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Amarant: Noble's Path


Sex Demon
Jan 16, 2011
Reputation score
Hello all, here we are again! I may have been gone for a long time but I never forgot, in fact, it kind of drove me crazy how I left our previous story. To put it simply, that story is on hold for now, as I felt I was railroading it too much, Jacqueline didn’t have too much of a personality, and a few other personal reasons, including, but not limited to a massive shitstorm of a mess work-wise – hey, ya gotta put food down on your table before you write anymore.

Anyway, let’s get on to the new story and the new mechanics I’m going to be introducing.

Amarant: Noble’s Path is going to go in a bit of a different direction with how the game will play out. Unknown Path was much more story driven and played off of very specific things in the world. “NP” will be more a game: I’ve already cooked up quite the system which is a combination of classic tabletop ala DnD and Pathfinder, and also includes a few elements inspired by MindFlayer’s “Dungeon of Debauchery”. Entries will also be SHORTER this time around, as I have the suspicion my other story's posts were a bit... "long".

Another big change is how much control you guys have over the character, her abilities, and the story. Now, this is a Work In Progress, and as such this should actually be considered a bit of a trial run. However, if everything goes well, I’ll go ahead and have this be the next “Big Story” I stick with for a while.

Now, as for the game mechanics… oh where to begin…

Everything in the sections listed below are the official rules - this post will be kept up to date with additional rules and should be treated as the "Rulebook" of this CYOA. I'll try and keep it as up to date as possible, integrating new information from any questions that are asked.


Voter Power: I wanted to reward long-time voters this time around, and as such I have decided to implement a system whereby voters can apply a bonus for being "veterans". Every ten votes, will give you one charge, which you can use by saying you want to use your "voting bonus". When used, you will apply a +1 bonus to all rolls for the next post. You can have up to two charges, but you may not use more than one on a vote, nor can more than 3 people use theirs at the same time. To avoid abuse, one "vote" is participating in a vote between 2 story posts - making 2 separate posts between a single story update does not count twice towards this.

Constitution: This is the character’s health. Once this hits zero they are unable to fight anymore and are fully subject to the whims and desires of whatever is nearby.

Mana: This is used to cast spells if you guys happen to make a character that uses magic. Mana regenerates at a rate of 1 per hour. While sleeping/resting, an additional 1 Mana is gained every hour. You can attempt to rest at any time if you haven't slept recently, just be aware of your current situation and surroundings. Mana can also be restored by special items/events and consuming potions.

Corruption: Ah yes, this is how much our heroine has succumbed to the sexual acts acted upon her in the story. It may start at “0” or even higher depending on the character’s background. Less than 100 is considered “Rank 0”; 100 – 200 is “Rank 1” and so on. The effect each rank has isn’t final yet, but I can comfortably say they’ll be something along the lines of:

Rank 0: Defiant
Rank 1: Harder to resist
Rank 2: Compliant
Rank 3: Willing
Rank 4: Given in

XP (Experience): The character will gain experience as they defeat enemies, complete objectives, and accomplish tasks. When they level up… we’ll decide on how that goes. At the moment, I’m thinking of adding bonuses to certain attributes depending on what the character has done to earn experience that level.

Attributes: Attributes in this game have a die value and static value. All of the character attributes start at d6 for their die value and at 0 for their static value. This static value will mostly be referred to as a bonus to any rolls made. A basic check would have the player role the relevant stat’s die, add the static value as a bonus, and then compare the end result against the check to see if they succeed.

To give another example, an average Orc’s Strength would probably be a d10, an average dwarf’s dexterity would probably be a d6 , and a goblin’s charisma would be a d4… with a few penalties.

A general way to think of it is:
D12 = Superior
D10 =Above average
D8 = Average
D6 = Below Average
D4 = Inferior

Strength (STR): This is how strong the main character is according to their muscle and physical power. This stat directly affects the character’s ability to escape from grapples, damage enemies, intimidation (more on that later), and any other physical activity that may require a dice check.

Dexterity (DEX): This measure how agile the character is, including their reflexes, balance, and ability to manipulate objects. This stat directly affects the character’s ability to parry or dodge attacks, avoid or slip out of grapples, hit enemies, sneak, as well as their reflexes and other feats such as acrobatics.

Intelligence (INT): Mostly for casting spells, this stat affects how easy it is to cast spells, craft improvised items, and the character’s knowledge of the world and its languages. This stat also affects die rolls to see how often our heroine will figure out things on her own or if the voters will have to put 1 and 1 together. I will say however, that I will never have this limit an idea that one of you guys comes up with… that just wouldn’t be very fun.

: Combined into one stat, wisdom and willpower are one in the same in this game. This stat is a measure of how wise our character is and how much they control themselves. It affects the heroine’s ability to resist pleasure (more on that later), excel in harsh conditions, sense the motives of others, and their general perception of the environment and those around them.

