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Amystra Glandel (roe2121)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Amystra awoke to the sensation of cool air against her bare skin. As she sat up, she quickly realized that where ever she was, it was most certainly not her own room. The walls were a grayish color, and were made of some sort of unknown material her mind couldn't register. In addition, her 'bed' was a heated stone slab of some kind, where she'd apparently been laid down and stripped of all of her clothing. Try as she might, she couldn't remember how she'd ended up here, or what she'd been doing prior to the last time she'd gotten out of bed. Clearly, she'd been drugged and taken somewhere, kidnapped, but the question was, by whom? For that matter, if she'd been kidnapped, why was she not bound by restraints of some kind?

Suddenly a hidden speaker turned on, even as her eyes laid sight on a pair of wickedly sharp daggers.

"Oh good, you're awake. Hello Amystra, and welcome to the Planet of Pleasure. Do try to relax and sit down as I explain just why you are here.

You've been brought here to provide entertainment for my friends and I, but don't you worry, you'll get to have fun doing it! You see, on this planet, you'll get to have lots of sex with pretty much anything you can think of. Succubi, other Elves, Sylvari, Arachne and all other creatures you probably have never dreamed about having sex with. Sounds like so much fun doesn't it? I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself, everyone always does after the initial shock of the first sexual encounter. Oh, but yes, you probably don't want sex with anything and everything, at least not yet you don't. That's where the entertainment for us comes in. You see, you have two choices in this matter. Either have sex, and put on a great show with your orgasms, or you can try to fight for your survival. Now as such, because I'm a generous host, I've granted you abilities that you may use almost anywhere on this world, and that are a permanent addition to you. Undoubtedly, you will try to fight, and you will ultimately fail at least on several occasions and be quite dominatingly, and hotly raped. It won't just be men though that you'll face, no you'll encounter other women who will be more than happy to have sex with you. In fact, you might even get to experience just exactly what a male of your species feels when they have sex with a tight woman like yourself. Ah, but the time for chat is over Amystra. Your game is about to begin. Fight well lovely girl, and you may earn the right to meet me in person. Try not to get broken and raped to defeat too quickly now. Ah, and don't think you can just sit there in that room forever. We put you in there, so we can, and will come for you if you don't leave soon. Enjoy yourself Amystra, I know we'll enjoy watching you! Enjoy yourself sexy!"

With that a door suddenly appeared, as a section of the wall in front of her slid upwards, revealing a set of stairs that led up, and presumably, outside.


1: Head on out to see what you're stuck in.

2: Test what he said, and see if anything will come for you if you refuse to leave the room.
Re: Amystra Glandel (roe2121)

Amystra listens to the monologue of the voice, 'so they know my name.. Hmph.' She thinks to herself, clearly not too happy with the predicament she is in and it shows on her face as she sits on the edge of the weird bed and stands exploring the strange room running hand along the wall, her body tensing up everytime sex or rape is mentioned. 'So ultimately fail huh, my training might be a bit different." She again thinks to herself before going to the daggers to pick them up, holding them she gives them a few slashes in the air and practices a few different moves before turning to the doorway 'hmm that wasn't there before.' She goes up to it she peeks out with head first before ducking out and moving along at a cautious pace. Both weapons very much ready to attack anything she finds what ever abilities they put in she tries to commit to muscle memory so they don't fail when she needs them.

Option 1: Leave the room.
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Re: Amystra Glandel (roe2121)

Amystra stepped out and up into a totally alien world.

The sky above her was orange, with wispy pink clouds here and there. Three suns burned in the sky brightly, but not bright enough to hide the existence of at least seven moons visible even in broad daylight. There was a sparkling green ocean off in the distance, so pure seeming that she might almost wish she could take a dip in it. It was warm, but not too hot, and the faint breeze was rather pleasant against her bare skin.

The grass at her feet was a shock though, completely red in color like blood. Those features of this alien world paled however to the sudden appearance of a woman, who quite literally appeared in front of her from thin air. Before she could react, the woman began to speak in a soft voice.

"Hello. My name is Cassidy, and I'll do what I can to try and help you escape from this ... awful place. I don't have much time to contact you now, so I must be brief and wait for the next chance. On this world you will encounter many lust filled creatures, all of whom will seek to rape you. Not all of them are humanoid either, but that won't stop them. I will do what I can to provide you with vital information along the way, and guide you to the best of my ability. I only hope that I can make a difference and save you the fate that has come upon so many who have been trapped here. When the time is right, I will contact you again. Good Luck friend."

