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Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)



Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The sudden power taking them away was not enough to make the angel desist at her attempt to solve this without a fight, she soon move quickly toward the three dont caring too much of the shake at the earth or the corruption on the strange subterrain tree. The human still was not fully recovered by the sudden push but she continue at the angel's side, holding her hand and having her sword ready to protect both of them. Are you really able to talk with that creepy tree? Ashley wishper as she prepare to swing her sword when the roots started to come to them but it was unneeded as the roots were moved away by the sudden force used by the angel.

Once close the tree again the two get in a better stance to try to comunicate again, this time Angie would also try to take down the corruption using her holy powers, her words were soon answered by the tree in the same ancient lenguague than Ashley would be unable to understand and just suppose to be the wind moving around them.

Fey Witch... The tree answered still in its raged tone.

The energy was soon acting, but instead the tree roared in pain in a even more potent way, it was almost as if the cave was close to collapse.


The corruption on the tree was so deep inside than the poor thing would almost die and most likely that weakened state will make the tree be unable to stop the ceiling to fall in the worst case. Angie tried her best to erase the evil on it but she needed to stop by the danger than could bring to Ashley and herself. The roars, shakes and roots moving slowly stopped, but the tree now was weak enough to dont try to attack them after the intense pain given by the holy powers.

At least Angie noticed the dark flow source coming from a different place a little bellow the huge plant, she noticed a small tunnel bellow the tree and at least the darkness in the poor plant has been reduced but still it was bellow the power of what dwells bellow it.

Angie suddenly fall on her knees but her protected stop her, still holding her as slowly place her at the floor so she could take a small break, she havent used her whole powers but the potence used made her suffer a small weakeness moment. Are you fine Angie? I dunno what you tried, but the roots havent movent and the tree changed of color, so it must had been defeated, i suppose... Anyway try to rest all what you need. The human shrug without understand too much what the angel has tried.

With some energy still at her, the young angel could leave the tree alone or end the work using her holy powers to end the source of the corruption than has taken the poor tree.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"Yes I can speak with her... I can feel the corruption. Something did this to her, to the forest. I believe she's a guardian of the forest... but I'm not sure exactly. Don't cut anymore unless I say to alright Ashley, she's hurt enough already as it is," Angie told Ashley, simply using her power to force the roots away from them without damaging them any more.

As she attempted to speak with the tree's entity or spirit or whatever was within it, Angie listened to her words intently, her eyes widening when she mentioned a fey witch. Then Angie suddenly remembered the only being that resembled a witch of any sort in the area was that woman from the other day when she was searching for Ashley when those harpies attacked her. She'd had a dark coat on and had strange dark markings on her face, so perhaps she was the one the entity spoke of.

Angie could feel the corruption having taken a deep hold on the poor being and felt terrible for hurting her further before. Attempting to purify the corruption in the tree was a bad idea apparently as the entire cavern began shaking and rumbling greatly, nearly collapsing on the lot of them until Angie stopped, fearing such a collapse. At least she'd been able to purify a bit of the corruption within the tree, Angie thought to herself as she noticed the small tunnel leading down beneath the tree, where she felt the true source of the corruption in the tree itself. She wished that she could have taken it further, but she knew that it would likely end up killing the tree to do that so she didn't attempt to do so.

She took a step towards the small tunnel but fell to her knees as soon as her foot came down, but thankfully Ashley was there to catch her as she went down. "Y-Yeah I'll be alright I think. I believe I found the source of her corruption though. However I'm severely weakened now because there's no natural energy flowing through here. If this keeps up I won't be able to purify all of this corruption and unseal the ley lines and may lose my angelic powers altogether. So again Ashley, I need you to lend me a bit more. I hate to keep asking this, but I feel that helping her will help us in the long run," Angie replied to Ashley, leaning in to give her a kiss and absorb a bit more energy before she entered the small tunnel in an attempt to break the corruption's hold on the tree and hopefully the surrounding area as well.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Sure... so this thing is... like a female guardian. Ashley said not really sure than that kind of information could had been earned just touching the scary tree. Fine, i will try to dont cut more of these things unless they turn into an even worse danger for us. She sound really worried than her guard down could mean a danger for Angie and also for her, she still fear than this thing could hurt them in any second.

