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Alterations and additional game rules


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Please keep any discussion should remain in the Beta sign up and Jumpers Rebirth threads. This thread will contain any and all agreed upon changes and additions to previously provided game rules, for player and GM reference.

1) When rolling stats, you can pick which color each number goes to, for example; if you roll 23, 22, and 18, the numbers are 23, 22, and 18. If you want to put the 23 in red, green, or blue, that's up to you. If you want one of the numbers to be different, you have to re-roll all 3.

2) The advantages that say +1 at each level increase their stat by 1 at every level gained, not every additional time that the advantage is taken. These can only be taken once each.

3) For those that take the secret fetish disadvantage, PM whatever your characters fetish is to your GM before play starts. Furry or tentacles cannot be taken with this disadvantage.

4) EXP gained in this game will remain if your character goes on to later games of Jumpers unless otherwise stated by the at-the-time GM.
Note that no Ascension points will be gained in the Beta.
Re: Alterations and additional game rules

5) Actions:
Casting a spell, attacking, and grappling take 10 action points, so characters may get additional attacks or attempts to escape grapples per round. Attacks can be used while grappled at a penalty.
Penetration takes all available action points, and requires at least 15, as does escaping penetration. Attacks and spells cannot be used while penetrated.
Movement is 2 action points for moving 5 feet.
Left over action points are added to armor.

6) Neutral players choose which side they are going to be on when the game starts, and cannot change teams until after the end of the game.

7) Grappling:
Attempts are made as Dexterity of attacker+d50 vs targets Armor Count+d50.
To maintain or escape from a grapple, it's Strength+d50 vs Strength+d50 or Strength+d50 vs Dexterity+d50, whichever assists the one trying to escape the most.
Grapple Points: Represent how strong a creatures hold on a PC is, if a creature succeeds in grappling a character the difference between the two numbers becomes that instances grapple points. A character attempting to escape a grapple must succeed by an amount greater than the current grapple points in order to break free, if they succeed by an amount less than the current grapple points, that amount is only subtracted from the characters GP.
Penetration attempts work more or less the same way, only the system works in the rapists favor instead of the victims. When penetrated, the only available actions are escaping and giving in.
Grappled creatures can attack each other unarmed with a -10 to hit.

8) Attacking:
Attackers Dex+Finesse+d50 vs targets Armor+d50 to determine hits.
Damage is d6 + whatever you get from weapons or techniques.
This increases as levels go up, to 2d6 at level two and so forth.
Note: Monsters may try to club/choke your character into unconsciousness rather than rape them until they pass out. They do less damage though, only (1+d4) x Monster Level. Some monsters can deal lethal damage, but most will prefer not to do so unless they have absolutely no other choice.

9) Pleasure and Orgasm:
Monsters do d3 x their Monster Level in pleasure points to a character for each round of penetration. When the number of PP dealt exceeds a characters PP, they orgasm, and suffer -10 to any rolls for that round. In addition, this puts them a step closer to entering sexual frenzy.
Monsters always have their PP set to 25, regardless of stats or level, and each turn of stimulating a character, they take d10 PP.
Some creatures, such as those with tentacles, can penetrate a character in multiple places, and each tentacle deals its owner pleasure damage and gets its own PP counter and rolls.
Each round of sex causes d8 fatigue point damage, and orgasm causes 2d8.

10) Sexual Frenzy:
Occurs when the number of orgasms a character receives in a particular encounter surpasses their mentality score. Lasts for 5 rounds. Pleasure checks are made unopposed while under this effect.
Note: characters cannot normally force each other into sexual frenzy, as they rarely rape each other.

11) Pregnancy:
I'm leaving this largely as Silth said at some point, which was rolling a d30, adding the characters bonuses, and if it's 28 or higher, the character gets knocked up by whatever raped her. This means different things for different monsters, though most will simply try to drag to their lair and use you as a baby machine. Pregnancy length is also determined by creature, I'm going to say creature level for now: pregnancy time = creature level x 4 hours. Most monsters try to keep their offspring once they're born.

12) Heat:
If you're playing a furry/anthro character, once this condition comes up you are unable to move in any way that does not get you closer to whichever condition satisfies your characters requirements. In other words, when your character encounters something that looks like it might have a penis, she strips naked, gets on her knees, and begs for it. Before you ask, characters can't help each other with this unless one or both have the Futa spell from the love school.

13) Unbalanced Spells:
I'm talking about you, first level Earth spells. As the game progresses, some spells may prove useless or overpowered, these are going to be altered to better balance the game.
The two first level Earth spells are reduced from adding 25 armor, down to giving 5 armor per level in the Earth school. So, at level 1, you'd get +5 to armor, at level 2 +10, and so on.
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Re: Alterations and additional game rules

14) Teams:
Both teams start at different points on the map, already assembled (including the neutral characters.) How teams move on the overworld is up to them, by voting or by electing a leader of the group are two options. Each team will have its own thread, to avoid confusion.
Decision: unless a team decides on a leader, movement will be done by voting. Minimum 3 votes in the same direction are required before the team moves.

