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Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Jul 28, 2010
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Seems like this would fit well here:


I found the manga a few years back, then when the anime began to be released I started watching, and I watch every week that it's released (the subs are usually out around Mondays at AnimeTake). It's up to Episode Six now, which is where those lovely images come from.

For being a series about a zombie apocalypse (albeit a rather well written and well drawn one), this series seems to really know it's fanservice.

Do any others here read it, or have they seen it yet?

If you haven't read it or seen it, here's some spots for doing so:

Just so readers/viewers know, the series seems to be running at one chapter per episode. The pictures up there are from Episode Six/Chapter Six.

I would suggest watching the "HorribleSubs" 720p version of the series, those seem to be the best quality.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

your image is broken, i'ma try fix it.

from reading the manga those pictures seem to be slanted heavily in favour of making it seem more naughty than it actually is. is there really that much nudity in the anime or is it about the same as the manga?
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

your image is broken, i'ma try fix it.

Odd, I previewed it and it worked fine.

EDIT: Although now it's busted on the actual site too.

EDIT2: And now it works again.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

it worked for you because you already had the image cached, everyone else would get a don't steal our bandwidth sign. i have changed the hosting and link.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

it worked for you because you already had the image cached, everyone else would get a don't steal our bandwidth sign. i have changed the hosting and link.

*politely smiles and nods like I know what you're talking about* Thanks for fixing ^_^ now all the pervs can properly see the T&A.

from reading the manga those pictures seem to be slanted heavily in favour of making it seem more naughty than it actually is. is there really that much nudity in the anime or is it about the same as the manga?

I would put it at the same level as the manga or more - those images are basically this entire episode, minus some bits with the police and happenings outside in the city. In fact, I was surprised that they retained so MUCH of the fanservice from the manga.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

gotcha, so excluding that episode they don't actually spend most of their time naky. good for people to know.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

gotcha, so excluding that episode they don't actually spend most of their time naky. good for people to know.

Oh that's what you meant XD Well, this is the main fanservice episode. However, there's a considerably large amount of fanservice throughout the episodes, from gropeage to panty shots (many of these) to nearly-yuri teases.

I just figured this would be the best marketable episode to start with here rofl - pull them in with the lure of tits, capture them with the story.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

now we're not all lecherous humps dear. we can appreciate other things in life as well, like food and um... blankets...
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

And candy. Just don't trust Nunu with your candy.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

I saw this anime yesterday. For some reasons i love it (not for the fanservice, but i appreciate it) even when im not a fan of gore.org Could have been the characters or the history (im a fan of the comic zombies movies). Anyway i cant way to see the next episode : )
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Tried downloading episode one, but all it was some .mkv file. What program is that, because my windows media player wouldn't run it.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

mastrokavic video file or some such. it works on most non basic players like VLC or MPC.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Tried downloading episode one, but all it was some .mkv file. What program is that, because my windows media player wouldn't run it.

I run them in MPlayer OS X (Mac). DivX Player also works.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

For anyone trying to play .mkv files, or just any media file in general, I recommend this:

That will let you play pretty much anything, from .avi to .ogm. to .mkv to .mp4 even.
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Wow, they're up to that chapter already? I still need to watch episode three. But yeah, this series is amazing and if I remember correctly the manga artist's older works have primarily been hentai doujins, same with Kouta Hirano (Hellsing artist).
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Well this seems rather interesting.Mixing up zombie apocalypse and hentai.Who would've taught of that...oh wait...
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Even the female zombies are rather attractive. As disturbing as that sounds... says the dude with a whole load of zombie rape hentai...
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

Even the female zombies are rather attractive. As disturbing as that sounds... says the dude with a whole load of zombie rape hentai...

It does sound disturbing but seeing the teaser pictures...Im not suprised at all
Re: Anime: Highschool of the Dead

for those of you who might not want to dl anything and still watch it you can also try a Kumby.com

I use it for pretty much any of my anime watching but it does have one of those "you watched too much now wait a while before watching more" type limits. The anime is actually pretty cool though i need to go back and watch episodes 1 and 3 again cause i didnt really catch all of it when i was watching them.