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An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Tessa's internal recollections, as intense and involved as they might have been, had gone completely unnoticed by those in the vicinity. As far as they were concerned, she must have never been troubled by such problems. Along with the habit she wore came a plethora of assumptions that she would also have to bear upon her shoulders.

Many nuns in the Church of Erion were virgins, though it was still possible to get into the order simply by taking vows of chastity and celibacy--and demonstrating as much over the course of two years. Those who violated the code were to be expelled from the convent. Of course, once Tessa had been assigned her own chapel, there was no one but Erion to hold witness to the ways she gave in to earthly temptations such as ballweed and the like. And He reacted to such actions the same way He did many things... with utter silence. Erion was said to work in mysterious ways, and it seemed that for a while, he gave no objections to Tessa's momentary indulgences. That, or she wasn't looking for them.

But despite how unorthodox she was amongst clerics of Erion, at least in terms of lifestyle, this hadn't been seen by the couple in front of her, nor Ayna, nor Barrin. To them she may as well have been as pure-hearted and innocent as the next nun, and so she would be treated as such. It had its advantages, in some ways--after all, few would suspect her to be the one who ended Kenneth's life--but at the end of the day, the costume gave her a role that needed to be filled in one way or another.

It was one that she apparently wasn't adverse to. It was certainly difficult to be, especially in a situation as joyous and romantic as marriage.

"Perfect. My name is Rinna, and this is Orlin," pronounced the blonde woman before motioning to her fiance. He forced an awkward smile towards Tessa before averting his eyes just as quickly. "Thank you kindly for your help, Sister... um?"

Once her answer was given, the couple would finally exit the building, carrying on at a conversational volume as they made distance. Ayna slowly creaked the door open after it was 'safe'; Barrin proved easy enough to ignore, seeing that he had managed to sleep through the entire meeting.

"He's awake," answered Ayna, "but not awake enough to cause trouble quite yet. Is there something you need to talk to me about?" She would stop to say a few hushed words to the apparently drowsy child and close the door to the makeshift guest room before following Tessa outside or wherever the nun had planned to take her.
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Tessa," she would answer the nobles' unspoken question by finishing their sentence. "You may simply call me Tessa."

After they departed, it was onto the decidedly less pleasant task of informing Ayna just how grim her situation had become. Originally the redhead had hoped to shield both the young mother and her child from even the knowledge of the threat looming over their heads, but after the mercenaries had intruded into the tavern the night before it became exceedingly obvious that Ayna had to know the danger she was in and that at best Tessa would only be able to shield Cael. She would give a grim nod at Ayna's inquiry before silently leading the other woman back into the redhead's study-slash-bedroom. "Sorry, it's a bit of a mess," she would apologize for the state of the room as she motioned for Ayna to take a seat wherever she might be comfortable.

Whether Ayna took that offered seat or not, Tessa would soon enough announce. "I need to speak to you about your husband. I did some searching last night and have learned a few things about his situation. He is still alive and still held by mercenaries of Trinaldo, the banker he borrowed from. Trinaldo apparently still feels that he is owed a debt, although I do not know the full details of it." Tessa frowned. There was a very bitter taste left in her mouth by the idea that while she was trying to aid one marriage, she was probably breaking another further apart by attempting to warn Ayna of the threat to Cael and her and in the process revealing that the other woman's husband was very likely a liar. "I am sure you are already aware of that debt, but I bring it up because I learned last night that his mercenaries are looking for you and Cael now as a means of further motivating your husband to pay whatever it is that Trinaldo feels he's still owed and it is only right that you know the danger that you two are in."

"I do not know what I can do for you, to be honest. I was going to seek information on the nature of the debt in the hope that I might use the church's tithe to help pay it off and buy the safety of you and Cael and your husband's return, but this Trinaldo does not seem a reasonable or kind man. In the interim, I had thought that I might at least try to speak to the city guard or appeal for help from the capital church. But it is probably crucial that, until some solution is found, everything is done to keep Trinaldo's men from discovering that you are here, for your safety," she suggested. "I'm sorry, I know this is a lot to take in and be warned about, but know that whatever happens, my offer of sanctuary still stands. In Erion's name, I will not let those men pluck you or Cael from these hallowed grounds," the nun promised grimly.
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Ayna shook her head dismissively at Tessa's brief apology, even if it was made merely out of habit. After all, the cleric owed her nothing; if anything, it was the other way around. She sat when invited to and focused her attention on the redhead's words.

Her brow furrowed as she discovered the topic to be a most serious one indeed. "Some... searching?" asked the woman, finding herself unable to remain silent throughout the entire explanation. "But you don't know the full details of it? M-Might I ask, how did you find out about all of this?"

She still gave Tessa enough room and pause to continue on with her main points, and by the time the nun was a bit over halfway through with her explanation, having spoken of Trinaldo and his mercenaries as well as the massive debt and trouble that her husband had gotten into. By that point, she had gone somewhat quiet, her gaze pointed down at her clasped hands, which couldn't help but to tremble noticeably.

