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Alleyene (TentanariX)

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Character Name:Alleyene

Character Race: Elf

Character Class: Warrior

Perks: Hard to Get, Slippery When Wet

Disadvantages: God! That Feels Good! (Double Teams), Orgasmic

Alleyene woke to dead silence, much more so than she'd expect. Sitting bolt upright she suddenly realized this room she was in was very unfamiliar to her, and it wasn't even Elven in construction. She didn't recognize the symbols on the wall, which meant this room was somewhere she probably didn't want to be. She found she couldn't remember anything other than her name or where she was from. As she stood on still shaky legs, she spotted a pair of weapons on the wall. There was an Axe and a Sword hanging there. As she inspected them, a loud voice suddenly boomed through the room via hidden speakers.

"Welcome to the Planet of Pleasure! You have been brought here my love to provide amusement to me, and of course to provide a warm, beautiful body for my friends to play with. However, I am not completely uncaring to your plight, hahaha. In order to make things somewhat more entertaining, I have granted you special abilities based upon your innermost desires. You may access your new special abilities by merely focusing upon them in your mind, they are always there with you. All you need do is think about them. Now then, soon the door to your room will open, and you will begin your trek. I am your ticket home, so you must find me if you wish to ever see your family and loved ones again. Haha, let us see if you can make it here little girl, for no one ever has. This shall be so much fun to watch, and it will be so much fun for you! While I watch, you my dear will get to have loads of sex! Now then, run along little one, and in case you were thinking of hiding in that room, don't bother. Once that door opens, you will be ripe for the taking, HAHAHAHA."


1: Take a weapon and Leave.

2: Take a weapon but see if he's bluffing about enemies being able to reach you.
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Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Alleyene (TentanariX)

Allyene's eyebrow twitched all the way through sickopant's schpiel, particualrly at the parts about her being entertainment, a little girl, and the assumption that it would be fun for her. "Little girl!? I'm over a millenia old! I'm no damned child! I'm also nobody's little plaything. she sciffed inwardly before letting out a snort of derision. "Hrmph! Fun for me, huh? I seriously doubt it. I also wouldn't put it past this sicko to sick everything in here if I stayed... Might as well head out....." she said bitterly as she picked up her staff and heading out the door.

1. Take the staff and leave.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Alleyene (TentanariX)

Allyene stepped outside and found herself very definitely standing on an unfamiliar world. To begin with, the sky was a sparkling emerald green in color, and there didn't seem to be a cloud in the sky. She could also see no fewer than eleven moons in the sky, and these were just the ones visible in broad daylight. Suddenly, she sensed movement ...

Trap Evasion Check:

Allyene: 10+37=47 vs. Trap: 40+49=89

And before the woman could react, she was suddenly knocked to the ground, feeling multiple mouths afix to various parts of her body!

Drinking Worm Trap:
This is a very evil trap. When sprung, a group of 6 worms, each about a foot long and six inches thick, will spring out of the ground and attack. The worms appear to be inter-connected per trap, so if you remove one, they all remove and die with the original, therefore this classifies as a single trap per person, despite the number. When this trap is tripped, the worms will launch out of the ground and attach to their victims bodies, regardless of who tripped them. Two worms will attach themselves to the breasts, suckling whatever fluid they can get from there. One worm will attach to the ass, penetrating inside and anally raping you. The remaining three spread themselves out. Two of the last three will penetrate the vagina of their victim, and begin to thrust away inside, sucking down fluid as they do. The third will attach to the victim's now engorged clit and begin to suck on that, attempting to drive their victim into a sexual 'frenzy' of sorts. They deal 40 Pleasure per attack.

Allyene's Starting Stats:

Strength: 40
Dexterity: 40
Vitality: 50
Energy: 10
Intelligence: 10

Starting Accuracy: 170
Starting Evasion: 140
Freedom Rating: 170
Sexual Freedom Rating: 200
Speed Rating: 140

Starting HP: 150
Starting Mana: 10
Starting Sexual Stamina: 210

Special Skills:

Cleave Chain: This series of attacks hits for 75 Damage, up to 3 times for a maximum of 225 Total Damage. Each hit MUST connect to continue the chain.

Ferocious Strike Chain: This series of attacks hits for 70 damage, up to 4 times for a maximum of 280 Total Damage. Each hit MUST connect to continue the chain.

Shattering Wave Chain: This series of attacks hits for 55 damage, up to 3 times for a maximum of 165 Total Damage, and hits ALL enemies in the field of play. Each hit MUST connect to continue the chain. Mana Cost: 5.

Weakening Blow: This attack hits for 60 damage AND causes the target to take double damage for 3 turns. This can't be stacked with the Necromancer ability Amplify.

