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An Innocent Campaign - IC

Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC


Lady Viona
Main Throne Room
Tag:Taya, Ellana, Alice, Mara

"Yours? You already enslaved two of the prowl? Not bad." Viona smirked slightly. "Oh and sorry, but I like the fuzzy types more, but seems you'll fit in here right fine. I'll tell Harem not to worry so much. Hmnnn.. I could teach you control over beasts of your kind.. looking at you, newts, eels, somesuch, not many here, but there ought to be some in the swamps, but the question is, what do I get in exchange?" Viona seemed less openly agressive at least now, though she did narrow her eyes at Ellana.

"No, you can't. You really don't get where you are do you? It's enslave or be enslaved here and all that for the amusement of the mistress. Theres only one way out foolish little dryadling.. yes, I smell ~her~ on you. And that way is overcoming the Mistress herself. This entire plane is her palace. Though to leave the building, just head there." She pointed behind herself, then watched curiously if Elanna would take the offer.

Just then, Mara stumbled back to see her companions and a beast-taming elf. She herself looked positively.. purple, almost kind of sex-toy like.. just what was going on at this place?
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Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Main Throne Room
Tag: All but Mara

27/27 HP

Mara smirked as she eavesdropped on the conversation. Enslave or be enslaved? Hah! Mara had done neither of those things! No one could tell her what she would do, or even tell what she might do next! It felt a bit nice to know she'd gotten this far in the 'game' without losing herself to an enemy. Well not all of her at least; some interesting skin and a lust for dick weren't the worst things that could happen. That being said, she could really go for some right about now. It was getting harder and harder for Mara to keep her mind off of getting a nice pounding. She needed something to really fill her up, and soon. Even the two large animals were starting to look appealing. That was... not good. The way the woman talked, indulging in that urge would likely have her end up as a big squeaky toy for one of the animals. Just getting humped and fucked all day... left to the pleasure of some big dicked animals... Oh dear she was drooling now. Best not to get too close!

Mara turned back away from the scene. She'd be happy, very happy to meet up with all her old friends just once the beast tamer and her pets had cleared out. It'd suck if they tried to leave this way but Mara was willing to escaped back deeper into the complex than give up so soon! Being a fuck toy would get boring eventually, she was certain. It definitely didn't feel like it would in the moment but she was sure of it. But... If her friends needed her, Mara was there. Like a secret squeaky agent she'd be at the ready to blast the trio if they tried anything funny. If any one would be getting fucked it should be Mara! No, that's definitely not what she meant to think. She squeaked in defiance at her new irritating urges.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: All

Taya's eyes flicked at the glare Alice had given. Clearly not everybody understood how things worked yet. No time to educate her properly on it though right now. She'd just have to roll with it.

"Heh. I used to be the fuzzy type before I saw things differently. Hmph, my new pack needs a bit more training still, but it seems like I have time. Nice to know there's swamps though. Anyone claimed those yet? Hm... Does it work only on beasts, or does it work on amphibian people too? If it does, I'm game.," hisses Taya, "I can pay you in poisons if you like. I make plenty. Easy way to take down prey. Course if they're too weak they might turn into amphibians, but then if they're that weak, they weren't worthy of you, right? Who'd want a weak pack?"
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Main Throne Room
Tag: Group

The Wild Elf rolled her eyes at the woman's comment. "Yes, I want to go outside. I thought I made that clear. Well, seeya on the other side, guys!"

And on that note, Ellana walks toward the door, going through to the other side, in hopes of finally reaching the outside of this plane.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC


Lady Viona
Main Throne Room
Tag:Taya, Ellana, Alice, Mara

One of the beasts seemed to sniff in Maras general direction but.. she was imagining that, right? hopefully right.. Meanwhile, the elven leader seemed focused on the trio and tipped her chin. "Poisons are a little cowardly, not quite my thing. And I agree, you need to get your pack in line, but hey, you just arrived, so I'll cut you some slack, I'm not unreasonable eh. Hrmnhrmnn.. now.. how about a little trade.. my beast here is a bit pent up aren't you boy?" She cooed, petting her hound.. panther? "Pick one of yours to let 'em have fun with.. don't worry, wont break them.. much.. and I'll let you be and teach you something useful on top of it. Hows it sound.. Which one will you offer me?"