"I... I always had a feeling that he had gotten caught up with the wrong kinds of people," explained Ayna, pursing her lips. "I just never knew to what extent. He always told me that it would be fine, that he only owed a little bit of money..." she added, tears welling up in her eyes. "And before I knew it, our house was being taken from us. He said it was just a mistake he made in his business, and that we'd get it back in no time, that we'd just have to stay in the inn for a few days. But a few days became a few weeks. He's taken me out on lavish dates in the past, and managed to make lots of money in small bursts, so I never thought much of it. I was just told that it was the nature of a merchant's life--big ups, big downs, the like. And the good times were enough to make it all worth it, or so I thought. But I don't know much about all that. I was raised on a farm, after all, so household tasks is all I'm good for. Maybe it was my naivete that had allowed for all this to happen, and yet, now I simply can't help but wonder if he's alright..."

And when the discussion changed to more immediate matters, like their safety as well as that of her child's, Ayna's look seemed to teeter on the brink of panic. "R-Right, I, I've never had to worry about this much trouble before, especially not from thugs in the city, and yet here you are, handling even this much, which is more than I could ask from anyone. But I implore of you, I... I simply can't let them have Cael. He's just a child! I'd rather give myself up in place of him, if anyone has to face trouble for what my husband did. So what must I do? Certainly there must be someone that could respond to this, like a constable of sorts. Though what will you do? I don't wish to get you in any kind of trouble with such men for providing sanctuary to us."
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"I returned to the tavern to inquire about your husband in the hopes that I might be able to do something to see him returned to you. It was by chance that I learned as much as I did," she would admit at Ayna's question, choosing not to mention that Urstan had provided no small lead in that regard. Afterward she would move over her points as she had intended.

Ayna's own reply garnered a thoughtful look from the redhead. Tessa knew well-meaning husbands and their foolishness all too well. Her own husband had been well-meaning when he had chosen to spend so much time at work on his parents' farm. He spent so much time taking care of the crops and weeding and expanding the fields, so much time preparing them for market and taking them to be sold, all the while promising Tessa that his work was all so that they could live comfortably. Oh, how he meant well, but how his time spent away from home meant that the redhead's father-in-law tried to play. As if to stack one insult on top of another, not only did Kenneth make passes at Tessa at every opportunity but if her former husband's efforts were bringing in any extra gold then it had almost certainly been funding the man's drinking and gambling habits.

That was the foolishness of being a docile wife, and Tessa knew that well too. A bride in Elynsor wasn't just supposed to marry the man, she was supposed to marry his duty, his dreams, his ambitions, and everything else. It hadn't been 'proper' for Tessa to complain that she didn't care about the money or suggest that she just wanted to spend more time with her husband, her former mother-in-law had thoroughly reprimanded her for that. How could she be so selfish when her husband's parents relied ever more upon him to win their bread? How could she be so ungrateful when he was working harder for her sake too? And for the sake of the child that Tessa hadn't yet been able to bear him, as her mother-in-law had wasted no opportunity to repeat. And yet, her husband would've listened, if only she'd been more persistent, if only she hadn't let herself be cowed into inaction....

Perhaps that glimpse of herself in Ayna's tale is what had Tessa reacting passionately at even the notion that the other woman might give herself up to save Cael. "Neither of you should have to pay for your husband's debts and neither of you will so long as I'm able to do anything about it!" The redhead was shocked into a momentary silence by her own outburst, one more akin to the tone she had taken around Kenneth than the one she had adopted in general as a cleric of Erion, and paused for a few seconds before continuing more uncertainly. "I'm sorry. Just.... You may take sanctuary here as long as you feel safe. I will not cower and rescind my offer of shelter just because some wicked men are seeking you. I would recommend, for your own safety, trying to keep yourself to the back rooms when there are visitors. As far as I know, the people looking for you have no idea where you are, and I told the staff at the tavern that you had left Cerawal entirely, so you should be safe here. If it comes down to it, I'll find a way to actually get you out of this city and to somewhere safe for you and Cael."

"As for me, I'll see if there are any guards willing to stand up to Trinaldo. After all, it's safer for me to move around than it is for you right now. If that fails, I'll see if Trinaldo himself isn't willing to make a deal over your husband's debt. I can't promise anything, but I'll do everything I can for your family."
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Ayna's train of thought came to a visible halt thanks to the nun's unexpectedly passionate interruption. Since when could a cleric of Erion, held to vows of chastity and celibacy, express so much conviction... no, passion over the fate of some total stranger? Tessa was the first she had known to do so of the normally subdued and sometimes stern members of the church. Still, it did enough to bring visible ease to the woman's rather plain features, and she nodded softly, blissfully ignorant of how much the two truly shared in common. "Truly, thank you. I'd have asked Erion to bless you, but he clearly already has. I'll be sure to keep Cael in this room as much as possible," responded Ayna firmly.

"What? Why?! It's so dark in here!" cried the boy, having overheard his mother's intentions. "I'm not gonna stay in here ALL DAY!"

"I don't want to have this argument right now, Cael..." replied the meek woman, trying her best to be strict but to little avail.

Rather than give a verbal rebuttal, the firey-haired child darted out the door and into the chapel proper, causing Ayna to give chase. Eventually, after a few laps around the pews, he made his way into the backyard. Which was perhaps just as well, since a repeating knock on the front doors could finally be heard once the rapid tromp of footsteps moved outside.

However Tessa chose to open the door, she would find little reason to be alarmed... or perhaps she would. It was Urstan.

"I need to talk to ya 'bout something," stated the man in a quiet voice, giving a quick glance around the chapel. He didn't spot Barrin, nor Ayna and Cael as they moved to the backyard. "Confessional?" With the nun's approval, the mercenary would make his way into his side of the booth and take his seat, causing the wood to creak slightly from the weight of his muscles and armor.