Angie has made a great progress to purify the tree but she supposed than she was lacking of the needed quantity of energy so once again she asked for more to the noble lady. Ashley was not surprised than she would be asking for more after almost fall at the floor just some moments ago. Hmm sure, but maybe you are pushing you too much Angie, but dont worry i have a lot... its just... oh nevermind... Ashley wanted to say something more but she decide to dont make this more difficult she placed softly the celestial at the floor and then get over her, getting closer as she take suddenly a moment to focus again. The kiss was more of what Angie was waiting as Ashley get over her, blushing as she placed her right harm at her back slowly going down in soft rubs and her hips moving down to meet that half hard member. Maybe Angie havent not noticed it as the aura emanating from the human was different but Ashley was getting every time more needed for a more intimate contact than just these kisses were giving her, the angel was turning on her oven and let it turn off alone so much than now some small maiden juices were leaking from the purple haired girl at the angel holy sword, she even rub it softly at the end before she fighted to get away and still try to hide her burning needs from her lovely guardian angel.

With the new posibility than the corruption could be destroyed going inside that hole, the young angel decide to crawl and get inside the hole close the tree, having some problems to make her wings get inside, hurting them a little as she get inside. Once at that dark hole she could notice than Ashley would soon move to follow her, then in that moment she smell the corruption bellow her and many roots and some stones, it looks to be a hidden seal or something similar in power.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

"I... I think so Ashley, but I'm not entirely sure to be honest. It just seems like that's the most probable thing she is. So thank you for agreeing to not cut her anymore," Angie said to Ashley, her left hand still on the tree trunk as she caressed it gently. "Shh shh, it's alright friend. I will protect and help you as much as I can," Angie whispered to the tree before turning to Ashley to borrow more energy since she seemed to have such an abundance of it.

Kissing Ashley was as it had been every time before that a pleasant experience, but she was noticing that Ashley was getting more intimate each time she did. "Ashley, I can sense that you want more each time we kiss like this. I promise that I'll make you feel good once we're in a safe place that we can do so, okay, but you don't need to be embarrassed about it alright," she said to Ashley, caressing her cheek after the kiss and promising to make her feel nice.

Once that was done and she'd calmed Ashley down a bit, Angie would crawl into the hole beneath the tree, folding her wings in close to be able to fit, where she went inside. Noting the sheer smell of corruption beneath her as she noticed Ashley crawling in to follow her, Angie reached out and put her hand right next to the seal of corruption, where she then tried to purify it while at the same time, funneling her energies through to keep the tree alive as well while doing this.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Confused by how Angie supposed than the tree spirit was female the poor human tried to just accept it for the moment just noding, it has been hard to endure her lust who has been growing with every kiss after have sher first time with her lover. Also Angie has been all the time naked and her firm member was just teasing the poor purple haired girl to have a sexond time with her, it was not just that huge hamer, but also every inch and caress than Angie has been giving when they were flying, just these kisses were enough to turn her on but she dont wanted to cause more problems and talk about these needs was still a tabu for her, that was why when she give this last kiss the angel's words make her blush and question herself about why hidding her needs.

Can you? How? I mean no im fine, its just than its this cave maybe have some power and you are well... distracting me... Ashley said turning to a side as she get away to dont let Angie arouse her even more as her words dont help her too much to hide her real needs than were just turning to be too much for her.

Passing to another topic soon, Angie guide her team inside the small tunnel where she soon could feel the darness power coming bellow the rocks, earth and roots at the middle of the small chamber. Placing her hand at the area where the seal should be, she used her powers to try to purify the place as also do her best to help the tree to survive the event. There was not doubt than this should had worked, but just as her powers tried to do her wishes the chamber changed of color for a moment, it was just a blink, a second. Angie was very focused in both works to notice it completely, her belly noticed her warm member pressing hard at herself, as the purple light increased her lust and invaded her mind and body, the cold come and she made just some soft groans before lost herself in the trap circle placed to her...

