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An Innocent Campaign - IC

Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: All

Taya smirked, glancing back at Mara. "See, even the locals know. Harem will enslave you same as anyone. Obviously she was nice to you, she's a honeypot. She's sweet and kind and you cuddle up and she'll massage and care for you as you slowly start to wonder why you'd want to leave, isn't she pretty, wouldn't it be nice to BE her. I mean, come on, if you hadn't just run off immediately when we arrived you'd have heard the mistress state straight out that Harem was formed from a group that was so tight knit they formed into a singular hive mind. Why wouldn't she do the same to you?"

She hisses a little as she looks Mara over. "Yes we'll meet Ellana after. But if you are worried about your mind taken over by the doll, then let me open you to the goddess and she can guide you instead. Right mind clearly is relative here. would you rather be tugged around by the various forces here or would you rather be taken care of by the pack and the goddess? Harem may offer you honeyed words and motions with a barb hidden but I've no need to deceive you. You will support the pack and the goddess and you will aid me, but you will have my protection and my attention. Alice can tell you that I've been working on means for our survival and will keep doing so. I don't want to turn you into a mindless toy or a clone of myself. Waste of skills and experience. But you'll obey. So."

She moved closer, not touching but very close as she looked intensely into Mara's eyes. "Would you rather be some sex doll that others will seek to claim as you slowly erode in mentality and resistance until someone, possibly me, get's sick of asking and just TAKES you. Or will you take control of your own life in the only real method left and offer yourself to someone to be your Alpha and possibly gain love and devotion in turn on your own terms. Choose, Mara. You've seen what happens around here. If you can't adapt, then you will be broken. That's survival."
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's room
Tag: All -Ellana

27/27 HP

"I'll be honest Taya, the way you describe it, I'm half convinced to join up with Harem of my own free will!" She joked. trying to lighten the situation. The sound of vigorous fucking in the background lessened the effect some, leaving Mara glancing back to the event as Taya continued. The warning she had just given Mara raised a few red flags as she continued but Mara gave her the benefit of the doubt. After all, they were just looking out for each other. she hoped. But Taya continued, with a dark pragmatism that painted a rather bleak picture for Mara's choices. She wasn't going to turn into a sex doll; under all the rubber she was still Mara! She didn't want to give up her mind or her independence!

"Taya, you're scaring me." She took a step back from the Axolotl, a bit perturbed. Those last few lines were practically threats! They- they were a team. Taya wouldn't really take advantage of her right? It had to be the poison, the tensions running high. "If you really feel that's a good idea I guess I can give it a try. Just don't... Don't force anything on me. I think we've both had enough of that for a lifetime since we arrived. I just don't see why it can't be like the group we had before. But I trust you Taya. I'll play along, just at my own pace please. How about when we set up base camp you can tell me about your goddess! I'll help out magic-wise and maybe you can teach me some of your survival skills. You just keep making it sound like I have to be mind controlled by someone so I might as well pick you..."
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Lady Viona
Main Throne Room
Tag:Taya, Ellana, Alice, Mara

"Yeah yeah, it's all fun and games until someone loses a virginity." The beast-mistress grinned with enthusiasm, whilest her creatures had their way with Alice. "Who here thinks she'd look good in a collar?" She asked, raising her own hand for a vote. Alice, meanwhile had other concerns, as she noticed.. felt the mighty, bestial girth pumping fully into her, inhuman and relentless as a growl above her put her in her place if she objected to the creatures advances. "I think she'd make for a good beast-pet with how eager she is. No one -told- her to satisfy my other little pet.. smart move though, not gonna lie, if she didn't, It'd just pounce her next. This way will be content with one round, two tops." Viona grinned.

"Can someone be a bitch and a cow? Hmnn.. we could make her more bitchlike. Taking requests." She looked at the other two remaining heroes, as if waiting for their input. Talking about input, the other beast wasn't content with just Alices attending hand anymore, stepping closer, the tip of its red, veiny shaft poking at her more directly..

"Don't get your lack of panties in a twist. We're all gonna enslave you, one way or the other.. 's just how you want to be enslaved. I mean.. I guess if you are really good, you might end up being the enslaver instead, but that hasn't happened for.. quite a while. That said, not sure I appreciate you giving away all of poor Harems trade secrets like that." Her eyes narrowed at Ellana. "Perhaps you need a bit of a lesson yourself. Then again, your pack and godess stick seems interesting enough, perhaps I'll enjoy the show of that first." She chuckled.

