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Alissa (Ranger9000)


Dec 6, 2009
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If anyone feels like picking her up.

Name: Alissa
Age: 21
Level 0 Trait: Guns
Description (Clothes, looks, etc. This can be an image or a short bit of text, either is fine.): She looks like

Outside World: Same hair, shorter, and with a near flat bust. Avatar in game is what she would prefer to look like.

Attitude (What's your character's attitude like, how do they think, etc.): Cautious but curious. Alissa was eager to sign up for the EGG system, as it let her satisfy her curiosity without fear of damage to her actual body. She usually won't take unnecessary risks though. She is also a virgin, and very unknown to sex as she hasn't even looked into porn before.

It was a beautiful summer day outside of the main EggCo building. Beautiful... but busy. It was the lunch hour rush and people were driving about in a hurry to get some much needed nurishment before returning to the daily grind. Alissa was very lucky actually, to even get a cab to the main building. But it would seem that fortune was indeed smiling on her on this day, as she finally arrived outside of the large business building downtown. As she stepped out of the cab and paid the driver, she would head inside the main lobby of the corporate building to be greeted by a fetching secretary with pink hair tied up in a bun with glasses. She had a pleasant friendly and beautiful face and a sizable bust. "Why hello there. Can I help you, miss...? Are you here for a testing session with the VR pods? If so I'll let one of our scientists know so she can escort you the testing chambers." she said in a pleasant voice before going to call on the office phone, "Doctor Yimazaki? I believe we have a new client and tester for the system. Yes, that is fine. I will let her know. Doctor Yimazaki will be here to direct you to the testing chamber shortly, ma'am." She said and in a few moments, Alissa would be met by another fetching young woman with glasses. This one with green hair, wearing a lab coat, black tanktop, purple skirt and panty hose. "Hello. You're... Alissa, right? Come with me, please." And with that Alissa was lead to a fairly large room filled with chair like devices that looked straight out of a scifi movie. The room itself was pretty sterile and clean. Likely to keep the machines running smoothly. "This is the latest incranation of the EGG CO VR Pod. We've been streamlining and ironing kinks out from the past models as we've been finding things wrong. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. If not, then you can climb on in, and we hope you enjoy your session of the EGG." She said in a pleasant manner, leaving Alissa in the device where she would be presented with a series of options.

[Choose all of your settings now.]

Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y/N
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Futa option (You start as a futa): Y/N (Add size and whatnot if Y)
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): Y/N (If Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting.

Extras: (Put whatever extras you want right here, I'll do my best to add it in wherever I can, also add a frequency to whatever you put in if you don't mind, it'd help me out a bit.)

Starting Locations:
Planteotid Delta-Zeta-09
The Wasteland
Space Colony Eden


Once she had all of her settings, Alissa was then shown an avatar creator, allowing her to create her character however she wanted it to look.
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Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

Alissa had breathed a sigh of relief when she managed to catch a taxi to the company headquarters. She had always been interested in the idea of virtual reality, to be able to escape day to day life and do something interesting! The only interesting thing she had managed to do before was take self defense and some firearms classes.

Getting inside the main lobby, she didn't have long to wait before she was on the move. The secretary quickly passing her off onto a scientist, both of the girls drawing a bit of envy from Alissa at there much fuller figures then her own. Her own body had unfortunately seemed to have missed out mostly on puberty, and she stood at barely 5 feet tall and with only an A cup. A combination that she had always hated because it made getting into the campus bar a pain in the rear.

"Yep, that's me, nice to meet you." Alissa said to the Doctor, before following along behind the other woman until they reached the VR room. Alissa couldn't help but look around at the sight of the nearly sci-fi esq room, and shook her head when she was asked if she had any questions. She was so eager to get into the machine itself that she didn't think about asking anything.

Settling into the pod, she waited for the machine to start. The first options actually passed her by without her realizing. A section of her mind that she tended to ignore filling it out for her.