"So that man I told ya bout the other day... I got to see him again. I uh... I didn't kill him," he explained.

"Didn't have to. He's still in shit shape, but Trinaldo said he was gonna find the guy's wife and kid and make an example of them, 'cause he's really pissed 'bout all the money he lost. I'll be honest--they've been turning half the city upside down looking for them. And they haven't been nice bout it either. Roughed a lotta people up to get information and all that. But hell if I know if they're even in this town anymore. Trinaldo'll tear shit all up and down Cerawal just to prove a point if he has to, and now I don't even know if I did the right thing by not just letting the poor bastard die."
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Cael's reaction and an ensuing chase earned a sigh from Tessa. The boy was a child and it wasn't truly his fault, but at the same time she wished that Ayna was more able to reel him in. Normally it would simply be a boy's horseplay, but as it was it might very well be a threat to the safety of him and his mother. Even if the mercenaries didn't immediately track them to her church, eventually people would begin to ask questions about the redheaded child and the woman chasing him around her church day in and day out. She would need to work on some sort of cover story if she was ever asked about the two. He shared her own red hair, so perhaps some relative of hers? A nephew, maybe? She might be able to pass Ayna as a young homeless woman who she was allowing to stay at the church in return for helping her with his raising.

She decided after the two had ended up in the backyard that she would allow her mind to idle over the subject as she tidied. She wouldn't quite make it to her office-slash-bedroom to retrieve her broom, however, before another knock on the doors came. The noise didn't cause her much alarm beyond her having forgotten that she'd closed them for privacy while she spoke to Ayna instead of leaving them open as she usually did, so she didn't delay in answering them. The sight of Urstan as she opened the doors, on the other hand, surprised her, though she didn't allow that to show. She would inwardly thank Erion that Cael had retreated into the backyard in advance of the sudden visit before silently waving for him to come in. His request to use the confessional would be met with a silent nod as well as she took her own side in the booth. Finally, she would listen in silence as he told his tale.

And for a brief few moments after the conclusion of it, she found herself mentally wondering along with Urstan whether it wouldn't be best if Ayna's husband simply perished. It might cause Trinaldo might call off his search for the mother and her child, which might be easier on them once they were over any grief. At the very least, they'd be able to move to another place and start anew with a clean slate, even if the greedy banker did continue his hunt. The indebted man's death would probably simplify many things. She couldn't exactly express that feeling aloud though, not without likely raising Urstan's suspicions, and even if she'd been brave enough to speak her momentary callousness she couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps she was devaluing the stranger's life out of bitterness at the knowledge that her own former husband had continued his life so easily even as hers was all but stripped from her.

She pursued a different tactic. "I imagine that I don't need to tell you that your employer is wicked in this," she began softly. "It is one thing to make a man pay for his debts and some might even extend that to a man's wife, though I would disagree with violence in either case, but surely a child should never be 'made an example of' for something a parent did. You don't have to be bound to the sins of your employer, Urstan. You're a better man than that." She would pause for a few moments to allow the words to sink in before continuing with a question. "How much does he owe to inspire such animosity?"
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Wicked? Heh, I guess that's one way of sayin' it. Just haven't heard that word in a good while," responded Urstan. "Usually you could tack that on any big businessman around these parts. As for the money he owes... shit, iunno, but we're talking five digits easy. Ten, twenty thousand, somethin' like that? Trinaldo would have somebody offed for less, but yeah. It's also part of why he's so determined to get it back, I guess. You usually don't spend that kinda cash so quickly, I don't think."

The nun's reassurance of his 'good' qualities caused him to give pause, but in the end he would not deny such accusations. "Maybe you're right. Feel like I opened up a whole 'nother box by taking it easy on the guy, though... I guess it's why I came to see you in the first place. What do I do?" For a moment, it looked as though Tessa could exert more than just a small degree of influence upon the torn mercenary. But before she could make her response, she would hear the back door swing open, with the telltale sound of Cael's rapid footsteps trailing back into the chapel proper. The confessional booth certainly was not a soundproof structure, and the slower set of steps that followed the child told Tessa that even Ayna had made her way back inside. If Tessa was to give the man advice now, it would surely be overheard.
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Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Urstan's answer to her question was sufficient enough to put her into a grim mood. Over ten-thousand gold? Had Kenneth sired a second son who took more directly after his habits? What could the man have done with all that money that Ayna didn't notice his expenditures? The nun wasn't sure she could gather enough money to even entice Trinaldo to accept lessened or even gradual repayment for his safety. Tessa couldn't help but begin to accept that the chances of rescuing Cael's father were bleak at best, although she had always rated his safe return underneath the continued safety of his wife and their son. Still, maybe she might be able to secure some route to a happy ending for the three if she leaned on Urstan a bit more.

The ensuing footsteps serving as an announcement for Cael and Ayna's return into the chapel didn't aid in her efforts though. She certainly couldn't speak of the man and what to do with him in front of them as there was no telling what Ayna might do and even less certainty where the redheaded boy was concerned. If she attempted to speak in riddles then Urstan might say something that gave the subject away. Perhaps an abridged version of the truth would set her free this time. The woman move her head closer to the screen before beginning to whisper. "I'm terribly sorry to do this, but I've recently taken in several people in need of shelter and this isn't exactly soundproof. Two of them are rather young and I don't want to alarm them with the subject matter. My short advice is that you stay the course."

