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Alice (BurntToast)

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Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice somewhat clumsily moves at the guard and swings her improvised weapon at him. to the guard and her surprise, she lands it right across his face. It is enough to wake the man up. "Why you little bitch!" He says before charging the small woman.

Alice DEF: 4 + 1
Guard HP: 4

Wait (or talk)
Flee South (33%)
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

(( Are there different types of attacks that can be executed? ))

Alice wasn't surprised her amazingly powerful weapon hadn't worked. She had a feeling it was going to take a few more whacks before the man could actually be knocked out. Staying focused and not speaking a word to the man who obviously had something to do with her imprisonment she braced herself as she got ready to smack the man with the cane once more.

* Attack*
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

(if you want to flavor the attack, that's fine, but there is only one type of roll/that is then modified by things like having a weapon)

Before the guard could retaliate, Alice again swung her cane, this time at the man's legs. This time, her anticipated it and blocked the cane with his foot. "Now now, you might get one swing in, but I'm not going to fall for that shit again."

Alice DEF: 4 + 1
Guard HP: 4

Flee S(33%)
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

(( I guess regardless of how I flavor it, it won't effect the roll. That's a good thing I guess. ))

Alice kept calm as silent as she thought of what to do next and ignored the mans taunts, gripping her weak weapon as she thought to herself. Her second attack hadn't worked at all, in all honesty her cane wasn't helping that much. The orange haired girl badly needed to take this man out before he pulled out any weapon he might of had an attacked her possibly injuring or even killing her. Alice didn't want either of those things to happen.

Alice quickly sprung at the man. Holding her cane like a spear she attempted to bash the bottom of it into his chest, not waning to try another club like whack.
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice lunges at the man, much like how she had seen in all of those ancient roman war movies. Her cane lands with a significant thud on the man's chest, knocking backward into his chair. The force of her blow causes the man to roll over backward and him and the dhair both topple to the floor. Standing over him, Alice feels a bit of pride for knocking the man down a notch.

(crit hit)

Alice DEF: 4 + 1
Guard HP: 2

Flee S(67%)
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Feeling pride from actually being able to hurt the man instead of causing a small bruise on his cheek Alice felt a small grin form on her cream colored face. The orange haired girl only needed one more decent hit to take the man down. Alice didn't want to gibe the guard a chance to recoil and get up so while he was still down on the ground Alice quickly wielded her cane tightly and moved in to bash him again in the chest, hopefully hurting him enough to knock him out.

Re: Alice (BurntToast)

The guard appears to Alice to be dazed. She cocks back with her cane and strikes him again in the chest. However, just before she connects, the guard's eyes open eye and lock on Alice's. He grabs the cane from mid air and snaps it out of her hands, hitting her in the forearm in the process. Immediately after, he throws it across the room. "No, bad girl!" he yells mockingly.


Alice DEF: 3 + 1
Guard HP: 2

Flee S(67%)
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice let out a slight cry out as she winced in pain, feeling the cane hit against her forearm. What has just happened had worked out in the guards favor. He had disarmed her and hurt her a little bit. Feeling an adrenalin rush and slight anger going through her from this fight which she was doing fair in she decided to counter and attack the man again. Attacking the grounded man in the same fashion she had the slime Alice attempted to have her foot stomp down on the mans chest.

* Attack*
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice, recoiling for the pain, but not letting it overcome her, tried to land a swift kick to the man's chest. She connects, and the man bounces under her.. Backing away a few steps, she looks over the man wheezing on the floor in front of her.

Alice DEF: 3 + 1
Guard HP: 1

Flee S(83%)
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice was just about finished with this fight. She had done fairly well in beating the snot out of this guard. The orange haired girl only wondered if she should try to interrogate him or just finish him off. Alice through about this for a moment, thinking deeply. There was a fair chance she could get some fairly valuable information from him. At the same time she doubted he would tell her anything, more then likely her superiors had instructed him not to say anything, regardless of the situation. Alice made her decision then. She was going to make sure she finished him off here and now. When he was out cold she would take anything of value he had then search the room for any information.

Re: Alice (BurntToast)

(Action 1) Alice goes for the kill shot. She goes for his neck of the guard, hoping to finish him off. She latches on through his struggles. After about 2 or 3 minutes, he goes limp and falls to the floor.

(Action 2) Alice searches his body and discovers a note that simply reads "Do not let any of the subject past the North East stairwell. -Dr. D." on it.
Alice DEF: 4 + 1

(action 3) Alice searches the room, but is unable to find anything strewn about the office. Standing up, she thinks about her next move.

Alice DEF: 4 + 1

Search again
Travel South
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

After what was a somewhat dramatic struggle and then a quick search Alice found herself sitting on the knocked out guards desk, collecting her thoughts. The orange haired girl was glad she had managed to knock the bad man out. She wasn't sure if she had killed him or not but didn't care all that much, if he was dead it served him right for being apart of these evil activity's. Letting a sigh out the young girl thought of what her next move should be.

The note she had found made her want to head to the stairwell and try to go up or down it in hopes of getting out of this place. There was a good chance it was a trap but Alice had to give this place a try, it was her best bet.

Letting another sigh out and wielding her metal cane Alice left the room, heading south.

* Travel south *
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice, traveling south, reenters the hallway. looking around, not much has changed since before her encounter. The hallways travel in a West, South, and East direction.

Travel N/S/E/W
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Deciding that she wanted to find the north east stairwell Alice traveled east, hoping to find it.
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice turns to the east and begins to walk. Not before too long, she comes across a heavy door to her north, while the hallway continues to her east. Without any warning, a large blob of green slime falls from the ceiling, landing square on Alice, knocking her to her knees. Trying to gain her bearings, her cane slips out of her hands and slides across the floor toward the cell door.

(Crit Hit)

Alice Def 2 + 2
Slime HP: 3

Recover Cane(50%)
Flee W/E/N(50%)
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice lets a scream out as a slime drops on her and forces her to her knees. The orange haired girl felt an adrenalin rush course through her, feeling the thing all over her, and a strong desire to destroy whatever this thing was like the smaller blob that had come after her. Alice attempted to attack whatever had her, hoping she could hurt it.

* Attack *
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Trying to ignore the slime that covers much of her upper body, Alice get back on her feet and tries to swat at the slime with her open hand. However, when she connects with the mass on her chest, the slime merely engulfs her arm, trapping it painfully against her body, rendering it mostly useless.


Alice Def 1 + 2
Slime HP: 3

Recover Cane(50%)
Flee W/E/N(50%)
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Suddenly feeling very afraid that this thing was engulfing her Alice began to trash about, trying to harm this thing before it finished her.

* Attack. *
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

Alice begins to panic and starts thrashing with her one free arm and spins violently around. Her uncoordinated movements quickly cause her to fall to the ground.

(counter, and note, the clothing has moved to CONST)

Alice Def 0
Alice CONST: 3 + 2
Slime HP: 3

Recover Cane(50%)
Can't Flee, Grounded
Re: Alice (BurntToast)

( Noted. )

" Let me go! " Alice cried as she was grounded. The girl's violet struggling didn't cease, she continued to thrash about trying to harm the slime that was holding her down. The girl's fearful panic caused her to not even think about recovering her cane.

* Attack *
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