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Alice (BurntToast)

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Nov 12, 2008
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Name: Alice.
Apparent age: 18.
Brief physical/personality description: Alice is 5,8 and had orange hair that goes down to her waist. Her eyes are a dark blue and her skin is a peach shade. She is in fair shape and her body is trim. She had C cup breasts. She is currently a virgin. The girl is a calm and collected individual and usually try's to think things out before acting. As far as force and fighting goes she doesn't mind having to fight her way out of situations, although she doesn't like it.
Defense: 4
Constitution: 3

Waking up in a strange cell, Alice looks around, wondering what happened. She first notices that she has been changed into a black sports bra and a cream colored set of boyshorts. She reads the note attached to her wrist and discards it on the floor. After a quick examination, she notices that the cell door to her north is unlocked. Taking in the situation, she plans her first move out.

Travel North
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

As Alice awoke from her sleep her heart suddenly skipped a beat upon seeing she wasn't in her bedroom but some strange type of cell laying down on the hard floor. Even stranger then that she wasn't wearing what she had gone to sleep in but some black sports bra and some shorts. This was all very strange to the girl and almost made her want to panic. Instead of panicking the orange haired girl took a deep breath and closed her eyes and thought to herself, trying to figure out what she should do. ' Where... Am I..? That paper that was on my wrist... Maybe it has a clue? ' Alice then decided she would pick the paper note up and read it. If it turned out she was in a.... Dangerous situation she would search this room and try to find anything that could help her. Opening her eyes and exhailing a deep breath Alice began to look for the discarded note...

*Read the note then search the room *
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Looking at the note, it simly says:

"Welcome. You are now my guinea pig. I have been looking for a proper host for my devious experiments. If you can, try to make it to the top. Welcome to My Pit.

-Dr. D"

Alice then searches the cell. She finds a pair of torn brown khaki pants. They are a little large, but they are better than nothing. She puts them on quickly, still not sure of her situation.

Search again
Travel North
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

After slipping the khaki pants on Alice took a deep breath, reflecting on what she had learned. For whatever strange reason someone called Doctor. D had her brought here to be used as a test subject. Alice didn't like the sound of this and felt nervous, her heart was pounding and she felt that she was in serious danger. Letting her deep breath out Alice thought to herself, the one main thing on her mind passing. ' I... Have to get out of here... ' Alice didn't want to look around this cell any more. She wanted to get out and escape this pit as soon as possible. The orange haired and cream skinned girl began to walk and a somewhat speed pace north. The only thing on her mind was getting out, the fact that she looked ridicules in her current outfit was a distant thought.

*head north. *
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice opens the cell door and steps out into a hallway. The first thing that she sees is another cell door to her north. She looks around and sees that the hallway travels to her East. She also notices a large number of black trash bags strewn about the hallway.

Travel N/E/S
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice suddenly realizes something. She was unarmed and unprotected. As badly as she wanted to rush out of here she knew her chances of escape would be low and most things would pose a high threat to her if she didn't have any weapons. The cream haired girl examined the hallway she was in, looking around it. She had two ways she could go, one way she knew would lead to a dead end, and one that more then likely wouldn't. Alice then decided, she would look around this hall for anything that could be used as a weapon then move on, heading easy.

* Search*
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice rummages through several of the bags, hoping to find something that could be used to defend herself. After opening most of the bags, she realizes that the bags only hold papers with few exceptions. figuring that a papercut would do little damage to an assailant, she halts her search.

(I'm not moving you yet in case you want to search again)

Travel N/E/S
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Letting a frustrated sigh out at her failure to find anything that could protect herself the orange haired girl shakes her head lightly before deciding to leave this hall. Turning away from the last paper filled bag she searched Alice began to walk down the hallway, heading feeling, feeling unprotected and vulnerable.

* Travel east.*
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice walks to her east for a few moments through a very dark hallway. Her visibility is cut to only about 10 or 20 feet. She enters an intersection. The hallway she is in continues to the East, but there is another hallway that travels north to south. In the very middle of the hallway, there is a small blob of what appears to be slime. Not quite sure what to make of it, the slime seems to jump at her, landing hard on her chest. She falls to the ground and rolls to the side, flinging the slime off in the process.