Charisma (CHA): This stat is a measure of our heroine’s ability to speak to others. It affects her ability to Seduce, charm, bluff, intimidate, disguise herself, and be the diplomat when diplomacy is called for.

That’s all the stats. Here are a few more detailed notes on Pleasure works, as well as a few other mechanics:

Pleasure: Pleasure is a bit tricky and - while I did have 2 different ways it could work - I have now changed up and solidified the formula after having read feedback from you guys:

Each round a different die is rolled depending on what is happening.

For example (Although not a strict one):
D4/d6 – Teasing
D6 – Oral
D10/d12 – Vaginal
D8 – Anal

These die stack, so if our heroine was being fucked from both sides, both the d8 and a d10 or d12 would be rolled. The result is then pitted against the players WIS/Willpower die (along with bonuses). Whatever the outcome, the difference is then applied to the Pleasure counter, while half (Rounded Up) is then applied in the form of corruption at the end of each post.

When the pleasure gained reaches a certain limit (20), the main character has an orgasm and not only loses the ability to act, but takes the difference between d20 and their WIS roll in corruption.

Certain bonuses/penalties can also be applied depending on certain elements, such as teasing through clothing(-1), being under the effects of an aphrodisiac (Wisdom -5), an opponent cumming onto or inside Jane, or even additional points for multiple partners.

Intimidation: Intimidation uses two stats, Strength and Charisma. Both die are rolled and then the total is halved rounded down.

Diplomacy: Diplomacy checks are simply any charisma check that attempts to disarm a situation or dissuade a party or individual from taking an aggressive action.

Sneaking: A sneak check is checked against an enemy’s Perception check. Darkness, the environment, and other such things can help or hinder the check.

Seduction: Seduction is the promise of sexual favors in order to sway an individual. The roll is a charisma check against the Wisdom/Willpower of a target. Certain bonuses and penalties can affect the outcome, including the target's disposition to sexual favors. If successful, the target can be swayed, but will expect Jane to keep her end of the bargain. Be careful however, as while some individuals are more patient than others, some will expect payment first before keeping their end of the deal.

ALL Charisma checks can be influenced by your post - Put down a general idea of what the character says while intimidating or seducing a target, as this can add a bonus if you're clever.

Reflex: A simple DEX check, which may sometimes have heavy penalties, this will check to see if our heroine dodges out of the way of a surprise attack, catches an item that is knocked off of a table, or other quick, time-sensitive actions.

Perception: Perception checks are mostly made in the background. If Jane notices something that could be of use in an area, while under attack, or something hidden that is dangerous such as a trap, a perception roll will be made using her wisdom. If...
A) Jane notices it, it is brought up in the story, sometimes in italics and sometimes pointed out explicitly, and the result is shown in the "Die Report" at the end of each post. The voters will need to decide how important and of what use the detail in question is. Or... B) Jane doesn't notice anything. The object may or may not be described in the story at all and the die rolls for the perception check will not show up in the "Die Report" at the end of the post.
Perception checks will be relatively uncommon, and the items/details they reveal will very rarely - if ever - have a major impact on the course of the story - I wouldn't want to attach a major plot element to RNG (He says making a game with a shit-ton of dice rolling).

Combat and related mechanics:

Combat is simply a matter of checking the character’s rolls against that of the enemies:

The character, unarmed for example, throws a punch. With no weapon equipped to grant any bonuses, it’s a simple DEX check. The character rolls a 5 on a d8 and has a 2 for their DEX, adding up to a total of 7. The enemy rolls a 2 on a d6 with no bonuses. The main character lands the punch.

To deal damage, the character rolls their STR die, adding any bonuses from their weapon and deducting the armor value of the enemy.

If the To Hit roll succeeds by 5 or more, the hit is a critical strike and confers an extra d4 to the damage. If it succeeds by 10 or more, the hit is a superior critical strike, conferring an extra d6 to the damage. Note, that Criticals such as this, where a check is won or lost by 5/10 or more, can happen in many different instances, so be careful.

If a To Hit roll fails by 5 or more, then the enemy is offered a free counterattack - this attack functions the same way as an attack, but has a slight penalty to hit and cannot trigger another counterattack. If the To Hit roll fails by 10 or more, the counterattack doesn't receive a penalty, but instead a small bonus to hit.

Weapons and other equipable items provide bonuses to certain aspects of combat, some of which aren't explicitly stated - i.e. think twice about punching an enemy when they're wielding a blade.

Clothing: Clothing can be removed forcefully by an opponent. There’s a chance it will be left intact, ripped, or left in tatters depending on how it’s removed. A roll to remove clothing is just like an attack roll, with a To Hit roll and a Damage roll. Depending on how each one plays out directly affects the state of the clothing. Enemies get a free chance to remove an article of clothing whenever they successfully grapple. When Grapples critically hit, the enemy gets an additional chance to remove clothing. Clothing attacks cannot be countered.