Before Amystra could say anything, the woman faded from existence, and it was only now that she realized two important things about the woman. She'd had dark colored hair, but more importantly, how could she have had hair color when her entire body had been see through like she was a ghost?


1: Let's explore!

2: Wait for no reason (chance to be caught)
Re: Amystra Glandel (roe2121)

Finally stepping outside into some semblance of.... Normal? She looks around a little surprised and unease at the surroundings the ocean definitely looking appealing against the orange sky and red grass. That startles her a bit so when the appearance of this woman she instantly takes a combat stance ready to defend herself listening to what she has to say only relaxing when Cassidy disappears again. Leaving Amystra quite confused as to what exactly Cassidy is, shaking the thoughts from her mind she looks around a little before heading off to try and find some way of making clothing on the way down towards the ocean in the distance the idea of swimming in it quite pleasant.
Re: Amystra Glandel (roe2121)

Deciding to move onward, Amystra was soon out of sight of the small building she'd woken up in, and found herself moving towards what seemed to be a forest of some kind. As she started to move through this wooded area ...

Trap Evasion Roll:

Trap???: 6 vs. Amystra: 24

... Something suddenly seemed off to her, and without thinking about why she did it, Amystra instinctively ducked down and rolled to one side. It proved to be a good thing, as when she came to her feet she could see some form of tentacle thrashing about in the spot she'd JUST been standing in! Said tentacle appeared to originate from somewhere above, hidden in the branches of the many trees around her. She'd come very close to being attacked by what had to be some kind of trap. Still, something didn't seem right to her, and she couldn't place what it was until she heard a female voice from off to her right!

"By the six ... are you ... are you really a person?"

If she turned to see the source of the voice, she'd spot a smaller sized female who was quite attractive, particularly for a part plant like woman. It took her a moment, but Amystra would recognize her as belonging to the Sylvari, a race her own people had met a long time ago. They were a gentle, and usually peaceful race, but they knew when the time to fight was at hand, and could be fierce combatants when needed. They were also rumored to be one of the purest of soul and heart races her people had ever encountered, and would never have willingly worked with anyone evil. A quick glance over the woman revealed her to be in about the same predicament as Amystra was. Nude, scared, alone and, by the looks of her, she'd been here longer. She was being careful, looking Amystra over as if she expected her to try and rape her, so gods only knew what this girl had gone through here.

Another more careful glance of her revealed indications she was somewhat worn down, as if she'd been raped several times already here. She wasn't sure how she knew, but she could tell that whatever influence had brought her here had begun to affect the Sylvari woman before her, as some form of corruption had begun tainting the woman. She wasn't entirely certain just how this corruption thing worked, but from what she could tell right now, the woman had taken more than her fair share of it, and she was probably lucky to be free. Still, the woman seemed almost fearful of her, yet a slight optimism hung in the air, as if the woman were hoping for an ally, but secretly fearful she'd just encountered something else who'd want to try and rape her.

Companion Encounter:

Elisha Cuthara: Elisha is a Sylvari woman who has brown vine like hair and brown eyes, standing five foot five. Elisha won't give in to any sexual attacks, she will always fight when able to.

Companion KP: 7,868.


1: Reassure her you aren't going to attack her, then try to get her to join you in moving on.

2: Same as 1, but stay put for now (Chance to be Caught).

((Will place her stats next post when she's officially joined you))
Re: Amystra Glandel (roe2121)

As Amystra dodges out of the way of the trap she looks up at the trees for a sign where it came from, hearing a voice she whirls around weapons at the ready but seeing the Sylvari she lowers them a little.

"Easy I am not going to do anything, yes I am a person. I am not an enemy as you can see I am very much in the same position you are, how about we travel as a group as there is a little safety in numbers to a set degree?" She asks holding her hands in a non threatening pose if she had somewhere to belt the daggers they would of been put there. "I do have to ask was that you?" Referencing the tentacle that just tried to attack Amystra.
Re: Amystra Glandel (roe2121)

The woman carefully looked Amystra over a little longer before seeming to relax slightly, nodding. However, at the question regarding the tentacles, she shook her head.

"No, we do not have that kind of ability. Those things appear to be some kind of tree dwelling tentacles. I've seen them a few times before, and each time they've grabbed someone, that person has been raped by them. We shouldn't linger though, patrols check these areas often. I'll ... join you, we should stand a better chance together ... in theory."

Something about her tone suggested that the woman had been here a while, and she seemed to know something more than what she'd just said. Perhaps she hadn't started off alone, and something had happened to her former companions?

Moving onward, the two found themselves in a new area, just outside of the forest. As they moved through this new area ...