As Ellana simply tried to leave, one of the beasties stepped infront of the south door, growling at her. "TZk. Rude. You do not have my permission to leave yet, little dryad-slut. Are you volunteering?" She grinned slightly.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Main Throne Room
Tag: Group

Well, alrighty then. Ellana frowned, silently starting at the beast that had stood in front of her. Her opinion on this place didn't start very high and the longer she stayed the worse it got. She missed home.

"I didn't get the impression that I needed your permission to leave. And I thought since you pointed the exit out, that was permission. Anyway, do I have permission?" The Wild Elf looks to the other Elf, her fingers tightly bound on her staff. Even if she was disallowed, she had means to allow herself out...
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: All

Taya snorts at the offer, before she turned her toxins off for a moment to curl her tail around and push Alice forwards. "Well, you are all concerned about my toxins, so you can get a kittying instead. But to be clear, I'm lending her, she is still mine. And Ellana, get back here, we can leave when we're done. Unless you want to run around outside alone and get stolen by some other pack that sees a lone pup as an easy meal."

She looked to the beastmistress, shrugging. "You may believe as you will on toxins, but I know I am no coward."

There was no point in instructing her on the finer points of prey and predator. If the elf held to ideas of "honor" being an actual thing in nature, that was her foolishness that might be exploited later. A cat's ambush was no less cowardly than her toxins or a spider's web. Only an idiot blundered forward with nothing but brute force and assumptions of immunity. Those who were victorious in hunt and battle were those who prepared the battlefield, who were the most efficient in hunt and conflict and knew the most information.

Either way, Alice could get some big fat cat tats, and that was definitely a plus. Gods, once they had a secure nest she was going to lick the hell out of those things... The stacked the better as far as she was concerned.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC


Alice Stadfield
Harem's Room
Tag: All

Alice blinked as the tail wrapped around her, and then let out a small 'eep' as she was pushed forward. Picked to be the 'trade.' She might have let out a more vocal complaint, but well, she understand that sacrifices needed to be made occasionally, and she...kinda wanted to see what it was like? The beasts this elf had at her command did look...interesting.

"Well, guess I'm in your temporary care." Alice said with a small smile. Time to go with the flow, she wondered if she'd get even more milky...
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Main Throne Room
Tag: All but Mara

27/27 HP

Mare jerked back into the hall when she saw the beast motion towards her. She was in no place to start another fight. She paused to catch her breath a moment before sticking her head back out and listening intently to the conversation. It was good to see her friends were still free and mostly getting along! Though... was the monk always that green? Huh.

Oh! Something was happening. There was a trade? Packs? Did Taya enslave everyone or something- no, it didn't seem like it. It must be some elaborate bluff. But why was Alice stepping forwards? Mara hoped nothing bad would happen but a new and exciting part of her kinda sorta wanted to see her get railed by one of those beasts.

"What's the plan you three. You got backup if you need it..." She whispered under her breath. Mara sorely hoped her new form wouldn't further modify her spells.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC


Lady Viona
Main Throne Room
Tag:Taya, Ellana, Alice, Mara

Viona stared down Ellana with quite a predatory gaze, a half grin on her lips, almost tempting Ellana to attack.. then she shrugged, smirked, and growled a little at her.. pet, which stepped aside. "Well then, since you ask so nice.. though lone wolfs rarely last long here, my advice."

She then peered over to Taya. "Not much of a pack, it turns out you have. Well, you just came here.

Well, I like your attitude."
She smirked at Taya. "Which is lucky, you know, cause at first I planned to have my beasts rape everyone BUT the one that volunteered, you know, karma or somesuch." The elf snipped, her beasts beginning to circle Alice.. it seemed their commander was more the.. watch and enjoy type.

The large catlike creatures sniffed at Alice, one growling from behind her, as the other pushed its muzzle between her legs, sniffing and, after a moment of curiosity, its snout actually wandered up to examine her breasts, it seemed Alice had maintained a certain scent..

"I'd strip if I was a fan of any of my clothes being mostly intact by the by." Viona remarked, stretching lazily, before glancing over to the fourth arrival. "Woah, you must have triggered one of the more serious traps, what did you try to break into the arcanum or Myras bedroom?" She chuckled, stepping over to Taya however. "The plan is my beasties are going to have a little fun, unless you want to fight.. in which case, by all means, I'm game. I'm not afraid to knock some newbie heads. But I was planning to teach your friend here a little spell to control newts.. or.. whatever she is." She chuckled slightly. "In case you four haven't gotten it yet, this place will slowly turn you into both servants, and guardians, like everyone who you'll meet here, unique, impressive powers, all at the Mistress command, for her amusement.