Angie saw herself trapped deep inside her body. She was under the effect of a really powerful spell, the Earth self providing energy to a dark force but at least this trap havent tried to kill her. Angie lack of any experience of what just happened but she know than something has been placed inside her and she will need time to find a way to solve this. This place as a void would turn any mortal into a poor insane being but with her powers she notice a different kind of energy at the distance and also at another place her divine senses could detect a potent darkness at another area.


Meanwhile Angie's body has been taken by just a single idea, get rid of this cold and lust by feeding herself of that warm lonely potent light at her side, before someone more stole it. Angie's body has changed in some few aspects after the trap get activated, her skin is now pale with her wings having losing her bright white tone, there was a mark bellow her belly and back but her now mindless body was only focused on hold anything than could sattle her, the pain at her completely hard member and itchi couldnt not be sattled by her own hands.


Angie has been possesed and her soul sealed temporaly

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Crawling down further into the hole after sensing the possible heart of the corruption down there, Angie made her way down to it and placed her hand over the affected area. As soon as she touched it though, Angie felt a strange power permeate the room as it changed color and suddenly Angie found herself being pulled within her own mind. "A-Ashley... s-stop me... if I... t-try to grab you," Angie struggled to say as she lost power over her own body's actions, trying to warn her lover and friend.

Angie felt something overtake her body, nearly her very core, but it didn't take her completely, because her soul rebounded into her body to protect itself. Angie had been just too focused on purifying the tree and the lands to notice the corruption seeping into her body, where that cold feeling from the water started coursing through her, taking her body over. Shaking her head to try and shake it away, Angie found that she'd lost control of her body all but completely. She could still speak, but only within her mind, and she could still see what she was doing and felt her body begin to look towards Ashley.

Whatever had just happened to her, Angie didn't understand, as she'd never been prepared for this, but it was almost like... what the other people had done to them, like she'd been taken over by that same power. Trapped within her own mind, Angie panted as her mental form took shape in the winding corridors of her mind in the same shape as her physical self. She saw a fork in her path and tried to sense out the two powers her body was now harboring to see which was which, so she didn't go down the wrong path and maybe try to use the wrong power within her which would corrupt her body and mind further. Angie decided to go down the paths of her mind towards the strange energy she felt, thinking it the better of the two to explore first, as the other was a dark energy and this new strange one might be one that could help her out.

In the physical plane though, Angie could still see herself if she closed her eyes of her mental body, and she saw her wings had lost their radiance, her skin had turned pale, and as her physical head looked around she noticed on her belly some strange markings along with some on her back too. She could feel the incredible lust in her physical body and knew that her body would go after Ashley, and as horny as Ashley was she doubted that she would resist her physical body. Knowing she needed to hurry, she headed on down towards the not dark power residing within her body.

"Please Ashley, resist me... please," Angie said to herself as her possessed physical body began to make its way towards Ashley when it realized Angie was there, already reaching out for Ashley. "And momma, papa... please... help me to safety within this place, I'm scared," Angie then said, tears starting to roll down her cheeks on her mental form, which she hoped her physical body would do so too so that Ashley would see that something was clearly wrong.
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Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie was unsure if Ashley understand her or could defend herself of the angel, Angelique maybe have too much trust on this young woman who maybe love her so much to fight back. This shouldnt be in her mind now as she is the one than could stop her corrupted body, her spirit moves throught the mind path at a side, expecting than her pray would be heard by someone. After a time she saw a light from a purple color with a intense light, there was a circle with marks on it and just when she get closer enough the light summoned a light than in a moment wrap the angel and slowly pull her to it.

As closer she get Angie could see a female shape inside the mass of light, her eyes shining as she prepare to send a new light rope toward the angel.


Meanwhile Ashley was every second more close to be on danger, she just an instant a light so intense than she covered her eyes has appeared and filled the small hall bellow the tree and then Angie has changed, the last words than Angie tried to say to warn her to escape were just inhuman groans than were imposible for her to understand.