"Be a slave to harem or a slave to the newt, your pick. Though theres more than two options, of course." Viona chuckled, then raised a finger. "Me, for example. Do you really think your little cow will be more loyal to -you- after a throughout fucking by my beasts?

Actually, I'd say you should take a look at the options of whom you can serve.. call me crazy but I sense a touch of serpentine loving on you as well..."
Viona chuckled, whilest the beasts taking Alice sped up slowly, rutting wildly, violently, growling lustfully.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: All

"Mind control is crass, but it seems like around here it's serve or be made to serve. It's more than just may as well be me. It's that of those who you have around, I care for my pack as more than a play thing. Harem just wants more of herself. She wants pets. I want you.," she hissed at Mara, "But very well. But if you don't make a choice, someone is going to make it for you if you've not caught on by now. I've made mine."

She glares at Viona a bit. "I'm no Newt and you owe me your end of the bargain. And don't underestimate my pack. We'll see who is more exhausted by the end. But I look forward to the results in her. But in any case, they're not going anywhere, so teach me while they're working at it. Or have you been lying to me?"
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: Pantherhounds

Honestly, whatever was being said above her after 'collar' was not even registering in Alice's ears. Namely because the only thing she was hearing at the moment was the slapping of skin on skin and her blood pumping in her ears with each thrust of the beast's shaft. The monk was well past trying to resist, probably was by the time she got on her hands and kness. It didn'the keep her from putting up a little show as she 'tried to wiggle away' from the beast, only to be 'stopped' by its growl much to her delight.

As it was Alic had an errant thought that she might indeed look good in a collar before her attention was taken by the other beast stepping closer and pressing his shafts against her lips. The monk parting them easily for the cock to start to slip inside. Even as the started to run her tongue around the tip and squeeze her vaginal muscles. Even if she was under the two beasts she wasn't just going to sit here and take it. No she'd try to give back and see whose stamina would hold out the longest.

Didn't keep her from thoroughly enjoying it so far though feeling herself split open by those deliciously modified cocks and at the center of attention for their breeding urges.
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Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's room
Tag: All -Ellana

27/27 HP

"Maybe for most people, but I'm a hero. Maybe both of you were too at one point but I'm starting to doubt it now. I mean Taya, I can see you're only doing what you think is best for you and your... pack but you're still giving up! We're going to make it out of here; we're going to beat the boss and free everyone from the spells she's cast on them. Now I'd much rather do this with you than without you but I refuse to give up. I refuse to let go of hope."

Mara looked perturbed by the words both the women were saying. It felt nihilist and deeply wrong to her idealistic sensibilities. She took a deep breath to calm herself. "I can see that you've also been 'touched' by the magic here. I mean I have too, so I'll still stand alongside you but I just can't agree that there's only two solutions to this problem." Mara wasn't about to give any suggestions to the beastmistress. This was a simple competition and even in real fights she was wary of any more transformations in the party. Though a simple competition was what got Mara into her own mess only a minute ago. "Yeah, I was inside a snake for a while before I showed up. Not like that! It's hard to explain. And yes that's why I'm pink but the snake wasn't responsible for that either." Conversation was useful for keeping her mind off of those long thick doggy-

"-SO! You're not a newt Taya? I mean, I don't want to assume so what are you? I thought you were just... an especially fancy newt. The frills look nice I mean." Between the muffled moans and sound of messy sex in the room Mara was rather hoping for someone to break the silence.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Lady Viona
Main Throne Room
Tag:Taya, Alice, Mara

(Almost timely response tiem!)

"Funny thing that, after you mind control someone, they seem to get into it quickly, now, that might be a given, but I think its just an aquired taste, but yes, this is all a big game of survival... oh? The control magic. Simple calling upon smaller creatures of your kind, sure I can teach you, but don't you want to enjoy the show?" She grinned, one hand extended, presenting Alice, who was being speared by the two wild beasts at the same time, rough and primal.

The slightly cow-like adventurers wiggling only had the beasts grip her tighter, showing their dominance over her, one biting at her neck, more to keep her in place than hurt her of course, though ever so slightly letting her feel its teeth and that it was in charge. It wouldn't be long until the rutting intensified, with Alice feeling a stronger pulsing from the bestial shafts, a buildup, as Alice tasted the bestial spear, her nose forced up close to inhale the creatures musk. A lustful growl indicated that they'd soon satisfy themselfs with her..

