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Anlundar Plains

Re: Anlundar Plains

Shizuru reaches for the blindfold once more, and reluctantly binds her eyes again, before lying down close to the fire.

"Perhaps.. you'll trust me a little more, now. And perhaps.."

A smile curves her lips.

"Perhaps, I'll be more of an even sparring partner for you."

With that, Kiyohime drifts into a light sleep.
Re: Anlundar Plains

"I never said I didn't trust you to begin with, though I have no idea why." Isha says quietly once Kiyo drifted off. "And perhaps, sight itself can be a weakness in combat as much as blindness can be."

For once, Isha does not spend the night time training. She sits herself down where she can get a clear view of the surrounding area, and lets her thoughts drift over the day's events. She pulls the tiara from her pack and fingers it idly.

General of the army... But I don't know how to lead an army. Mass tactics, feints and charges, I know, but the most I've led is a squad full of people I know and trust. How do I know what my troops are capable of?

Her thoughts drift to the other revelation of the day, and she looks over her shoulder to her companion, sleeping quietly.

Shizuru Viola. If she truly is the last of her family, then her and Elric must be the only Kaliveran nobles left. And she throws herself into the wolves' jaws by coming with me to save Elric. She must be protected, but if-

There's the rustle of movement behind her. Isha spins around and stands in one swift motion, to find that it had been one of the wolves shifting in it's sleep, trying to scratch it's side. She walks over to check on it, and finds a tick where it had been scratching. She deftly removes it with one of her knives, and the wolf settles down. Instead of going back to her spot however, Isha simply paces laps around the camp, not wanting to sit down again.

The rest of the watch is uneventful, and Isha wakes her companion gently. "Your watch, keep an eye out just before the sun raises, that's when most merchant caravans start running again, we might see a couple coming from the West." She says once Kiyo fully wakes, then settles down herself. Without something to place her back against, she shifted around uncomfortably for a while before finally going and putting her back against a wolf and falling asleep there.
Re: Anlundar Plains

In her sleep, Shizuru mutters something, and thrashes, but only for a moment. Red eyes blink open, and she forces herself to relax, minutes later, she's drifting off again.

Finally, when the time comes to be woken, she sits up gently, and stretches.

"Well, you didn't kill me in my sleep, I suppose that's something.."

Spoken gently, more to herself than Isha, Kiyo forces herself to stand, with her staff's aid, then removes her blindfold without any ceremony. Choosing a nearby tree, she leans against it to watch the night, and then, the sunrise. She heard the caravan before she saw it, but it was on the horizon - far off, no threat to their little camp.
Re: Anlundar Plains

The caravan rolls by quickly, the people on it seeing the battlewolves lying there and spurring the horses to move a little faster. Not one of them try to make conversation as they pass, and they pass out of sight around a slope a short time later. Dawn arrives not long after that.
Re: Anlundar Plains

Kiyo waits a little longer, to let more of the sun peek over the horizon. The world of muted colours, of black and white night, fades into the rich spreading fires of dawn. At last, when the sun has shaken off the last grip of the horizon, the brunette makes her way to her sleeping companion, tapping her awake gently with her staff.

"Morning has broken, sleepyhead.."

An old song strikes her, and she smiles ruefully.

"Blackbird has spoken, too."

Without waiting for an answer, Kiyo turns away to poke the fire, preparing her usual cup of tea, and sitting to drink it with what amounts to a rapturous expression for the girl.
Re: Anlundar Plains

Isha does her usual start awake, and calms again. She packs up the camp and has some jerky from her pack, wordlessly offering Kiyo some as well. She seems deep in thought, until everything is ready to leave and Kiyo finishes her tea.

"All ready?" She asks, climbing onto the back of her Wolf.
Re: Anlundar Plains

Kiyo downs the last of her drink, and packs the mug away with a cheery smile, accepting the jerky with a grateful half-curtsy. Bag slung, staff in hand, she lightly mounts, using only her left hand to vault into the saddle, then affixes her blindfold once more.

