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All-Dwarf PF Game.

Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Even though you've probably seen me derp in the shoutbox already, interest shown.
Going with a regular Barbarian.
Statroll is here:
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Dwaven Hunter

Animal Companion Horse

Stat Roll

Rerolled once for having two stats below 10.
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Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Still haven't made my mind up yet, but here's the two characters I've been working on. Still haven't done equipment yet (though neither really needs a weapon), nor applied trait bonuses to skills. Haven't written up any fluff yet, but have some rough ideas for them.

Azla Stonefist, Brawler:
Will be a melee support with a capability of being a damage dealer or more tanky, depending on what combat feats she's using at the time, but focus will be on support. I imagine the two sneaky types would be happy to have someone who can blind opponents to let them sneak attack with impunity.

Karys Forgeborn, Arcanist:
Will be focusing on item crafting and generally support magic.

Looking for suggestions on which I should go with.

Both sheets use the same stat roll ( ), but if for some reason I end up using both, I'll roll new stats for the second one.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

As of this point, I'm at least temporarily removing myself from the forum's GM community.

If someone else wants to pick this idea up and do something with it, that's fine.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Well, had some thoughts about this while at work today. Basically just taking the idea and expanding on it, making a background for the fort, some cultures, terrain... kind of got out of hand to be honest. I can elaborate more if people are interested, though I don't think I'd be up for running such a game.

A pretty small sneak-peek of what I came up with:
Fort Unity, known as such for the alliance who came together to construct it in mutual defense, has since fallen into disrepair and neglect after several hundred years since the undead plague that inspired its creation. The four cultures responsible for its creation, the technologically advanced humans, the hard-working dwarves, the tribal orcs and the cunning kobolds, have since returned to their more usual relations, not really getting along well with each other. The fort still stands at the pass leading into the mountains these cultures call home, open for any up to trying to repossess it. Attempts by the individual cultures to retake it have failed and some believe it to be due to a legend that the fort will only allow an allied force of those who constructed it to guard its walls once more.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

I want to play this game because dorfs, but I also want to not play this game because I've had enough of Pathfinder. Stop making me confused, people ;_;
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

You could run it in FantasyCraft instead.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Spodah and I are looking at splitting the dwarf outpost idea into two different games. One of us would run a game on Thursdays at 1900 GMT, and the other would run a game every other Sunday at 1900 GMT. Of course, it all depends on how many people are (a) still interested and (b) available for each game. The idea is to try to involve as many people as possible, so if it looks like splitting the group won't benefit more than one or two people, then I see no reason for it.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

I can't really make either time, so I'll be passing on it. Best of luck though.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

So much change. Least from my perspective. But I can say I'm still interested, just wondering where I should go from here.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

So... definite, recent interest shown (since major changes) from Aurani, Aust_Nailo, Caulder, and Rathuris.

Maikochan, Hentaispider, GargantuaBlarg, and SirOni have dropped for various reasons. I haven't heard back from Keylo. The_Taken has dropped hints and tips, but has not expressed interest.

So I count four players, potentially five if Keylo still wants in (and is able to attend the IRC sessions). I have no intention of splitting the party, given the current number of players.

Does anyone have any thoughts as to which of the two time slots would be more convenient? Again, we're looking at Thursdays or every other Sunday at 1900 GMT.
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Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

I'm looking at raising the starting level to 4th. No third-party sources without specific DM approval (and the answer's probably going to be an emphatic "no"). As I said earlier, I would like to know whether people would prefer to meet on Thursdays or every other Sunday at 1900 GMT.

The dwarven party will be taking possession of a (human-built) keep from elves as part of a peace settlement, so the adventure will start with the journey through the wilderness to the keep. The keep is positioned along a minor trade route that could easily become a major one. Anyway, let me know about times. I'd like to get started sometime soon.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

How will you have us determine Hp and starting gold? Also will you still allow traits?

As to game time, I am available on both those times.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Available at both those times, as for starting level, I'd prefer 6th, but 4th is perfectly fine. Also have the same concern as Rathuris for starting HP and Gold.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

1900 GMT... That's 2:00 PM EST? I'm fine with Thursdays, but not Sundays. 4th is nice as it allows characters time to develop still. 6th would be the absolute maximum though if you want to keep it reasonably low powered still/growth, as that's when builds start to shine.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Five players. Solid. Leaning towards Thursdays, though I also want Aurani's and Aust's inputs before making a final decision.

Hit points are going to be max at 1st level, then 3/4 max rounded up for every subsequent level. A character with d10 hp/level and no hp bonus would have a total of 34 hp (10+8+8+8).

Starting wealth will be 6,000gp. No more than half of your wealth should go towards any one item (so the most valuable item in your possession should be worth no more than 3,000gp).

Traits are fine with me.

I think a good session needs at least one DM, three players, and four characters. To that end, I would ask that, barring emergencies, players provide me with at least twelve hours notice should they be unable to make a session. Ideally, players would each designate someone else (willing) to play their character in their absence, so the party's not short-handed. Obviously, if I can't make it, then we'll just push the session back to the next week (and I'll post notice somewhere around here).

Repeated absences without notice will result in xp being withheld.

One final consideration--the rolled ability scores were a source of controversy when Shadow was DMing this game. If you would prefer to go with a 25 point buy across the field, let me know via PM; but we'll stick with the rolled scores via Invisible Castle unless a majority requests the change (3 players minimum). If we stick with the rolled scores, I'll either have to raise the opponent ability scores or slightly change their CR to compensate, as right now we're seeing some pretty massive scores.

I think that covers everything. Keep asking questions as you think of them. If we do stick with Thursdays, we'll probably look at 16 October for our first session.

EDIT: Also, if you're looking for an easy way to generate and track PF characters, I'd highly recommend as a role-playing aid. It's fairly easy to use, and it incorporates most of the available Paizo supplementary material.
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Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Are you allowing Traits that give equipment discounts and/or double starting funds?
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

I'd have to read the specific trait(s). The double starting funds trait would definitely ONLY apply to the starting wealth from 1st level (so you could add your max 1st level starting wealth to the 6,000gp from 4th level). It would NOT apply to the entire 6,000gp.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

This Trait.