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Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

she'll start the game off with a gun, but i havent decided all of the upgrades/abilities she'll gain throughout the course of it. i have a concept sprite for said gun but there's still some stuff i want to decide before showing it off.
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

The character sprite looks really good, even better now you've tweaked it a bit.

I'm not an artist but the one thing i would say that bothers me a bit is the right foot (her left foot). It seems a bit 2d which would be fine if it was side on, but the way her other foot is positioned makes it look a bit strange. It seems like you need to move the whole leg and some of the foot away from the page so to speak (and following the shading from the arm, make it a bit darker)

Oh and gl with the game, quite excited to hear that you're confident of making a good game with your experience, even if it is your first big game. :D
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

she'll start the game off with a gun, but i havent decided all of the upgrades/abilities she'll gain throughout the course of it. i have a concept sprite for said gun but there's still some stuff i want to decide before showing it off.

You are at the beginning of your game, otherwise what do you create like enemies? We will face humans, aliens, insects?
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

You are at the beginning of your game, otherwise what do you create like enemies? We will face humans, aliens, insects?

convenient you would ask, considering i just updated my blog with an enemy design concept, lol. i haven't decided exactly how many enemies there will be, or how varied they will be. i haven't decided on things like insects yet, but i'll probably have at least one type, for those people who like that. same with typical h-enemies like slimes. as for what the whole enemy roster will be - guess we'll just have to wait and see :)

@yes - yeah, i've been having trouble with that foot. thanks for pointing it out anyhow. i tried removing the lighter shade from it entirely, updated the picture on my blog. does it look better this way, and should i use that for the rest of the graphics as well?
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

Enemy variety and positions is a must. Insects, both flying and ground types, slimes, dogs, tentacle critters, worms, arachnids, xenomorphs, human corpses reanimated by alien parasites. etc. :D
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

Enemy variety and positions is a must. Insects, both flying and ground types, slimes, dogs, tentacle critters, worms, arachnids, xenomorphs, human corpses reanimated by alien parasites. etc. :D

oh, definitely. i can't guarantee all of those, but there will be variety. as easy as it would be to only design one enemy, that wouldn't exactly make for an interesting game, now would it? lol
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Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

Neat job!. i will be looking forward to it. As for the run cycle animation part, i think the reason it looks unnatural is because the rib cage isn'twisitng left and right enough but the breast is. Maybe you could make the rib cage twist subtly following her arms swing slightly more will help. just an assumption.
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Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

Neat job!. i will be looking forward to it. As for the run cycle animation part, i think the reason it looks unnatural is because the rib cage isn't moving that much but the breast is. maybe making the rib cage move subtly in every frame will help

hm? i haven't heard anyone complain about the run cycle like that. the only 'complaints' have been that some people want a girl with smaller boobs, but that's not a fault of the sprite so much as it is a personal opinion. maybe i'm not understanding what you mean fully, but i don't really see the problem?
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

I can agree with almost all of those but for the love of all things good, please leave the arachnids far away from here lol.
...or at least an option to turn em off @_@
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Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

It is just a personal opinion, and not really a complaint, more like a suggestion.
to make it short i think. what i wanted to say is (from front view)to swing the shoulders forward and backward more so it matches the breast's left and right swing. anyway you could just ignore me. i am sorry.
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

It is just a personal opinion, and not really a complaint, more like a suggestion.
to make it short i think. what i wanted to say is (from front view)to swing the shoulders forward and backward more so it matches the breast's left and right swing. anyway you could just ignore me. i am sorry.

no need to apologize, i just wasn't entirely sure what you meant. you didn't do anything wrong :)
if i get other complaints about it i might see about doing something, but i don't think it looks bad personally, so i won't worry about it for now. thanks for the suggestion, though!