Humans: Y 1
Male/Female: Y 5
Female/Female: Y 5
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y 5
Birthing: Y 4
Non Consent Sex: Y 4
Slavery: Y 4
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y 5
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): Y 4
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y 5
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y 4
Futa option (You start as a futa): N
Futa enemies (You will encounter futa enemies): Y 4
Body modification (You can gain tentacles, be futa'd, grow wings and shit during the game): Y 4
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y 3
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Generally more on the rougher end.

Extras: Bestiality 5
Bugs: 4
Size Difference: 5
Non-Fatal Vore: 3.5

So as it was the first set of options that Alissa really saw, was the location settings. Looking at the three she had to mull them over for a bit. The wasteland sounded fun, but it also sounded a bit bleak. So she picked

Starting Location: Planteotid Delta-Zeta-09

And finally, what was life without a bit of challenge, whenever she played games she always started at the hardest difficult, it usually sucked the first few fights but then you'd adjust. If it ended up really being that hard, she could always just turn it down later right?

Difficulty: Insane

Finally, she was brought to avatar creation. It didn't take her long to create, she mostly just took herself, and increased her height to a more reasonable 5'5, any more and she was worried she'd have difficulty adjusting. She also boosted her bust size from her A cups to Ds. It was a computer simulation after all, so she was sure she wouldn't have to worry about back pain or anything. When she was done she hit accept, and waited to see just where she'd end up.
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

Upon finalizing her selections Alissa would feel a brief sensation of weightlessness as the whole world would go black and void like for a brief moment before gravity would come back in like the mother of all bitches and she would find herself face faulting hard onto what felt like a dusty, rocky, barren plateau. She would find the wind knocked out of her for a brief moment before she would eventually find the strength to push herself back up on feet. A quick survey of her surrounding area would reveal a vast desert like landscape, peppered with cacti, mountains and mesas. Behind her, she would see a completely destroyed and totaled spacecraft with it's nose firmly rooted into the desert. Various chunks of debris, equipment, and other objects laid scattered about her general vicinity. She would find herself as she had set her appearance plus a right but not skin tight grey spacesuit with an utlitity belt. At her side she would find a single laser gun with about half power, and a single medical pack... The midday sun was bearing down on her hot and heavy, and she would need to find shelter, and food soon. Some ways off into the distance ahead of her, she would spit what seemed to be a jungle clearing. Every other direction showed nothing but unforgiving, uncaring, and unrelenting untamed desert. Her path seemed to pretty much set for her...
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

Alissa let herself float for a moment, before she suddenly felt gravity again. "Whoa!" She exclaimed as she suddenly found herself falling and crashing into the ground. Picking herself up she grumbled. "Oww, could have done without that."

Looking around she saw that she had apparently picked a crash landing scenario. The world around her mostly barren and covered in sand, and with the heat bearing down on her she knew she wouldn't be able to stay long.

That didn't stop her from taking a moment to look down at herself and smile a bit at her outfit and avatar body. The suit displaying the assets she gave herself and giving her a bit of a morale boost right off the bat. Then she tapped herself and said. "Okay focus, I've got a laser rifle and some supplies, so lets get moving."

Grabbing the rifle and the medical supplies, she started off, heading for the jungle in the distance, hoping at the very least she could find some water there, and that the trees would help protect her from the heat.
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

Encounter Roll: 92

It would look to be about a three hour hike on foot for Alissa to get to the jungle from her current location; and that was considering that she didn't run into any trouble- but alas, fate and luck would not seem to be with her at present as she would most certainly run into trouble. About half way to her destination she would hear a very loud skittering sound, similar to an insect only much louder! When she would eventually turn around she find herself confronted by a giant scorpion, only this one would have the upper body of a young, beautiful buxom woman, with purple hair, green eyes and her lower face covered by a purple veil. "Well,well,well... Little human, I must say it is not common to find one of your kind so daring or foolish to venture out into this desert- so far away from your settlement. But lucky for me though~ With a sexy body like yours, you would be just perfect for carrying my eggs... Oh and I do ever so suggest that you do so willingly... It will be far more pleasant and less painful for you that way... Fufufufu"