Shove: This skill knocks your opponent down, dealing 25 damage. Once they are down, there is a follow-up to this called Crippling Cut that will attempt to execute automatically. If this hits, you deal 225 damage. Mana Cost: 5

Alleyene suddenly felt the mouths attach to her, even as both her pussy and ass were penetrated easily by the slimy worms. Despite her best efforts to ignore it, she couldn't help but notice how they stuffed her well enough.

Pleasure Roll:

Alleyene: 200+84=284 vs. Drinking Worms: 200+94=294

Despite her best efforts not to let them pleasure her, Alleyene is unable to keep the worms from finding a pace suited to slowly work her over. The creatures were hitting every spot perfectly, and the thrusting motions paired with the suckling motions were a bit too good to simply ignore. She had no doubt that if she allowed this to go far enough that these worms would bring her to an orgasm.

Alleyene suffers 50 Pleasure (40 from the worms and +10 from this being a Double Team type attack), and gains 110 KP (50 from the sex, 60 from the worms penetrating her holes.)


1: Attempt to break free.

2: Let them pleasure you to see what you are in store for (leads to an orgasm)

Adjusted Stats:

Alleyene: 160/210 Stamina, 110/50,000 KP.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Alleyene (TentanariX)

She could tell tha she was definitely in some kind of strange bew world. The colors were castly different from her own. The sky was a different color, and she saw not one but eleven moons in broad daylight even. But before she could truly begin to marvel at the bizarre new worlds surroundings, Allyene gasped out in shock as the worms leapt at her befire penetrating her holes and latched onto her shapely bosoms. She struggled as best as she could but she couldn't fight off the growing pleasure. "Ahhh.... Ohhhh...... That feels surprisingly good..... Hoooooh~.......After a few moments of budding pleasure she would finally violently shake her head about, trying to clear her mind enough to be able to try to escape. "Get the hell off of me, you damned dirty little freaks!" she cried out in indignation as began grasping furiously at the worms, starting with the ones attached to her tits before trying to pry the ones inserted in her pussy and ass hole and flinging them on the ground before trying to get to her feet.

(Attempt to get free)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Alleyene (TentanariX)

Escape Trap Attempt:

Alleyene: 200+92=292 vs. Drinking Worms: 200+88=288

With a surge of strength, Alleyene is able to quickly rip the worms off of her before they can seriously start to pleasure her any further. She looks around as the worms die instantly upon being removed, and realizes she's still alone.


1: Move Onward.

2: Stay a moment and consider what could have happened.

Adjusted Stats:

Alleyene: 160/210 Stamina, 110/50,000 KP.


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Alleyene (TentanariX)

Allyene gasped and breathed heavily, getting herself to calm down and return to her cool collected self before scoffing in defiance, "HRMPH! You have to do better then that if you are trying to stop or derail me, whoever the hell you are!" She snorted before picking her up staff and continuing down the path, still somewhat marveling at her bizarrely beautiful and breathtaking new settings, determined to get the hell away at any cost and by any means necessary.

(Move On.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Alleyene (TentanariX)

Regeneration Time: +21 Stamina

Adjusted Stats:

Alleyene: 181/210 Stamina, 110/50,000 KP.

Alleyene decides to move onward, and soon enough she finds herself in an area completely devoid of any activity. Simply a wide open field much like the first one she was in. It seems for now, she's alone.


1: Move On.

2: Stay another turn and rest to recover your Stamina (chance to be found)

3: Stay until your Stamina is at 100% (2 turns required, chance to be found)


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Alleyene (TentanariX)

Allyene kneels down, propping herself up somewhat on staff, taking in deep breaths of oxygen from the air, taking in some of the scents, sights and sounds the bizarre world had to offer before looking fr a tree to lean against. If she found one she would recline against it for an hour so. Once she had rested a bit she would stretch out tautly and widely, before picking up her staff and moving onwards, "I cant dawdle around here too long, that sick freakight think I actually like it here...." she muttered to her self as moved along.

(Stay and rest a turn)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Alleyene (TentanariX)

Regeneration Time: +21 Stamina

Adjusted Stats:

Alleyene: 202/210 Stamina, 110/50,000 KP.

Allyene finds herself a nice quiet spot to rest, and a little while later she feels much better. She isn't quite at 100%, but she's close, and so far she seems to have been left alone.


1: Move Onward.

2: Wait one more turn to reach 100%

((Also, your turn in the group version of the game.))


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Alleyene (TentanariX)

Allyene stretches herself out taut, her bones in her back and arms and hands popping as she gets herself bent back into shape, before picking up her staff and deciding to not push her luck by standing still for too long.