Enemy Encounter:

Level 3 Karsetti 1: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600. Damage: 8. Weak vs. Physical. Super Tentacle Binds. Anger Slots: 3/3.

Level 1 Humanoid Plant: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 40. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire. Tentacle Binds.

Level 1 Demon Dog: Stamina: 160. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Weak vs. Fire.

Level 3 Karsetti 2: Stamina: 150. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600. Damage: 8. Weak vs. Physical. Super Tentacle Binds. Anger Slots: 3/3.

Initiative Rolls:

Amystra: 7 (Last)
Elisha: 20 (2nd)
Karsetti 1: 27 (1st)
Karsetti 2: 19 (3rd)
Plant: 18 (4th)
Dog: 16 (5th)

... suddenly they spotted four enemies coming towards them! Before Amystra could react, they were under attack!

Grapple Attempt:

Karsetti 1: 18 vs. Amystra: 4

Amystra is quickly grabbed in the tentacled embrace of one of the Karsetti!

Elisha wastes no time in activating her Mantra of Speed, giving both women 2 actions per round. She then launches into attack mode, hoping to balance things out some!

Attack Rolls:

Elisha: 11 & 21 vs. Demong Dog: 10 & Karsetti 2: 13

Elisha vaporizes both of her targets, evening the battle out some!

Grapple Attempt:

Humanoid Plant: 3 vs. Elisha: 8

Elisha dodges!

Elisha's Vital Info:

Sylvari Chantress

Starting HP: 70
Starting Mana: 70/120
Starting Sexual Stamina: 180

KP: 7,868/50,000.


Mantra of Persistence - While this buff is active, each party member has 25% more Health, 20% More Mana and 30% more Sexual Stamina. This buff remains active from the time it is cast through an entire battle, unless the Chantress is raped. Once penetrated, the buff fails and must be recast later when she is free. Mana Cost - 50.

Mantra of Speed - While this buff is active, your companion is able to have two actions per turn. If they are being raped, they have two chances to escape penetration. If attacking, they can attack twice with the same skill at only the cost of one cast. This might be one of the more useful spells later in the game, along with Persistence. As with all buffs, if the Chantress is raped, the buff ends. Mana Cost - 50.

Replication - This skill allows the Chantress to replicate ANY ITEM in the game except an item that you can only have one of at a time upon their dropping. A highly useful skill, it is used at the end of a fight, so plan your mana usage wisely. Mana Cost - 60.

Holy Blast - This skill deals 300 Holy Damage if it hits, double against undead and demons. This damage cannot be reduced, nor enhanced, it will always do 300 damage to non demons or non undead, or 600 if they are demonic or undead. Magical Attack. Can't critical hit.

Class Specific Skills:

Sexual Frustration - The name to this is misleading to say the least. This passive skill doesn't block pleasure the Chantress suffers, nor does it increase her chances to avoid getting raped. Instead it allows her a little payback.

When the Chantress is raped to an orgasm, her body rapidly channels the pleasure she suffers into raw energy, and upon her orgasm the Chantress's body will release this energy in the form of a directed blast of damage upon any enemy raping her at that time. The damage will be equal to 2x her MAXIMUM Sexual Stamina, so to begin with an orgasm would deal 360 damage to any and all enemies who were alive at the time she suffered an orgasm.

Heavenly Delight - The Chantress can, once per battle, choose either herself or her ally to target with this. This spell allows for whoever is targeted to completely resist taking KP from that point on until she suffers an orgasm. Once the target has an orgasm, the spell is broken and she can gain KP again. Very useful in a situation where things aren't going well and you need a boost, or in combination with a class that can deal damage when they orgasm, allowing them a cheap way to kill something, or seriously mess it up. The only drawback to this spell is it consumes whatever mana the Chantress still had at that point, leaving her very limited until she can regen. If she has some potions though, this isn't such a loss. The Chantress can't cast if she is penetrated, or penetrating, but she can if she's grappled. Mana Cost: 100 to start.

Very Weak vs. ANY form of Tentacle Rape (+10 Pleasure) (plants count, tentacled pussies/mouths count/restrained by tentacles while raped).


1: Try to struggle free and then attack.

2: Other?
Re: Amystra Glandel (roe2121)

'Great so there is something else out here.' Amystra thinks to herself listening to Elisha she quirks a brow at the fact she mentioned about every time someone is grabbed they are raped. "Sounds like you know a little bit... about them." Amystra says offhandedly.