@UnknownFox - anything that could be objectionable like that would have an option to turn them off - if not the enemy itself, then the sex scene could be turned off, at least. however, i don't intend on adding spiders. that's a little bit too much creepy for me, lol.
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

Say Anon42, hentai aside, what sort of weapons aside from starting guns can we look forward to? Something along the lines like Lab Still Alive?
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

no need to apologize, i just wasn't entirely sure what you meant. you didn't do anything wrong :)
if i get other complaints about it i might see about doing something, but i don't think it looks bad personally, so i won't worry about it for now. thanks for the suggestion, though!

@UnknownFox - anything that could be objectionable like that would have an option to turn them off - if not the enemy itself, then the sex scene could be turned off, at least. however, i don't intend on adding spiders. that's a little bit too much creepy for me, lol.

you could do spiderwomen who use web for kinky bondage and non-pregancy related stuff
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

Saw your sprites on your blog and I got a question for you, is there gonna be clothing damage in this game?
Forgive me if you already answered that. No harm if your not gonna add that in, I know thats more work you might not wanna deal with.

The redesign does indeed look better.
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

Saw your sprites on your blog and I got a question for you, is there gonna be clothing damage in this game?
Forgive me if you already answered that. No harm if your not gonna add that in, I know thats more work you might not wanna deal with.

The redesign does indeed look better.

i intend on having a system that kind of works like clothing damage. rather than your clothes gradually taking damage until they fall off, the player will have two states: fully clothed and damaged. when clothed, she'll be dressed like the main sprite i've been modifying, with her green jacket and shorts and everything. however, after being raped by an enemy, she'll go into the half-clothed state where she loses the green jacket, the strap on one shoulder falls down revealing her nipple, and she loses her shorts, showing her panties underneath. as of right now, i intend it so that you'll get your full clothing back every time you visit a save point, but that could change later if i find a better idea.

@soljer13 - i haven't played Lab Still Alive. looked at screenshots really quick though, and i don't think it'll be too similar. i plan on following the Metroid line of thinking more, where you get upgrades to your existing weapon rather than replacing it entirely. if i were making a much bigger game out of this i would consider that.

as for upgrades, i can't really say anything yet. i haven't decided on anything concrete when it comes to the upgrade/weapon selection yet in general. we'll find out more about that as the game progresses.

@azure - we'll see. i can guarantee now that just a plain, normal spider will not be making an appearance, but i'll consider a spider woman. just don't get your hopes too high up lol.
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

To clarify what he's talking about with the run cycle,

It generally helps to have some torso movement, which you mainly see as the shoulders moving.

In the run cycle you posted, her shoulders are more or less locked in place, so it doesn't look like her upper body is rotating.
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

Well hey! Thats better news then what I was expecting.
I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this.
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

thanks for the reference. her torso's not moving quiiite as much as that sprite, and my detail animation isn't quite finished (such as her hair/face being completely stationary as of now), but i see what you mean now. i'll make sure to mess around with her shoulder placement when i do cleanup.

@casual - glad you're looking forward to it :) knowing people are already excited is crazy motivating!
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

@yes - yeah, i've been having trouble with that foot. thanks for pointing it out anyhow. i tried removing the lighter shade from it entirely, updated the picture on my blog. does it look better this way, and should i use that for the rest of the graphics as well?

Yes it looks better i think....trying to remember what it used to look like lol.

It was just a bit nitpicky anyway, i wouldn't have said anything unless people weren't already talking about how the sprite could be improved.
Re: (currently unnamed) Metroidvania H-game

Yes it looks better i think....trying to remember what it used to look like lol.

It was just a bit nitpicky anyway, i wouldn't have said anything unless people weren't already talking about how the sprite could be improved.

no worries man, look at where all of the criticisms have gotten me, lol. the sprite looks a thousand times better than before. case in point, the now mostly-finished running animation, complete with detail animation basically goddamn everywhere. is gorgeous. and now that i'm at my 15th post IT CAN BE VIEWED RIGHT HERE! whoo
