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Anlundar Plains

Re: Anlundar Plains

Em brought a hand to her mouth and removed the plant stalk she had been chewing on, then spit off to her side, a stream of liquid spilling into the grass behind her. "S'right. We moved fast enough yesterday that we should be there later today," she called over her shoulder just before putting the stalk back in her mouth and chewing some more. Nothing had happened the last several days, which was causing Em to relax a bit.
Re: Anlundar Plains

More time passes.
Because otherwise we'd be here a while

Is that it off over there? Zagan asks, pointing ahead and to the left of them.
Re: Anlundar Plains

Lydia looks to where Zagan is pointing and then says to him "Fort Selan is what you mean?"
Re: Anlundar Plains

Yeah, I'm thinking that may be it. Zagan replies.
Re: Anlundar Plains

Lydia nods and looks at Em and prods her "Well?"
Re: Anlundar Plains

"Probably," Em said, almost disinterestedly. The plant she had been chewing on was known to be a relaxant, and it seemed like she was fully immersed in the effects. "Guess we should go check it out," she said with a sigh, hopping off her horse.

She led it over to a nearby tree and tied it off before turning back to the others. "We'll leave the cart and horses here. Go in on foot. Quieter," she said, pulling out her hand crossbow and stringing it. "Bring the box," she said to Lydia.
Re: Anlundar Plains

Lydia would nod, grabbing the box from the cart after placing it near Em's horse and tying up Siva and Zagan's horse. "Okay. Ready Zagan?"
Re: Anlundar Plains

Whenever you two are. Shall we go then? He replies.
Re: Anlundar Plains

Lydia nods her head and looks at Em, still carrying the crate.
Re: Anlundar Plains

Em pushed her hand crossbow back into a holster on the back of her waist, then lead the way towards the fort, stalking quietly through the brush and attempting to stay hidden, though she had no doubt that the others couldn't match her ability. "Try not to let the whole Empire know you're here," she called back to the others, though she kept her voice down.

(Fort Selan?)
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Re: Anlundar Plains

((Go ahead, although the terrain in that area isn't forested. It's mostly rocky, somewhat flat terrain.))