"But perhaps we could continue this as a conversation elsewhere? We could take a walk, if you'd like. There's a tavern nearby where we might find enough privacy at this time of day to contemplate a solution to your problem," she offered. If it worked, she might be able to have a more direct conversation with him about what she could and couldn't do to help him and the man he was responsible over. She could only pray to Erion that Cael might be directed in such a way that he didn't immediately make himself noticeable to the mercenary if the latter accepted her suggestion, otherwise she would need to refine her previously considered lies regarding the child's origin very quickly.
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Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Uh... sure. I don't mind takin' a walk," replied Urstan, his silhouette shifting about slightly from behind the wicker screen, adjusting itself as if trying to hear the sounds outside. Then, with an audible creak of the wooden bench, he stood up halfway and stepped out from the confessional booth, finding it much easier to stretch to his full height once free of the cramped structure. When Tessa followed suit, she would find Cael and Ayna to be inside the chapel, in plain view of the mercenary.

Urstan's gaze wandered over in the direction of the mother and son, but wouldn't stay focused on them for long. The man forcibly turned his attention towards the door and headed for it, knowing that the nun would soon follow. However, the boy would continue to stare at Urstan with a puzzled look on his face. Ayna soon looked to Tessa, with obvious questions in her eyes--what was the suspicious-looking man doing here? Should they have hidden from his sight? Were they in immediate danger? Whatever queries the meek-looking woman had, they would have to wait.

Dressed in her nun's habit, Tessa was able to catch up to Urstan in little time at all, provided she didn't take too long trying to explain the situation to Ayna. The concerned mother wasn't the only one that she needed to brief, after all. The furrow in the sellsword's brow told of his suspicions about the pair, but it wasn't long before he allowed his concerns to take verbal form.

"Those two, back at yer place... are they who I think they are?" asked Urstan, doing so without making eye contact. Instead, he seemed more keen on scanning the street around them as they walked. It was a relatively busy morning, and many people were moving to and fro whilst going about their daily tasks. Once the pair arrived on the main streets, there were enough that it could be difficult to spot the mercenary's other cohorts. After a few tense moments, Urstan's features relaxed just enough to tell Tessa that they were in the clear, and that she could share whatever information she thought suitable for him to know. Unless she spoke cryptically, however, it was hard to say how many people standing on the side of the road could overhear her words. Perhaps the tavern she had visited the other day would provide slightly more privacy.

Or perhaps it wouldn't. As soon as the pair entered the tavern, Tessa saw a figure give a wave in her direction. It came from a face she didn't recognize, at least not immediately, even if he vaguely resembled one of the many thugs in her nightmares. However, the stranger wasn't greeting the nun in particular. He was calling out to Urstan, who couldn't help but grimace a little at the greeting.

"Hey, Urstan. Takin' a break from all that tooth 'an nail-pullin' ya did, huh? Feh... don't envy ya one bit. The man won't let us rest, though. I guess we got a lotta work to do still. Prolly gonna hit up the east side of town today, search around there. And now there's a reward for whoever catches the guy's wife and brat. Gotta admit, I didn't really give that much of a shit at first--a job's a job, y'know?--but for four digits worth of coin, I'll comb the goddamn graveyards if I have to."

Tessa didn't need to ask the stranger to go into detail to know what he meant. Her chapel was on the east side of town, at least in relative to the bar they were in... exactly the area that this man, no doubt one of Trinaldo's goons, planned to search next.
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

The nun had taken a gamble and it had failed. She had desperately hoped that as they removed themselves from the confessional perhaps Ayna and Cael would be out of sight or Urstan would be less perceptive and neither had been the case. She could only hope that her other gamble would work out and the mercenary would turn out to be as good a man as she hoped he was, and that she could convince him not to spill the secret until she found a way to relocate the two. The nun would allow him to leave first and stop just long enough to make a few commands toward Ayna. "Bar the doors after I leave and stay away from the windows. Do not accept visitors until I am back. When I return I will knock five times on the back door."

With that she would go after Urstan, still wearing her habit. She briefly considered lying to the man when he soon voiced his concern, but deep down she knew it was far too late for that. The idea that Cael was a nephew and Ayna was simply a homeless woman she had offered work as a nanny might work on Trinaldo's other goons, but the way she'd acted around Urstan had probably already nullified its usefulness against him. She could only tell the truth in the hopes that it would earn his trust and delay him in reporting the matter to the cruel banker and then use the tithe to try to smuggle Ayna and Cael to safety when she received it. "Yes," she answered the man, deciding that an attempt to cryptically rephrase the sentence would just as likely offer more information than a simple yes or no.

She would wait to expand upon that until they reached the tavern, though once inside she could only do her best to hide her grimace at the meeting that ensued. What had started as confusion turned into muted horror as it became obvious just how dedicated Trinaldo was to hunting Ayna and Cael down. The implied bounty alone was almost enough to cause bile to rise in her throat. Was mere thousands of coins really the price of the dignity and lives of two humans? And the mercenaries were getting closer on their hunt. With Cael as rambunctious and unable to understand as he was, it was only a matter of time until he was running around outside and spotted. It was all but settled, she had to get Ayna and Cael away from the city as soon as she could if they were to be truly safe.