Grappling: Grapples work the same way as “To Hit” rolls, where the two DEX rolls are checked against one another, with only certain weapon bonuses applying. When Grapples critically hit, the enemy gets an additional chance to remove clothing. If there is no clothing, they go straight to a sexual attack.

To escape a Grapple, the character can choose to check their strength (Pushing the enemy off or attacking) or dexterity (Movement based/slipping out of the grapple) against the enemy to escape, although keep in mind: Some checks will suffer a penalty depending on how the character is grappled.. If the player simply matches the check, they manage to escape. If the character is penetrated, matching the check will only dislodge the offender, as completely throwing off an opponent while they are already screwing the character requires a check to be successful by 5 or more (pretty much a crit).

Certain elements in the environments or characteristics about the enemy can apply bonuses or penalties to the character’s escape attempt. Some of these are passive while some need to be actively sought out. I also apply bonus points in the roll depending on how you guys suggest escaping - Be creative! If you think you can utilize a bonus, put it in your vote and see if it pays off!

Of course, the character can always attempt to use a spell to free themselves if they are able to cast or straight up stab their foe if able.

Sexual Attack: To be frank, a Sexual Attack is anything that an enemy does to the main character that can build Pleasure. They are mostly initiated against the player while they are grappled, although there a few enemies that can initiate one against a non-grappled player character.

When a normal enemy has grappled the main character they will make a strength or dexterity check against them. If they succeed, they will penetrate the character or manage to insert themselves into the character’s mouth, depending on the act.

Teasing and other simple Sexual Attacks will have a bonus to hit, as they do not require a lot of movement.


Mana: This is used to cast spells if you guys happen to make a character that uses magic. Mana regenerates at a rate of 1 per hour. While sleeping/resting, an additional 1 Mana is gained every hour. You can attempt to rest at any time if you haven't slept recently, just be aware of your current situation and surroundings. Mana can also be restored by special items/events and consuming potions.

Overdrawing: A character may overdraw if the mana cost would put the caster below 0 mana and must wait until they regen back to 0 or more from negative mana before trying attempting to cast/overdraw again. But be warned: the character can be subject to any number of horrible side-effects..... especially when drawing more than 1 mana. As far as what these penalties entail... there are many forces of magic out in the world, some more unnatural than others. When desperate for mana, a mage may attract the attention of these powers.

Cantrips: Cantrips are more of tricks and tools to use in the story, rather than combat spells. Jane, by default, has 3 charges and can cast any cantrip with one charge.

Miscasting: When you cast a spell, the character has a chance to have the spell fizzle as they collect the energy to cast it. During the cast, the INT die is rolled, and as long as the result is 2+, the spell is successful. Be careful however, as while under attack or otherwise distracted, controlling a spell can sometimes be difficult, and certain penalties may be applied to one's ability to control conjure a spell. Note: Touch spells are not affected by this and cannot fizzle.

Casting Time (CT): A rough estimation of the time it takes to cast a spell. You can think of them in general terms: Short, Medium, Long, and Instant. Short spells are a cinch to cast in combat, Medium spell are a little less so, and may make it hard to cast while actively fighting and are best cast at range, Long spells will take quite a bit of time and focus and are usually cast outside or before combat, and Instant spells go off as soon as Jane wills them to. The specific times, such as “5 Seconds” or “30 Seconds” are more of a general indicator, and a difference of two seconds, such as a 3 or 5 second cast time, won’t really come into play unless there’s some story element that is extremely time sensitive.

Range/Duration: Pretty self-explanatory.

Gesture: If this is a keyword on the spell, then Jane needs to perform a physical act to cast the spell, such as holding their palm up, making a certain sign, or putting their hand on a target for a touch spell. If she is grappled or bound, gesture spells can’t be used unless the her hands are freed or are afforded enough movement to commence the spell.

Touch: If this is a keyword on the spell, then Jane needs to touch the target with her hands to apply the spells effects. As with Gestures, if Jane’s hands are bound or grappled, Touch spells will be impossible or difficult to perform.

Verbal: If this is a keyword on the spell, then Jane needs to chant a phrase or set of keywords in order to cast the spell. If she cannot speak, she cannot cast it. Whispering an incantation is possible, but it takes twice as long.

Channeled: If a spell is channeled, Jane must constantly maintain focus while casting the spell. The spell's effects will end if she is interrupted.

Requires Focus: Mostly used for cantrips, Jane must focus on the task at hand completely to cast the spell, staying still and concertrating.

Another mechanic I will be bringing over from my previous story is that off the "Minor Action", allowing players to look a closer look at the environment or talk to a character. To quote the original passage:

Minor Actions Explanation:

Minor Actions are small actions you may do in addition to your Primary Vote (A,B, C, etc). They will usually just provide you with additional information or perhaps, in rare circumstances, an item. If it would cause an encounter or runs the risk of causing general havoc than it's best to put it as an additional detail under primary vote.