((1. Fight 2. Runaway 3.Other))

On insane difficulty Alissa faces a -5 penalty to all non damage rolls. Roll 1d100 for escape chance. 33 and lower to escape from battle or persuade hostile creatures/NPCs, 50 or lower for neutral and 70 or lower for friendly.
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

When she started to hear the noise, Alissa pulled her weapon up almost immediately. She was fully expecting something to jump out and attack her, though she was rather surprised when that something ended up being a scorpion woman. She was even more surprised, and rather confused at what the half woman said. "Wait carry your eggs? You mean like hold them for you? Shouldn't you build a nest for something like that? I guess I could help maybe?"

For some reason she didn't think her gun would work out too well in this case, so she lowered it a bit and said further. "Though umm, could you actually tell me where I am? I'm kinda lost." The alien didn't attack her yet, so maybe she would be non hostile if she didn't attack first.

(Persuade Attempt, through the confusing power of innocence and naivety)
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

Alissa Persuasion Roll: 42 failure

"Silly human... Do you see any eggs out anywhere!? What do you think I mean I say I want you to carry my eggs?" The scorpion girl laugh-hissed at Allisaa as a fold on her crotch area would come undone and a large ovipositor organ would spring out and Alissa would see three bulges in the lower area, which were obviously eggs as the area was clear for her to see through well enough. "Now then... I'll say it one more time, do come along willingly. I would hate to damage the future vessel of my precious eggs..."
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

"Ohh." Alissa said with wide eyes as she saw the ovipositor. Then she squeaked out. "U-Umm, how is t-that supposed to even fit in me?" She didn't like the thought of that massive...thing, going into her and depositing its eggs. "S-Sorry, I'm not going to let you get me that easy. I just started after all."

Pulling up her laser rifle she tried to let out a burst of fire. She didn't terribly want to kill the scorpion girl, but she was hoping to drive her off, preferably without wasting all of her ammunition on the fight, or getting filled with eggs because she failed to hit anything.
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

Alissa to Hit: 16-5=11
Scorpion-mimi: dodge 9
Hit! 1 damage
Scorpion-mimi to hit: 15
Alissa dodge: 9
Hit! 1 Damage Crit! 6 on D6 roll to knock down and disarm: 5 Alissa stays up!
4/5 FP 0/5 AP 5/5 PP

4/5 AP 0/5 AP 5/5 PP

Luck would seem to be bipolar this afternoon as while Alissa would succeed at hitting the scorpion she would also manage to get a swift hard tail strike in, knocking Alissa for a loop, but fortunately for she would miraculously stay on her feet and maintain her weapon to strike again. Although, sadly it looks like shooting her only made the scorpion woman mad. She wasn't going anywhere, anytime soon...
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Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

'W-Well atleast I hit something.' Alissa thought to herself as she recovered from the tail hit. 'Though it doesn't look like it did much damage...Still, in for a penny, in for a pound.'

She'd fire off another burst. "Please just go away scorpion woman! I don't want what you're offering!"
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

Alissa to hit: 3-5= 1
Scorpion Woman: Dodge- 19! Counter! 5
Alissa Dodge: 1
Counter Hit! 1 damage Disarm attempt: 2 Failure.