Seeing the figures approaching Amystra falters which before she can even react she finds herself wrapped up. "Damn it" She says in frustration before struggling even trying to sink her daggers into the creature which is holding her.
Re: Amystra Glandel (roe2121)

"More than I'd care to," came her reply just before they were attacked.

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Amystra: 29 vs. Karsetti: 1

Amystra quickly manages to escape!

Attack Rolls:

Amystra: 17, 16 & 15 vs. Karsetti: 14, 12 & 13

Amystra deals 450 Damage to the Karsetti, leaving it with 150 HP.

Grapple Attempt:

Karsetti: 22 vs. Amystra: 21+5=26

Amystra is just barely able to dodge!

Attack Rolls:

Elisha: 17 & 29 vs. Karsetti: 3 & Plant: 15

Elisha fries the Karsetti, and deals 300 damage to the plant, leaving it with 300 HP left.

Grapple Attempt:

Plant: 6 vs. Amystra: 4+5=9

Amystra dodges again.


1: Attack it and try to kill it!

2: Run Away!

3: Have sex with it!
Re: Amystra Glandel (roe2121)

Letting out a sigh of relief to be free of the things grip before turning and hitting it as Elisha fries it Amystra gets ready to hit it again wanting to kill it so it can't attack anyone else or follow her and her ally.

So attack again ^.^
Re: Amystra Glandel (roe2121)

Attack Rolls:

Amystra: 28 vs. Plant: 3

Amystra only needs one hit from her chain as it goes Critical, killing the creature instantly!

Both women gain 1,000 XP.

Loot Phase:

Karsetti 1: MP Potion.
Karsetti 2: Nothing!
Plant: MP Potion.
Dog: Map Piece!

Bending down, Elisha hands a pair of MP Potions to Amystra while picking up the map piece. Almost immediately, Cassidy appeared again, and began to speak.

"Congratulations, you've found one of the many map pieces you will need to escape this horrid place. When you are ready to move onward, I will show you how to read future map pieces like this one, and show you where to go."


1: Rest to full stats then move on (2 turns needed, can't be caught)

2: Move onward now.

3: Other?
Re: Amystra Glandel (roe2121)

Amystra had just only taken the mp potions when Cassidy appears again, letting out a rather embarrassing squeak of surprise as she reels around losing balance, landing on her ass. Listening to what she says before looking to Elisha "How are you feeling good to go on or would you like some rest?" She asks considerate of the other woman with her putting the decision onto her as she feels good enough to continue on.
Re: Amystra Glandel (roe2121)

Elisha thought for a moment, then shook her head.

"I'm good, let's keep moving."

Cassidy briefly explained to them how this, like most map pieces worked and how to read them, Elisha seeming to pick up on it fairly easily. Soon enough though Cassidy had vanished again, and they were left to progress through this new area.

They hadn't gone far when they came across what appeared to have once been a graveyard, with tomb stones lining the landscape as far as the eye could see. There were a handful of trees here, but beyond that the place was rather creepy, completely different from the area they'd just left. As they made their way through a small path between the tombstones ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Amystra: 11 vs. Trap???: 20 (TRIPPED!)

Amystra was in front, and as she stepped down she thought she heard a clicking sound. Before she could react though, a sudden flow of powerful magic coursed through her body, causing her to shudder. Before she could figure out what had just happened though, she found out rather rudely, and pleasurably.

Two of the tombstones suddenly opened up, and both she and Elisha were yanked towards one each. Some kind of device that looked like a sexy toy made for men were inside each of the tombstones, and before Amystra could wonder how this would work on them, she had her answer. She, and Elisha, were both yanked towards the devices by some kind of magic field impossible to resist against, and suddenly Amystra felt herself penetrating the fake pussy. An involuntary shudder went through her body as she felt the tightness of the device close around her .... her dick?

Pleasure exploded through her body and her mind as she suddenly realized that somehow, she'd been made to have a dick of her own, one that felt every little detail of the fake pussy now snugly wrapped around it. To make matters worse, the device was thrusting over her captured dick, stroking it rather pleasurably. A quick glance over to Elisha showed the Sylvari woman was in the same boat as her, shuddering as her new dick was stroked relentlessly, trying desperately both to free herself, and not to moan in pleasure.

Both women suffer 60 pleasure. Elisha gains 40 KP from her rape, while Amystra gains 80 KP. Elisha has 120 Stamina left, while Amystra has 100.


1: Try to escape before you can learn if you can have an orgasm like a man too!

2: Enjoy this new form of sex and see what happens (Allow yourself to be brought to an orgasm).

((Would she give in at any point, and if so, for how long?))