Examples are asking someone a simple question, inspecting an object or feature in the environment, checking on or using an item in your bag, or changing some feature on your person. (i.e. Putting your hair into ponytail - See: Sections explained > Appearance)

They may help you, but please, try not to abuse the system. Trying to examine a couple objects in detail may be fine, but picking every item off the shelf in a store can get a bit... tedious.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Yay, you're back! I am super excited for this new story!

Alright, down to serious business:

I like Pleasure Mechanic 1 just a bit more so I vote on that one.

I also think that corruption should be accumulated as a lump sum after an encounter ends, perhaps explained as a period of reflection after the fact.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Pleasure mechanic 2 seems simpler, and simpler is usually better. I agree with the lump sum idea from Gear, that sounds simple enough. Welcome back!
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Alright, we still got time to figure all that out eventually – we’ll get some input from some others and then decide on which mechanic to go with for the Pleasure system. I also wanted to mention how I will be more... "concise" in my posts, as opposed to my last story, which, quite frankly, drew on for quite a while with each entry. For now, let’s focus on creating our character:

Respeiro, The City of the Cliff, a massive metropolis made up of many different districts and tiers. It is a center for trade, a political capital, late seat of a tyrannical empire, birthplace of a revolution, and home to our heroine: Jane Theriner.

For the map, I tried to indicate at what elevation each district is: The darker sections are the highest and lowest points in the city, with the slums and port at sea level, the industrial district going up the cliffs to the lower market district, and then finally reaching the top of the cliffs with the upper market district and lower residential district. The Green "barbells" represent the main gates, but there are many more ways through the city, as Respeiro is rife with tunnels and secret passages.

Jane is the daughter of one of the many nobles who sit on the council of Respeiro, the government responsible for the well-being of the city and its people. Motherless from a young age, Jane, her father, and a few staff members of the household reside in an estate in the Noble’s district, as is typical of the immediate family of those who rule. She was born here and has spent almost her entire life within its walls, only visiting the nearby town of Arnes a few times.

Thorold, an experienced soldier and friend of her father acts as the family’s bodyguard, protecting Jane when she ventures into the city and her father during diplomatic trips. A tall man with friendly mutton chops, Thorold is usually a bit rough around the edges, but becomes a kind-hearted soul when in Jane’s presence, a state he quickly leaves behind if he perceives any risk to the family. While he can be a bit overprotective sometimes, Jane still enjoys his company and considers him a friend.

Scholar Ide, while not a member of the residence, visits often, tutoring Jane throughout her years growing up. An old man who looks quite brittle on the outside, Ide is actually an accomplished mage who has traveled to many different parts of the world, eventually settling down in Respeiro to live out the rest of his days. While he can be strict at times, Jane still values the knowledge from his lectures… even if she wishes they weren’t quite so frequent.

20 years, and this is all that has been set… but parts of her past still remain unfixed…

Character Creation Part 1:

Jane’s father saw to it that she be given instruction on how to defend herself. Jane…
A) … took lessons from Thorold. Every week, clashes of metal could be heard out in the yard as he taught her the basics of combat. Jane’s lessons were in…

1) … Fencing – Fast and deadly, Jane is quite proficient at combating enemies through the use of her sabre

Jane’s Strength die is now a d8
Jane Dexterity die is now a d10
Jane’s Intelligence OR Wisdom die is now a d8 instead of a d6

STR + 2
DEX + 2

Constitution +10

2) … the shortsword – While comfortable with melee combat, Jane was also curious about the use of magic. While she primarily uses the blade, she has dedicated some time to studying the use of magic with Scholar Ide as well.

Jane’s Strength die is now a d8
Jane Dexterity die is now a d8
Jane’s Intelligence OR Wisdom die is now a d8 instead of a d6

STR +1
DEX +1

Constitution +5
Mana +2
Spell Count +1

B) … didn’t feel very comfortable with combat. Scholar Ide stepped in to help however, as he thought he may be able to pass on his ability to use magic. Jane…

1) … while comfortable with the use of spells, felt she shouldn’t rely on them, spending a bit of her time with Thorold as well, training her martial prowess a bit.

Jane’s Strength OR Dexterity die is now a d8 instead of a d6
Jane’s Intelligence die is now a d8
Jane’s wisdom die is now a d8

+1 STR -OR - DEX
+1 INT
+1 WIS

Constitution +3
Mana +4
Spell Count +2

2) … took to magic extremely well: There was something she loved about wielding such magical power, even if it was tiny fraction of what many others possessed. Almost all of her focus went into furthering these magical powers.