Alissa: FP 3/5 AP 0/5 PP 5/5
Scorpion Woman: FP 4/5 AP 0/5 PP 5/5

Sadly it would seem that Alissa's luck was feeling bitchy this time around as she misses the scorpion woman horribly and she manages to counter, swiping a pincher at her leg, tearing her outfit and cutting her leg fairly good. She was still in this thing, but the scorpion woman was still going strong and not backing down at all. "Just give up an take my eggs already, will you? I've had them in for weeks and need to drop them off in something before I go mad! So just give up okay!?" She said clearly agitated, and sexuallg frustrated; her breath coming out husky and ragged and a blush starting to appear on her face.
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

"Ow!" Alissa said as the strike clawed along her leg. It looked like she really should have looked into a tutorial before she started! Now though she looked at the agitated scorpion. "Why does it have to be in someone! Why can't it just be in like a hole in the ground or something."

She wondered something though, if the scorpion woman needed to get off so badly. 'Maybe I c-c-c-c-could help her.' The thought came to her and she blushed a bit, it wasn't like she had never masturbated before, but she had no idea where to start with something like what the woman was carrying. Ontop of that getting close enough to the scorpion lady to try something would likely get her cut up a bit judging from that hit before. Raising her rifle once more she tried to correct her aim, if she failed again then she might have to look into a different method of beating the girl.
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

"Its how egglayers work! We need them to gestate and incubate in another beings pussy. Especially humans. They are preferred. They're much more mobile and adaptive then most species. So our offspring gets a wider variety of skills and can find better homes than this barren desert. NOW STOP FIGHTING AND TAKE THEM DAMMIT!" She hissed the last part as she would attempt to strike out with her tail and her claw one more time trying for a fake out on Alissa, hoping to knock her prone or disarm her again. Alas, Alissa would seem to be wising up and juke out the way of both of the attacks and manage to get another shot off at the woman. Though sadly she was also losing power on her rifle...

Alissa Roll(1d20)-5:

Scorpion claw Roll(1d20)-2:
Total:1 miss

Scorpion tail roll:Roll(1d20)-2:

Alissa Dodge Roll(1d20)-5:
Total:15 COUNTER! AUTO HIT! 1 damage

These dice... I swear they're bipolar... >_>

Alissa: FP: 3/5 AP: 0/5 PP: 5/5
Scorpion Woman: FP: 3/5 AP: 0/5 PP: 5/5
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Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

Alissa started to notice the warning lights on her laser rifle. She needed to keep those last few shots, for hunting or defending herself down the road and she doubted she was going to find any reloads out here in the middle of nowhere. The scorpion girl seemed to be getting desperate too, and she was worried that the alien might start getting more dangerous with her attacks if she kept going.

So she let the rifle slip to her back. "O-Okay." She said, and jumped at the Scorpion girl, trying to get a tackle on the woman and get on her back. From there, she hopefully wouldn't just get jabbed with the tail, as she tried to reach around the woman's hips and put her hands on the ovipositor. Rubbing it in the hopes of shocking the scorpion girl, and potentially beating the woman without running out of ammunition, or getting a bunch of eggs stuck up in her.
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

Alissa Grepple Roll(1d20)-5:

Scorpion Woman dodge roll: Roll(1d20)-0:
Scorpion Woman Shake Off Roll(1d20)-0:

Alissa HOLD ON Roll(1d20)-5:
Alissa Stays On

Alissa: 3/5 FP 0/5 AP 5/5 PP
Scorpion Woman 3/5 FP 0/5 AP 4/5 PP

Luck seemed to be on Alissa's side for once, at least for the time being, as she would manage to get on top of the scorpion womans back and manage to hold on despite her thrashing about. Once on she would reach around the front and begin to attempt rubbing the scorpion woman off and cause to prematurely eject her eggs onto the desert floor. "A-AARGH! S-STOP THAT! M-MY EGGS!"
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

"Sorry, but I am already in a hard enough spot, I don't need your eggs weighing me down too, and don't you like, generate a bazillion of these things?" Alissa said as she continued her attempt to stimulate the Scorpion girl. She kinda felt bad, the scorpion woman wasn't trying to be actually evil. Also she was still blushing incredibly heavily, she really had no idea what she was doing well trying to stimulate the other woman, and atleast half of the blush was coming from the idea of potentially just giving in.
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

