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All-Dwarf PF Game.

Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Ah. The trait would apply to 1st level gold (as previously explained). As for the remaining starting wealth from 4th level, some of your gear will have been found and not purchased; so I'll meet you halfway with an additional 300gp worth of purchasing power (which should approximate a 5% overall boost to your wealth). I'm going to assume for now that your home city (in which the trait applies) is going to be the dwarven city that the party will start in.

House Rules (subject to changes at a whim):
1. Weapon-specific feats (weapon focus, rapid reload, etc) apply to , as set out in the Core Rulebook, providing your character is proficient in the specific weapon (proficiencies remain unchanged). Weapon group feats do NOT stack (i.e. if you used a weapon that belonged to two groups, and had Weapon Focus on both groups, you would only get to apply +1).
2. All permanent attribute changes apply retroactively. This includes skills, hp, bonus languages, and so on.
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Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Another quick heads-up: combat stats are important and all, but bear in mind that creating a successful settlement is going to involve a lot of social and political interaction. Skills and good role-playing are going to be extremely useful in this game, especially after the first 3-4 sessions.

EDIT: Also, I'm sticking with Shadow's idea of a Northwestern Oregon climate--it's going to be temperate about half the time, and freaking cold the other half. The fortress is located directly between elven and dwarven territory, with the elves living in the snowy North and the dwarves dwelling in the warmer south.
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Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Ah. The trait would apply to 1st level gold (as previously explained). As for the remaining starting wealth from 4th level, some of your gear will have been found and not purchased; so I'll meet you halfway with an additional 300gp worth of purchasing power (which should approximate a 5% overall boost to your wealth). I'm going to assume for now that your home city (in which the trait applies) is going to be the dwarven city that the party will start in.

House Rules (subject to changes at a whim):
1. Weapon-specific feats (weapon focus, rapid reload, etc) apply to , as set out in the Core Rulebook, providing your character is proficient in the specific weapon (proficiencies remain unchanged). Weapon group feats do NOT overlap (i.e. if you used a weapon that belonged to two groups, and had Weapon Focus on both groups).
2. All permanent attribute changes apply retroactively. This includes skills, hp, bonus languages, and so on.

Actually... number 2 is already in effect in the core game, as of Pathfinder.

On both the PFSRD and a post by one of the designers, they stated that they removed the 3.5 convention previously and made it so any permanent ability bonuses all apply retroactively by default.

But either way, that seems fine. I'll work on getting a character out tonight or tomorrow.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

House Rules (subject to changes at a whim):
1. Weapon-specific feats (weapon focus, rapid reload, etc) apply to , as set out in the Core Rulebook, providing your character is proficient in the specific weapon (proficiencies remain unchanged). Weapon group feats do NOT overlap (i.e. if you used a weapon that belonged to two groups, and had Weapon Focus on both groups).

By overlap, you presumably mean stack, yes? IE: if you have two weapon focus feats that would apply twice to the same weapon, it doesn't get a +2 bonus.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Actually... number 2 is already in effect in the core game, as of Pathfinder.

On both the PFSRD and a post by one of the designers, they stated that they removed the 3.5 convention previously and made it so any permanent ability bonuses all apply retroactively by default.

But either way, that seems fine. I'll work on getting a character out tonight or tomorrow.

Sort of. They make it ambiguous later, when they use Intelligence to determine bonus languages "at the start of the game"--perhaps it's less of a rule change than a clarification.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

By overlap, you presumably mean stack, yes? IE: if you have two weapon focus feats that would apply twice to the same weapon, it doesn't get a +2 bonus.

Yes, "stack" is the precise term. Fixing it now.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

As I mentioned earlier, I was planning on holding our first session this Thursday (16 October). With that said, I've only seen two completed characters (from Caulder and Rathuris). I have decided to postpone our first game until next Thursday (23 October), to allow players extra time to prepare their characters. I would ask that characters be completed (and posted) by next Tuesday (21 October). Aurani, Aust_Nailo, and Keylo--please keep me informed of your progress and let me know if you need more time.

I will be posting more campaign background this week, as time allows.

The original outpost is of human-make, and predates the war between the dwarves and elves. The fort is located on the border of the dwarven and elven territory, and was the site of three major battles (the initial slaughter of the human and dwarven occupants that lead to the war, and the First and Second Battles of the Borderlands) during what the dwarves call the "War of Elven Aggression" (sometimes shortened to the "Elf War"). The area around the fort is now commonly referred as the "Red Valley," as the two Battles of the Borderlands were the bloodiest battles of the Elf War by far, perhaps even the bloodiest battles in dwarven history.

The war has only recently seen an uneasy armistice. It is very likely that some or all of the party characters are veterans of the Elf War.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

That'd be convenient, thanks. I'm actually getting surgery this Thursday, so I wouldn't be able to play this week unless I could somehow mind jack into the internet or something.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Keylo, I hope your surgery went well.

The dwarven lands are comprised of multiple city-states. Northern dwarves tend to have Germanic names, while Southern dwarves are more Dutch. Dwarves generally follow the Norse pantheon (for now, we'll use ). There is slight rivalry but no major enmity between surface-dwelling and underground dwarves; it is the same between the Northern and Southern dwarves (one of the Northern city-states is actually governed by a Duchess who married into the title from a Southern family, for example).

EDIT: Also, the weather is rather chilly in this part of the world. When it's not cold and raining, it's likely to be cold and snowing, except for a few months each year. Plan accordingly.
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Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

Surgery went well enough, unfortunately as I've been recovering the past week and trying to make up for my "off" week, I haven't had as much free time of late. I'll finish making the character mechanically before this Thursday though.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

No worries, I'm just happy to hear you're alright. Thursday is mostly going to be a low-key admin session to make sure everyone's squared away, so if your character isn't quite finished at that point it's no big problem.
Re: All-Dwarf PF Game.

I am posting here so you know. I will be housesitting for my mom, so I may be a little late due to getting back home.