1: Move Onward.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Alleyene (TentanariX)

((Just came to me that if she doesn't get attacked this turn she regens to full anyway, haha.))

Alleyene enters another area that seems darker than before, and after a moment she senses that she is not alone!

Initiative Rolls:

Alleyene: 140+15=155
Lich Queen: 180+9=189
Corrupted Ritualist Type 2: 140+13=153

A moment later, she is attacked!

Grapple Attempt:

Lich Queen: 170+82=252 vs. Alleyene: 140+93=233

Alleyene can't avoid being grabbed by the Lich Queen, and becomes grappled!

Knowledge pops into her mind, alerting her of what she is facing.

Lich Queen:
She is an undead Lich who's magical powers are rivaled only by true bosses. Most Lich appear to be completely decaying and in their undead state, however she has found a way to restore a large chunk of her appearance to what it was in life. With a very attractive body and futa spell at her disposal, she can readily suck you off or rape you very quickly into multiple orgasms. Her skin appears to be almost peach in color, and the only telltale sign on her flesh that she is undead is that it seems at very close range to be slightly warped and stretched, almost like when one comes out from being in water too long. Her eyes are a brilliant orange, in fact the entire eye is this color, there is no discernable pupil or anything. She didn't need much convincing to join your enemies. Weakness: Physical. Special Ability: Taste of Corruption - This skill allows the Lich to passionately kiss you, injecting a venom into your body that prevents you from resisting her rapes for that turn, and dealing 500 Corruption Instantly, on top of whatever else you gained from that rape. Can be attempted once every six turns if it fails, and only once if it succeeds per combat per victim. She deals 45 Pleasure per attack.

Corrupted Ritualist Type 2:
She's a human Ritualist who came before you and has completely changed due to her corruption. The one feature of her that stands out as alarming is that she now has a dick that looks a lot like the end of a Crawling Horror. Upon further inspection, you might discover that behind her is one of these fuckers! Removing it is impossible, it has grown from within her body outward and is now a part of her, controlling her every move. It appears that being corrupted while pregnant by one of their offspring eventually leads to this, a scenario where the victim's mind is completely taken over by the creature growing inside them, eventually turning them into chicks with dicks. Worse still, they can impregnate you with Crawling Horrors too! It would be wise to avoid them, especially if your near full corruption, otherwise you may join the ranks of these abominations. They deal 35 Pleasure per attack.


1: Attempt to break away from the Grapple.

2: See where things go (allows the second enemy to grab you, and for the Lich to have a free attack.)

Adjusted Stats:

Lich Queen: Grappling Alleyene.
Alleyene: Grappled by Lich Queen.
Corrupted Ritualist Type 2:
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Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Alleyene (TentanariX)


Alleyene gains a sudden burst of adrenaline as she is suddenly ambushed by the two female looking creatures, especially as she is grappled by the undead looking one and the knowledge of the creature pops into her head. She instantly tries to pry the creature's arms loose and squirm around to where she can judo toss the woman over her shoulder onto her back and gain some footing and ground on her attackers. "GET THE HELL OFF OF ME YOU GODDAMNED UNDEAD FREAK!!!!!"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Alleyene (TentanariX)

((Forgot to add her Evasion Bonus. Didn't matter though, still would have been grappled.))

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Alleyene: 200+16=216 vs. Lich Queen: 170+91=261

Alleyene goes nowhere.

Grapple Attempt:

Ritualist: 125+70=195 vs. Alleyene: 140+10+15=165

Alleyene is grabbed from behind, the other woman latching on to her. In moments, the two manage to overpower her and wrestle her to the ground.

Penetration Attempt:

Lich Queen: 170+34=204 vs. Alleyene: 200+3=203

Alleyene suddenly feels herself grow an impressive sized cock, and before she can react, she suddenly feels the tight pussy of the Lich Queen slip over her!

Pleasure Roll:

Lich Queen: 170+82=252 vs. Alleyene: 200+4=204

Alleyene can't stop the Lich Queen from thrusting over her, riding her and raping her. Alleyene suffers 45 Pleasure, leaving her with 165 Stamina left. She also gains 65 KP.

The Lich Queen gains 45 Pleasure and has 95 Stamina left until she has an orgasm.


1: Try to break free from the rape and grapple (different rolls for each ofc)
2: Let the Lich Queen Ride you for a turn (allows the Ritualist to get a free shot in)

Adjusted Stats:

Lich Queen: Raping Alleyene. 95/140 Stamina.
Alleyene: Being Raped by Lich Queen + Grappled by Ritualist. 165/210 Stamina. 65/50,000 KP.
Corrupted Ritualist Type 2: Grappling Alleyene.
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