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Animated Hentai Avatar Collection for ULMF


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Sep 2, 2012
Reputation score
Thought I'd give back to the community a bit. Here's my collection of ~500 animated hentai gifs formatted for ULMF forums (150x150px max, <1mb).

They come from a variety of sources that I've amassed through the past few years - games, deviantart, pixiv, flash animations, etc. Sorry if I don't have the source for all of them. Most of the pixiv ones you can follow back through part the file name. Many others you can try reverse image searching through google or iqdb.org. Or ask here, and maybe I, or someone else, can find the source! Always support the creators if possible! Animation and animators rule! Enjoy!

Edit: July 27 2017 - added full sized originals as a separate download (2.7GB)

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Re: Animated Hentai Avatar Collection for ULMF

Sometime I wonder what programe they use to create an animate like that...
Re: Animated Hentai Avatar Collection for ULMF

thanks for this! nice share
Re: Animated Hentai Avatar Collection for ULMF

Wow, just found it. Thanks so much!
Re: Animated Hentai Avatar Collection for ULMF

Archive updated with ~250 more gif avatars.