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AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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(((This is how I think the Landsmeet reacted to my male charrie, “ALISTAIR WILL BE KING AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN :’D” Yes, this was with the free love mod and if it’s alright with the artist I’ll be linking some fanart of my PC in a dress for amusement purposes.

It's not graphic, so even if you hate M/M smut you can still get amusement out of this because well... there is no smut at all xD Not even a kiss. *shock* )))

“And I will rule beside him.”

Six words started this chaos.

Six words. That’s all it took to throw the Landsmeet into an uproar.

Six words uttered after Miren declared his support for Alistair. Those six words and now the nobles behind him screeched and raved.

Alistair stared at him, “I can’t believe you… I mean… Oh Maker…” Miren grinned a little foolishly at his lover, fiancé, King. “Maker’s breath, why?!”

“Because I told you; I’m not letting anything tear us apart.” Miren’s deep voice was amused.

Alistair buried his face in his hands, “How are we going to fix this?”

Miren shrugged, “I thought I’d let you handle it, since you’re the King now.” He laughed at Alistair’s horrified expression, “I’m just joking. I’ll fix it. If there’s one thing we Ferelden’s love more than Loyalty, its love itself.” He took on a self mocking tone, oddly reminiscent of Zevran.

“Yes, but I have a duty to produce an heir, and it’s not that I’m not happy about this, I am but…”

Miren shushed him, “I’ve got that covered too. Been talking to Zevran.” He laughed again at the sullen expression Zevran’s name caused, “He says he knows some herbs that will increase fertility. All you have to do is father a bastard on a minor noblewoman and we have an heir.”

Alistair slumped, defeated. “Now what about the Chantry teachings?”

“Again, already taken care of. I’ve spoken to Leliana and she’s read nearly every holy book she could get her hands on. There’s nothing in there that says anything against men marrying each other.” Miren sounded a little smug. “Now do you want to shush this rabble so I can explain it to them?”

Alistair swallowed unhappily and then took a deep breath before bellowing “QUIET!”

All sound in the hall ceased and each and every Noble stared at him, before Miren stepped forward with a grin, “I suppose you all have questions then?”

A voice from the back, “I know it’s near impossible for Grey Wardens to have children, and I don’t care that you’re both men, what are you going to do about an heir so the throne doesn’t fall to another bloodline?”

Miren smirked, “I’m sure there are plenty of young Ladies that would be willing to carry the child of the King. And a good friend of mine has an extensive knowledge of herbs that he knows increases fertility.” His voice rang out over the stunned nobles, “You’re current King is a bastard, who cares that the next will be as long as he or she is of Royal blood?”

The nobles murmured angrily amongst themselves, but no one else raised the issue of an heir. Instead, “You are both men. Do you not know you sin in the eyes of the Maker?”

“Sister Leliana? Would you like to handle this?” Miren gestured the redhead forward and stepped back as she spoke.

“As someone who has seen Andraste’s ashes and the miracles at work in Her resting place, I tell you that what these men have is not an abomination in the eyes of the Maker.” She smiled, “I have read as many holy books as I could put my hands on in preparation for this very question, and I can tell you that nowhere in all my readings have I seen anything that would suggest that their love is wrong.”

Alistair stared at Miren, “Why didn’t you talk to me about this first? Why them?” His voice was slightly strangled.

Miren shrugged, “Surprise?”

Leliana let the room settle back down before she melted back into their group of companions.

Miren stepped forward again, “Does anyone else have any practical objections?” There was an angry, sullen silence. “Then this is over with. I love him and I will not let him be taken from me. We’ve fought our way through Ferelden to come here before you and save you from the approaching threat. I have fought tooth and nail to keep this man beside me and prove, not only to myself, but to some of our more… skeptical companions…” he winked at Wynne, “That we are desperately, deeply in love and that nothing is going to change that. We ride to battle, and maybe to our deaths, but I refuse to squander the chance that the Maker has given me to be happy! Alistair, my King.” He turned back to his lover and stepped out of the way. “The Darkspawn?”

Alistair took a deep breath and stepped forward, “Right, a speech. I hate speeches. You’re much better at them than I am.” He grumbled and then started to speak.
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

There Alistair goes again always the last one to know what's going on. Twas a very amusing picture in my mind with how the nobles reacted.

Good writing as usual, but I happened to get confused by this one small part in the 8th sentence. Not sure if it's a typo or not though it seems there is a word missing.

“I’m just joking. I’ll fix it. If there’s one thing we Ferelden’s love more than Loyalty, its love itself.”
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

“I’m just joking. I’ll fix it. If there’s one thing we Ferelden’s love more than Loyalty, its love itself.”

Missing word? No, it looks right to me.

They love Loyalty, but they Love "Love" more. >.> Make better sense?
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

Oh okay I see what it was now, Fereldens threw me off. I was thinking it was a persons name, not the name of a people. Just ignore me I'm silly.
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

<3 It's okay.
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

It was rather amusing, but I just feel everything wrapped up much too neatly. Yes I know it's just a quick fantasy piece, but considering it is from DragonAge, I just felt like it was all "yep, this is how it is! Hurray," despite that the utter change from tradition would make many people nervous and worried.

Still, that's my only real complaint. The writing itself was good.
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

C'mon now, Sin, you've played the game. Things there tend to wrap up nice and neatly, too. I think Chibi's just keeping with the spirit of it *laughs*
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

*snicker* They do, don't they?

People were still Angry, but Alistair shut them up and makes them happy with his stumbly speech and they forget about everything BUT the Darkspawn. xD

"Oh, I just killed the Hero of River Dane! Yay let's celebrate because Alistair is king and we're going to march to our death to fight the Darkspawn WHOO"
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

Eh, perhaps yer right. Still, that was my point.
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

lol, I appreciate the point, constructive crit is always welcome.
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

I do try to give that. Always helpful, makes better writers of us all.
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

You need to make this thread title a lie and post "Surprise," woman. Either that, or if you want, put it up in the Corner, as it does follow the trend.
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

You need to make this thread title a lie and post "Surprise," woman. Either that, or if you want, put it up in the Corner, as it does follow the trend.

I uh... If you say so >.>;;
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

Copper wants more man sex damnit!
Re: AND I WILL BE HIS QUEEN! ... Sorta. (My last Dragon Age Ficlet I promise)

so yeah...

Copper got her more mansex. Lol.

And this thread is SUCH A LIE. I wrote more.