But at that moment she remained silent. There was no lie that she could come up with that would dissuade the man from checking the side of the city that Ayna and Cael actually resided in. If she suggested that she'd heard they'd left the city again it might come back to bite them when they actually did, and if she said anything at all then after it was disproved her church might become a point of interest. Even if she did come up with something, Urstan might speak up and contradict her or tell the man that she was lying. This time she could only silently pray to Erion that the precautions she had ordered Ayna to take would be enough and that the two would be safe for the amount of time it would take to finish speaking to Urstan and return. As she awaited the end of the exchange she avoided looking directly at Urstan or the man for too long for fear that her expression would give away too much.
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Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Ayna replied to Tessa's directions with a solemn nod. Hopefully her advice would work out for the better.


"Uh... yeah. Right," replied Urstan in a hesitant voice to his cohort's ramblings. The mercenary wasn't particularly good at hiding his discomfort over the situation, especially in light of Tessa's recent confirmation of the boy's identity. But the more ruthless of the two sellswords didn't seem to notice nor care about the reasons behind Urstan's apparent discomfort--or the nun's relative proximity to him, for that matter--and continued on towards the exit.

"See ya round. Don't screw around too much or that reward'll be someone else's!" said the man in farewell, waving his arm with his back turned as he left the tavern.

Turning to check if Tessa was still there, Urstan then made a slight motion with his chin towards the most isolated table he could find in the establishment. There didn't appear to be any other thugs present, at least not as far as the redhead could tell, but the one with her was understandably on edge after the brief encounter.

After taking a seat, he ground his teeth, looked around a few more times, and then finally spoke in a low voice. "Not lookin' good. If that bandwagoner's headed there, that means some others might've gotten the same idea already. Honestly, I'd get them out of your chapel as soon as you can. Just have them jump town or something, if ya can. It'll be better for everyone that way. If Trinaldo finds out you've been hiding them for whatever reason... he won't be so kind, whether yer a cleric of Erion or not. Believe me, you don't wanna join that poor fuck in the tower. Maybe it's too late for him, but his family can still get out of here. They should be small enough to smuggle out, for sure."

Tessa was given barely a minute or two to respond before the doors to the swung open with a forceful push. In came a man with slicked-back, jet-black hair, dressed from head to toe with the fine clothing of a Grisalescan noble; puffed sleeves, a fashionable beret, and no end of sparkling jewelry adorning his neck and fingers in the form of chains and rings. By some standards he could qualify as handsome, perhaps, but his face bore an arrogant grin and the entourage of half a dozen thugs in addition to his flamboyant dress didn't seem to help the image of a particularly honest or kind man. The collective tromps of his bodyguards' heavy boots caused the other patrons to turn, but none were brave enough to maintain eye contact with the undoubtedly dangerous man for long.

"Of all the people to come here..." uttered Urstan under his breath. He put his head down, as if to avoid notice.

Unfortunately, the newcomer made sure to scan the room carefully, and surely enough his eyes found the mercenary sitting across from Tessa in little time at all. Curiously, he squinted to confirm the hulking sellsword's identity, then made a straight line towards him.

Unlike the thug from before, he couldn't help but notice the cleric of Erion sitting at the same table.

"Hah. What is this, confession time? Don't tell me you're getting cold feet. We've got a lot of work to do."

Urstan remained silent, making a chewing motion as he wrung himself for appropriate answers.
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"I am well aware of what men like your employer will do to me if he discovers what I'm doing for them," the nun replied, her own voice low and fast but fiercer than any that should've belonged to a woman wearing the garb of a cleric of Erion. "I'm well aware of what he'll do to them as well. That is why I will not turn them out until I have a safer alternative for them." She would leave it to her tone and the staring of her eyes into his to convey that it was her final stance on the matter and that no amount of attempting to convince her would do Urstan any good.

After a few moments spent unwilling to let him drop his gaze away from her, however, she would sigh and continue more softly. "Getting them out of the city is the plan," she admitted. "I have a destination and there's a place there where they should be able to stay until they get back on their feet, but I will not have the money for it for several more days. Until then I can only do my best to give them shelter so they can stay out of the streets." She briefly considered going into more detail but struggled over whether or not she could put trust into Urstan. Her time as a slave had done much to make the nun's trust difficult to come by, but pragmatism suggested that she might be able to obtain aid from the mercenary if she requested it.

Before she could come to a decision either way though, another interruption would arrive. The man who entered might as well have been Tzern himself, flanked by voidic lords. Every part of his existence seemed to fly in the face of Erion's virtues. The man wore his gluttony and greed as marks of pride. He had no humility or empathy for those around him. He himself was his whole world, and woe to those who might intrude on it. Trinaldo, she knew the man's name before any introduction was necessary. Would that Erion had granted her a knife and a stronger arm so that as he approached she might've rid the world of the man and sent his soul to the demon he so resembled.

But he hadn't. Thankfully, her years enslaved gave her great practice in lying to men like the one before her, and she could not imagine that Erion would fault her for any she might tell him. "I'm sorry," she would hastily apologize to the man when it became obvious Urstan had no talent for deceit. She would've much preferred to greet him by calling him a wicked wretch, but that would wait until she was out of earshot. "This is all my fault, really. I was lost and nervous and I ran into your man," she did her best to look like she could honestly feel anything even resembling remorse aimed at the banker as she spun her tale. "He told me he was working but I was afraid of robbers and thieves so I simply insisted that he guide me to back to my church, and I'm afraid in my nervousness I might've ignored his protests. He led me back but then I asked him to join me for a meal as my thanks. I can see that I'm obviously interrupting important work though, my apologies," she bowed her head in fake shame.

