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Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

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Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

Taking advantage of Alice's stop in resistance, The creature heightens its attempts to pleasure Alice and gather more nectar from her inner folds. The new attempt at pleasure takes the form of having part of the tentacle pistoning in her vagina peeling off into a smaller tendril which stays inside of her, constantly massaging Alice's g-spot. The fluid went even farther to match the timing of the massages to both the tweaking of Alice's nipples and her clitoris.

Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on Alice's views, the liquid was quite successful at drawing out more of the woman's honey as she soon found herself consumed by an orgasm of a magnitude she could never have reached with a man.

(Stunned + 3 non-lethal)
Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

"Wh..what the..oh god..oh god..oh god.."

Alice's back begins to slowly arch as the tendril breaks - one massaging inside of her at tender bits of flesh..tendrils lapping at her stiff clitty...more working her nipples. She can feel the heat rippling up between her legs - out, and into her chest and cheeks....cute little buttcheeks tensing up as her lips dangle open - shivers tingling up her thighs as a white-hot orgasm ripples out of her - letting out a deep, erotic groan - lips parting to show her teeth clenched quite hard. If she didn't know better - as hard as she came, she swears she'd feel a little squirt of nectar rush out into the pool...

With her body tingling, she lays slightly limply in the water....

Oh god..I came....
Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

Apparently having gotten what it raped her for, the liquid releases Alice and moves off into the rest of the pool, leaving the women weak and fatigued from the fucking. It also leaves a layer of residue inside and all over her as well, causing Alice's holes along with anywhere the fluid had touched to glow a light blue color.

(1 CrP damage)
Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

Alice groans as the blue liquid pool slides off of her body - leaving Alice panting softly. "G..good god...that thing...uhn..I came....pretty hard..." The little bits of fluid making her ..glow making Alice eye her own body curiously..

"That's pleasant...I ..I don't think it ..creamed inside me or anything.." she murmurs eyes tilting to the side and examining the area for blue pools carefully.

"I ..I think I need to stay away from those....if I don't i'm gonna end up passed out if too many more of those get ahold of me.."

With wobbly legs, Alice pushes forward through the water - trying again to get to the other side...
Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

Alice slowly threads her way through the rest of the pond to a small membrane door. She does notice that one of the blue pools is starting to approach her as well.
Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

"U..uh oh ..not again..my legs are already wobbly....if I let that thing get ahold of me.."

Alice hesitates for a moment - realizing how *nice* that last orgasm felt...
One part of her moved her hands down to her thighs...grasping lightly at the flesh....

No...no I can't... Alice takes a deep breath and attempts to wiggle into the membrane...before she gets ay second thoughts about bending over...
Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

Pushing through the membrane, Alice lands in a small corridor lightly flooded by the white fluid. The corridor seems to tilt downward slightly as the fluid moves away from the membrane at a sluggish rate.
Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

Alice looks to the downward tilting corridor - and the bits of white goop that litter the area. Slowly sitting down and assuming that it's some sort of slide - Alice holds her breath - shaking her head to remove a few further bits of white goop from her hair - and slides down the slope on her bottom - figuring she's slippery enough at this point...
Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

Alice doesn't go very fast as the ground isn't exactly steep, but, with a little help pushing with her arms, she is able to move at a descent speed without having to worry about slipping. After a time, Alice comes to a junction, one passageway turns right and she is able to see a green glow around the bend, while the other continues straight.
Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

At the end of the paath, Alice pushes herself to her feet - and tries to wipe any loose slimy ichor off the curves of her bottom - the sound of wet flesh smacking against wet flesh heard as she wipes off her toned little bottom.

"At least i'm at the bottom..huh? More glowing..?" Alice bites her lower lip..realizing how *nice* the blue goop felt - and decides to go into the glowing tunnel..tinges of inner pervert tugging at her curiosity
Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

This time, however, it is not one of the glowing pools that confronts Alice, but a Door. Carved from rock and lined with vines a Door stands within the small fleshy chamber at the end of the passage, a glowing veil of blue masking any sight through it. Aside from the Door, The chamber itself is rather unremarkable.
Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

"Huh..I'm glowing blue too..we match.." Alice laughs dryly, before managing to get the worst of the fluids off her body - shaking her hair a bit to try and dry it out - wet locks plastering to the curve of her pale heart-shaped face..

"...I guess..I'll look beyond?" She murmurs, holding a hand out as she shifts towards the door...trying to feel through to make sure it wasn't a ...gigantic drop before she'd proceed inside.
Re: Alice's Adventure (Miachan)

Heading through the Door, Alice comes out in a small valley. Steep vine covered cliffs rise from the valley floor and are only 50 yards wide at the widest point. The valley holds a small spring in the center out of which two small streams flow, one to either end of the valley where a narrow passage allows them out. Yellow and purple mushrooms also fill the valley floor along along with a few damaged or overgrown statuettes mere inches in size. The spring glows a blue color much like the fluid which currently coats Alice.
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