"Lead on, sighted one.."
Re: Anlundar Plains

Isha does just that, and by nightfall Fort Telladar comes into view, along the edge of the forest.

"That's it, we are about an hour's journey from our destination, should we go in now, or wait for morning? Fort Telladar doesn't have enough strategic value to be occupied by either side right now, so you're guess is as good as mine as to if, or what, waits for us within." Isha asks Kiyo gently, not caring either way.
Re: Anlundar Plains

Kiyo grins, amused by the world as ever.

"Well, why not slink in like the fugitives we are? I say we press onwards. I'll need some warning if we're going to be attacked, though.."
Re: Anlundar Plains

Isha grins as well. "I like that plan, and you will have your warning, don't worry. Let's take our leave of the wolves for now, they can forage in the forest while we are here." She says, dismounting. After Kiyo dismounts and the wolves leave, Isha begins walking towards the Fort, giving Kiyo her usual backpack strap if she needs it.
Re: Anlundar Plains

Kiyo takes the strap with a grateful smile, though she's unaware if it will reach her companion or not, and, taking care to emphasise her limp as fully as possible, sets off, staff clinking off the occasional rock.

"We're just harmless travellers. If anyone wants to know about the battle, the latest news is that someone fitting our lord Elric's description was seen in the East, boarding a fast ship to somewhere cold."
Re: Anlundar Plains

Isha doesn't see the smile, but her tone tells all it has to.

"I'm kind of hard to mistake for a simple traveller, you know." Isha replies casually as they walked. "I usually play the part of the mercenary, makes more sense with my... Look, let's call it."
Re: Anlundar Plains

There is a thoughtful pause, only the arrhythmic tap of Kiyo's staff to break the silence.

"Interesting. Maybe... you're tracking down generals from the battle? High-ranking officers? But you've given up on Elric... "

A grin..

"Hey, maybe I could even be your prisoner.."
Re: Anlundar Plains

"That could work, hold up a second." She says with a grin in her voice. She stops and pulls out a length of rope from her pack and hands Kiyo one end, then wraps it around and between her wrists a few times and ends with a rather large and tight-looking knot. "There, pull on the rope and the whole thing unravels, I'll give you a cue if we run into trouble." She says, then grabs the remaining length and starts walking, careful not to drag Kiyo behind her. Kiyo would find her wrists bound together pretty well, but her hands had almost their full range of motion. The end she had to pull lies within easy reach if she let's it go, and she's still able to use her staff to pick out treacherous footing.

"We're just under an hour's walk from the fort now, so with luck you won't have to stay like that long. I don't see any torches or fires viewable from the outside, but it may be that if anyone is in there, they're keeping a low profile."
Re: Anlundar Plains

In such a situation... Kiyo couldn't -possibly- resist making a comment. The world was practically begging her to do it..

"My, my.. I didn't know Isha was so proficient with knots.. perhaps her tastes are more.. exotic.. than I had supposed. Should I be afraid? Blindfolded, tied up... my situation is not exactly enviable... or, maybe, it is.."
Re: Anlundar Plains

Isha laughs out loud, then says in a false stern tone of voice. "Hush you, that's not the way a prisoner should act." She then reverts to her usual tone, somewhere between bored and alert. "No problems with it then? It's been a while since I had to fake a prisoner."
Re: Anlundar Plains

Kiyo inclines her head in agreement.

"It's fine. I'm sure I'll be well prepared to throw off my bonds, rip off my blindfold, and come striding to your rescue..."
Re: Anlundar Plains

"You never know." Isha replies calmly. "I have been caught by surprise before, I just try not to make it a habit."

((Thread for Fort Telladran Wolfie buddy?))
Re: Anlundar Plains

Yay for time jumps!

So about how far until we hit the Fort? Wasn't it supposed to be either late today or early tomorrow. Zagan asks, a small furry bunddle in one hand in testament to the rabbit he caught when he left the wagon for about an hour earlier today.
Re: Anlundar Plains

Lydia just grumbled, her mood cranky from having to drive and ride the bumby and not very comfy wagon seat. "I think it's late afternoon Zagan, you Em?"