"Sorry for taking so much of your time. I can find my way back again from here. Thank you so much. I hope you'll attend this week's service," she aimed the latest round of apologies and thanks at Urstan. Afterward she would excuse herself from the table and start to leave, intending on taking a straight path to the church if she was given the chance. She had done her best to weave a believable lie that might keep Trinaldo's mercenaries away from the church for a time knowing that Urstan had been there, but more important than anything right then was coming up with a way to keep Ayna and Cael safe for the few more days before the tithe was paid and she could smuggle them out of Cerawal, and that required being able to talk to the woman.
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

"Ohhhh. Is that it," replied the stranger in a tone that seemed gentle enough, but could easily be taken by the nun as condescending, patronizing. As far as one's position in the city was concerned, he was head and shoulders above her, and he knew as much. The man's tone matched such an attitude as he continued. "I didn't know clerics of Erion went on dates to reward tour guiding, heh... but whatever, I guess you learn something new every day. That was real nice of you, but believe me, this guy isn't someone you want to be making company of. Truth is, he's a real stone cold bastard," he added with a chuckle, knowing that no rebuttal from the mercenary would come. From the size difference between the two, it seemed to Tessa as though Urstan could physically have his way with this Trinaldo... if it were just the two of them alone in that bar. But there wasn't, and the flamboyantly dressed banker's entourage served as an ever present reminder as to who truly held the power in a place like this.

Urstan did, however, manage to meet Tessa's gaze with his own before the nun excused herself, and gave her a slight nod. As the nun gave her meek apologies and sought to leave, the invisible tension in the air was high enough to where a grab of her arm by one of Trinaldo's thugs wouldn't be unexpected... but it wasn't to be. The redhead was able to take her leave without incident this time, though not without a parting comment from the boss himself.

"See ya, Sister," he said in farewell, looking over his shoulder at her with a focused stare and a grin that was bound to haunt her if she cared to remember as much. As she made her way for the door, a glance back over at Urstan would show the bear of a man strangely subdued, his gaze having returned to the worn wooden tabletop in front of him.

And with that, Tessa had freed herself from the utterly uncomfortable situation. She could almost feel a weight lifted off her back and shoulders when she stepped out from the tavern into the slightly cooler outside air. While the man didn't bother to introduce himself, that was undoubtedly Trinaldo from the way Urstan appeared to react to him... and certainly he seemed to live up to all of the things said about him thus far.

The nun wasted no time in returning to her residence and place of worship. The neighborhood was crawling with armed men, though luckily many of them currently seemed to be taking interest in buildings other than Tessa's chapel. A closer look, however, would reveal a set of tracks in the dirt that had stopped right at the main door to her church... only to trail around and towards the back.
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

The nun had to bite her tongue between her molars and grind it between them until her teeth were wet with her own blood to prevent herself from responding to Trinaldo's comment. She longed to retort that there was no man in the tavern more crueler and evil than he, but she couldn't. It wasn't just for her own safety, but for that of Ayna and Cael. Best to retreat while she still could and begin working on an exit plan for the two. They needed to be out of Cerawal as quickly as possible, the very minute she got her hands on her church's allotment of gold from the capital preferably.

The urgency of the matter was enforced upon her by the sight of the area around her chapel and home crawling with mercenaries. Her sense of alarm reached a peak when she spotted the evidence of a visitor to her chapel and noticed the footprints leading around to the back door. Tessa inwardly cursed herself for the simplicity of the knock she'd come up with. Anybody might knock five times merely on accident, why hadn't she come up with a coded knock? And why hadn't she thought to bring her dagger? If the man had already gotten in how could she possibly stop him without a weapon? And she had chosen to go outside in her habit, so if he was still lurking around outside she wouldn't be able to pretend that she was anything other than the cleric of Erion responsible for the building. Worse still, a mercenary would surely become suspicious if she refused to let him search the building.

She had no option but to check the back though, especially since it was her only point of entry into the building. The nun would do so as stealthily as she could, remaining close to the building and creeping forward in an attempt to get vision of the secondary entrance and anyone around it before she was spotted by them if they were still lurking around. Inwardly though she could only pray to Erion that whoever had checked her chapel had already given up and left because she had no idea how she would talk her way out of a confrontation with a mercenary.
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Seeing the telltale evidence that someone had made their way around to the back, no doubt in an attempt to get access through a route other than the large double doors at the front of the chapel, Tessa swallowed the hesitance building up in her throat and followed the tracks as quietly as she could. From where she was in the road, there were still many other mercenaries walking to and fro. Few, if any, specifically seemed to put eyes directly on her when she looked back to check, but she knew that it was impossible to actually tell if anyone would notice her creeping in to the back. Still, circumstances were on her side; she was in a habit, after all, and she was right at home next to a church. If anyone was out of place here, they were.

Upon peering around the corner to the back, what Tessa would find was perhaps hardly surprising, but no less unnerving. A figure was pacing back and forth between the high rear window and the back door, making small jumps up to peer through the former while banging on the latter with a clenched fist... and repeating this process several times. The backdoor would rattle and creak in response to his knocks, as if to advertise that it wouldn't last much longer. But despite the fact that he had even made five consecutive raps upon the worn wood at one point, nobody opened the door for him. It was clear enough that even Ayna likely suspected the person at the back to be someone other than Tessa.

