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Alexis (Xivvix)

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Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis tries to throw him off of her back, this time using her body as a lever. She squirms, trying to use something to help her turn over, throwing him off in the process, but can't seem to manage. Focusing on this, she doesn't immediately realize where his free hand as gone. She only thinks about the second hand when she hears the sound of ripping cloth. there is suddenly a rush of cool air on her back. She then realizes that he has ripped the back of her tank top clean off, along with both shoulder straps.


Alexis DEF 0 + 1
Alexis CONST: 3
Guard HP 1

Wait (talk)
Can't flee, grounded
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Y-you piece if..." she mutters. She plants her hands on the ground underneath her, then shoves with all her strength to push the man away.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Struggling under the weight of the man, she tries valiantly to push off the floor. Even with her strength fading, she manages to shove the man off her. He was not expecting her power, flipping backward and hitting his head on the floor. Alexis, feeling the weight lift from her back, quickly gets to her feet and spins around, ready to attack again. She sees the man knocked out on the floor.

Alexis DEF 0 + 1
Alexis CONST: 3
Guard HP 0

Search the guard
Search the area
Travel N/S/W
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis raises her hands defensively as soon as she stands, staring at the guard's form on the ground. When he doesn't move, she relaxes with a ragged sigh. Her foot flies out and hits against his leg and her arms come up across her chest, mindful of the lost tank top. Finally, after catching her breath she kneels next to the man, her hands running through his pockets for anything useful.

(rest, search the guard)
(wow, I was getting some bad rolls on that one ;))
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

(I did the search first, then the rest, because an enemy won't pop out of his pockets ^_^)

Alexis searches through the man's pockets, hopeful that something might aid her in her escape. Unfortunately, she is unable to find other than a few pices of lint and an old, greasy comb. Exhausted, she plops down next to the wall and leans her back onto it's cool surface. In only a few moments her thoughts begin to drift and she slips into a light sleep. Before she can rest for any measurable amount of time, however, she is startled by hard tug on her green shorts. She snaps awake, but not before she sees a large mass of slime covering her legs and lap. She sees her shorts slid off her feet and seem to dissolve into the slime. She is pinned against the wall by the mass of slime.

(Slime attacked during first rest roll: sorry)

Alexis DEF 0
Alexis CONST: 3
Slime HP: 6

Submit (risk "succumb-game over" roll)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"What the?" Alexis yells, instinctively trying to pull away from the creature and pushing her back against the wall. Realizing she's trapped, the girl immediately begins swatting at the slime.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Randomly slapping the slime does not seem to be working for Alexis and her arms are soon also engulfed up to the elbows in the translucent green goo. She feels a shock, almost like an electrical outlet, immediately followed by a strange warmth everywhere the slime touches. She is being turned on by the slime!


Alexis DEF 0
Alexis CONST: 2
Slime HP: 6

Submit (risk "succumb-game over" roll)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis' body shakes as the shock runs through her. She relaxes a bit, allowing her arms to sink into the suddenly pleasant feeling slime before she remembers her predicament and begins struggling again. "First, asshole guard... now... nngh... jello monster?" she asks angrily while struggling to pull her arms away from the creature and throw it off her.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis takes a moment to focus all her energy in releasing her arms. Taking a few deep breaths, she pulls hard, and is able to release both of her hands. At the same time, she kicks with her right leg as best she can, throwing the mass over her left side. Unfortunately, her legs remain stuck and she merely falls onto her left arm. At least her arms are now free and she is able to press the growing warmth in her body to the back of her mind, at least for now.

(Crit Hit)

Alexis DEF 0
Alexis CONST: 2
Slime HP: 4

Submit (risk "succumb-game over" roll)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Gritting her teeth, Alexis pushes with all her might against the slime stuck on her leg. "Come on... you little... piece of..." she says, one hand smacking against the slime's outer surface to punctuate her anger. "Off me!"
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

After her limited success, her attacks quickly become more erratic. Again, the blob captures her left arm and begins to slide up her body, swallowing most of the left side of her body from the neck downward. She feels it ooze into her boyshorts and bra, touching off surges of pleasure. Again the waves of warms are thrust into the front of her mind.


Alexis DEF 0
Alexis CONST: 1
Slime HP: 4

Submit (risk "succumb-game over" roll)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

As the warm slime sets off tingles across her skin, Alexis begins to gasp at the unexpected pleasure. Unconsciously, she begins to spread her legs and arch her back. 'How can something so weird feel so good?' she asks herself, biting her lip as she works to resist the urge to give the creature free reign of her body. Weakly, but determinedly, she raises her right hand, and swings a fist at the mass of slime on her chest, half to hurt the slime, half to tell her body to stop reacting like that.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis' punch is effective. She is able to knock the slime off her loos enough to be able to sit back up on the floor. From her belly button down is still firmly ensnared in the slime's grip, and the warmth that brings is still present in her mind.

Alexis DEF 0
Alexis CONST: 1
Slime HP: 3

Submit (risk "succumb-game over" roll)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis pressed her back against the cool wall of the hallway, hoping it might offset the warmth she was feeling from the slime. She breathes in for a second, trying to ignore the pleasant feelings, then goes back to swatting at the slime.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis strikes at the slime, knowing that any slip up could be her last. She is able to pull her legs out from the slime by leveraging herself on the wall behind her. She feels her boyshorts slid off of her into the slime and sees them dissolve into it. She quickly take a couple steps backward and ponders what to do next.

Alexis DEF 0
Alexis CONST: 1
Slime HP: 2

Submit (risk "succumb-game over" roll)
Flee N/W/E (67%)
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Backing away from the slime along the wall, Alexis eyes it warily. Her body felt cold without the creature covering her, and she had to fight a sudden desire to let it cover her again. Finally as she saw the slime make a move towards her, the more rational side of her brain took over. Pushing off against the wall, she sprang forward, trying to escape down the hallway to the north.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis makes a b-line to the heavy door to her north. She is able to get onto the other side and slam the door shut before the slime is able to reach her. With her back to the door, she takes a couple of deep breaths to calm herself as she takes in her surroundings. It appears that she has stumbled into a cell. There is a sink, dresser, and a small cot.

(Flee successful)

Alexis DEF 0
Alexis CONST: 1

Search the area
Rest (38% of enemy encounter per DEF recovered)
Travel S
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Leaning against the cell, Alexis slowly slides down to a sitting position, breathing in and out raggedly. She didn't know what to make of the situation, but at least she was safe from the slime in here... she hopes. Not bothering to inspect the room, she simply waits and tries to calm down from the last encounter.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis collects her thoughts and hopes that she will not be attacked again. She quickly falls into a shallow sleep. After about a half hour, she awakens still leaning against the door. Shacking off the disorination from waking in a strange place, she ponders what to do next.

(Rest x4 successful)

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 1

Search the area
Travel S
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis breathes out heavily after her nap. She was safe in here for the moment, but she needed to find a way out. 'First things first' she thought, looking down at her sports bra, the only remaining piece of clothing after her encounters, before looking around the room for any piece of clothing that might fit.
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