.. really don't know why I'm telling you all this.. guess I was a bit bored."
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: All

Taya shrugged a bit. "The best lessons are hands on ones. If she wants to see what it's like without my protection and care, power to her. I'll just pick her up in whatever state she's in after."

Why did everyone have to make things more difficult. Ugh, she looked forward to having quiet time to actively teach them how things worked. Forward thinking wasn't their strong point.

She was surprised when her attention was brought to the eavesdropping Mara though. Woah was right. She looked like a toy. Mmm, wonder if she was as fun to play with as one. Ugh, maybe later.

"Well there's example number one. She came in with us and immediately ran off on her own. So, what do you think Ellana. Still want to test your luck like squeaky there?"

She turned her attention back to the beastmistress. "Spell huh. I'm not really magically inclined or anything. Probably nothing else like me around here. Well. Til I make em anyways. Still, can help. Plus, I want to see if Alice's tits will get bigger."

No point in letting the beastmaster know she was more than happy to fight if need be. Had plenty toxins to hand out after all. And sensitive kitty noses full of hot spices probably would be reeeeeal miserable.

"Well, least you get some entertainment. Alice, strip. Don't waste clothes. Hot as it'd be to watch your chest grow big enough to explode your shirt, it's not like I'm swimming in fabric to make you new ones right now. Least I still have my sewing kit, I need to fix all my clothes too."
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC


Alice Stadfield
Harem's Room
Tag: All

Alice actually chuckled a little bit with honest mirth at the karma comment. "Well, glad I'm of service."

"I'd take these off anyways. Don't want to lose this outfit, though it'd probably stretch to fit." Alice said with a mix of a huff and a bit of a sigh from the cat like creatures sniffing at her. Though she was a bit unsure what they were sniffing that seemed to have their attention...Shifting the odd fabriced outfit off her shoulders and peeling it down over the rest of her, revealing her generous bosom that bounced as it was let free from the tight outfit. Soon she was bent over as she pushed her one piece entirely off her, and well, took her chance to look at what the beasts were packing as it were. "I kinda expected that was the case, but hey, were's the improvement if there isn't a challenge in the way on getting stronger."

Though she doubted this little incident would help her along to getting stronger, but sometimes you needed to sacrifice yourself for others.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: Group

The Elf offered a bright smile to the woman, happy to see she was willing to be reasonable. "Well then, I do hope to get underway. Come on everyone, fortune doesn't wait for the slow~" She sings in an ever merry tune, walking past the elf to the door.

"Lia'tra nas, m'loati." Tapping her staff on the ground, a shadowy aura began to surround the Wild Elf and seconds after, would envelop the group as well. "I'll let you guys handle this, once you're done i'll find you outside. Seeya!" Ellana happily skips off, walking back outside, to the wilderness she was at before.
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Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's room
Tag: All

27/27 HP

Mara was... legitimately surprised when Ellana straight up left. They had just gotten back together! She realized it was partially her fault that the party had split in the first place but she didn't want to have to try and corral everyone back together to make camp. She doubted she had it in her to do so, but something about her new rubbery body gave her the feeling she could be very persuasive if she tried. She decided that despite the fact that the two tantalizing cocks were still in the room, she was better off joining up with the remaining two before they got moving. She also kind of wanted a better angle to watch Alice. Maybe she could live vicariously through her dicking? Mara still had one of the dildos from the monster, it'd make for an unfulfilling substitute in the meantime. maybe her arousal spells might even help? It'd be pretty hot to really encourage Alice and her new cat friends to really get into it, but also kind of messed up.

Mara more afraid with how ok she was becoming with doing that. Regardless, she'd take a place a little ways behind Taya, putting her between Mara and the cats.

"Things went better for you two I hope? Harem is pretty wonderful given how messed up everyone else is. We should all hang out with her after meeting up with Ellana. Overall I think we're making due right? I mean, I think I'm stronger now but damn do I need something to fill me." Her eyes widened at her admittance. "No! I am not looking for volunteers," she asserted to Taya. At least not yet at least.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC


Lady Viona
Main Throne Room
Tag:Taya, Ellana, Alice, Mara

"Oh by all means run about on your own.. if you are strong enough. Or fall in line with your leader, whatever works." Viona chuckled. "Clothes are overrated, really... then again I wear some like this so." She shrugged, then added a bonus shrug for Ellana leaving.. with a spell.