With a slight squint of her eyes, the nun would be able to identify the potential intruder. It was none other than the man that she had encountered while in Urstan's company at the bar--no doubt a goon of Trinaldo. He was being uncharacteristically persistent about getting in. The hollers that followed helped explain as to why.

"Don't act like nobody's in there! I heard a brat! Listen, I'm just looking for some wanted kid and his mom. If you're not the ones, then I'll just leave! Simple as that. I just need you to open the damn door first. You don't wanna see what happens if you leave it shut," barked the man, his frustration visibly growing by the second.

Fortunately for Tessa, the mercenary hadn't yet noticed her. There was only one of him, but on the other hand, he was likely more formidable--if not quite that bright--compared to the cleric. However, it was difficult to say how long the thug's patience with those inside would last...
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Perhaps she was paying for previous good fortune with bad fortune. Finding someone at the back door of her church was bad news, overhearing the man's claim that he had certainly spotted the church's inhabitants was worse, and recognizing the familiarity of his voice was the worst. Right then, there was no nuance here. She couldn't fall back on her previous plan to explain that a mercenary had already searched her chapel, that would mean implicating Urstan and she had no idea how he'd react under pressure.

So, as she saw it, her only choice was to tell outrageous lies and hope that they would make the man relent. She armed herself first, spinning the tale in her head as quickly as only a woman who'd had to lie to survive her trainer's whims could. Cael was her nephew, the son of a sister who died during childbirth -- she hoped Erion could overlook that and would not punish her audacity by making it true. She had no choice but to take him in. Ayla was a homeless woman who she was allowing to stay in order to take care of him while she took care of the business of the church. Barrin would make a good example of her willingness to take in the homeless, if he hadn't already left.

That was as good as she was going to get on details with as little time as she had. She decided to take the route of righteous indignity as she approached him, after all it was near and dear to her as both a nun and the elder sister of so many siblings. "Sir!" Tessa called out to the man with a fearlessness that she certainly did not feel, striding to within an arm's length of him as if she was the aggressor. She hoped to catch him off guard. Perhaps if she leveraged her status as a cleric with that element of surprise, he might behave more like a Elynsorian schoolboy than a hired murderer. She didn't imagine it would hurt to remind him just how out of place he was, even in such a pagan place, assaulting the door of a chapel of the kingdom's religion. "Just what are you doing to the door?! This is a church of Erion! There's surely no need for all this!""
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

As Tessa abruptly called out to the man with a title of respect, perhaps with the intent to make her presence known while lowering his guard, he turned at her with an initially hostile glare, as if she were a rival predator seeking to steal his quarry. It was only a second or two later that his angered look would soften just slightly, morphing into a knowing, cocky grin as he processed the nun's visage and recognized her as the one accompanying his cohort, Urstan, just earlier that day.

"Oh, hey there, Sister," greeted the mercenary, whose assignment was as obvious as his profession. "I was just lookin' for some uh, fugitives... and we got some information that they were hiding out in this part of town. Seems like some folk inside don't wanna open up the door, despite the fact that I work for a man who pretty much runs this town. And he's nothin' to be afraid of, if you're on good terms with him... so what say you let me have a look inside? If it's not them, then I'll leave and no harm done, yeah?" While he certainly sounded polite, in contrast to his rough exterior, the cleric wouldn't miss a hint of condescension in his tone, as if he were requesting to borrow candy from a child when he could just as easily snatch it out of their hands. Taking a few steps back, he gave the door some space, as if expecting the woman to open it for him.
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

She had not dared to allow herself much hope that the man would leave once she accosted him, but what little hope had crept into her was quashed by his persistence. So she would need to lie, and if lying did not work then she would need to persuade, and if that didn't work she would need to fight. She silently plead to Erion for the strength to endure whatever came next.

Right then, she needed to be the liar again. Or, more favorably, the survivor. The woman who had endured in those dark, humid chambers permeated with the scent of sex, sweat, and disgrace. The woman who had pretended she was anything other than repulsed by her tormentors. The one who had learned how to truly fake enthusiasm for all the degrading tasks demanded of her. Who had eventually learned to lie to herself, just so that she smell the clean air one more time.

She sighed, backing herself down from the confrontational mode that she'd approached him in. Vinegar hadn't worked, so next she would try mixing it with honey. It couldn't all be friendliness so soon given how she had begun their conversation, the man likely wouldn't buy that, but she had quite a bit of experience in pretending to be understanding toward monsters. "I see. I do not agree with the method but I suppose it is a man's duty to do the bidding of those who employ him. Very well, a quick look should be fine. I allow those who are without a place to stay to sleep inside, I hope you'll understand why they're not quick to unbar the door for just anyone while I'm away." With that, she would step toward the door to knock on it herself, five times as she had told Ayna before she left.

Before the other woman had the time to answer, however, she would call out to the occupants. "Barrin? Nephew? It's me. It's safe, so please open the door you two." Tessa couldn't reasonably convey much to Ayna through the door, beyond that she hadn't sold the woman out and that they were about to do a lot of lying in a very short period of time. Even if Ayna didn't prove quick-witted enough to gather Tessa's meaning though, the nun needed to get inside for access to her weapons in case all else failed.
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

The man raised a brow at Tessa's explanation, though the reaction was less out of suspicion and more out of curiosity, as he would soon show. "Without a place to stay... you mean, like homeless folk? Heh, damn--you're more charitable than most clerics or shamans or whatever would dare to be. Most of those types are on the streets for a reason. I'd be careful if I were you, though... if the others hear about it, you'll turn into a free inn for those smelly fucks in no time! But don't worry--I have no interest in those types. Just uh, the fugitives, in this case," said the sellsword, far more gracious in his tone after gaining Tessa's approval for entry.