...Angie! Are you fine? Please answer me! The noble human remain as far as possible as the angel walk toward her, the roots at the floor made the zombified angel have some problems walking so she was not so faster. The possibility to use her weapon was not an option for Ashley, she love so much the futa angel than she just cant risk to hurt her, then all the sadness and fears only manage to let roll a small teardrop from one of her blank eyes but this was enough for Ashley to try her best to aid her in any way.

If to heal you is needed more of my energy then say it Angie, take all what you need in order to recover. The purple haired girl then get in guard, she would give some time to Angie to answer her but soon or later she suppose than give her some energy could solve this.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Traveling through the inside of her mind, trying to find her way out before her physical body did something to Ashley that was irreversible possibly, Angie prayed as she went, and eventually she came upon a mass of purple light. The brightness was intense, almost too much for her eyes to look at unshielded, but she was able to see symbols upon it. When she stepped closer and the light seemed to grab her and begin pulling her towards it, Angie resisted as hard as she could manage and noticed the form of a woman within the purple light.

"W-What do you want with me? Answer me now, this is my mind... my body. Not yours. Now answer me and tell me what you want with me and why you're doing this," Angie asked and then demanded, trying to summon her strength to fight, which as she was within her own mind she ought to have access to all of her powers still, so she prepared to hurl some of her holy energies at this woman within the light if she did not stop trying to reel her in.


In the waking world, Angie's tear managed to break through the hold that was on her body, transferring from her mental form to her physical thankfully, which did alert Ashley that something was wrong. Unfortunately Ashley seemed to be thinking that Angie was in need of energy, which frightened Angie, as she was afraid that she would hurt Ashley if she took energy from her at this time. She kept trying to break through the hold on her so she could speak to Ashley, to tell her to knock her out or something for now so she didn't hurt the poor girl. But Angie knew that she wouldn't break through this hold easily, though she would still try to do so and warn Ashley that something was happening within her mind and to try and stay away from her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The woman at the purple light was not so talkative as Angie was expecting, her thumb just moving across her neck was her only move before throw a new energy rope to the angel and pushing her closer to her. her free hand started to focus some power as the angel could notice have some of her powers, she could fight this but she is not sure how strong is this woman or if she really have her full power, a fight in her mind would require to focus her entire being or at least her mind and soul.

Meanwhile at the real world the darkness inside her made her unable to talk, making instead feral soft groans and dirty lusty weak pleading moans, one of her hands slowly but in complete need rubs her own hard meat hammer.

Ashley wide open her eyes but then placed one of her hands at her mouth to dont let it wide open as she try to find out what was happening. Do it hurts? So that do you need, ehm i guess than just a kiss wouldnt be enough. The noble lady said it was painful for her see her lover turned into just this, she wanted to just let the angel do it to her if she really need it but fortunately her shyliness stop her for now.

But...this place could be dangerous, can you made a barrier like the last time? Ashley ask as she try to move slowly away doing her best to mantain her distance until get an answer.

The dangerous seal has proven to be really powerful, it looks to has been made to seal eternal powerful beings like Angie, but it was not perfect giving to Angie the chance to choice where to focus.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As the woman began reeling her in more, Angie saw that this woman had some of her own power, meaning that she must be the one that was inhabiting her body and preventing her from escaping her mind. Angie knew that something wasn't right about this woman within her mind... but something was telling her that she wasn't meaning any harm and that the other entity that she'd felt within her was the evil one... but perhaps she was wrong. The only real way to know would be to either let her do whatever it was she was trying to do, which Angie couldn't allow without trying to get more information first. Angie focused her mind to try and regain control and attempted to turn the energy back on the woman and turn the tables on her.

"No... I can't allow you to remain in here without knowing who and what you are miss. Please forgive me if I hurt you," Angie said to the female entity in front of her.


Meanwhile in the waking world Angie could partially see her body through her own eyes and she saw one of her hands stroking her rod in front of Ashley very lewdly, as if trying to entice her to come on over and sit down in her lap. When Angie heard Ashley speak again, she wanted to scream... cry... anything that would get her attention and allow her to talk, but she knew that until she could regain full control of her mind that her body would have to wait. She could only hope that Ashley would be alright until she had won her mind back.

