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An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I like that one. bubblegum boobies!
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

I like it a lot more than the one you had before.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

*Image fixing noises over here*
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

After reading the story so far my favorite part is definitely Harem and the way she does things.

The arch-dryad was also nice, but she tried a little too hard on the "sooner or later your friends will betray you so you should betray them first" thing.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Sorry for my absence, I have been fairly busy.

I will attempt to make posts in a day or two.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

eheh, take your time, you give me an excuse for my lack of a response, other than 'I was busy writing pron game'

Then again, that is a fair excuse I fathom, check out ma blog/patreon for moar. :p
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Alrighty, m80's I'll try to spew out some posts within the week.
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Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

-Insert joke of blowing it up-
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Posts will appear tomorrow, that's a guarantee. (Though it'll probably be late in the day.)

*Posts Official DaBomb stamp*
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Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Posts will appear tomorrow, that's a guarantee.

*Posts Official DaBomb stamp*

*Secret services get interested in bomb stamps*
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

update: Feel free to join the current action Corruptive spirit, feel we made you wait long enough ic and ooc. *nodnod*
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Posts incoming tonight! I'll keep from instigating anything too big so if anyone gets the urge, don't wait up on me!
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Just to pass the time, if your character went full mistress, how would they treat/transform/use the other members of the party? What would their -look- be?
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Taya is pack oriented. Everyone would be inducted into the religion and amphibians and such, toxic worship and such and probably high on poison most the time. She's very much a survivalist and would organize her pack to use their skills as efficiently as possible, geared towards reproduction and sustain and such.

She's alpha-priestess and as numbers grow, those who prove especially loyal and skilled might become Beta-Priestesses over the Omega-Acolytes.

Be lots of chemical use, oral activity/egg stuffing and traps and snipers full of toxin.

Long as Taya was respected and obeyed, she would treat others with an aggressive sort of love and care. Very hands groping and such.

Possibility of making Inficia the Toxic Matriarch into a real goddess via combined faith and getting involved is there too. Probably uniforms would be most camo based, and probably thin and permeable so toxins can leak out through them.

Given time, resources and numbers, probably would construct temples, and spread out and such, and take over anywhere toxins could be found to use and such and become a sort of religious poisoner's guild of hunters and survivors.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Kinky. Of course, further changes could happen to your character(s), depending on how you fare. Just look at Mara for an unlucky outcome of a fight.
Re: An Innocent Quest - OOC Chat

Yup. But as things stand that's sorta Taya's current mindset. Asides from argh, why can't everyone play along, gonna ram my tail somewhere sensitive this rate on someone.

That and mentally designing toxic camo nun gear. Hurray for being a tailor before life went to hell.