After the nun had called out to Barrin and the others, she would be made to wait a few more seconds, the delay no doubt made by Ayna's hesitance rather than any slowness on her part. Then, the bolt was unlatched and the door soon opened. Inside, as expected, was Barrin, Cael, and Ayna, with the latter giving an especially closed look due to the sudden appearance of a man who was very clearly a mercenary of sorts. One who felt no remorse for the degree of terror he had inspired with his earlier attwmpt to barge in, if the casual grin upon his face was any indicator. The newcomer scanned each of the three, first starting with the vagrant and the moving onto Ayna, and finally, the redheaded youth. The resemblance to the nun was certainly there, enough so to be convincing, yet the man couldn't help but squint a little at the boy.

"Hey... kid," said the thug in a greeting of sorts, crouching down just slightly in order to get a better look at the child. Cael looked up at him with a slightly furrowed brow, understandably wary of the gruff stranger.

"Do you know where your father is?"

"No... do you?"

Ayna looked as if she was to interrupt on her son's behalf, but her contemplation was cut short by a sudden, raucous burst of laughter made on the mercenary's part. "Hahahaha! A saucy one. I like it," commented the man, only to stand up and look around. "So this is your nephew, huh? Nobody else in here, then?"

Provided Tessa didn't move to stop him, he would proceed forth into her spare rooms, making only half-hearted attempts at "searching" for hiders. Finding nothing, he took brief peeks into the confessionals before giving a shrug. "Looks good to me. Guess I'll be going now," concluded the thug before giving Cael one last look and a nod to Tessa. The man went out the way he came in, through the back door.

Once he was well out of sight, Ayna could hold her tongue no longer. "Who was he?! I can't imagine him being anyone other than a thug having to do with my husband's tormentors! We're... we're not safe anywhere, are we?" Her voice wavered.
Re: An Empty Confessional (Hafnium) GMed by Takimaru

Tessa would decide against trying to concoct some sort of response to the mercenary's warning. The time was better used to steel herself for whatever came next and doing what needed to be done, whether that simply meant lying or it meant picking up her sword.

She would remain close at hand as the mercenary searched, playing the part of the wary but respectful custodian of the church. She allowed him through the doors as necessary, and didn't impede him from his search. It was a trade-off, she would've preferred that the man had never come inside but since he had spotted the occupants through the church window she imagined he'd only be more suspicious if she hadn't allowed it. But even though she believed she'd made the right choice, the tension rose inside her with each of his looks around.

That tension hit a peak as he inspected Cael. There was the risk of Cael exposing them, of course, and that did nothing to help Tessa's nerves, but the cleric of Erion mostly cursed her own preparation or lack thereof. She replayed everything she had done in her head to prepare for the meeting and began to pick out all the ways in which she might've done better. She should've taken off her habit, for instance, to show how her hair matched the child's, and she should've tried to teach the two about her lie when she'd first come up with it. Oh, how easy it was to reevaluate every choice that led up to a wolf sniffing at your throat and baring its fangs.

But then Cael's comment came and, completely the opposite of Ayna, Tessa had to force herself not to smile. I'll buy you a tart for that, she mentally promised. The nun forced herself to maintain that neutral expression as the mercenary returned his attention toward her. She would motion with her head for him to take a few steps away from the child and then, assuming he was willing to grant her that, replied in a low voice. "I don't like to speak about it in front of him. Yes, my sister's child, she perished in childbirth, Erion rest her soul, and her husband went missing before she ever gave birth."

If he accepted that, she would return to her previous task of simply staying close by as he searched. At his giving up, she would give a nod and offer a farewell. "Erion be with you," so that His hand might guide you into tripping on the cobble and being trampled to death by a horse and cart. And with the sound of the door closing and his departure, Tessa breathed a sigh of relief. They were probably safe for one more hour, at least.

Ayna's outburst had her tenseness return in short order though. She cast a brief, wary glance toward Barrin to see if the man was still sleeping and then motioned Ayna into the storage room-slash-guest bedroom with a nod of her head. She had no desire to continue that conversation in front of anyone but the mother and maybe the child, so she wouldn't give Ayna any sort of response at all until they were inside and the door was shut behind them.

"Things have gotten worse. There's now a bounty of at least a thousand gold on you and all of Trinaldo's mercenaries are combing the city for you," she spoke low and fast behind the closed door. She believed that Barrin was a good man, but she didn't want to tempt him into proving her wrong by revealing that sort of information within earshot of him or while he was eavesdropping. "I think he believed us; I doubt that a man like him would want to split a large reward if he could take it all for himself, so I believe we are safe for the moment. I don't think too many other mercenaries will come here looking for you either, not until they've searched the rest of the city. But each day you spend in Cerawal increases the risk of you being caught, so we must get you out of the city entirely."

"I will have gold soon, from the wedding and from the tithe. I intend to use it to get you out of here with Cael. There's a town to the north which was once my home. I have family and relatives there who will surely take you in. You should be safe there."