"O-Of course this place is dangerous Ashley, but I can't do it Ashley... please just hold on, I'm fighting it," Angie murmured in her mind, knowing that Ashley could hear her.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The struggle inside her mind continue, Angie decided to focus her mind to regain some control at this fight but there was not any true succeed, she have the same energy as the start and the woman continue making her get closer. It even dont care how much Angie tried to get info from this girl who remain silent and just continue her move without any hurry to make Angie get inside the purple orb. Unfortunately Angie was starting to feel the lust passing from her body to her inner self, the darkness at the other side of her mind was doing its vile work as she fight against this woman who once again made a soft signal to invite Anie to get closer as her blinds continue pulling the angel to her without too much succeess.

At the outside

Ashley have still her doubts about what to do, her friend or more likely lover looks to be painfully needed for a release and also empty of energy, but something was wrong she know it as she see how Angie changed just a moment ago. Just then between naughty moans and at a lust voice Angie manage to let her words come out but not before the darkness do its job. "O-Of course... Ashley, but I can't do it ... please just... please" her moans altered slighty the message eating some words as she almost looks to be completely begging for help to sattle her feral needs.

So you cant make a barrier... fine i can kiss you again then if you make a barrier we could try something else. Ashley said blushing, her body also wanted to feel that holy meat inside her again, the distance between both is now more reduced as Ashley start to trust more than all will be fine once they get a safe place to do it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie was unsuccessful in regaining control of her mind and body just yet unfortunately as the strange woman with the purplish glow was still reeling her in towards her. What was worse about the woman was the fact that she wasn't talking or replying at all to her questions. The lust building within her though thanks to the more vile entity that was down the other path was starting to build too much for her to young mind and body to handle now, but she struggled to maintain her sanity.

Angie thought about just letting herself get pulled in, but decided against it at the last second and put a massive force of will through her mind and slammed it into the strange woman trying to pull her in. "NO YOU SHALL NOT HAVE ME WITHOUT MY CONSENT! NOW TELL ME WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU WANT WITH ME," Angie screamed out through her mind, putting every ounce of willpower into her mind to force this woman to speak with her and to hopefully distract the more vile entity in there too.

In the waking world though Angie was watching her body that was pretty much on autopilot. The dark entity within her forced her to speak to Ashley in an effort to get her to have sex with her, and at this point Angie was thinking to herself that it might benefit her a little... or at least enough to bring her enough energy to force these two out of her. Her body was speaking against her will, making her say things she wouldn't normally say to her.

Back inside her mind, Angie looked to the woman, awaiting her answer as she pulled back from her tendrils that were reeling her in, pushing what energy she had out in the form of tendrils of energy of her own that grabbed the woman back and started pulling her towards Angie. "Now who and what are you miss? Do you intend my harm?" Angie asked in a much more calm and focused voice, her mind relaxing and giving her focus with which to fight better.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Focused her whole self in her mind, Angie shout and send her inner power force toward the girl inside the purple light, it make her get back a reasonable distance and maybe she has been hurt, but she dont made any noise or answer as she get firm at her idea to pull the angel close her.

Even if the angel would had tried to stop her body, placing all her willpower at her mind would make her fail to take some of the control than she has lost. The seal entity inside her has made her fail at comunicate herself with Ashley, as the last time when just moaning between her speech that thing has managed to say a whole different message of what Angie has think. Now the purple haired girl stoped to take her distance, after Angie's body looks pittyfully weak and looks to be under control to talk with her or that is what she supposed after that beg from before.

Trusting at her mate she decide to give her a kiss, maybe then Angie would get free of that terrible pain at her meat rod and also that lust. The noble lady then placed her hands in defensive as she get her head close to meet Angie's mouth and then she tried a passionate kiss in order to send all her love and some of her energy to restore her winged lover. Angie could feel her body taking the energy but the lust remain holding her moves, just in an instant she moved her wings to cover both of them and pill the himan close her.