Scorpion Woman throw off roll: 13
Alissa HOLD ON roll: 13-5= 8
Alissa is thrown off
Alissa Tumble roll 18-5=13 TN 10
Alyssa lands on her feet, no damage
Scorpion Woman still takes 1 PP damage from handjob
Scorpion Woman Attack 16
Alissa Dodge 6-5=1
Scorpion Woman CRITS! 2 damage
Knockdown/Disarm roll: 4 failure

Alissa: 1/5 AP 0/5 AP 5/5 PP
Scorpion Woman: 3/5 FP 0/5 AP 5/5 PP

Sadly it would look like Alissa's luck would soon run out as the Scorpion not only manages to buck Alissa off of her body, but also manage to land a viscous tail strike knocking her for a loop, though somehow she was still on her feet! But sadly she was now on her last legs, and reeling pretty bad from the last hit. One more solid block would knock her out cold, leaving her at the mercy of the scorpion woman. She was left the options of running away (or attempting to), continuing the fight or surrendering to the scorpion woman and hoping she would be lenient and not hold a grudge.
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

Well...that didn't go well at all! Now she was stuck barely standing infront of the scorpion woman, and realizing she wasn't likely to get away from the creature when most of the surrounding area was flat sand, she dropped her rifle and held up her hands. She looked both extremely tired, and extremely embarrassed as she said. "Okay, I give up. I'm s-sorry about fighting you. I just c-crashed here and I'm s-still a bit disoriented and panicky. I d-don't even really know w-where here is even. S-So I'm sorry, j-just p-please don't make it any rougher then you n-need too. I-I've never had s-s-sex alone let alone being filled with e-eggs."
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

The scorpion seemed tense for a short moment, but in her current position and situation, Alissa likely felt like it was an eternity; but eventually the scorpion woman would relax if only just the slightest bit. She was still rather sore about the scuffle and the impromptu hand job by Alissa had gotten her all riled up, as made evident by the heavy blush on her face and the heavy husky breaths she was making. "Hmph... I'm not a real monster you know. But its so rare I run into anyone who doesn't wanna fight. I always seem to have to rough them up a bit. It gets old. Alright, then. Climb up on my back... And no funny business! I'll take you to my cave, this heat won't do either of us any good."

If Alissa would comply with the scorpion woman, she would take her to a fairly cool cave some distance away, it was actually surprisingly close to the jungle she was headed to, apparently on the outskirts. There several strange plants and mushrooms spread out the area sparsely and strange green and pink glowing rocks. Further Down in the cves core, they would find the scorpion woman's den. It was a small islet surrounded by a cool and surprisingly pure and unpolluted pond. "Well, here we are. Home sweet home... I'll let you rest a bit and recover from the scuffle. Feel free to wash up to if you like. Let me know when you're ready." She said as she would begin to munch on one of the strange shrooms.
Re: Alissa (Ranger9000)

Alissa continued to blush from her roots to her toes as she considered what was going to happen, but she was nowhere near strong enough to fight back and she had given in so she picked up her rifle but put it on her back, and then climbed onto the scorpion girl's back. On the ride over she managed a, "A-Also, I am Alissa, a-and sorry again."

She wasn't really sorry, but the scorpion woman didn't really seem bad, just desperate, and she didn't want to get hurt more and then egged just because she couldn't swallow her pride a bit.

It was atleast pretty good that the girl's cave was pretty close to the jungle, so that saved her a bit of effort. Ontop of that the cave was nice and cool, and had a pond full of water in its depths. Since she didn't think it would be necessary, she stripped off her clothes, though she had great reluctance well she did it. She was incredibly nervous at what was going to happen, and her hands shook a bit as she washed some of the dust off and let herself cool down.

Eventually though she couldn't delay much longer, and turned back to the scorpion woman, only to see her eating one of the mushrooms. "A-Are those edible? I don't r-really even know what I can eat around here."