Viona meanwhile chuckled, ever so slightly, at Maras enthusiasm. "Frankly, of you lot, she's the one the mistress might be most interested in. Though far be it from me to understand the great ones motivations." Viona smirked. "Still, looking at you, its impressive you keep your idealism.

Ohohooo kinky."
She cooed at the 'inside a snake' bit. "Fany newt hits it for me. I like you. If you ever want to become a slut for my pack just call, I'll let you pretend- fight against it too." The beastmistress grinned, whilest overt at Alice, the two lustful creatures panted and held Alice steady with a deep thrust from both of them, clearly... preparing.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's room
Tag: All -Ellana

27/27 HP

Mara found herself blushing at the compliments, then at the embarrassment of her own reaction. This mistress was flirting with her. This mistress, who had just gone on about how she was happy to enslave her and anyone else. Still, Mara couldn't deny the warmth that it planted in her squeaky pink heart. "I- I'm going to keep being a hero. You can count on that. I appreciate the offer, but I'm going to stick with my group. I suppose I have to remind them that they're heroes too. Then we can all take on the Mistress together!" The fire had re-emerged into her voice. The pep talk, as strange as it was, actually did it's job.

"Ooh, I think they're about to cum!" Her new compulsion pulled her attention back to the wild scene in front of them. Mara absentmindedly licked her lips at the sight of those massive cocks preparing to fill her friend. She was so lucky! Mara envied her, despite her best intentions.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: Pantherhounds

Alice was very definitely being speared by the two beasts, her breasts bouncing below her and her eyes rolling up as the pantherhound's scent flooded her nose and worked its way straight into her brain. The girl pushing her hips back against the beast behind her and running her tongue around the barbs of the creature that was using her throat like a pussy. As she felt them getting faster, their barbs poking out more and more and scraping along her insides, Alice could feel the tension rising inside her. The tightening spring near her womb, until finally she'd let out a cry of orgasm. Her body quaking with pleasure as she twitched like a live wire beneath the two beasts, her pussy spasming trying to milk at the barbed cock, and in the process just heightened her own pleasure as they dug in even further.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: All but Ellana

Taya mentally had to remind herself not to slap the heck out of these three right now. Later she would do so. Or at least yell at them. Now was not a good time. Or maybe not Alice, but still. she was feeling rather irritated at the complete lack of awareness she was dealing with.

"Not a newt. Seen newts. I don't know what I am. Some sorta salamander maybe. Newts are reptiles, I'm clearly an amphibian, hmph.," she mutters.

She looked back to the beastmistress. "Oh, it's a nice show, don't get me wrong, but I'm not stranger to seeing knots. I used to have one myself before, well, this. It's a bit odd to see one on cats admittedly. But I'm more interested in getting started as soon as possible. I'll need time to practice. Besides, can you blame me for being eager?" Plus she wasn't certain she wasn't being led on without her actually following through on the offer.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Lady Viona
Main Throne Room
Tag:Taya, Alice, Mara

"Who says you can't be a hero by day, sex-slave by night? I'm sure we can find you a group of savage orcs to .. pacify from raiding a village or somesuch by stuffing you full of cocks instead.. hmnn.. or calming a wild beast? Yeah, thats more my style." Viona mused and smirked. "Though I like your spirit, I wonder if the rest shares your.. attitude.. heh." Viona grinned, a snip of her fingers causing her beasts to thrust deep into Alice one last time. "Dooo they?" She asked, mischievously as the creatures kept pumping into Alice.

Viona, meanwhile withdrew, stepping to the side of her.. pets, and patting both theirs and Alices head. "Anyway, one thing you misunderstood from the beginning, this wasn't an exercise in seeing which of you was most heroic or willing to sacrifice, I just wanted to give my pets some fun.. and see who'd be willing to sacrifice for the pack. Good work there, Alice, as for you.." She smirked, and pointed at Taya, mumbling, intonating a clearly magical chant as the arguable salamandre woman gasped, feeling a wave of nause and a tingling in her body... (Fort save!)