A purple light surround them and before Ashley could notice it her clothes had changed again, her dress remains turned into accesories for her naughty underwear and her heels had increased some inches making her need to lean herself on Angie to dont fall and also she now could notice that hard cold member pressing between her opened lower lips. The fabric has torned in part into a silky rope than increase the pleasure at the human body and made her look as a fancy slut, unfortunately both girls were focusing kissing each other to let Ashley notice it, she supposed than her breasts were just pressed by Angie and her lower side was loving the rubs as she drench that long member with her sweet scent.

With this new energy flowing Angie decide to return the attack toward the woman this time pulling her using her holy energy in the shape of ropes, but Ashley havent given enough energy yet. Just when the angel have the advantage the woman stop to be pilled and put more power at her spell making both get almost the same power in each other. Angie could win this with some more effort but only if she let her body fuck Ashley for some moments. Her chances to win in both sides could be hard but she could still try yet doing it would make her lost both in the worse case.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Seeing the female entity within her mind still not backing down and relenting and still not speaking back to her any at all, Angie tried to keep her distance in there so she couldn't get a hold of her again easily. In the waking world however things were going differently as Ashley kissed her, the young angel's body moving of its own accord and kissing Ashley back firmly, savoring the taste of her lips. She felt Ashley's energies pouring into her, energizing her body once again with power as her wings enclosed around them protectively to keep them as safe as they could possibly be. As she was about to make another push to try and regain hold of her senses and her body again, Angie saw the flash through her eyes in the waking world and saw Ashley's change of clothing.

Despite the fact that she wasn't in control of her body, Angie still felt the majority of the kissing and the actual feelings her body felt and it was distracting to say the least, and annoying that she couldn't fully enjoy her time with Ashley like this. The feel of her large dick being rubbed against by Ashley's sweet tender folds was almost too much to bear for her and she nearly just gave in and stopped resisting and dove at the woman to fuck her in her mind... the urge was there certainly, to just let loose and go wild inside and outside of her mind. Her body certainly wanted to do so that was for sure, as she was practically forcing Ashley down onto her cock to fuck her silly.

Shaking her head inside her mind to shake those thoughts away, Angie knew she didn't have enough power on hand to take this woman on... not without letting Ashley go to town on her a bit in the waking world. "Damn it... I must do this so I'll have enough strength to purify my body. Forgive me Ashley, but I must," Angie muttered to herself as she merely held the woman off for now until she'd gathered enough energy to take care of her and defeat her so she could move on to the other entity in there.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Angie know than it would be hard win her freedom and also protect Ashley from her body at her same time, it was not a selfish choice to had decided to wait and endure until her body has earned enough power to end this, at least she supposed than this is the only choice left in order to save both.

Outside in the real world, Ashley continue her passionate kiss trying to aid her lover, as the angel's cold lips return the affection in hungrily lust, Angie could feel the warm body of her lover touch her cold skin, theirs breasts rubbing and also theirs privates. The poor noble couldnt hold her balance alone with these huge heels, baddly needing to hold also at the dick rubbing at her wet moisted pussy, it was so cold than soon Ashley tried to maintain it away of her but the angel then hold her heart shaped rear and with that new power lift her softly as a mere doll.

Agh...hmm hey no! It feels weird so good, but this must be... wrong, Angie

Ashley then was fully penetrated deep inside until the entrance of her womb, she tried to get up only to fall and squeak as her body shiver and spasm by that intense intrusion. It was a so frustrate moment, unable to remain in her feet she only could try to take out that hard huge member before fall on it again and any move to fall away was stoped by Angie who could see that scared face turn into lust each time more as Asley penetrate herself by mistake, as more happens her legs start to get weaken.

No...no...no~ Ah ahh ahmmm oh hmm. I cant...hmm hmm

Soon Angie couldnt endure more and steal another kiss as she press down her lover, she could notice her painful hard dick enjoy this so much than she would let all get out in a load. In a desesperated attempt Ashley hold Angie as she pull herself up, but after a moment the cold was too much for her and her hands get numb.

