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Anlundar Plains

Re: Anlundar Plains

"I think I migh' be able to ea' a lil' somethin' there, lass." The dwarf swung down from atop the wolf much more proficiently, and pulled the crossbow, loading it for single shot fire. "Do ye plan ta le' wolves ge' all the huntin', though?"
Re: Anlundar Plains

Isha laughs, then half bows, waving an arm towards the deer. "By all means, Miss Steamhammer, I do suggest you pick one the wolves are not after, however. Lets see how this new crossbow of yours works."
Re: Anlundar Plains

The dwarf drops her pack and most of her gear, then stalks out silently at a right angle from the deer being hunted by the wolves. She keeps her movement quiet but steady, and before too long encounters two bucks, drinking at a small stream. One of them raises his head in Kara's general direction but does not see anything, and returns to the stream.

Carefully she takes aim, easing the recently-lubed safety off so as not to make a sound. Her finger squeezes down slowly, as she was taught during her travels, and she exhales quietly. The shot firing surprises her, as it always does. The crossbow twangs and the sharp bolt head enters and exits the buck's neck, blood spurting from the wounds. The second deer bolts as his companion tries to take a few steps before collapsing next to the stream.

One buck being more than enough food, Kara does not reload. Instead she goes to fetch her prey, slinging the carcass over her shoulder and hoofing it back to Isha.

"Lunch is ready fer cookin'."
Re: Anlundar Plains

Kara returns to find Isha already stoking a small fire. She looks appreciatively at the hole torn through the deer's neck.

"Very impressive, that looks like it would have no trouble punching through most sets of armour, you have been busy all this time. Fire's almost set to cook with, and our wolves are taking a nap. Speaking of which, I don't see us taking them much farther, nightfall at the latest. If we continue at the speed we're headed, we should reach Teladrin Forest by tonight, and Fort Shard by the day after, but we run the risk of finding one of their patrols soon, and Imperial uniforms or not, they won't stop to ask questions if they see us riding Kaliveran Battlewolves. They'll head back to camp if we leave them, so it isn't a problem, just wanted your thoughts on how far we should risk it."

Isha leaves the fire, which has now died down enough to cook with, and helps Kara cut the deer up for cooking.
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Re: Anlundar Plains

Very soon the two companions are feasting on freshly killed and cooked venison, leaving what they cannot finish to the wolves. Kara then busies herself extinguishing the fire and burying the ashes, scattering any trace of their meal. "'Twas a fine an' noble creature, and 'twas a fine and filling meal. Are we ready, lass?"
Re: Anlundar Plains

"That it was, and that we are." Isha responds with a smile, gathering the last of the supplies. She mounts the wolf once again, waiting for Kara to mount up as well. Once she has, the two of them continue along the road in relative silence. Isha looks very pensive, but not disturbingly so.
Re: Anlundar Plains

The dwarf is growing more and more accustomed to riding the battlewolf, and busies herself practicing her aim while mounted. Not wanting to waste her ammo, she repeatedly takes aim and tries to keep the unloaded crossbow steady enough for what would be straight shots.
Re: Anlundar Plains

As nightfall, and the forest, neared, the wolves began acting like they feel another presences. Soon, a shadowy figure on another wolf can be seen, almost directly in the path that the pair are taking. As they get closer, the colors of one of General Arianna's messengers become clear.
Re: Anlundar Plains

The two companions stop within easy speaking distance. Isha speaks first. "Hail, friend. What news have you?"
Re: Anlundar Plains

"The general sends thanks on the finding of the note, and says that periodic Imperial scouting parties have been spotted in Teladran. She thinks that efforts should be focused there, rather than risking anyone trying to enter the imperial outpost."
Re: Anlundar Plains

Isha nods at this. "Understood, anything more specific, or does she trust my judgment? I plan on searching for the second target mentioned in the note, unless our General has somewhere she wants me." She remains deliberately vague, in case the messenger wasn't privy to the contents of her first message.
Re: Anlundar Plains