"A little present for you, to teach you not to simply sacrifice packmembers, you heroic lot you!" The beast-mistress cooed.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: All

( 20 Con save)

Taya grimaced, feeling the nausea as she glared at the woman, snarling a bit, but waiting a moment to see if it passed, but she clearly was not amused by this potential betrayal.

Spellcaster huh. She'd remember that too. Still if she was werefolk, they couldn't fight her and win. Not yet. She could be wrong, but jumping into a fight not on her terms wasn't her style. When she struck, it'd be under the best conditions.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's room
Tag: All -Ellana

27/27 HP

"Heh, clearly Taya. If the fishy goblins were here you could at least ask them what you are. And how to fix it." Mara was clearly amused by Taya's obstinate attitude towards her own form. The fact that she knew as much about what she was as Mara was just the cherry on top.

"That's... That's not what a hero does..." But it was too late. The idea was already stuck in her head. She could just give the monsters what they wanted and save the day! Getting filled up did have its (compulsive) appeal. The thought of all those thick stinking orc cocks one after another after another sent Mara drooling lustfully. She had already admitted to herself that she wished she had been the one to get her brains fucked out by the beasts in front of her. "I've got more than enough Spirit to take on wh-whatever comes our way~" Her breaths were heavier and her face was flushed. She could feel her moral compass being pulled to the side and it was rather unpleasant, if arousing.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: Pantherhounds

Alice let out another moan as the creature's thrusted into her hard at the girl's snap, her orgasm dragged out a moment longer by the heavy thrust. Then she felt the elf petting her, playing with her hair and Alice couldn't help but wiggle just a bit. Not seeing what the elf was doing above her, but she did at least hear the 'good job Alice' part. That was something at least! Being congratulated for being willing to throw herself into a situation for her...'pack.' It made her feel rather good, though she was also feeling quite good due to all the pleasure coursing through her from being spitroasted by the two hounds rather amazing cocks. The girl wondering just how much cum the beasts would have given how long they'd been going.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Lady Viona
Main Throne Room
Tag:Taya, Alice, Mara

"Hrmnn? Oh come on.. perhaps I'm a bit rusty.." Viona mused, flicking her wrist and looking at it. "Oh don't glare at me like that, if you want your revenge, grow properly stronger, then come find me, I like to hang out at the other end of the garden." She smirked. "Anyway, I'm certain you can handle who or whatever cums your way indeed. Just be careful not to get too twisted up if you want to make for a proper challenge for some of the more powerful denizens here. Then again, perhaps you'll end up impressing mistress with how much of a horny slut you are.. thats the one thing that really matters here, amusing our mistress." She nodded, waving her hand, directing her beasts to follow along, leaving Alice lewdly spralwed on the ground unless she didn't put in an effort to compose herself of the lewd breeding, looking.. rather messy. Perhaps, in this labyrinthine mansion, there was proper bathing places available as well?

As was, unless one of the three activley tried to stop the Beast-mistress, she'd leave them alone.. the Newt-like woman, the Well bred cowgirl and the sex-doll. Things most certainly had changed for them..
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's room
Tag: All

27/27 HP

Mara watched her leave, her eyes drifting to the heavy pair of balls between each of the cat's hind legs. Only when she was far enough away not to seem a threat did she step forwards and gingerly help Alice to her feet. "Harem has a bath but I have a feeling you don't trust them a whole lot Taya. There might be a lake or swamp out past the garden but I think we can both agree there's a good chance it's already claimed. Personally I'd leave it up to Alice where we go... but she seems a little out of it. What are you thinking Taya?"

Mara gently checked over Alice for any scratches or bruises from her rough mmmm fucking~ There were still globs of baby batter all over her and Mara couldn't help but take a fingerful of it and stick it in her mouth, savoring the salty taste her new body craved so much. "A-at least Harem doesn't have a dick so I could control myself better," she said degectedly. She was really in the mood for some cock. Something big, meaty, to stretch her rubber body and fill her up- No! Gotta focus! She was not her body's cravings.
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: All

Taya glared daggers after the woman, watching coldly for her to leave, before snarling and slapping her foot on the ground in anger. "Treacherous bitch. I knew that was coming. I'll teach her a lesson alright, soon enough. But it'll be on my terms."

