least, he leaned over to give her a quick peck. "Later is probably better, in any case... I knew this place was strange." Thinking for a moment as he cast an arm around her shoulders, he added, "though you were having a lot of fun." His voice sounded a mixture between bewildered and enchanted.

Alexis's Pleasure: 2/24 (Sex Fog: 4/5, Invigorated: 2/5)
Neiomu's Pleasure: 0/33
Spur's Pleasure: 15/15 (Unconscious: Lose 1 turns worth of actions due to being knocked out)
Re: Alexis' Thread (xivvix)

Alexis blushed and drew a hand across her forehead to pull her bangs away from he eyes as Nieomu put an arm around her. "Well," she said softly, "it certainly knew what it was doing." She shyly looked up at him, then pressed herself against him and put her hand over his, drawing his arm tighter around her. "But I would have preferred if it was just us."

Alexis leaned her head against his shoulder (she sure was getting a lot of use out of that particular spot) and looked over at the daemon. It still looked strange, and slightly dangerous, but she didn't have the same disgusted reaction Nieomu had had. Maybe the things weren't so bad as all the stories she had been told a a child. They certainly seemed "friendly", though aggressive.