Ashley fall with force and in a loud moan she could notice her cervix almost giving up. The poor human lost herself for a moment as her legs also give up making her hang over that long dick, her weight was nothing for Angie as the energy flow to her, it was as if Ashley was close to be floating and so she hold her from her rear and bounce her losed at her lust as Ashley could just moan and feel the hits at her cervix and that burning lust growing inside her. The human's eyes shine and then in a last thrust Angie's dick get deep inside until the back of the human uterus, making the poor girl almost faint by the arousal induced at her, then Angie made her hold her before give some last strokes.

Ashley let Angie do what she want now as she slowly notice the warm coming back to the angel, the purple haired girl couldnt move a single muscle now out of the ones on her mouth and birth area. Angie increased the rythm and both were close to cum, it would be an intense release not only from Angie's seed but from the powerful magic source inside the human, Angie know it, this potence would made her win this struggle even in just an instant, but she would need to make Ashley cum and she dont have control of her body so it would be a direct load inside the human's womb. The woman at her mind was losing the battle but she remain in place without care at all, trying her best to stop the angel at all cost.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

Knowing this was the better choice of any she had open to her, Angie let Ashley go ahead and ride her, though she didn't want to of course, but she needed the energy to fight back with, and since her body wasn't recovering her energies naturally like they had been it made winning much tougher. Through her eyes in the waking world, Angie watched as Ashley straddled her in her new high heels, unable to maintain her balance easy as she tried to get into position. When Angie's dick touched against Ashley's tight flower, Angie knew why she shied away and she couldn't stop as her body moved on its own and lifted Ashley and forcibly lowered her down and impaled her upon her rock hard cock, her length not stopping until she'd hilted inside of Ashley as her crown pressed against the entrance to Ashley's womb.

Angie could tell Ashley was getting flustered with being unable to regain her footing as her body continued bouncing the human girl and impaling her on it, poor Ashley trying and merely falling back down where Angie's throbbing dick pierced her love tunnel again all the way to Ashley's womb. "I'm sorry Ashley, just try to endure it for me a little longer... I almost have enough energy to fight back with," Angie said in her mind while combating the female entity within her mind, whom she was pushing back now and overpowering.

Watching as Ashley's hands seemingly went numb from touching her cold skin, Angie was afraid that she was hurting the poor girl by doing this, but her body kept right on bouncing her up and down on her dick. By the time Ashley simply gave in and let Angie do what she wished, Angie's body was starting to slowly warm back up a bit as she was winning the struggle against the entity within her mind, the energy Ashley brought her aiding greatly in this thankfully.

"Now... I'll ask you only once more before destroying you. Who... and what are you, and why are you in here?" Angie told the woman after gathering her strength and the energy Ashley gave her, preparing to obliterate her opponent as she narrowed her eyes to show she was not bluffing in the least about destroying the female entity.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

With her choice taken, Angie let all continue as the thrust were close to a potent peak. It was also almost impossible for Ashley to stop this, she was now close to her release and her limbs werent answering to her wishes, instead her body bounced invaded by the lust and needs to feel the warm seed inside her for the first time. Just a moment later she noticed her body react as never, she shaked her head and tried to endure it but then in a final deep stroke the powerful dick let out a potent load than make her close her eyes as she moan and a light potent like never has come from Ashley fill the place...

At the same time inside Angie's mind the confrontation looks to be close to end. The woman in front of her started to fade at the endurance of her body, but she remain firm and in silence until the Angel give some last words. A soft grin come at the face from the woman before get serious again with a soft pucker at her eyebrowns

Why i should give my name to a mere stranger?

A puny being like you wouldnt understand why im here until is too late.
She closed her eyes a last time and then one of her eyes shine in purple color before send as many of her powers than she could to bring the angel to her. You cant stop me to take down the injustice of this world!!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

As her body reached its climax, Angie felt a powerful surge of energy wash into her, which allowed her to easily overpower her foe as she bound her in ropes of energy just as the woman was trying to do to her before, with Angie's preventing her foe from moving at all. After saying what she did, Angie waited a few moments to allow the woman to reply if she wished to, where she raised an eyebrow as she did and listened to the woman's words.