Jane’s Strength OR Dexterity die is now a d8 instead of a d6
Jane’s Intelligence die is now a d10
Jane’s wisdom die is now a d8

+1 STR -OR - DEX
+2 INT
+2 WIS

Constitution +0
Mana +8
Spell Count +4

Jane, like the daughter of any other noble, went to charm school for young ladies. Jane thought it was…
A) Extremely Useful. Jane took to the classes well and learned a great deal about how to act like a lady, perform the tasks a noble woman should, and how to woo any potential suitors.

Jane’s Charisma die is now a d10

Charming: +3 to Charisma-based checks against Human, Elf, Dwarf, Half-orc, and Half-elf males.

B) Somewhat Useful. While she wasn’t too thrilled about the prospect, she still mostly paid attention. She gained some knowledge from the courses, but would often-time think back to different pursuits.

Jane’s Charisma die is now a d8

Allocate two points into any of the following Attributes:
- Strength
- Dexterity
- Intelligence
- Wisdom
- Charisma

C) Not really her thing. Jane gained very little knowledge from the school, usually too caught up in her books or thoughts about how she could better improve her (Swordsmanship/Magical Prowess). Overall, she wasn’t too keen on acting like a “Proper Lady”.

Jane’s Charisma die is now a d6

Allocate three points into any of the following Attributes:
- Strength
- Dexterity
- Intelligence
- Wisdom

Jane’s Aunt visits her often and tells her tales of her voyages as a…
A) Merchant

+ 2 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods.
+ 1 on rolls for any perception or sense motive checks involving the value of an item.

B) Smuggler

+ 1 on rolls to conceal an item or hide.

Gain basic Knowledge of Bayton
Gain basic Knowledge of the various pirate groups that roam the seas near Respeiro

C) Mercenary

+ 2 on rolls to negotiate the price of any service
+ 1 on rolls to negotiate the price of goods.

Jane’s Aunt also told her cautionary tales of all the monsters out in the world. Fascinating tales of fiends that lust after women. These monsters and creatures are:
Alright, so here’s where you guys decide what kind of fetishes will be involved. More so, what’s on the list of possible “opponents”. For this section, I’d like you to give it a simple 1 through 5 according to the table below, and any comments you have on the subject. I will state now that I am NOT going to be doing loli, scat, peeing, guro, vore, expansion to ridiculous proportions, and other waaaay out there stuff. Obviously, rape is going to be a thing in this CYOA… but then again, when is it not?

1 – “Ew, none of that, please.
2 – “I’m not really for it... but I can ignore it.
3 – “I don’t care either way.
4 – “Sure, I’m alright with that. Go ahead and include it."
5 – “Yes! I want THAT in the story! Big Thumbs up here.

Here is the list. Go ahead and leave a 1 – 5 and, if you want, any comments, questions, and concerns. Some items are to just see if anything is for/against them, some is to just gauge interest for them. Also, if you need to, you can also send me the answers in a message if you are so inclined.

Bestiality? When I say this I’m talking pure animal – werewolves, minotaurs, and the like are not included here. I’m referring to stuff such as dogs and wolves. I doubt I’ll get into pig, horse, or that kind of stuff in this playthrough.

Spiders? Bug-like anything? Whether it’s a massive spider or a small insect that has latched onto our heroine’s rump, I want to know what you think of anything with multiple legs and/or a caraspace.

Undead? Now, we skirted this in my last story, but it didn’t really go anything. This includes zombies mostly, but could extend to ghouls and other slightly more intelligent beings that could be considered in the same vein.

Mini-tentacles? I’m pretty sure this one’s okay, but just getting a feeling for them. Mini-tentacles are pretty much what they sound like and are usually a squirming mass or swarm that slowly travels as a single entity.

Transgender? Will show up in side-characters if at ALL. Mostly just gauging interest.

Plant-life? Will probably be in the form of tentacles if anything.

Bondage? How far is too far? How far is just right? I probably won’t be writing scenes depicting our heroine strung up in one of those fancy rigs that hold all her limbs, but I can definitely see her being strung up by her hands for a group.

Lesbian? Pretty straight forward.

Pregnancy? I think this may be a bit of a problem if I was to write the story realistically, so I’ll most likely only include it in “Bad Ending” write ups.

Tentacles…? Yeeeah… I’m just going to mark that down as a “5”.

Futanari? Do you guys want it to show up at all? Or are they simply a rumor, born out of a mage’s twisted fantasies?

If there are other fetishes you do not see here which you would like to have in the story or have issues with being in the story, please let me know.

Jane lives in the Noble District, and while its atmosphere is rife with properness, etiquette, and politics… Jane knows as much as any other young adult about sex. Her first-hand experience on the matter is…
A) None at all – While not quite naïve, she is quite distanced from anything on the topic. She hasn’t even had her first kiss!

B) A very small amount – She has exchanged quite a few kisses and has even revealed her bosom to a very special young man, but nothing more.

C) A bit experienced – Jane has had relationships with a few men, but she has gone so far as to give a blowjob before. Nothing more though!

