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Alexis (Xivvix)

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Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis strikes at the same robot, hoping to take it out. Lunging up the stairway, she connects the the bot for a second time. She hears strange crackling sounds as smoke starts to billow out of the bot's body. After a moment the bot goes limp and rolls down the stairs. Watching it fall, her eyes lock on the second spiderbot as it begins to crawl up the stairs.


Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2
Spiderbot A: 1
Spiderbot B: 0

Attack Spiderbot A
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Calmly walking down the stairs, Alexis smirks at the spiderbot and says, "You really should have stayed down there," just before she swings the bat again.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis' cockiness might have gotten her into a sticky situation, but not this time. With an almost sexy strut and a smirk on her face, she spins the bat a couple of times before slamming it into the top of the bot. Again sparks fly and the bot goes limp under her bat. The door above her opens up. She ponders whether she should search the bots or head out into the next floor.

(Crit hit - damn! You go!)

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2
Spiderbot A: -1
Spiderbot B: 0

Search bots
Leave stairwell
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Wiping a bit of oil off the end of the bat, Alexis smiles and heads up the stairs. It isn't likely a couple of robots would have a note that would tell her how to get out of here, like the tech had, so she doesn't waste her time searching them. "Watch out Dr. D, me and my bat are coming for you!" she says as she exits the stairwell.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis exits the stairwell into a hallway that travels to the north. This hallway appear to do made deliberately barren, with the bare concrete visible on all the surfaces. She notices a warm, humid feel to the air around her. Almost muggy, and she wished for a breeze.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2

Travel N
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Her smugness after the last fight still going strong, Alexis strides calmly down the corridor, lightly fanning herself and not even paying attention to the fact that the scenery is slightly different.

Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis smugly walks northward. Before too long she comes across an opening in the eastern wall covered by a curtain. A large portion of the curtain is ripped revealing a bright and what appears to be plant-filled opening to the East. The hallway continues North.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2

Travel N/E/S
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Plants?" Alexis softly asks aloud. 'Well, where there's plants, there's gardeners,' she thinks, heading through the curtain into the room. Maybe someone who works with plants all day long will be more likely to help than a guard or a scientist. She doesn't call out when she enters the room, but doesn't hide either, keeping the bat firmly in hand and in plain view.

Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis throws back the torn curtain and takes a couple steps downward and takes in the scenery. She is in a brightly lit, humid, and dense jungle. The best sh can assume is that she is in a large greenhouse with artificial light. The ground is very soft and her bare toes easily sink into the soil a bit. She takes a look at the dense foliage. They are strange plants, plants she has never seen before. There is a trail that leads northward to what looks like a smaller greenhouse to her north, while another trail leads deeper into the jungle to the East.

Alexis DEF 4
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2

Travel N/E/W
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Ugh," Alexis grimaces as she feels he feet sink into the dirt. Though the plants around her look strange, Alexis doesn't really know anything about plants, and writes them off as being from some jungle elsewhere. Not seeing anyone in the immediate area, she decides to head north into the small greenhouse. Maybe there were shoes in there...

Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis enters the greenhouse to her north. Upon entering, her first sight is two massive rows of potted plants that line both the eastern and western walls. The greenhouse has a much harder floor than the dirt outside. The greenhouse appears to continue for some distance northward. She walks a little further into the room when she feels a tug on her leg. Looking down, she sees about five small vines running from under the shelves of plants up and around her leg. Before she can react, they pull hard and she falls face first onto the hard ground.

(Crit Hit)

Alexis DEF 2
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2

Can't Flee, Grounded
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Wha-," Alexis screams as she falls to the ground. Hitting the floor with an oof, she pushes herself up onto her knees before turning to look behind her. 'Vines?' she thinks, staring at the planets wrapped around her leg. She hesitates for a moment, then grabs the bat and swings it down, hoping to crush the attackers.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis swings at the vines. Lifting her arm with the bat high in the air, she rolls onto her side to get a better angle. However, before she can swing downward, several more vines from across the greenhouse shoot out and wrap around her raised arm, pulling it tight over her head, effectively immobilizing that arm. She is shocked by the strength of the small vines as they stretch her uncomfortably.


Alexis DEF 2
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2
Vines HP: 2

Can't Flee, Grounded
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis grunts as she struggles to free her arm, pulling frantically on the vines with her free hand. At the same time she kicks with her legs to try to push herself away from the vines holding her to the ground. "Get off... me!" she yells.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis thrashes violently against the vines binding her arm and legs. She pulls her arm inward toward her torso and hears a series of pops. Looking upward, she sees that the vines have snapped, freeing her arm. She twists around on her back, hoping to keep up the momentum.


Alexis DEF 2
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2
Vines HP: 1

Can't Flee, Grounded
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Taking advantage of her now free arm, Alexis once again moves to swing the bat down at the vines around her leg, hoping to batter them into submission.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis makes contact with the vines. What she could only describe as a green "goop" slatters on her feet and bat from the vine. What's left on her legs goes limp and she is able to easily kick them off of her. She stands up and shakes her bat, contemplating what to do now.


Alexis DEF 2
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2
Vines HP: 0

Rest (38% chance enemy encounter per DEF)
Search the area
Travel N/S
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

After hurriedly pushing the vines away from ehr, Alexis stands and looks around while catching her breath. For a second she had forgotten what she had come into the greenhouse for, but quickly set about searching the room, quickly, for anything useful.
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

Alexis searches around the shelves of plants, careful to avoid the areas where the vines had jumped from earlier. She is unable to fine anything other than a few bags of fertilizer and some potting soil.

(Search Failed)

Alexis DEF 3
Alexis CONST: 3 + 2

Rest (38% chance enemy encounter per DEF)
Search again
Travel N/S
Re: Alexis (Xivvix)

"Not even a pair of sandals." Throwing her hands up in a gesture of futility, Alexis stomps north farther into the greenhouse. "Beats walking around in mud."
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