"Well considering your position, I'd say it's in your best interests to answer my questions. Remember... you're in my mind... and in here, what I say goes," Angie said to the woman before she threw herself at Angie, where the young angel brought her defenses up and easily batted the woman back down and bound her tighter with her energies, the strength coming back to her mind now as she then focused her mental powers to trap the woman and bind her to the ground inside there so she couldn't move or escape either one. "I am no puny being you fool... I am an angel, and you're hurting the land which I am tasked with protecting... which all of my kind are tasked with protecting. You're corrupting it and turning it into something unnatural. What you're doing is injustice, forcing your desires on others when they don't want this," Angie then told the woman as she conjured a hand of energy in front of the woman's face and slapped her hard across the cheek and then backhanded her across the mouth.

"Now tell me who and what you are woman, and who and what is the other entity that you brought into my mind too. Remember you're in my domain now, and if you want out of here at all then you will answer me. For if I wish it, I can keep you trapped within my mind unable to do anything for all eternity, or I can even take you back to Celestia where they'll find a more suitable prison for you," Angie said after slapping the woman twice.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

The intense light after some seconds fade at the real world. almost all Ashley's clothes had been destroyed as simple paper, exhausted she remain at the arms of the angel who after that potent load soon restart to use her as her little sex doll. The clothes on Ashley were just her damaged panties and heels, all the others parts of her naughty outfit were just small rags tied at her tired nude body. She was now unarmed as the small energy explosion has sended her bag and sword away or maybe Angie has do it without she has notice it, now the one slighty cold was the human who could feel her body get too much pleasure of what she could handle, with a little more she would be able to feel a new peak with the corrupted angel.

Meanwhile the woman on the light tried to wrap the angel just to fail and get trapped instead, her face reveal some hidden rage but she looks to dont want to struggle or try to use more her powers for the moment as she looks to be trying to ponder something.

The slaps on her just made her split to the floor before turn back to Angelique. Im not wrong, you are just a pawn who will be discarted when the time comes.

I dont need to say you anything more if you think than these lands wherent already corrupted and my labor for which i had been created here has been fulfilled so you can do what you want with me.
The woman in front of her looks to still be trying to find a way to solve this, she looks to be planing something but being hold like this make the angel wonder why she is still taking her time.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Angelique Ashford (Mind Flayer)

In the waking world, Angie could see Ashley was getting a bit tired from the sex, and she felt that her body was now becoming a bit cool now too. This worried her, to the point that she wanted to hurry up in her mind so she could help her. "Very well then miss, you say your task is done, then there's no more need to bother with you since you aren't going to tell me anything useful. But no matter what you say, I am an angel, and the mortal world is my charge and I must protect it and keep it from being corrupted, so therefore if I must destroy you in order to protect it from that, then so be it," Angie told the woman with narrowed eyes before waving her hand a bit, where the woman was then grasped by several coils of her energy ropes and she lifted her up into the air where two of the energy coils she jabbed into the woman... right into both of her lower holes, where she had them screw the girl into a sexual frenzy as she had them drain the woman's energies from her foe and transfer them to herself to. A third one would join in and fill the woman's mouth to keep her from uttering any curses or anything of the sort and to further drain her.

Angie then left the woman like this, leaving an imprint in her mind so if the woman tried to break free she would be roughly stopped and her arms pulled back behind her and her legs held tightly as they were spread wide, though if the coils couldn't stop her in that way, Angie left the order to pierce the woman's heart and throat with the energy coils and eradicate the woman from her mind as if she were a parasite and her body defending against her. She felt that this was the best course of action for the moment, for she had to hurry and needed all the power she could get in order to defeat the other entity as she sped towards it through her mind, trying to work her physical body to stop pretty much raping Ashley.

When Angie got to where the other entity in her mind was, she'd stop and take a good look at it from a distance and see what she could see about it and look for weaknesses.