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Jan 4, 2015
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This is a mini side-scroller game that I have been working on for fun, about a girl named April who is on an adventure. I call it April's Adventure. At this point, there is only one enemy type, two clothing types, and no real goal, but hopefully people might find it fun to play for a few minutes.

Here's a link to download the game:

The game is in HTML5 format. To play, just download the zip file, extract, then open the "April's Adventure Game.html" file using the FireFox browser (does not appear to work in Chrome or Safari. Haven't tried any others).

The only controls are the arrow keys. L/R to walk, Down to crouch, Down+L/R to crawl, Up to jump, L/R to change direction while jumping.

Game contains explicit nudity, sex with slugs, and comic violence.

Let me know what you like about the game or what could be improved. There are a few bugs that I'm aware of but it seems to work pretty well overall. Enjoy!
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If anyone does download this I'd appreciate if you'd just let me know if it's functional at least. It worked for me on both a Mac and a PC but I'd like to hear from someone else.
Edit: Gave the OP another read and saw that you already know it does not work in Chrome.

It worked for me on Windows 7 using Firefox.

Obviously there are a few bugs to work out and you said you know about them, so I won't dwell much on those. It may be a resolution thing, but I had to zoom out to 90% to see the ground as it appears in your screenshot. You might also consider some way to communicate the clothing destruction system on the UI. Maybe some articles of clothing in the top left that turn red when they're destroyed. Just a thought. You might also consider some audio since, unless there's something wrong on my end, the game is entirely silent.

On a more positive note, April herself is quite cute, and I enjoy the animations so far. Aside from various collision bugs, movement works. Hoping to see this progress!
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Unfortunately, it isn't working for me. The loading bar appears nearly full, but I've waited about 2 minutes and the loading bar remains on-screen. I'm using Windows 7 and Google Chrome. Opening the console, I see the following error repeated 13 times:

View attachment 23746
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I don't think it will work on Chrome, unfortunately. I think only Mozilla Firefox will work, so try it on that if you are interested in playing. I've had it work on both Mac and PC in Firefox. (Also Tor browser, which I think is based on Firefox.)
Edit: Gave the OP another read and saw that you already know it does not work in Chrome.

It worked for me on Windows 7 using Firefox.

Obviously there are a few bugs to work out and you said you know about them, so I won't dwell much on those. It may be a resolution thing, but I had to zoom out to 90% to see the ground as it appears in your screenshot. You might also consider some way to communicate the clothing destruction system on the UI. Maybe some articles of clothing in the top left that turn red when they're destroyed. Just a thought. You might also consider some audio since, unless there's something wrong on my end, the game is entirely silent.

On a more positive note, April herself is quite cute, and I enjoy the animations so far. Aside from various collision bugs, movement works. Hoping to see this progress!

Oh, glad it worked in Firefox! Thanks for your suggestions. That's a good idea about communicating the clothing destruction system visually, and I do intend to add sound as well eventually. The having to zoom out to see the ground thing is annoying because it seems the problem is caused by the fact that you can't get rid of the URL bar in Firefox in fullscreen. If you could do true fullscreen you should be able to see the full image. I'm trying to figure out another way to package the game so it can be played independently rather than through a browser. Glad the basic mechanics are working for you though, and I'm aware of some collision issues.
I hate to be that guy (I don't, actually) but the art style really does remind me of the kind of games you'd find on your average dime store backwater hentai game sites.

It's good for bringing me back with that nostalgia, and I definitely won't turn my nose up at an RoR game, what with them being suspiciously rare these days since everyone is too busy trying
to make a quick buck with visual novel RPG Maker games..

So at the end of the day it's a "count your blessings" scenario.. Looking forward to sound effects being implemented, it's always a fun gamble to see what kind the dev goes with.

You've got your unpopular-but-potent muffled pumping/gushing noises.
You've got your plain-jane slappy fleshy default porn audio asset noises.
You've got your "someone punching a water baloon and stepping on a loaded turkey baster" low-quality japanese style noises..
You've got the "I don't want to put any effort in so I'll just make some 8-bit 'character bumped into the wall' noises" low-quality american style noises.
You've got the cartoonishly unrealistic schlorpy wet plungey classic hentai-style noises.
And last but not least you've got the uncomfortably-realistic "dev probably recorded this irl and now that image is stuck in my head" noises..

Place your bets.
I hate to be that guy (I don't, actually) but the art style really does remind me of the kind of games you'd find on your average dime store backwater hentai game sites.

Thanks for your feedback. Could you give some examples of the kind of games you're talking about? I really like this art style (which is why I drew the game in it) and would love to find some other games that have a similar look. I've been able to find very few H games with this type of graphical style. The goal was to give it a SNES vibe, and even though I'm sure it doesn't reach that standard, I'm quite pleased with the overall appearance.
Here's my quick 5 min play-through summary, hope it helps
  1. Played on Win10 in Firefox.
  2. Couldn't see the grass bottom of the screen, despite changing window sizes.
  3. April got caught on a lot of ledges when jumping, she could essentially wall jump if caught on a corner but it looked clunky as hell
  4. When caught by the slug, wriggling the arrow keys kept making her underwear move off her body, obviously we want her to lose clothes in a game like this but... not like this haha
  5. Jumping in general felt odd, maybe less hang time? Maybe running movement option too? Platformers need a solid momentum identity to keep it enjoyable. If you intend to keep updating this, spend some time figuring out what obstacles she'll be facing in the future and how she'll need to pass or defeat them; this will help you with figuring out her momentum.
  6. Not keen on the art. Weird proportions all around. Also finger count🖐
  7. Slug looks really really good though.
Watching this thread, curious to see how you'll go. Good luck, and keep us posted.
Here's my quick 5 min play-through summary, hope it helps
  1. Played on Win10 in Firefox.
  2. Couldn't see the grass bottom of the screen, despite changing window sizes.
  3. April got caught on a lot of ledges when jumping, she could essentially wall jump if caught on a corner but it looked clunky as hell
  4. When caught by the slug, wriggling the arrow keys kept making her underwear move off her body, obviously we want her to lose clothes in a game like this but... not like this haha
  5. Jumping in general felt odd, maybe less hang time? Maybe running movement option too? Platformers need a solid momentum identity to keep it enjoyable. If you intend to keep updating this, spend some time figuring out what obstacles she'll be facing in the future and how she'll need to pass or defeat them; this will help you with figuring out her momentum.
  6. Not keen on the art. Weird proportions all around. Also finger count🖐
  7. Slug looks really really good though.
Watching this thread, curious to see how you'll go. Good luck, and keep us posted.

Thanks for the feedback, especially about the jumping and running. She shouldn't be able to be caught by the slug while wearing clothes, so I need to figure out what's going on there. I guess the art thing is subjective but she's meant to be cartoonish, so the unrealistic proportions and digit counts are intentional and I don't intend to change the character sprite significantly, but glad you like the slug.
I really like the art style and general direction this is going, and love how the animations with the enemies are context sensitive to April's posture!

Hope to see this developed further!
I really like the art style and general direction this is going, and love how the animations with the enemies are context sensitive to April's posture!

Hope to see this developed further!
Thanks for your comment! I'm glad you're enjoying it so far!

Found a solution to not seeing the grass, just press f11 to go into full screen and it will show up
Oh great, that's good to know!