D) Jane is no longer a virgin, having had it taken by a local man she had met during a particularly fun night at a local, rather up-scale establishment. Unfortunately, she hasn’t seen the man since and regrets the incident a bit.

That’s it for now, I’ll have the last half of the questions up later. Hope you like you see so far!

Oh, and for the next part, I wanted to ask if you want just the lore answers themselves, so as to create the character and then get the bonuses, whatever they may be… or should I include the bonuses along with the answers as I have done for these, so that you may take both into account.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

From top to bottom

B2: Took to magic extremely well Magic is an interesting element in your story that I would like to see explored, not to mention I believe it would fit the back story. If our heroine is indeed the daughter raised in noble society (where the father is in a position of great authority and influence), having higher intelligence and willpower (sensing the motives of others especially) would be useful in order to not be taken advantage of by those seeking to use and harm you, or those close to you. Aside from that magic, at least from what I gather from the other story, is a bit of an unknown element amongst the general populace (aside from perhaps some enchanted equipment), and there's nothing like having the element of surprise when it's needed. Also forgot to add +1 to Dexterity.

B: Somewhat Useful +1 to Dexterity and +1 to Charisma - I believe Charisma and the ability to persuade individuals is an incredibly useful skill, and again i believe it would fit the back story. I want to pump +1 into Charisma just to have an above average stat, and +1 into Dexterity because hitting something is important, and being able to escape and run away is pretty useful as well... which also lends itself to hiding :p .

B: Smuggler (Totally didn't mean to have three B's in a row) Because of lore reasons and, as the old saying goes, knowledge is power. Plus, the ability to hide and conceal something might prove useful later on. You never know when a hidden dagger, health potion, rope, or chihuahua might come in handy.

Bestiality - 4:Spiders - 3:Undead - 2:Mini-tentacles - 4:Transgender - 4:plantlife - 4:Bondage - 4:Lesbian - 4: Pregnancy - 4 (For Pregnancy I'll say I don't mind if the main character gets pregnant but the story continues in some fashion, there are pregnant characters, or even if it is an ending):Tentacles - 4:Futanari - 4 (It's up to you how you want to do Futanari, whether it's a normal thing, something that's a magical ailment, or it's a relatively new predicament doesn't really bother me)

A Out of all the options I believe this one fits the best.

As for the bonuses and lore... I don't really mind either way, but personal preference dictates that I would like all information up front, but that's just me.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

If our heroine is indeed the daughter raised in noble society (where the father is in a power of great authority and influence), having higher intelligence and willpower (sensing the motives of others especially) would be useful in order to not be taken advantage of by those seeking to use and harm you, or those close to you.

I should mention, for stuff like this: Jane is smart to start with, she isn't going to be a ditzy princess who doesn't know anything. Having additional points in wisdom will simply make it so that Jane draws attention to certain elements that could be of use and comes up with more options on her own instead of the voter having to do so - the choice, ultimately and of course, is left up to a vote... Oh, and this is a small bonus. Intelligence is mostly used for magic.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Pleasure mechanic 2 seems simpler, and simpler is usually better. I agree with the lump sum idea from Gear, that sounds simple enough. Welcome back!


Top to bottom:

B2 - hey *grins*

A - to change...

A - stuff

Bestiality - 3; Spiders - 5; Undead - 4; Mini-tentacles - 4; Transgender - 12; Plant-life - 5; Bondage - 2; Lesbian - 4; Pregnancy - 3 (well doesn't have to be realistic in a story where a woman can be raped by skeletons); Tentacles -3; Futanari - 1

A - well... ya know.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

B2 (+1 DEX)



Bestiality? 5

Spiders? 5

Undead? 5

Mini-tentacles? 5

Transgender? 3

Plant-life? 5

Bondage? 3

Lesbian? 5

Pregnancy? 5

Tentacles…? 5

Futanari? 5

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Nice to have you back:)

B1 because balance, freebie point to str.

B (Somewhat useful). Points to Charisma and Dex.

A(Merchant). Got to be "classy" after all.

In order: 2-3-2-4-3-4-3-4-4-4-4.

Let's go for B on the last one.

Also, bit late but Pleasure Mechanic 1 seems okay to me.
(Although, we would probably get used to either along the road anyway!)

Toss corruption as a lump after an event, seems easier to keep track of that way.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

About the Pleasure Mechanic: I prefer the second option, and corruption should be added as a lump sum at the end of the encounter.

Jane’s father saw to it that she be given instruction on how to defend herself. Jane…
B2) took to magic extremely well

Jane, like the daughter of any other noble, went to charm school for young ladies. Jane thought it was…
A) Extremely Useful

Jane’s Aunt visits her often and tells her tales of her voyages as a…
A) Merchant

Bestiality - 2

Spiders - 2

Undead - 1+ (1 for most undead, but 2, 3, or even 4, for some types of ghosts, such as the ghost of an elven sorceress or the ghosts of a long-dead king)

Mini-tentacles - 3

Transgender - 2

Plant-life - 3 (does that include only vines, or also things such as a pollen that can cause arousal?)