(crit hit encounter)

Alice DEF: 2
Slime HP: 1

(No flee because of crit hit)
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice felt shock and adrenalin rush through her upon encounter with the slimy thing in the hallway. She had no idea what the thing was and almost screamed when it jumped up at her, that really freaked her out and caused a great amount of her shock. After falling on the ground and flinging it off of her the orange haired girl quickly got up, still felt under the influence of the adrenalin and shock rush, and acted without thinking, deciding to quickly attack the slime before it jumped her again. With her heart racing Alice went and attacked.

* Attack.*
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Adrenaline pumping through her bloodstream, she lets out a loud grunt as she stomps on the slime as hard as she can. The slime explodes under her foot, and she feels the jello like substance squeeze between her bare toes. Content that the slime blob will not be attacking her anymore, she ponders her next move in the dark hallway.

(crit hit)

Alice DEF: 2
Slime HP: -1

Search the area
Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

After stomping the slime with great force and feeling it get destroyed Alice calmed down slightly, letting a sigh a relief out as it died. The cream skinned girl placed her hands on her chest, feeling her heart beating rapid, and took a few deep breaths as she tried to calm down. Alice had no idea what this thing was but she knew it was dangerous. She had a feeling more dangerous things would come after her like this thing had. Now with a burning urge to find some kind of weapon Alice moved on. After giving it a moment of thought the girl decided to go down the north hallway.

* Travel North *
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice moved carefully but deliberately north from the intersection. Within moments, the intersection is shrouded in darkness behind her. While traveling north, she comes across more black trash bags and papers strewn about on the floor. She also notices that the hallway continues north.

Search the area
Travel N/S
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

As the orange haired girl continued to travel north she noticed some more black trash bags in hallway she was traveling in. In all honesty, Alice doubted anything of value would be in these bags. She was almost sure nothing more then useless paper would be in these things. Deciding to ignore them and move on Alice continued to walk, ignoring all black trash bags and trying to keep calm, which was bit hard knowing more things would come after her and she had nothing but her fists to defend herself.

* Travel north.*
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice continues northward until she comes across the end of the hallway. She looks around and sees a door to her north, and another hallway traveling from east to west. More bags and a couple of boxes are strewen about within view in the hallway.

(boring rolls so far...)

Search the area
Travel N/S/e/w
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

As Alice continued her walk and reached the end of the hallway, meeting a door and a few other ways to go she thought to herself, looking around the area. Alice noticed that there were boxes around here, laying on the ground and begging to be searched. There was a fair chance they were filled with useless paper or trash like the bags had been but maybe not, maybe of of them had some blunt or sharp object in them. Alice decided before moving on she would search the area for a weapon. Hopping to it Alice walked over to the nearest box and started her search...

* Search the area. *
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Taking a moment to decided where to start, Alice looks over the area. She begins on her right side and figures she'll move to the left until she finds something. The first box Alice approached yielded a metal cane. It looks like something you would see a 90 year old man use, but it feels solid, and Alice decides to take it.

(Cane will provide a +2 to all combat rolls until you are crit hit or have your arms restrained)

Search the area
Travel N/S/e/w
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Wielding a metal cane Alice felt slightly safer now. This thing would more then likely hurt something badly if it bashed into it. Alice decided now that she had something besides her fists of fury to defend herself with she would move on. Glancing to her north at the wooden door close by Alice decided to move on. The orange haired girl got up and away from the box she had found her new weapon in and began to walk, going to the door.

* Travel north*
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice closes the door behind her and finds herself in what looks like a Warden or Police chief's office. There is a large oak desk in the middle of the room. Other than the door she came in, there appears to be no other way out of the office. Sitting behind the desk is an older looking man wearing what looks like a guard's uniform. "You don't look like the boss! What are you doing out of your cell?!" The man demands. "And what is with those pants? I KNOW I didn't put them on you! Explain yourself!"

Alice DEF: 4 + 1
Guard HP: 5

Wait (or talk)
Flee South (33%)
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Upon walking into the room Alice saw something she hadn't exactly expected. Some older looking male was in the room, he looked like a mall guard to her. When the man spoke to her this confirmed to the girl that she had in fact been kidnapped. As to why and how was still a mystery to her. Gripping her cane a bit tighter now Alice wondered what she should try and do. This man would more then likely harm her or just force her back into a cell. Speaking and reason would not work very well. Alice wasn't a violent person... But... She was going to have to try a violent method this time. She wouldn't kill him, just knock him out and move on.

The cream skinned girl suddenly attacks the man, wanting to bash him with her cane.

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