Viona grinned a bit, an expression that seemed almost mimicked in her lustful beasts, who on closer examination seemed somewhere in between large panthers and hounds... a special breed, indubitably. Consequentially, Alices curiosity, got her facing the flaring tip of angry red wolflike shafts, albeit oddly longer, before her bending over found one of the beasts prowling up behind her, lapping a long, rough tongue along her sex curiously, whilest the other, with a soft growling, closed its maw over one of her breasts, pointy teeth daring her to resist as it licked and lapped up against her breast, curiously.

"For your benefit I commanded them to go slow.. well, I think that was enough slowness.." The beastmistress commented, as Alice felt a paw on her back.. for now more of a gentle gesture.. "No volunteers for you? Shame that.. you look so encouragingly squishy, I bet it'd feel good to be a little wild and test your new bodies limits.. on either end.." The woman teased Mara as well whilest at it. "Either way, if thats not your thing, just enjoy the show, we have our eager little cow about to be ravaged by my two bestial followers. Anyone want to bet on who'll last longer?" She smirked.


Ellana left through the south door, finding herself back in the corridor with a set of stone statues, hearing the lewd noises behind her. Ahead of her is the way outside, back into the garden infront of this.. mansion.
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Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: All but Ellana

Taya shook her head as she watched Ellana wander in, then back out again. "Ugh. I need to start putting leashes on them. Goddess empower me to survive this ridiculousness."

She looked over as Mara came over and hid behind her and began singing Harem's phrases. She huffed a bit at the comments. "Yes we all watched as you started becoming her prey. You're like the fly in the honeyplant, happily eating and never seeing the leaves sealing shut around her. Harem ensnares through kindness instead of violence, you'll slowly become part of her. And oh I'll fill you once we've found our den. You're clearly built like a sex doll and I'm sure you'd rather someone you... Were acquainted with."

As the... cat-dogs positioned to mount Alice with their bestial cocks, Taya watched passively, stretching a bit, though keeping aware of her surroundings. "I believe in Alice's stamina. Course, she can always prove me wrong. I'm sure I can find something fun to do with that knowledge regardless. So where is this swamp anyways? Beyond that garden?"
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: Pantherhounds

Alice didn't notice Ellana leaving, she was too busy taking in the sight of the red hound like cock beneath one of the beasts. Noticing it's length and realizing this was going to be...interesting. She was shaking out of her thoughts when she felt one of them lapping at her sex, drawing a small moan from the monk as the rough tongue drew over her petals. A moment later the other one's mouth closed around her breast, the sharp teeth poking into her skin but not enough to draw blood, as it's tongue started to lap at her chest. The woman's breasts had been mostly drained before by her own drinking, but well, she wouldn't be surprised if the beasts could draw out more, either to her detriment or not.

She couldn't help but let her hand reach down under one of the beasts if she actually could stretch that far or the beasts gave her the chance. The woman wasn't actually going to stroke off the beast, yet at least, she was more wondering just how the cocks felt. They looked wolfish, but given the creature's were also cat like, she was half wondering if there was hard to spot barbs hiding along their length. As it was though she wouldn't have long to explore, as she felt one of the beasts paws on her back, the girl letting herself be pushed down by the creature as it moved to mount her. Bracing herself on her hands and knees given she wasn't quite sure she could hold up the weight of the large creature just with one hand alone. "W-Well, thanks for giving me a moment to prepare then."

She could have done without being called a cow, but damned if she wasn't going to try her hardest to outlast the two beasts. She had no real line to go off of, so for all she knew she'd be immensely outclassed, but she'd try!
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's room
Tag: All -Ellana

27/27 HP

Mara had to wipe away a strand of drool, or lube rather as the elf went on and on about her new body. It was very tempting- but not enough to get in! She stood behind Taya, gently pulling the dildo from before out of her bad and moving it back and forth 'discreetly' between her thighs. "N-no bets from my end. You'd probably want something if I lost!" She knew better than to make agreements with anyone in this new world. Still, she bit her lip and watched intently as the two beasts started to go to work on poor, lucky, Alice. Mara tried to copy the panther's licks with her own fingers as they passed over her sex. It was so much more sensitive there, she could hardly suppress the shudder that came with the pleasure.