The messenger nods, then adds, "The general believes that the imperials are looking for the item mentioned in the note, either to remove it, or secure it. If it is a key to finding out what happened to Kaliverus, then she wants to get to it first."
Re: Anlundar Plains

"Perfect, we're on it." Isha replies quicky, and dismounts from her battlewolf, motioning Kara to do the same. "Here, take the Wolves back with you, it will be easier to traverse the forest on foot, and it will lessen suspicion on us if we run across any patrols. I would prefer to reach the objective and make it back out with as little attention drawn to us as possible. Travel well, and with all speed."

Isha sends the messenger off as her and Kara shoulder their supplies, then she motions towards the forest looming just a little ways off. "Shall we? I'd like to get a little ways in before we make camp for the night, give us some cover." Kara nods, and the companions continue along the road into the Teladran Forest.

(Sorries Hope, Wolf and I kinda rushed this along, feel free to add your own stuff in :) ))
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Re: Anlundar Plains

((muahahaha, double post))

Isha and Kiyo ride across the plains for the remainder of the day, setting up camp along the side of the road.

"I'll take first watch, get some sleep, that long without riding and you're probably saddle sore, though you did a lot better than Kara did originally." Isha says as she lets the wolves loose for the night and finds a comfortable place to stand watch.
Re: Anlundar Plains

Kiyo takes the opportunity to extract some things from her pack. Before bedding down for the night, she boils a small pot of water over the fire, before adding some leaves, and other mysterious-looking ingredients, before distilling the concoction into a mug. She sits, and enjoys that, sitting to talk for a few moments.

"So. Would you care to reveal to me the other contents of that missive..?"

There is a pause.

"I know you may not trust me, but.... I have to find Elric."
Re: Anlundar Plains

Isha thinks for a moment, staring long and hard at Kiyo, before pulling the page out of her pack and reading it aloud.

"The Imperials struck the camp. Those who could escape have. They are headed for the Forest of Twilight. If Kara Steamhammer is with you, the group sent into the lands around the city have sent word that the workshop is set up. Isha Breananin, the command of what survives this is yours."

She waits a moment. almost as if letting it sink in herself, before letting out a long sigh and speaking again. "We will find him Kiyo. Now, if you think you are so untrusted, give me a reason to trust you."
Re: Anlundar Plains

From what she says.... she's trusted. If she were to be given command of what remains... and. I need her on my side. I need -someone- on my side, for as long as possible..

There is a long silence.


Kiyo finishes her tea, and sets it to one side, then reaches for the blindfold. Reverently, she removes the crimson cloth, and and pads beneath it, setting them to one side.

Then she opens her eyes of blood. Distinctive, far from an ordinary green, a blue, a brown, eerie red orbs set Kiyohime apart from most.

"And I see. The blindfold is necessary... for my protection from those who would seek to harm me."
Re: Anlundar Plains

You can tell Isha is shocked by this, but she says nothing for a long moment, scrutinizing Kiyo's face and eyes as if trying to recognize something there.

"There was a noble family in Kalivor that had eyes like that, back when I was a child. They left over something, I never knew what. You are their daughter, aren't you? A Viola, I think the name was." She states slowly, still unsure.
Re: Anlundar Plains

"Shizuru. Shizuru Viola."

She hangs her head for a moment, reaches for the blindfold, then sets it down again.

"But it's safer to be Kiyohime, for now. Elric is the only person that can offer me protection. I intend to offer him my fealty, as the..."

She stops, and reaches for her staff. With the weapon settled across her lap, she continues.

"As the last of my family."
Re: Anlundar Plains

"Not the only one, but by far the most capable." Isha says, getting up and starting a round of the camp.

"Get some rest, we should be at the fort sometime around nightfall tomorrow, I don't know what will be waiting there for us. I'll wake you when it's your watch."