She then turned on Mara, glaring daggers. "Are you dense? Two but she's not here yet. Do you not understand how important a UNITED FRONT is?! Rather than appearing strong and unified under me, you made me seem weak and ineffectual and you all easily poached. You made us all seem like easy prey. You knew she was pack based, and had an alpha dynamic and instead of playing along with me in appealing to it... You undermine me entirely. Alice at least plays along, but you run away on your own, then show up and now all this happens! This isn't about giving up. I will tear every opponent down who get's in my way. This is about surviving long enough to win. That woman moved us to another dimension. We are NO match for her as we are now, weak, unequipped, lost. We need to get stronger and to do that we need to work as a group and use our skills. We can disagree, fight and bicker but we have to drop that in the front of threats and form up. And going oh I'm a hero does NOTHING. You can claim you're a god for all it matters, you're still going to get smacked down."

She snarls and storms over to a wall and smacks it with her tail. "Next time, if someone is trying something, play the fuck along. Because you're this close to making me want to say fuck it, me and Alice will handle it ourselves and you can go stumble into all the traps you want. Rrrgh. For now, let's go find the damned swamp and maybe kick someones ass if they try something. And if you want to make it up for me, you can always be the toy you look like for me for awhile, or find another way."

She moved over and used the butt of her spear to help Alice up to her feet, since she was covered in poison. "Up you go Alice. You did good. I'm sorry this lot made it for nothing in the end. You had fun though, right?"
Re: An Innocent Campaign - IC

Harem's Room
Tag: Pantherhounds

Letting Taya and Mara help her to her feet and check her over, Alice would look a tad dazed, but effectively unhurt. She wasn't going to be injured just by an...admittedly nice and rough fucking. "Swa~amp sounds fine, just give me a moment. I need to...recover a bit. Those guys went hard."

After a few moments she'd manage to catch her breath, still leaking cum shamelessly from her pussy even as she fitted her tight outfit back on. The outfit doing literally nothing to hide the cum leaking down her thighs, or the cum around her neck, her nipples even showing through the clothing as she was still rather aroused. Her admittance following a moment later was a mix of embarrassed blush and well, still that arousal"Well...it was a tad embarassing but yeah, it was fun. If we ever need a situation like that again I don't mind volunteering."

"Though I also wouldn't mind getting to beat up something, hopefully next time we run into something that I can give a good pounding." She added, giving a flex of her muscles which might have been more convincing if not for the cum still on her chin and thighs. "Well, I think I'm ready whenever you are."
Harem's room
Tag: All

27/27 HP

Mara shrunk underneath the glare. "I-I didn't know Taya I swear! I've never had to think about stuff like that before. I didn't know that's what you were trying to do but I see it now. I'm sorry Taya. I was pretty dense, pretty s-stupid." Her voice caught and she rubbed her eye a little bit. "You make a really really good point. I just thought- I just thought I could fix all this. I thought everything was going to be ok. I'll be better next time. I'll play along... Please don't leave me behind. Please don't. I thought I was helping. I just wanted to help. Be a hero like all the stories." She sniffled and rubbed her eyes again, pausing a minute as she re-centered herself. "I know I can be stupid sometimes and mess everything up. If you're willing to teach me I promise I'll do my best to learn how to follow your lead. I thought you'd gone off the deep end, I never imagined it was all a strategy; I'm so sorry Taya. I'll be the best toy for you I can tonight if you want. I wanna make it up to you."

"Sorry I messed it up Alice. I can help you clean up when we get there if you want. I'm pretty sure I can't get messy like this anymore." She gave a weak smile and offered an arm to her to help steady herself. "We'd better get going if we want to get there before it gets dark- I mean, Taya is that a good idea?"

She waited for Taya to give the ok before starting for the swamp. She wasn't going to run off again, not after the tongue lashing she had just gotten.
Harem's Room
Tag: All

Taya sighed as Mara stammered out her apologies, seeming to be taking a moment to get a grip on her temper. "...Apology accepted. And sounds good, but don't complain if you end up a latex salamander girl. You'll be cuter that way anyways. Life rarely gives second chances however. Let's go find the last one and get moving then. She's caused me as much trouble as you have really. But I'd prefer having allies to enemies when possible. Darkness doesn't bother me much, though odds are nocturnal predators may exist so it might be wise. Given the general pattern, I'm expecting there's a vampire somewhere in this mess. Let's go."

Taya would head out to gather up their last member before going to try and find that swamp. She was still quite cranky but she felt better after the apology at least.