Bondage - 4

Lesbian - 5

Pregnancy - 2

Tentacles - 3

Futanari - 5

Jane lives in the Noble District, and while its atmosphere is rife with properness, etiquette, and politics… Jane knows as much as any other young adult about sex. Her first-hand experience on the matter is…
A) None at all

Also, please include the bonuses along with the answers
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

B2 took to magic extremely well

Jane, like the daughter of any other noble, went to charm school for young ladies. Jane thought it was…
A Extremely Useful

Jane’s Aunt visits her often and tells her tales of her voyages as a…
A Merchant

Overall sex is 4 or 5
Bestiality - 1 (Exception for monstergirls)

Spiders - 1

Undead - 1 (for zombies) 4 for ghosts

Mini-tentacles - 5

Transgender - 2

Plant-life - 5

Bondage -3

Lesbian - 5

Pregnancy - 3

Tentacles - 5

Futanari - 5

Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Here’s part 2 of the character creation.

You can still vote on part one. I will tally up all the results in a few days once everyone has had a chance to vote and a chance to let me know their questions and concerns for the story. There will be one more part to the character creation after this - once that is up, I will give people some time to post their decisions before I begin the story.

Nice to have you back:)
Welcome back!
Yay, you're back! I am super excited for this new story!
And thank you – Good to be back!

Character Creation Part 2:

Another noble, who was a friend of Jane’s father, went overseas to an exotic land. When he came back he brought with him a piece of jewelry for Jane. It contained mystical properties and told her to use it for when she needs it most, as it will lose its power afterwards... What is it?
A) A ring that will open any lock.
B) A ring that casts a spell with a 100% success rate and double the damage rolled
C) A necklace that allows the wearer to become invisible for a minute
D) A ring that automatically heal Jane to full health when she reaches 0 Constitution.
E) An ornate pocket-watch that stops time for 30 seconds
F) A ring that emits a massive blow from the wearer’s palm – powerful enough to destroy a portcullis.
G) An earring that allows the wearer to understand an individual for up to 3 hours, regardless of language. Physical contact must be made to initiate the effect.
H) A bracelet that will allow the wearer to automatically succeed at intimidating any single, humanoid target.

Jane had just finished up a meal at one of her favorite restaurants. She paid the bill and proceeded to leave, but as she did so, a young man at a table of many others happened to grasp her bottom. How did she respond?
A) Jane decked the poor fool, knocking him unconscious, before proceeding to stare down the young man’s friends, warning them that she never wanted to see them there again.

+ 1 STR
+ 1 to Intimidation rolls

B) She decked the poor fool right in the face Knocking him unconscious and then apologized profusely for doing such a thing, not wanting to anger the other men at the table.

+ 1 STR
+ 1 on Diplomacy rolls

C) Jane ignored it and continued out the door seeing no reason to start a commotion in one of her favorite establishments or angering the other gentlemen at the table.

+ 1 WIS
+ 1 on Perception rolls

D) Jane immediately seized the man’s wrist, raising it up and off of her rear as she stared down at the man, pushing it away as she continued to leave.

+ 1 DEX
+ 1 on Reflex rolls

E) Jane winked at him and made sure to give him and his friends a show of her swaying hips as she walked out the door.

+ 2 on Seduction rolls

F) Jane leaned in close before whispering a few words of caution, lest the young man want to get on the wrong side of a lady from a ruling household.

+ 2 on Intimidation rolls

What is Jane’s opinion of the slums?
A) A disgusting place, she’d sooner run around the entire city to get somewhere if she had to go through there.

B) It’s a district like any other - as long as you know to keep a close eye on your coinpurse and don’t walk down any narrow passages, it’s fine.

C) A fascinating district - while hard to get to due to its location, the dichotomy between it and her home district is sometimes thrilling, even if it is somewhat dangerous.

Jane has many friends, but her best friend by far is…
Note: All three of these characters exist, regardless of the vote.

A) Anna: An elf with long blonde curls, a stern face, and a plethora of clothes to suit any occasion, "Annabelle" is one of the more pampered friends Jane has. While she can be snooty at times, Anna is, more often than not, quite kind. Whatever her flaws, they almost always get along and enjoy discussing the finer points of politics, fashion, and how best to sneak down to the markets.

B) Maria: Maria is a small, human girl who wants desperately to try and enter the Mage’s academy. Day after day she spends studying about magic in hopes that she can prove herself powerful enough to enter. She, of course, has time to spend with her friends and Jane is more than happy talking about spellcraft or discussing the ancient civilizations and ruins that litter the landscape near Respeiro.