15) Map:
Some types of terrain take longer to move through, such as swamps and forests. Movement through a square takes roughly 3 hours, unless the square is a double-movement in which case it takes 6. Random encounter chances occur for each square, so movement through a larger square gives twice the chance to give a random encounter. I won't be showing any of you the map, but I might give you pieces of it and I'll tell you what your neighboring squares are.
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Re: Alterations and additional game rules

16) Leveling up:
Monsters give experience when killed, and characters gain aptitude and mind points when using weapons and spells. Monsters give their level exp when killed, unless otherwise noted, which goes to the exp counter on your characters sheet. I'm pretty sure you all know what "leveling up" means, so I'll forgo explaining it. When you gain a level, you get 3 x ((Int+Depth)/4) spendable EXP points. These are different from the other exp points, in that you can spend them on advantages or stat points. The cap for stats increases by 5 with each level up. Adding to a stat point costs one EXP, and buying most advantages costs 5 points while taking most disadvantages gives back 3 points.

Edit: Mind and aptitude will work as originally intended, as I assumed they were broken/unfinished without looking them over carefully. Thank you once again, Phoenix.
Copied from Silths orange stats description"

Aptitude – This is the amount of ‘skill points’ you get per round you’ve used a weapon. Every time you hit a marker (Level 1, 100 points, level 3, 300 points, etc.), you reach a new level and may even gain an ability. Aptitude is how many points you gain per turn to use the weapon. Intelligence and Stat(Strength, Dexterity) ((I+St)/4)

Mind – Mind is like your Aptitude Score – every round a spell is used, you gain that many Mind points, which lets you level up in that element faster. Will Power and Intelligence ((WP+INT)/4)
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Re: Alterations and additional game rules

17) A special note on dungeoneering:
This is more to help out the GMs than the players. In any particular map square, there might be a dungeon, or a camp, or a town, or a nest of creatures, or a character with a side-quest to give you, or anything else a GM might think of. This is up to the GM, the square might just have your random encounter and that's it. These do not increase the amount of time it takes to get through the square unless otherwise decided on by the characters (IE, if they decide to rest, or one of them gets captured and they have to rescue them, ect.)
Re: Alterations and additional game rules

18) Corruption
Characters gain corruption points when receiving pleasure whilst being raped. For now, I'm saying the amount of corruption points gained is equal to (Pleasure Received - (Willpower/2))
Multiple penetrations stack, meaning your corruption will go up much faster when you're getting DP'ed. Also, when in heat or Frenzy your character doesn't resist pleasure.
Re: Alterations and additional game rules

19) Combat Actions:
Creatures and characters have action points, which they can use for movement and attacking as explained above. Each character normally takes up a 5 foot square, allowing them to move freely to do things like attack. Grappling involves movement into a character or creatures square. Two things can be in the same square, but may interfere with each others actions, incurring penalties. Some smaller monsters don't cause such penalties, but do cause them to characters, since they're used to attacking in a swarm.

Actions are: Movement, attacking, defending, casting a spell, grappling, and sex. Characters can also choose to prepare an attack for when an enemy gets into range, giving a bonus to hit if an enemy gets into range that round. Using more than 10 action points on movement per turn prevents a character from doing anything else for that round.

Defending: A character or creature that uses all of its AP for defense gets its APx2 in armor, instead of just its AP, for the next round. Also, they get one free attack with a melee weapon if an enemy moves into attack range.

Any criticism or advice on this by the players at any time is welcome, since I wrote this up in about 10 minutes. Also, I increased the AP cost of most of the actions from 5 to 10.
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Re: Alterations and additional game rules

(If anyone wants to know anything, or something is unclear, please PM myself or Silth and we'll take care of it and post it here.)

Also, creatures (and characters) grappling don't get their remaining AP to armor, regardless of whether or not their actions fail, even if they throw off a grapple.
Strengthening a grapple is handled exactly like trying to throw one off: it uses Dexterity or Strength, whichever is higher, and not the characters AC.
The attack system has changed from mine to Silths: Melee attacks use Strength, Ranged attacks use Dexterity, and thrown weapons use Finesse.

Damage types: there are three of them, and different monsters do different kinds.
Bashing: Pure FP damage.
Slashing: Half FP and half Armor damage.
Piercing: Pure armor damage.
Monsters also have the "Tear" ability if they have you grappled, which is (from now on) Strength+d50 vs Dexterity+d50.
Damage is still (1+d4)*Monster Level

Edit: To test this out, he people who lost armor last battle (Most of the Evil team) are going to get new armor. Yay!
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Re: Alterations and additional game rules

Thread Hijack Begins:

Monster damage is being redone. Now, instead of doing (1 + d4) * level, it'll be handled a little more randomly - seen as such:

Pummel (Feet, Hands): Level * D5 damage
Claws: Level * D6 damage
Teeth: Level * D8 Damage
Tentacles: Level * D8 damage.

Using a weapon overrides the basic damage a monster does. Also, now characters can only attack two times a round, as long as their AP allows it. The Advantage: Fast allows the green class to attack two more times per round, and as long as you aren't a Martial Artist, half AP per attack. There will be other Advantages soon that allow you to attack more than two times per round, but they won't be as strong as Fast.

This all takes the effect the next battle you participate in... And of course, it's all subject to change, too.