Oh! Taya was talking to her. Mara looked back to the salamander-ish gal and tried to pretend she wasn't as distracted as she had been. "Hey! Harem was nothing but sweet to me. She even backed off when I asked her to. She- they have been much nicer than any of the other denizens of this world. Even if it was the case I've walked out of two snares then! Even mostly unharmed. Well, sex toy aside and I'm sure I can get that fixed too. Are we going to be meeting up with Ellana after 'this?' Speaking of that, I'm not sure we should do it just yet. Or I mean I do want that, fuck, I mean. But- BUT I don't think I should be playing too much with those urges. I mean I appreciate the offer and if I ever ask, just try to see if I'm in my right mind? It's really tempting but I know I shouldn't just spread my legs for every thick, delicious, thrusting, yummy cock. Oh! Drooling again sorry." She wiped up the lube with her hand and tried to stare back at the show instead of making eye contact. God she was making a fool of herself!
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Lady Viona
Main Throne Room
Tag:Taya, Ellana, Alice, Mara

"Alright, I'm feeling awfully nice today, so I'ma let you in on a little secret: Everyone here will enslave you, one way or the other. Mine is a bit less subtle perhaps." She grinned, whilest one of her beasts growled at Alice, nudging her more into position. "That said, I think I helped you bunch out enough, you want to find out more about this place, go explore." She grinned. "Of course do I want something if you lose. If you win, you get stronger, if you lose, you'll become better slaves. win win. But yeah.. definitly, you are a high class slave, don't submit to any mighty beast about to dominate you with its mighty shaft little sexdoll, oh, speaking of which.."

She grinned over to Alice, who currently cupped a feel at a hot, horny beastcock, before the same pushed forwards, rubbing up at her, before pushing forth and right into her, the muscular beast mounting her, whilest the other one withdrew from her breasts, licking its lips and looking down at her, stepping forward, her head rubbing up against its chest.. it quickly became clear that the creatures wouldn't take turns with Alice, as one thrust its points, long shaft deep into her sex, whilest the other planted itself firmly before her, red, canine shaft pointing right at her, right within reach as the creatures growled slightly at one another.

"Now now.. play naughty my sweets." Viona commented, as the beast above Alice bend forward, beginning to piston deep into her sex, rocking her and, if she steadied herself, making her heavy breasts swing, if she didn't, instead smoshing her into the ground growling lustfully at its plaything below. "So, cow or bitch, which nickname do you think fits better?" Viona mused whilest Alice was engulfed in the rutting beasts musk, distracting her further. "Oh.. and I hope you don't mind.. upgrades to your little pet-cow." The beastmistress commented, cooing, by now having leisurly taken place on one of harems pillows and opened up her dress, unashamedly displaying her own sex, cooing and watching the arousing display. "Quick question while you can still talk, is it me or do you like it when people watch you being taken like an animal?" She purred.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: Pantherhounds

Alice was feeling up the hound before her's cock when she let out a squeak of surprise when the beast behind her finally pushed forward. It's cock spearing into her already wet pussy. The girl bracing herself, but when the two beasts started to growl at eachother over her, she'd reach out to grab it again. She'd stroke at the creature that wasn't getting to fuck her pussy, even as her body shook with each of the one behind her's thrusts. Her heavy breasts making slapping noises as they bounced against her chest each time they bounced back, adding to the noise of the beasts flesh slamming against her ass. Really the look of her probably would have embarrassed her greatly if she had been looking in. Her tits were bouncing wildly beneath her, she was being pounded by an animal, and she was willingly stroking off another.

Not to mention the questions she was getting. Alice's already flushed skin growing brighter as she bit her lip. She didn't want to answer either one, but she figured that the woman would just come up with something worse if she didn't. The distraction caused by the musk swirling around her and making her light headed didn't help either, and when she spoke it was a pleasured sigh that had a small hiccup in it as the beast fucking her hit somewhere sensitive. "B-Bitch." At least it sounded like an insult based on something other then her sexual characteristics. Even if her breasts were doing a good job of making an argument for 'Cow.'

She didn't answer the second question with words though, instead the elf might get her answer going by the flush on Alice's face making her look like a tomato, even as she let out another moan from the rapid pace of the beast.