C) Lily: Lily is a young, human girl who lives in the slums, but has made a habit of sneaking up to the markets and even the Noble District on occasion. Jane first met her when after she had accidentally snuck into her yard – Thorold was about to turn her into the guards, but was stopped by Jane, insisting to talk with the intruder. A few days later and she had become quite familiar with Lily and her reckless ventures throughout the city and, unbeknownst to her family, Jane had even accompanied her on a few of these ventures into other parts of the city.

Oh, and Jane’s Aunt almost forgot…
Yeah, sorry: I forgot about a few other topics I wanted to make sure I threw out there and got a bit of feedback on:

Goblins? Yeah, they’ll probably pop up in some form regardless, but I felt I should include this anyway.

Beastmen? Werewolves, minotaurs, Ratmen ala this picture: This category will fill the role of half-man, half-creature cliches you see in fantasy.

Gangbang? I’m going to assume this one’s okay, but I’m putting it down as a precaution.

Also, as a final comment, this picture was my original "visual inspiration" for Jane. While it looks as though the sword may be removed, is everyone okay with this look or should we change it up a bit? Mentally, of course... I don't mean photoshop.


EDIT: Wanted to edit my last post instead of making a new one to just say this, but seeing as Jane will most likely be a mage, I'm planning on including the spell selection in the next update as well as all the rules for spellcasting. I'm only a portion of the way through them and the rest of the update at the moment and will probably fall asleep before I finish... so expect them late Saturday Night.
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Character Creation 2:

F: A ring that emits a powerful blow from the wearer's palm - powerful enough to destroy a portcullis. It was a toss up between this and the time stop pocket-watch, but I think this is vastly more useful. You never know when you'll need raw destructive power in a pinch.

D:Jane immediately seized the man’s wrist, raising it up and off of her rear as she stared down at the man, pushing it away as she continued to leave. I'll admit that while I do want a focus on spell-casting, I also want the main character to not be hit overly much, which is why I'm choosing Dexterity based traits... not to mention standing up for one's self isn't a bad thing.

C: A fascinating district - while hard to get to due to its location, the dichotomy between it and her home district is sometimes thrilling, even if it is somewhat dangerous. Mainly because it's interesting, as long as she recognizes that there are dangers.

B: Maria - Wow, all these characters sound interesting, but I'll have to go with the would-be mage, if for nothing else than possibly having more information about the world at large.

Goblins - Beastmen - Gangbang: 4's across the board

Finally, the picture looks fantastic! I'm totally okay with that representation.

On a side note I love how every time I randomly decide to check the forums I find that you've posted. The luck of the kings I say!
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Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

C) A necklace that allows the wearer to become invisible for a minute

B) She decked the poor fool right in the face Knocking him unconscious and then apologized profusely for doing such a thing, not wanting to anger the other men at the table.

B) It’s a district like any other - as long as you know to keep a close eye on your coinpurse and don’t walk down any narrow passages, it’s fine.

B) Maria

Goblins - 4

Beastmen - 3

Gangbang - 4 (possibly 5 depending on the participants)

The picture is fine.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

A - sweet enough.

E - well, I'm obviously not pickin' the "best" stats but creatin' the char' ^^"

C - kweul place, a bunch of nice people to meet

C - D3

Goblins - 3; Beastmen - 4; Gangbang - 4

Nice picture.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

character creation part 2:





Goblins? 3

Beastmen? 5

Gangbang? 5

oh and pleasure mechanic 2 with lump sum corr
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Part 2:

C. Because invis saves lives!

B Just seems most useful to me.

B I guess...

B The more mages the better.

3-3-3 in order.

Picture's fine with me.
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Character creation part1:
A2 (+ on int)
Beastiality - 2; Spiders - 3; Undead - 2/3; Mini-tentacles - 4; Transgender - 1; Plant-life - 5; Bondage - 3; Lesbian - 3; Pregnancy - 4; Tentacles - 5; Futanari - 1

C necklece with the One Ring on it :p
Goblins - 3; Beastmen - 3; Gangbang - 2;
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Lookit what happens when I decide to randomly check the forums! Welcome back!

That being said, onto business.

Pleasure mechanics: I choose option 3.
What if it were a check against her WIS, and everytime she failed, she went up a rank (like corruption)? Checks could get increasingly difficult for added fun.
Corruption should still be added as a lump sum, as was previously noted. Side note: what goes into a perception check?

Character Creation 1: B1, dexterity + B, +2 Charisma + B(smuggler) + A(none at all)

Part 2: D(health ring) + F* + B + B(Maria)
*do it with a wink and a smile for extra class

Lastly, I like the picture. And, who says mages can't use swords?
Re: Amarant: Noble's Path

Part 1:

A1, B +1 str +1 dex, C mercenary,

Bestiality 5, Spiders 3, Undead 3, mini-tentacles 4, Trangender 3, plant-life 4, Bondage 2, lesbian 4, pregnancy 5, futanari 2


Part 2:


Goblins 3, Beastmen 5, Gangbang 4.